
Missouri Territory            19 November 2020 

By @PershingSoldier on Twitter/Parler

Army General Anthony McAuliff –   the acting division commander of the 101st Airborne Division troops defending Bastogne, Belgium, during World War II’s Battle of the Bulge, famous for his single-word reply of “Nuts!” in response to a German surrender ultimatum.

I suppose it was destined to come to a moment like this.  The ultimate battle of our outsider President against the Swamp, the establishment and the growing octopus that the Stalinist Left has become.  He’s in a similar place the good General quoted above was in, encircled by a desperate evil force.

One man stands, almost alone, leveraging all of the tools and strength he has, against the nauseating malevolence of multiple corrupt institutions.

He is all we have, while we wait for the Senate to be settled.  A weakened Pelosi house is still dangerous enough.

The leftist cabal is well funded, aligned, highly organized and completely anti-liberty.  ‘Progressive-ism’ has replaced any type of normal religious faith for most of its adherents. 

Our President has sent his General McAuliff message post-election: “I WON BY ALLOT!!!”  He’s not conceding.  There will be no surrender.  He is re-grouping and assembling his most effective battle force.  Its taken some time.  MAGA world is loyal but frustrated.  The emerging facts are well covered by Sidney Powell, Giuliani and most recently Lin Wood.

American liberty stands at an historical precipice.  Lincoln’s short pre-civil war period as president comes to mind.  The insidious presidency of Woodrow Wilson looms as a warning, with its embrace of eugenics, covert racism and embrace of globalist ideals.   As Mark Levin has pointed out, leftist media is nothing new.  The ‘Party Press’ existed through much of the 19th century.  Their flirtation with professionalism was brief, mid 20th century.  In fact it’s debatable whether it ever happened.

Fellow patriots we are in a sobering place. 

“You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life.  It’s not about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.  That’s how winning is done!”

Rocky Balboa, from Rocky 6

We have a president who personifies this sentiment put forth by one of this author’s favorite fictional characters.  Donald Trump lives this sentiment vividly.  If there is ever evidence of someone showing up at exactly the right time in history, it may in fact, be him.  See ‘Is the Devine Hand Present’ on this website.

Can he pull it off?

“Do your damnedest in an ostentatious manner all the time.”

General George S Patton

Style matters little despite the MSM obsession with tweets and press conference ass chewings from President Trump.  (BTW – NY Gov Cuomo is 100 times more harsh and disrespectful with reporters and it goes unreported).  Many have observed similarities between General George Patton and Donald Trump.  Patton, a man of salty and colorful language, was sidelined for slapping a soldier that reported battle fatigue with no injuries.  The press brutalized him.  Eisenhower quietly redeployed him to command of an army him when it was time to win the war in Europe.  He delivered.  Trump like Patton is now down.  It will not be for long.    

The President’s two most valuable lieutenants are Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell.  Their ability to collect testimony of patriots and protect them in the process is critical.  We must hold on.

The Republican Party is still adrift with the disloyal, the self-interested, the unreliable and the stench of John McCain.  Slowly it seems to be coalescing in support of the President.  GOP Chairwoman Rona McDaniel gets credit for holding the line.  Unity is about to become critical in importance.

The Press has eagerly been resurrecting Fake Swamp Rules of late.  They include:

  1. Don’t exercise your constitutionally granted power; see the recent SCOTUS frackus which President Trump easily won
  2. You can’t fire anyone!  It’s the transition!!  Guess what, at 2 terminations and counting, POTUS gives no F’s about MSM misgivings about late term staff changes at the Whitehouse.
  3. You’re not President anymore!!!  It’s Biden!  Right now!!! This is the funniest.  The MSM is a complete clown show on this topic.  Not even worthy of analysis.  See Joy Ried and Stelter the Potato.

For all of us right now:

Beware Leftist/Stalinist Tools:

  • Fear
  • Covid
  • Masks
  • Lockdowns
  • Riots
  • Holiday elimination
  • Threats
  • Violence
  • Violent protest
  • Communist ideology
  • Free Stuff
  • Character Assassination
  • Social Media manipulation
  • Mass media manipulation
  • Disregard of the Constitution and Bill of Rights

Embrace Patriotic Conservative Tools:

  • Law
  • Courts
  • Freedom agenda
  • Benefits of work/jobs
  • Patriotism
  • Federalism
  • Innovation
  • Ingenuity
  • Private sector problem solving
  • Peaceful protests/assembly
  • Free speech
  • Legal ballots/one person one vote
  • Individualism
  • Winning
  • America First
  • Arm yourselves and protect your family

What must come next:

  • Patriots must infiltrate and take back our large institutions including all facets of education, government, social media, televised media, Hollywood and more.  We’ve avoided these and tended toward productive jobs in the private sector.  We’ve allowed ourselves to be undermined.  This must stop.
  • Support our President as he undertakes the greatest battle of his life.
  • BE HEARD: participate in websites like The 53rd Regiment.  Say what’s on your mind.  Loud mouth liberals never hold back.  They must be answered with confidence.  Their bad ideas, irrational outbursts and logical fallacies must be exposed and mocked.
  • Dump Fox News and switch to OAN, NewsMax or their websites.  Do not give Fox News ANY traffic.  Gutfeld, Tucker, Laura and the rest need to get up off their wealthy asses and do the right thing.  Leave.  They are not that good that they deserve slavish viewership.  That station helped undermine the election.  We saw it live.

That’s where we are RIGHT NOW, fellow patriots.  You know what to do.

December 23, 1776

THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

From The Crisis, by Thomas Paine




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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."

2 thoughts on “NUTS!!!”

  1. I am a 78 year old Australian woman with six grandchildren. The thought of them having to live under a totalitarian regime is horrific.
    For some years I have been attempting to warn friends and neighbors about the plans for a one world government only to be met with amused tolerance. Perhaps if I show them this article they might wake up, but is it too late?
    We too depend on a Trump victory.

    1. It is not too late. Americans will preserve our country. Watch. Share the article and share the website. More patriot articles to come. Remember, when it comes to protecting our liberties and our freedom, God and goodness are on our side.

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