
Rights                 by pmwalt2

There’s been plenty of rhetoric recently on the topic of gun rights. Many consider our current gun laws too permissive while others consider them too restrictive.   Until recently, I thought we in the Commonwealth had attained a balanced, sensible balance of Second Amendment rights with common-sense safe guards in regulating how firearms were handled within the our borders.

Rather than debate whether or not current laws are adequate, let’s have an open discussion on how all of our rights are affected when those in power govern thru edict and proclamation.

Virginia’s Attorney General, thru the state’s Police Superintendent, recently revoked concealed carry permit reciprocity between Virginia and 25 states. This was done without the advice and consent of the State’s Legislature nor was there any offering for public comment. It appears this action was highly influenced by anti-gun lobbyist outside of the state. Prior to this, Virginia’s governor took steps to restrict the legal carry of firearms in certain state buildings, again doing so without the advice or consent of the legislature. Finally, our President has elected to adopt a course of action placing restrictions on legal gun ownership and is doing so without the advice or consent of the legislature.

I have trouble with this.

First and foremost, the powers of elected officials are granted to them from the citizens of this country. They are not our rulers and we are not their subjects. We are not a rabble who these officials lord after and permit us simple freedoms. We are, rather, those who have empowered these few to administer governments for our mutual benefit.

Secondly, I take great umbrage against people who think they know what is best for me – and treat my rights as one would treat an infant child. This arrogance of the elite who consider themselves superior to me and the collective citizenry of this land is insulting. They consider it their duty to restrict 2nd Amendment Rights because they know better than me. This elitism is pervasive and troubling because it creates an aura of a ruling elite. It is not a principal of how this country evolved or what it stands for. Ruling elitism is not good for any of our rights guaranteed under the Constitution … the 2nd Amendment being only the first of many placed at risk.

Disclosure: I’m a gun owner, a concealed carry permit carrier and a retired veteran of the Marine Corps. I’ve gone thru a NICS check every time I’ve purchased a firearm. I went thru an ATF background check before I received my Curio and Relics license from the ATF. I’m for sensible, well-reasoned and collectively agreed upon measures to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals or those with mental illnesses.

53rd Regiment Liberty
