The Democratic Mob


by Guardian 6                                           Dateline 24 June 2020

Tyranny is marching in America. Thought police are on full display. While nearly all Americans have been outraged by the brutal killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, while three other officers appeared to watch, elements of the left have lit the country on fire and shutdown any form of dialogue or discussion. Why?

The Democrats have unleashed such violence and vitriol that  Americans now fear free expression. The rule of law is under assault where innocents have been violently attacked for thinking differently or offering a different opinion. This is part of the Democrats plan, it has actually been happening for decades through PC movements and indoctrination of children in schools and universities. The riots, the statues being destroyed, “autonomous zones”  and mobs attacking people is to help create an atmosphere of chaos as the next attempt to undermine Trump.

After failing to oust Trump through ObamaGate which used national intelligence community resources to target a presidential campaign; the Russian Hoax; the Ukranian Witch Hunt; and even conspiring to shutdown the economy through the WuhanVirus, the Democrats unleashed the worst of the organized mob on America by seizing on the death of a black American by a police officer. While the Trump Administration has offered positive change through an Executive Order and Senator Tim Scott has brought forth a thoughtful bill that includes improved policing and training in his Senate Bill, the old white democratic vanguard of corruption ( Schumer, Pelosi, Durbin and other obstructionists) have once again blocked any form of progress.

Let’s be clear, the Mob is not just downtown in our inner cities, the bigger Mob is in the halls of Congress. The party of slavery,  the party of the Confederacy, the party of Jim Crow laws and the party of segregation, today the democratic party is the Mob. From Sanctuary Cities, to Occupy Wall Street, to Antifa, to elements of BLM and “Autonomous Zones,” their democratic puppet masters sow division and discord. Their enablers are a corrupt main stream media (MSM) that remains unaccountable; corporate America which is scared to say the wrong thing for fear of being canceled; and elites including Hollywood, Universities and General Officers that somehow got woke and lost their oath to the US Constitution. The message? You are either with the Mob or you are a racist that the Mob will destroy.  If you’re lucky the Mob let’s you live another day. If you’re unlucky the Mob will physically attack you for your thoughts, for your white privilege or some other objectionable trait they find fault with.

Intolerance has been redefined. It is the Democratic Mob. While I worry about the Mob in the street the 53rd Regiment worries more about the Democratic Mob in Congress destroying our republic from within.

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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."

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