Parade of Horribles in Joe Biden’s America


by Guardian 6               Dateline: 24 February 2023 (Updated)

     Originally Published: 21 September 2021

Artwork by Joseph Eder, Internationally recognized Artist

It goes from bad to worse with no end in sight. Once you think it cannot get any worse, it does. The Biden Administration is a complete abject failure orchestrating chaos to cover their failings on a broad scale. Friday dumps of bad news to mask the Biden Administration dereliction of duty is a thing of the past. The parade of horribles is a daily occurrence if not an hourly event. With this team of losers at the helm, it is depressing. Let’s take a look:

  • Biden’s Proxy War, Russian – Ukranian Conflict. Biden created the conflict by demonstrating extreme weakness with his Afghanistan surrender to the Taliban and his inability to confront China on their Uyghur Genocide and their COVID19 virus that killed millions of Americans and hundreds of millions worldwide. Biden does nothing. Putin measured the man and like 2014 with Obama, he saw a weak, feeble, compromised president with a 50 year record of failure. Hence, Putin invaded Ukraine. Today we watch Biden send over $113 billion to Ukraine with no strategy, no accountability and no plan to end Putin’s aggression.
  • China & the Wuhanvirus. The democrat party collusion with China is in plain sight. China caused the COVID19 virus but the democrats will not back an investigation or even assign blame directed at the Chinese Communist Party. Instead, they attack the GOP and attempt to shift the blame toward GOP Governors who are pushing back against mandates and keeping schools and businesses closed. Question, how much money have the Chinese been paying off democrats? How is it all the democrats in Congress are millionaires? Eric Swawell slept with a Chinese spy and he is still on the Intel Committee. How does this happen?
  • Open Borders. Biden will not secure the border. Quite the contrary, his Executive Orders and Homeland Security policies have created a massive migrant crisis. Border patrol and state governors and local municipalities are overrun. Drug cartels are fueling this crisis  being given free reign to run drugs and human trafficking rings in the US. Of course there are likely thousands of criminals, rapists and terrorists intermixed with illegal aliens. Biden is not only failing to uphold our laws, his administration has torn down portions of the new wall that was recently built. Children are being abandoned at the border and children are dying in America due to drug overdoses. The Border Czar VP Harris is AWOL. America is being invaded.
  • Afghanistan debacle. This is well chronicled by the 53rd in the Biden policy of Abandonment article. The more we learn about the Biden surrender and the on going torture of innocents within Afghanistan by the Taliban, the more horrendous it becomes. It is hard to fathom an American humiliation of this scale, incompetence off the charts that makes one wonder could this be intentional.
  • American News Media. Beyond fake, it is now a criminal enterprise covering for the crimes of the Biden Administration.  While our border and Afghanistan burn with chaos, and American cities are hit with crime wave after crime wave, our extremely incompetent and democratic party news media servants, focus on defunding the police or the fake insurrection (it was a riot at best), or what ice cream Biden is eating. No one takes the news media serious anymore because they are grotesque liars that orchestrate the news cycle. When you think of people like Chris Wallace, Brian Stelter or Joe Scarborough you think of taglines like democratic operative, potato and shill. Losers all.
  • Big Tech. Truly scary how they have compromised themselves and become enabling to a one party state controlled by Democrats aligned with China selling principles for access to a bigger market and profit. Censorship is ruling the day in policy and practice, and now they are blunt about it. Twitter allows the Taliban but bans President Trump. Youtube censors videos of doctors and nurses that disagree with the CDC. Google buries truth in their search engine and manipulates searches to benefit democrat messaging. Apple censors Apps that enable free speech but allows China to dictate terms and conditions to them to access their market and make their phones. Amazon sells mostly Chinese crap on their platform killing American small businesses.
  • The Pandemic & The Chinavirus. We now know the Chinavirus came out of the Wuhan lab. Democrats continue to obfuscate this fact to include Fauci funding much of the research to include gain of function research that is banned in the US. The 53rd covers this well in Global Strike but the virus is how the Democratic Party weaponized the presidential election and introduced massive fraud on the  American population; closed businesses and schools and continue to instill fear to create a compliant people, mask wearing population. Now the plan is to destroy military readiness by mandating the vaccine on troops. The Biden Administration and DoD know a high percentage of troops will opt out, and be forced out of the military. This is not a second order effect, this is part of the devious plan to continue America’s destruction.

Sadly, there is much more than what is chronicled above.  Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, Antifa, bankrupting American generations with massive debt, the Green New Steal, woke military leadership and the parade of horribles goes on.

The clown in the center of the parade of horribles is Joe Biden with Barack Obama manipulating the strings behind him.  Biden thinks he’s in charge but he is not. Obama gets plausible deniability as Biden destroys American society and our culture of fierce independence, patriotism and an entrepreneurial spirit gets destroyed by people from within that hate our country.  Democrats are compromised and their party has been taken over by socialists, communists and evil. The china virus is the foil they’ve needed to build American dependency and scare millions of Americans into submission. It is way past time to wake up and for patriots to take America back. This tyranny must end. It is past time being on the sidelines. Patriots, America needs you and the world needs America. Stand up, push back in your local communities. Time now!


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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."