Empty Barrels on Display


The Swamp, January 31st, 2018

If you watched the State of the Union (SOTU) last night, you saw many empty barrels on full display. These empty barrells couldn’t even bring themselves to applaud the success America has had over the last year due to their hatred of President Trump among other reasons, perhaps. Why did these democrats choose to remain seated and looking so disgusted while their republican counterparts applauded and stood? Here  is the list of things that the democrats were upset about as they refused the courtesy of standing:

  1. Increased wages
  2. Record low unemployment among minorities
  3. Job creation and higher wages, bonuses from employers to employees
  4. The American flag & National Anthem
  5. In God we Trust
  6. Path to citizenship for Dreamers, “Americans have dreams too”
  7. Increased defense spending and a defense budget
  8. Defeating the “JV Team” (ISIS in Syria & Iraq)

Looking at the list, there sure is a lot to be angry with if you hate America, or you want to see President Trump fail at all cost. Sadly, these empty barrels represent almost half the country. However, this optimist believes their constituents, the majority of them, find their behavior repugnant and disrespectful.

Last week the empty barrells shut down the government. This week they disrespected the President and the American people with their poor behavior at the SOTU. Hatred never wins. I guess it is going to take another election cycle for the democrats to learn this all over again.

America is winning again and the average citizen feels it, sees it and wants to celebrate it. According to CBS, 75% of Americans liked the President’s speech. Not the democrats. They are hoping for President Trump to fail, thereby America failing. The Elitists are losing and the Deplorables are winning again, bigly! The American people and their interests are first and foremost. Results matter, empty barrels should take note.

… and one more thing, President Tump made about 15 big campaign promises prior to being elected. I hope you’re keeping score because in the Trump world a promise made, is a promise kept!



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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."