Ignorance & Fear Abounds


… Fear of being canceled. Fear of what others think. Fear of Big Government. Fear of being reported. Fear of retribution. Fear into submission. Fear.

This is tyranny, the desired environment created by tyrants.

Dateline: March 19th, 2023     by Guardian 6

If they can shut you up and cause you to not exercise your 1st Amendment rights, they’ve won.

If they can threaten to take away your 2nd Amendment rights, and you let them, they’ve won.

If they can intimidate state and federal judges to not accept cases with legitimate election fraud, they’ve won.

If they can scream racist at you for wanting criminals, murderers and drug traffickers prosecuted, they’ve won.

If they can secure borders of other countries with federal funding, but not our own, they’ve won.

If they can close down businesses by COVID19 lockdowns and fiats, they’ve won.

If they can ignore laws on the books for securing the border and use federal funding to house, feed and transport illegal aliens throughout the United States, they’ve won.

If they can shove “Green Energy” conversion down your throats where the technology and cost efficiency does not make sense, all under the false guise of #ClimateChange, they’ve won.

If they can remove God from every corner of the public square but be good with creating Satan Clubs in elementary schools, they’ve won.

If they can allow the  allow a Chinese Communist Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance collection platform (balloon) to fly across the US for a week to collect on US Military installations and sensitive areas, they’ve won.

If a president and his family can accept tens of millions of dollars for over a decade by Chinese Communists, fund the Biden Center with over $50 million in Chinese Communist money and the FBI and Intelligence Community not investigate and prosecute the Biden’s, they’ve won.

If they can arrest, detain and restrict parents from objecting at school board meetings on pornography,  groomer books and drag queens being brought into elementary and secondary schools, they’ve won.

If the FBI can label traditional Catholics as threats and put them on terror watch lists for their faith, they’ve won.

Ignorance and fear abounds. We got here by not speaking up and tolerating these tyrants for decades. Through fraudulent elections. By timidity. By fear of what others think. America is still America but social media, Fake News outlets, collusion between the Democrats and Main Stream Media, the Great Reset, intentional Balkanization of America and Obama’s cry to “fundamentally transform” America and allowing the leftists to take over our schools and universities. When we choose to fight back and demand to be heard, and honest elections are restored, we will win. Time to organize local, state and federally to restore America to our greatness. America remains an exceptional country that just needs the communist leftist democrats to be destroyed. Not defeated, destroyed! 



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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."