Northam Must Resign!

Editorial Board                    3 February 2019


Gov. Ralph Northam has brought great shame upon himself, the Governor’s office and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Northam’s remarks concerning late term and post birth abortion  killing a child after birth is infanticide and horrific. Shortly thereafter Northam’s abortion firestorm, pictures revealing a bigoted past were revealed. The extreme poor judgment he demonstrated callously or jokingly posing in a KKK picture in 1984 while attending medical school has undermined his ability to carry out his duties representing all Virginians.  His ability to lead is permanently compromised as an infanticide proponent and possibly still harboring prejudicial views toward African Americans. He should resign immediately and return to private life to seek amends as appropriate.

Sadly, he ran an add accusing Ed Gillespie and his supporters of being bigots in the fall of 2017.  Now we know he disparaged a good man with his own failings and views. Furthermore, it is not lost on the 53rd Regiment that Governor Northam was also an Army solider; this type of behavior has zero tolerance in the military and will erode troop morale and readiness. Ralph Northam is unfit to lead the Virginia Army & Air National Guard.  We deserve better from our governor, especially after the incidents of Charlottesville only 18 months ago. Governor Northam, resign now!



“Trump stepped into the puddle, picked up the mud and threw it back at her canceling her trip overseas. What we have here is a Muddle (mud + puddle).”

Guardian 6                                                                                      18 January 2019

Americans are largely disgusted at the massive dysfunction of our government. This latest episode of the Pelosi-Schumer government shutdown demonstrates how the majority of elected representatives serve themselves and not the republic. The ancient, entrenched democratic party leadership led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are out of touch with mainstream thought and common sense Americans. Their agenda is centered on power, control and more power, America be dammed.

President Trump has stayed in Washington throughout the holidays and he has canceled several trips ready to negotiate with democratic leadership over funding for the wall and border security. The democrats have vacationed in Hawaii, Puerto Rico and planned a seven day excursion to overseas to “visit the troops.” President Trump canceled Pelosi’s boondoggle to keep her in town to negotiate (the troops wont miss the distraction either!). While on the surface picturing Pelosi & Adam Schiff exiting the shuttle bus when their trip was canceled is priceless, this was more than a tit-for-tat for Pelosi canceling the State of the Union address. President Trump put his foot down telling Pelosi stop playing games with Americans and their government. Compromise!

Border security is a real issue. One statistic alone should make funding border security and key portions of the wall a slam dunk; 300 Americans die weekly due to drug overdoses whereby 90% of drugs are coming across the southern border. That is 15,600 Americans dying a year before we ever get to illegal immigration, human trafficking, MS-13 and terrorists infiltrating across. Failure to address this issue is unforgivable and Trump gets it.

Both Pelosi and Schumer have voted for the wall and border security before, several times. So what is this about? Power, control, resistance and more power. Pelosi & Schumer are willing to let Americans suffer from government dysfunction so they can resist, secure power and undermine the President’s ability to govern. Their conduct is shameful, outrageous and unbecoming a public servant.

The President is right to stand his ground. He has been offering to meet in the middle putting American safety and security first. Reasonable people can compromise. To do less than that is unforgivable after the turmoil Pelosi & Schumer have put the country through. All of this will be remembered in 2020 and the democrats are once again demonstrating their inability to govern responsibly by legislating to the extremes. Although the mainstream media continues to attack and blame Trump for this mess, Americans proved in 2016 they see through all the lies. Democrats should think about that because while they took the House, the Republicans not only maintained the Senate, they added seats. Americans are watching and already regretting giving the democrats back the House.

The childish mud Pelosi threw at President Trump cancelling the State of the Union address landed in a puddle. Trump stepped into the puddle, picked up the mud and threw it back at her canceling her trip overseas. What we have here is a Muddle (mud + puddle). Pelosi still hasn’t learned that President Trump does some of his best work in the mud!


Something Wicked This Way Comes …

Something Wicked This Way Comes is an article about the challenges America is facing in 2018.


by Guardian 6

Drugs and addictive narcotics are bucketing through our southern border turning teenagers and young adults into drug addicts. Many communities have rapid heroin epidemics and families and law enforcement is overwhelmed.

Illegal border crossers, not immigrants, are pouring into our country and taking up residency throughout the country causing crime; overtaxing social welfare programs and schools; and democratic politicians are praising sanctuary cities and undermining community safety.

The rule of law is being undermined and corrupted by politicians that are  pitting fellow Americans against each other by labeling us racists, homophobes and xenophobic.

The Deep State continues to wage war against the election of President Trump despite his economic achievements of record low unemployment and foreign policy successes  that include stabilizing Iraq, defeating ISIS in Syria and bringing North Korea to the negotiation table.

The mainstream media (MSM) continues their collective, coordinated and petulant assault against President Trump pushing a false Russian collusion narrative while intentionally not reporting the overwhelming success President Trump has had economically, diplomacy and strengthening our military and alliances through tough love (NATO) and peace through strength (Syria, North Korea and China). 

The Catholic Church is under assault from within. Some priests and clergy (although an extreme minority – 2%) have been systematically preying on their flock, the most innocent among us, children. Church leadership at the highest levels have failed to address these heinous crimes with the seriousness, courage and robust cleansing needed to eliminate this horrific problem.

The Silicon Valley and the Tech Giants, Google and Apple in particular,  are acquiescing to the Chinese government building a censored search engine and removing applications from I-Tunes allowing the Chinese government to limit speech and control state approved messaging and content. Twitter and Facebook are shadow-banning conservative voices and promoting the leftwing agenda in America. 

The Democratic Party and their affiliated tribes (MSM, Teachers Union, Hollywood) would rather “resist” President Trump than move America forward and govern responsibly. 

Something wicked this way comes that is undermining America and her people. It festers out of the swamp and it lusts power. It is evil and dark. It is selfish, joyless and a Trojan horse masquerading with free healthcare, free college and a guaranteed living wage. It removes choices, makes promises driven by fear and promises that cannot be kept. 

Something wicked this way comes but America stands strong when faced with evil; she doesn’t run nor hide. America prays and she fights. It is time to do both. Pray for America to renew herself once again to the Lord and fight the evil forces that are in play undermining our country from within. Fight not with sword but with reason, love and resolve for an American renewal of spirit.  

This is What Disruption Looks Like

          Republished: June 10, 2018
      As the G7 closes out, the 53rd Regiment is reminded brilliant analysis by Blackjack Pershing. This treatise explains leadership, conviction and President Trump’s America First policies and how “settings things done” first & foremost matters.  Considering the last 24 hours news cycle, this analysis fully explains the belief system of the 45th President of the Unites States.

Originally Published: 2115 Hours, January 29th, 2017

By Jack Black Pershing (from “Fly-over Country”)

I’ve been getting in trouble my whole life and I really don’t care what anybody thinks of what I do on stage as a comic.” Andrew Dice Clay

Remember the Diceman? It was the late 80’s when he hit the comedy scene and it went crazy.   His act was a series of R rated send-ups of popular nursery rhymes not to be repeated here. They went as viral as something could at the time. A friend of mine sent me a VHS tape of his show when I was stationed in Germany. That tape got passed around to dozens of other lieutenants and some of their wives threatened to do me bodily harm as I was the known source.

The Diceman disrupted comedy at the time – like it or not.

Enter the Diceman 2.0 known as Donald J. Trump, now POTUS.   DJT is disrupting the tired and ossified political structures in place since the post WW2 period. DJT’s social similarities to the vulgar Diceman are well documented – so no need to elaborate on the details – but let’s start there.

DJT is direct, sometimes bombastic and decidedly coarse. Ironically those he offends most and are most likely to scream about his offenses, also routinely defend the worst content Hollywood culture has to offer in terms of glorification of drugs, smoking (pot), sex of any kind, extreme gun violence and on and on.   “Yes I have dreamed of bombing the Whitehouse” says a certain woman known for extreme vulgarity and mocking the Catholic church regularly.

What do disruptors really do? The acronym VUCA was born and popularized by the Army War College shortly after 9/11; it stands for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Into VUCA environments come disruptors and it is there that they thrive. We certainly exist in a VUCA environment today. Technology, social norms, major religions, large institutions of all kinds – almost everything is up for grabs in terms of where it might go and how it might evolve – or not survive.

DJT is incorrectly called a populist. This is wrong. Or as DJT might write: ‘WRONG!’. The stale ‘old media’ mistook the large rallies, fun and entertaining rhetoric, potshots, accusations of bias and the tagline ‘Make America Great Again’ as old school populism. Nope. That is Diceman 2.0 breaking through media noise. Newt Gingrinch wrote a perfect analysis of it months ago.

Here are a few of the disruptions:

  • Calling out the fallacy of free trade that elitists do not get and seemingly can’t. Trade is free when all of us are playing by the same rules. We can enforce that in our own country. However – many countries have governments and businesses that collude. Many countries have nothing called free trade or the laws and civil society to support it. Those who enabled them to compete against us under easier constraints were naïve at best and grossly negligent at worst. Meaning every president since and including Nixon and their teams.
  • Overwhelmingly liberal bias in the old media. (I won’t call them ‘Main Stream’). It took running for president in my estimation for DJT to finally see how bad it was. After all he had thrived in the industry that now calls him Satan for decades. Once he declared his positions they spit him out like a watermelon seed.   What did he do? He called them out with the kind of ferocity they hadn’t ever seen – and continues to. They are so far beyond self-awareness that they are incapable of any course correction. We now have a president that talks back and is NEVER passive. Disruptive.
  • Speed: last 7 days are self evident. This 70 year old outworks everyone around him and definitely the tired drag asses in congress. Impressive and even Jeb must be thinking DJT was right in calling him ‘low energy’
  • The Forgotten Man/Forgotten Women: I know them. I’ve known factory workers my entire career and been on staff in a factory that was closed and been part of closing several. I do not believe there has ever been a president –with the possible exception of Teddy Roosevelt – that connected with blue collar America (and disrupted/outsourced/offshored America) like DJT. In his career he knew them. He led them. He managed them. He employed them. He understood them. All the elites could do is speak down to them from both major parties because they didn’t get them and didn’t much care. As jobs left us en masse, the republican offered tough love: ‘get retrained’ and the democrats offered food stamps and platitudes: ‘you’ve been screwed by the rich’. No. They were screwed by jackass politicians that gave away the store.
  • Tweets and social media: he used social sites better than anyone in the media, any other politician, maybe better than anyone period. Political class were caught flatfooted and still are.
  • Disregard for convention: as a business person, DJT is the ultimate get it done guy – that one employee or soldier you know can piss everyone off but usually gets results. He doesn’t care about how it was done before. The Whitehouse correspondants are learning this now.

Those are just a few. More to come. Where does this all go? For us conservatives, as Guardian 6 has said, ‘Its like Christmas…each morning: tweets in our stockings and battles with big libs for our presents!’ Indeed G-6. Indeed. Sometimes disruptors get tiresome.   Diceman faded for a while but I am happy to see he’s back playing Vegas and has a reality show. Will DJT tweet himself into trouble? Will he deeply offend an ally of the US? Will he simmer down once his major programs are in place? Will he get so much done that he hands the reigns over the VP after the first term?   Its just hard to say with a disruptor. I will say this: for the first time since Reagan, a guy I can say gets me and I get him is running the show. He’s in a vastly different package – a major NYC wise guy. And he’s disrupting all the right disruptees.


I do whatever I do. I go to the club. I work on material. While other people are sleeping, I’m awake. I always liked that.

                  – Andrew Dice Clay

What Would Frank Rizzo do…

by Blackjack Pershing    Dateline June 7th,

2018…about the Eagles, the White House and the NFL

“A conservative is a liberal who got mugged the night before.”
                                                                        Mayor Frank Rizzo

That quote from Mayor Rizzo, likely the best Mayor in Philadelphia’s long and storied history,  a larger than life tough guy, captures what you might call a ‘woke moment’ these days.  We need more of them.   Sports teams and players are saying and doing stupid things.

President Trump uninvited the few remaining Eagles to the White House after most of the Eagles organization dropped out of the event with late notice.   This prompted diminutive current Philly Mayor Jim Kenney to call President Trump a fragile egomaniac. Trump is many things.  Fragile isn’t one of them. Jim Kenney?  Much more fragile than most.  Egomaniac?  Show me one politician that isn’t.  Kenney went on to call Sarah Sanders a liar, using this moment to earn maximum suck up points with the Liberal Media Complex.   Sad little guy is looking for his moment but he will never be half the man Rizzo was. 

The Eagles: you’ve disappointed many with this nonsense and yes it is your fault, going right up to your smarmy leftist owner.  You brought it on yourselves.

The NFL: it’s going to be over soon. 

President Trump: good call and the right call.

And what would the great Frank Rizzo do and say if he were here? 

Frank may have been the last law and order Democrat.  He had the courage to endorse Richard Nixon during his first mayoral term.   He didn’t suck up like Kenney.  He called it like he saw it. 

What would he see here?  He’d see disgrace and call it out.  The disgrace of the Eagles ownership and leadership.  The disgrace of the NFL allowing disrespect for our anthem for an entire season.  He’d call out all involved as punks and crumbums.  Because that’s exactly what they are.   Spoiled.  Entitled.  Clueless.  Liberal. Out of touch.  Elitist. Takers. And yes, crumbums.   And he might even threaten to take them each on and punch them out one by one.  And he likely could have done it.   

We need more Frank Rizzo’s these days. 

“A liberal is a conservative who hasn’t  been mugged yet.”
                                                                        Mayor Frank Rizzo

Breaking News — 53rd Endorses Monetti

Special Edition             May 13th, 2018

Regiment, Attention! Regarding the senate race in Missouri, the 53rd Regiment proudly endorses a candidate that will not be bought and sold. A candidate that has been tested through the trials, tribulations and selfless acts of bravery wearing the proud uniform of the United States Air Force. A candidate that fully embraces President Trump’s bold leadership  and an unwavering commitment to the forgotten men and women of Missouri that have been crushed by the liberal elitist Claire McCaskill policies and here ilk. Change has been needed for over a decade and it is time to send McCaskill back to her K Street, Midtown Manhattan and upper society millionaire peers. She is not Missouri! Tony Monetti is and always has been the spirit of St. Louis and Missouri!

It is time for the other republican candidates to clear the flight deck. The B2 Bomber is our candidate. He understands the challenges ahead. He has no fear. He was the clear winner in last night’s debate by two touchdowns, not even close. Tony is use to dropping big payloads on target.  McCaskill is a very BIG target, oversized liberal that has never truly represented Missouri.

Hawley is establishment through and through. He’s got the old republican money coming in. Mitch McConnell loves Hawley. Good for him! Monetti has the people’s money coming in … $5, $10, $25 bucks! Grassroots. Aren’t we sick of the big money, big phony, big party types?

This is what Missouri needs to know — The 53rd Regiment is lining up with LTC(R) Tony Monetti. A man brave enough to get in the cockpit of a B2 aircraft with a nuclear payload, has the guts, smarts and steadiness to lead in the United States Senate and he will proudly play his position supporting President Trump. It is time to execute Colon Blow on sad sack Claire McCaskill.

The 53rd Regiment proudly endorses the next United States Senator from the great state of Missouri, LTC(R) Tony Monetti.

Random Musings on Current Events

 St. Louis, Missouri      Dateline May 2nd, 2018

by Blackjack Pershing

Red Pill Kanye

Are you familiar with the ‘red pill’ ‘blue pill’ memes currently popular on social media?

From Wikipedia: The terms, popularized in science fiction culture, are derived from the 1999 film The Matrix. In the film, the main character Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill by rebel leader Morpheus. The red pill would free him from the enslaving control of the machine-generated dream world and allow him to escape into the real world, but living the “truth of reality” is harsher and more difficult. On the other hand, the blue pill would lead him back to stay in the comfortable simulated reality of the Matrix.

Red Pill Kanye has arrived and we welcome him with open arms. We wondered if in our lifetime black culture in the US could ever bust out of the norms created in the 60’s by Johnson’s Great Society train wreck. It was slow in coming. Bill Cosby did a little of it before his perversion was revealed (Bad Pill Bill!). Condi Rice. Colin Powell before he went bad. Herman Cain before he imploded. Remember Alan Keyes? Roy Innis, who famously knocked over the fat version of Al Sharpton on the Morton Downey Jr. show in the 80’s, and who’s son Niger carries on his tradition. Clarence Thomas. LTC(R) Alan West. A handful of great African American conservative congressmen. Not many though.

But here comes Kanye, and due to his formerly strong affiliation with the Stalinist left, the ongoing red pill explosion is wonderful to watch. At first we thought- ok – he’s giving a little up to Trump due to their friendship. Then came the tweets of Thomas Sowell and the meetings with Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens.  Biggest shock of all? An apology for saying George W Bush hated black people. Chance the Rapper screwed up and crawled back into his hole after being supportive “black people don’t have to be democrats’. Not Kanye. He’s tripled down. Fellow deplorables let’s enjoy this while it lasts. I wonder if his conservative Father-in –law Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner had anything to do with this conversion?

Look for Trump to draw 25%+ of the black vote in 2020.

Tom Brokaw
Wrote the Greatest Generation. Thank You. Other than that, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Your pious yet pompous dissing of the deplorables and their president has yielded you and very very bigly plate of KARMA. ENJOY!

White House Correspondents Dinner

Trump is now clairvoyant. He called it. He skipped what turned out to be in his words a ‘complete disaster’. Trump does the uncomfortable knowing that in the end, style points and socializing with phonies won’t get results. He won’t waste time on the Pravda Left MSM Class because they are never going to be fair. NEVER. He gets it. So what did they do? They soiled their diaper again, writ large and broadcast to everyone with a lousy court jester that read her nasty lines from paper. This event may be the most accurate metaphor for the swamp ever constructed. It was the swamp. Don’t look for reform any time soon. Who do the people at the #WHCD remind of us of?
· The snobby wealthy people in the various 3 stooges episodes that get pulled into pie fights
· The preppie rich kids who all sat together at lunch in high school
· The godless hoards that taunted Noah before the floods
· The crowds that yelled ‘crucify him’ before Pilot
· The French aristocracy right before the revolution
· The worst bosses all of us have ever had gathered in one place

@POTUS had a blast in Michigan and also provided entertainment to many, while the rabble of the press corps put their incontinence on public display. Again. #SAD

Elmer Fudd aka Robert Mueller

It occurs to us that there is a vast similarity between the venerable cartoon character Elmer Fudd and Robert Mueller, formerly described here as Lurch. “Shhhhhhhhhh!! BE VEWY VEWY quiet! We’re Hunting Wabbits!!”. Then, as we know, all manner of travails would befall poor Elmer. Somehow anvils would fall on his head, he’d fall over cliffs or down mine shafts, have his shot gun spun round only to go off in his face repeatedly. Often Bugs Bunny or a combination of Bugs and Daffy Duck were responsible for his many, many problems. In essence, Elmer was a dupe and foil for Bugs. See where we’re headed here? Trump is Bugs Bunny. Daffy Duck appears from time to time in the guise of Sean Hannity, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Rep Devin Nunez, and many others. Mueller creeps along quietly with his trusty two barrel shotgun hunting ‘Wussians’ and keeps having issues. We are not sure when he will come to his senses and call it quits – just like Elmer. Oh well. As Elmer might say “Huh-uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh !!!!”

Rocket Man

Red Pill Rocket Man? We don’t know. Most likely “Ass Kicked during Beijing visit’ Rocket Man – but we’ll take what we can get. Black Jack predicts an eventually successful agreement with North Korea, and, ZERO chance of Trump getting a Nobel Peace Prize. Those are reserved for the Stalinist Left.

Bibi’s Powerpoint

What does Netanyahu of Israel do best? De-pants Iran. He just did. Thank you – more unravelling of BO and the Windsurfer Kerry’s dopey deeds. Iran Deal will have to be re-done or just die. Iran should be watching Rocket Man closely. Despite the story not being told, the world seems to be welcoming Trumpian leadership. Dad’s home and the BS is gonna stop.

New Trump World Order

Anyone else noticing how the rest of the world is falling in line behind ‘mob boss’ in Comey’s words POTUS? Let’s inventory:
· Rocket Man – as described above has moved from trading barbs and testing nukes to hugging at the DMZ
· French President Macron – from OMG death grip handshake to ‘I love DJT so much I can’t keep my hands off him’; supports Syria head punches
· Kaiser Merkel – from public doubts to flying in to have no drama meetings
· Japanese President Abe – staunch ally from the start
· Chinese Premiere Xi – seems to be playing ball despite the trade noise
· Dictator Putin – pretty quiet considering multiple head punches administered to his lapdog Syria
· Mexico – very quiet despite the President’s constant concerns about the border
· Iran – on notice with Bibi’s Powerpoint
· Canada – who cares
· England – supported Syria Op with France
· Poland – got one of the first visits by the president to another nation and got a huge endorsement from him – and some missiles too
· Nigeria – wonderful visit just this week!

What’s happening here folks? Bush’s axis of evil is getting dealt with. Obama’s bad deals getting cleaned up. Years of lax border control are over. Low business taxes attracting investment and even getting compliments from abroad. It’s a new Trump world order.

Bromance and the Kaiser

Oh boy – some grabby/huggy moments from the French King wannabe Macron and the POTUS. Well – maybe our president is starved of affection at home due to his stormy publicity and will take it where he can get it. Oh Dear. While we doubt some of his Euro-centric agenda, we welcome a French President who seems to bathe, who loves America, and who thanks our veterans. Refreshing. We can work with this guy. Then the sour German Kaiser shows up to round out the week. Whatever.

Misery in Missouri

We stand by Governor Greitens and believe he deserves his day in court for the crazy accusations against him involving taking a picture of his former mistress 2 years before he was elected. Disappointing dirt bag stuff if true, yes, but we vote people into office based primarily on their policies and not on their sins or lack thereof. Character is always a crap shoot with any human. We believe the charges on election fraud are stupid and meaningless. Let him serve out his term and let’s move on when the trial is over. The Attorney General who hopes to replace Worthless Claire McCaskill should pipe down. Greitens managed to sign Right to Work legislation and start a tax reduction debate so far. Not bad for a wounded governor.

Momentum in Missouri

We welcome and endorse former B-2 pilot and Air Force veteran Tony Monetti for Senate in MO.

Sad, worthless, unproductive, lost in the past Claire McCaskill, already retired in terms of behavior, should be officially retired as well. Just another elitist fat cat democrat that doesn’t serve the electorate and lives like a millionaire. Let’s not let Claire keep drinking wine with Chuck and Nancy while we drink water or get nothing. Claire represents the past – the late 1970’s specifically – when everything just kind of sucked. Tony Moetti stated on a radio program recently: “Fighter pilots make movies, bomber pilots make history!’ We agree. Tony is normal, smart, energetic, modern, engaged with normal people and will fight for us. Josh Hawley? Not yet Josh. Not even with old man Danforth’s very waspy endorsement. Not yet.

That’s it for the musings – comments welcome!

Trump Stumbles with Omnibus Bill

Dateline March 25, 2018

The Swamp

The Master of Art of the Deal got rolled, got played. He had a winning hand but allowed himself to be consumed and played by DC politics and a 2,000 page bill loaded with Democratic priorities and very few conservative ideals or priorities. How does this happen with Republican control of Congress?

Answer: Many, many RINOs masquerading as conservatives that are too enthralled with enriching themselves and failing to represent the people that elected them. 

Many Trump supporters (of which the 53rd Regiment is one) believe Trump had an ace up his sleeve and approved this bill because he has a plan (@hotfunkytown for one). Sadly, the 53rd firmly disagrees. He caved! He failed to take his case to the American people and use the bully pulpit. The Swamp has to be dealt with directly and upfront in your face. Chuck & Nancy won this round and @potus got sucked in by the two RINOs leading the House & Senate. Very sad. No Wall (33 miles is a joke!)! No DACA and Immigration bill … massive, excessive spending! When Sen. Schumer states, “the era of austerity is over,” Mr. Trump has totally failed his base!

The 53rd Regiment needs President Trump to regroup. Cleaning house within the Administration of Swamp Dwellers is a good start as Blackjack Pershing points out in Swamp Human Resource Problems, but Trump supporters expect the President to focus on America First! The omnibus bill should have been a slam dunk veto, quickly followed by an Oval Office address to the country calling out the American sellouts that orchestrated this awful piece of legislation.

The 53rd Regiment is highly disappointed in in President Trump. He has many, many wins in his first 15 months in office but signing this bill was his first major mistake and a big loser to the millions of patriots that support him. Sad, very sad! Mr. President, time to get tough and lead us out of decades of decay.


Let’s Ban the Scary-looking Guns!

Dateline February 19th, 2018

The Live Free or Die State

by Decurion

Let’s Ban the Scary-looking Guns!

Let’s see if we can hop off the political fence for a minute and understand that retooling, revamping or even shredding the 2nd Amendment and banning firearms is utterly ridiculous.

Outlaw guns and two things will happen: First, the outlaws will be the only ones who have the guns. Remember the old ‘60s bumper sticker, “If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns”? Think about it. Second, if those with murderous motivations can’t quickly get their hands on illegal black market guns, then they’ll do the job with some other weapon- maybe a hammer or club. You and I are at greater risk from an idiot armed with carpenters’ tools and a caveman’s club than an idiot with a rifle.  Fact: FBI stats consistently show that hammer and club murders outnumber rifle murders. You don’t hear Capitol Hill discussing the banning of hammers and clubs, do you?

Similarly, will obsessive, compulsive eaters stop eating if forks are banned? Probably not. They’ll find another means to satisfy their obsession to get food into their mouths, maybe with a spoon or even their hands.

Go ahead and outlaw alcoholic beverages and alcoholics will find a way to ingest alcohol, I can guarantee you on that one. And there’s lots of ways. Make it at home (remember Prohibition?), Scope, Listerine…….How about hand sanitizer? Saw that one in Afghanistan where alcohol is banned for both US troops and civilians.

Gun banning follows this same logic stream.

So let’s consider the latest political absurdity on banning semi-automatic, so called “assault rifles”. “Assault rifle” is a made up, political term (circa 1990) designed as one of the first steps in demonizing semi-automatic rifles. The term has no definition in the world of weapons, none. And the “AR” in AR-15 does not stand for Assault Rifle, but Armalite, the company who first designed the gun.

These guns are single shot weapons, the same as a semi-auto pistol, except they look scarier and may hold more rounds with larger magazines. Just an aside- large capacity magazines (holding more than 10 rounds) are banned in 8 states. This is also an idiotic law and a waste of taxpayer dollars. The killer will either find a larger magazine illegally or simply take more magazines to the crime scene and change them out more frequently. Do you know how long it takes for a novice to change magazines? About 3 seconds. Two seconds with some practice. Listening to politicians rant about magazine size is pitiful.

Back to the so-called “assault” rifle. This rifle is not a fully automatic weapon like a machine gun, the latter of which are banned for civilian use, and should be. Fully automatic weapons are reserved for military and law enforcement use only. Semi-auto rifles fire as fast as you can pull the trigger, which is about 40 to 60 rounds per minute if you’re aiming at something. Once again, they’re like semi-auto pistols. A modern day fully automatic rifle, like the US military’s M-4, fires nearly 1,000 rounds per minute, 20 times faster than a semi-automatic rifle, or the “assault” rifle.

The semi-auto “assault” rifle, politically touted as a horror of all horrors, is an underperformer compared to a semi-auto pistol in close quarters situations. It is a fact that semi-auto pistols are as effective (more effective in my opinion) than semi-auto rifles at distances of 50 feet or less (as in schools or nightclubs). Banning the semi-automatic AR-15 or AK-47, or any other single shot rifle for that matter, is as illogical as it is unconstitutional. If we’re going to try banning semi-auto rifles, why not ban the just-as-effective semi-auto pistols as well? Again, logic is not a common theme in the halls of the US Congress. Maybe it’s because pistols just aren’t as scary looking.

What do you say we start by focusing on real, rather than phony political solutions and take appropriate actions to stop the shooters before they act- getting to the “left of the bang?” Just one recommendation is to start holding law enforcement personnel accountable for their incompetence, regardless of whether it’s FBI or local. Unfortunately, the feds are the ones missing the ball lately.

Prior to the Parkland, FL tragedy, the FBI failed to analyze and act on two specific reports about the shooter, one this past September and another as recent as January 5. This horror show most definitely could have been prevented. Of course, hindsight is 20-20, but there’s more. Our law enforcement system failed in nabbing the Boston bombers before they unleashed their attack in 2013; Russian authorities, yes, the Russians, twice warned the FBI more than a year and a half before the attack that Tamerlan Tsarnaev (one of the bombers) was a violent radical Islamist, but we missed multiple chances to detain him as he moved to and from the Russian Republic of Dagestan for terror training. In the South Carolina church shooting two years ago, FBI Director James Comey admitted that the FBI’s background-check system failed, mistakenly allowing shooter Dylan Roof to purchase the gun he used in the attack. We failed to connect the dots before the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting, and also swung and missed in preventing or at least mitigating our very worst- the 9-11 attacks.

People make mistakes, but there have been far too many as described above. In civilian companies/corporations, this type of incompetency would result in near-immediate termination of those responsible, period. And just a side note- anyone familiar with government civilian termination procedures knows that it is incredibly hard to fire someone. Houston, we have a problem.

Let’s get off the political bandwagon and stop blaming guns, Trump or the NRA. Rather, let’s use logic, knowledge and facts to make recommendations for solutions to the problem.

Really — Comey Teaching Ethics?

The Swamp, January 24th, 2018

Former FBI Director Comey will be teaching a class on Ethical Leadership at the College of William & Mary (W&M) in the DC branch campus come this fall. This is very interesting since many of the issues associated with the Hilliary Clinton Email scandal; or the  Democratic National Committe  paying a former British spy to build a phony dossier with Russian sources he never met against Trump;  and the alleged collusion of Trump with the Russians helping his campaign. None of this is settled and one might say the Comey legacy is on fire and his reputation is in tatters. Regardless of facts or outcomes, leftist universities have an agenda to preach and a “left, left, left” cadence to keep as they instruct their students to march hard left. Education is no longer about teaching students to think critically or for themselves, it is about grooming the next generation of progressive democratic voters. Oh, and did we mention, Director Comey is a W&M graduate. Left, left, left, right, left.

Upon being announced for the orchestrated privilege of teaching at W&M, Comey said,”I am thrilled to have the chance to engage with William & Mary students about a vital topic — ethical leadership. Ethical leaders lead by seeing above the short term, above the urgent or the partisan, and with a higher loyalty to lasting values, most importantly to the truth.”

A couple questions: (1) An ethical leader would never leak a classified memo to a NY college professor friend, right? (2) An ethical leader would never allow themselves to be compromised by the Obama Administration or Attorney General Lynch to find Hillary Clinton Innocent of mishandling thousands of emails (many of them classified) and setting up a private server to avoid government scrutiny, right? (3) An ethical leader wouldn’t predetermine the outcome of the Clinton investigation before it was completed, right? (4) An ethical leader would not develop or surround himself with an extremely partisan workforce that has been grossly compromised at the senior level in the FBI, resulting in the FBI’s reputation being dragged through the mud. #ComeyShameful

While W&M may be helping to rebuild Comey’s reputation while he also passes their leftist anti-Trump test, Mr. Comey has acted far from ethical. This whole episode is actually very sad and a complete joke. It is very sad to see that the FBI has lost the trust and confidence of the American people. But we must also be very clear, Mr Comey presided over this. Mr. Comey created this mess. It is just too bad he failed the ethical leadership test.


An Alternative View on Trump Tax Plan

The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, with an alternative view on the Trump tax plan and its impact on America. Matthews is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd. This is a fair & balanced approach to commentary on the news. Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd.  

By Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH 3:45PM

While I appreciate the 53rd Regiment allowing me to be heard, I must object to the passage of the Trump tax bill. Quite candidly, it’s outrageous Americans are being allowed to keep more of their hard earned money. Quite candidly, the government knows better how to spend American citizens’ money better than individuals do. Most Americans waste their paychecks on carbon producing car ownership, guns or even worse, donating to charities. The American dream was a figment of conservative’s imagination and never really existed. This myth was exposed during Obama’s presidency as millennial’ s lost buying power, began embracing socialistic communal living and embraced Obamacare, demonstrating their selflessness waiting in long lines for medical care and paying much more for less. This is my America!

After almost one year in office, President Trump’s election not only demonstrates the flaws in the US presidential electoral system, but it also reveals how wrong our system is to have limited President Obama to two terms. If Mr. Obama had been allowed just four more years, he could have finished eliminating coal plants, weakening American Military Forces to ensure they didn’t start another war and strengthened the United Nations (UN) charter to make  decisions that are in the best interest for America and her citizens. Clearly, the UN and Obama know what is best for the US verse our so called elected representatives. After all, Americans elected Trump, case closed!

Perhaps the worst part of the Trump tax cut is the impact it will have on the so called “illegal immigrant” populations and our beloved sanctuary cities. Less tax revenue means less dollars available for the future heirs of America; less subsidies, less free debit cards, more restrictive government housing rules and in the end, illegal immigrants could be forced to return to their native countries. This is wrong. They have a right to government subsidies and tax payer benefits just like American citizens. It is ludicrous to expect them to immigrate legally and apply for citizenship like those who don’t share border proximity or play by the rules. Old thinking!

Yes, the Trump tax plan is bad for America and it makes me sad.

Kings & Queens of Congress

Dateline  July 16th, 2016, 1747 hours

by Guardian 6

Ever wonder why it seems Washington never changes? Much of it likely has to do with Old Guard legislators protecting their accumulated authority and power through their formal and informal networks with media, lobbyist, Hollywood, fundraisers and millionaires. They maintain a stranglehold on their Senate or House seat through this network and the financial war chests they’ve built over the decades they have served (themselves).

Take Senator Leahy for example from Vermont, he has now been in the US Senate since 1975. That is 42 years! Now expecting productivity, creativity, or problem solving from anyone in any job for 42 years is kind of nuts. If you didn’t get it done in the first few terms, what makes you think you’ll get it done 5 or 6 or 7 terms later? Like Albert Einstein said, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

Term limits, if they’re good enough for the president, governors and public & private boards across the land, why are they not good enough for the Kings & Queens of Congress? Well, perhaps it is because they make the law and their networks and financial war chests continue to stack the deck in their favor against the little guy, the forgotten. After all, not everyone like Senator Leahy can queue up the Grateful Dead to host a fundraising concert for him to support his re-election campaign.

Let’s get to the point, the longer these folks remain in Congress, the less gets done, the more partisan they become and the more out of touch they are with the needs of the American people. We deserve better. We need less kings and queens and more “serfs” (average Joe’s & Jane’s) elected. Imagine what would be possible if we could start with a clean slate … oh, it would be beautiful. Build a team of teams.



Break-up the Beltway

The 53rd Regiment News Reports

Dateline: Undisclosed location, April 6, 2017, 1935 Hours

A handful of new Senators and Representatives change with each election cycle as incumbents build financial war chests for their next election and we expect change, civility and better outcomes. One party wins, the other party loses and the incumbents maintain the status quo. Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.” Well here we are folks, largely the same group of players in the House and Senate, a new President, and the status quo incumbent crowd fights to obstruct and do nothing. Meanwhile, back on the farm and a hometown near you, many Americans continue to struggle.

Where is the mainstream media in all this? Well, they’re are doing what they do best; picking sides on the left, obstructing and chasing fake stories or covering up real stories through under reporting or no reporting at all. Hence, American culture has a new term, “Fake News.” These days it seems we have a plethora of Fake News Outlets (FNO), take your pick. It’s somewhat funny watching one FNO accuse another FNO of putting out Fake News. What to do? Read and think for yourself.

Break-up the Beltway! Why is it that every federal agency and intelligence agency has to be physically located in and around Washington DC? Why? With all federal agencies being co-located in the Kabul of the Beltway, power is concentrated, colluded and often contrived (Fake News). Listening to the politicians is often sickening. I digress but did anyone watch democratic senators attack Judge Gorsuch? Wow, if that guy gets beaten the way he did for being simply a good fair man, there is no hope for any of us running through the Fake Hearings Gauntlet.

Both the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the Federal Election Bureau (FEB) need new headquarters buildings to modernize and house their staff. Where are they looking? Within DC and the ever expanding Beltway of course! Break-up the Beltway! Time for real change. How about we put federal agencies throughout the country to better represent America; eliminate the concentration of power and all the ills that come with it; add geographic and cultural diversity to the federal workforce; and enhance survivability and force protection of our government.

I recommend that we move the FBI to Detroit, MI. The FEB, my candidate state and city is Gary, IN. It’s time for change and to disperse the federal work force so they look more like America and the rest of America benefits from proximity to the federal government. Cities and States should of course compete for the opportunity to bring a federal agency to a hometown near you. The cultural rot of the Senate and House with elected officials that have been there for over 30 or 40 years will fight this, but ladies and gentlemen, this is a battle worth fighting. Time to Break-up the Beltway!

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Fake News

Dateline February 2, 2017

Is that what it is called, “Fake news?” I’ve been wondering for all these years what the appropriate term was for mainstream news  reporting. Whether CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, MSNBC, ecetra. There seems to be less hard investigating and reporting and more opinion journalism shaping news and public opinion than seeking the news. Even President Obama’s Daily News Press Conference seemed to be more of a collegial gathering of friends than news services’s asking tough questions to honestly report on news, policies and serve as an objective source of information to serve the greater public interest.

I guess all those polls having Secretary Clinton winning the election handily fit the category of “fake news.” How can they get it so wrong unless they are reporting untruths or trying to depress the vote for the opposition? And doing opinion journalism instead of finding and reporting news, but yet representing it as news and not opinion? I never had heard of this term until the mainstream media outlets starting using it. It’s ironic that the Fake News labeling began with the progressive left mainstream media and they became the biggest proponents of it openly favoring Secretary Clinton. By backing and manufacturing stories to prop up their candidate, they became the drivers of fake news. In socialist and communist countries fake news is known as propaganda.

But we are a democracy, how can we have fake, propaganda news? Is this possible? Well, we now know it is. When the self proclaimed elite journalists of the mainstream mass media conspire along with Hollywood and late night TV news comedians (“Fake-Medians,”) to back the left and vote 90%+  for the democratic candidate year after year, you get … drum roll please … Fake News! Walla!!! We have Fake News!!!


Top 10 List: Why 50+ Democratic Congressman are not attending the Presidential Inauguration

10. They’d rather attend a protest rally then help the country unite behind our new President

9. They don’t believe in celebrating our democracy and a peaceful transfer of power

8. They’ve been too depressed to go outside since the election

7. They haven’t showered since November 8th, 2016

6. Setting the right example has never really been their thing

5. They are scared of tweets and tweedy bird

4. It’s not a safe space

3. Their feelings got hurt so they took their “Respect the Office & Constitution Ball” and went home crying to Mommy

2. They didn’t get the memo that Secretary Clinton is attending

  1. They don’t respect American voters and their decision