Peace, Prosperity & the Golden Age

by Guardian 6            Dateline: 1 January 2025

Golden Age. Peace, prosperity and the Golden Age is nearly upon us. Since President Trump’s reelection in November, America is already experiencing optimism about the future, significant gains in investment markets and endless wars receding. Our enemies know Mr. Trump does not play and will not tolerate their aggression that hints at even harming one American. Our Allies are visiting President Trump at his home in Mar-a-Largo knowing they need to have a good relationship with him for the benefit of their country. Friends and foes understand the landscape but several will undoubtedly have to learn the hard way. So be it. The world is on notice.

Mandate! The presidential landslide victory for President Trump has delivered a mandate. The American people want our borders secure. Americans want illegal immigrants deported, starting with the criminals which numbers hundreds of thousands. Americans know Trump will deliver on the economy having seen him do it before with ultra low inflation; massive job growth; wage gains in every segment; household income significantly improved; low gas prices; and crime in check. In reality, Biden is an afterthought and Trump has already replaced him. Americans, world leaders and business tycoons have moved on requesting audiences with Trump. America is winning again pre-inauguration.

The Nightmare is over! As Victor Davis-Hanson wrote in his most recent column, “The National Nightmare is Ending.” Joe Biden and the criminal incompetent buffoons he surrounded himself with will soon be gone. the US government will need a good gutting of bloated incompetents; half-ass bureaucrats and people that serve themself over public service. A good goal is to cut government in half. Let’s hope Congress acts on Elon Musk and Vivek Ramiswami’s recommendations to clean house, drive efficiency and  dramatically reduce government spending. DOGE has their work cut out for them while democrats will work to obstruct.

America Saved Itself! All creeds, all types, God fearing Americans said enough! This country is endowed by our Creator! This country is the best chance for humanity! This country has saved the world in WWII and the Cold War. This country has had weak leaders like Johnson, Carter and Obama but finds a way to self correct. America is strong because the people of America understand sacrifice, selflessness and leadership. America will always be a nation that centers itself on the Lord. Puts freedom, justice and what is best for the nation first.

Trump Delivers the Promise of  America! Trump is the gal working in McDonalds worried about supporting her family. Trump is the guy who dropped out of high school not because he couldn’t graduate but because there was no path forward, no future prospects. Trump is the guy or gal who joins the military because they cannot afford college, prospects are not great with a broken economy and they’re looking for skills and opportunity. Trump offers promise. Trump reminds Americans what America is. What we have always been. Who we are. Trump gets us. He is us. The blue collar billionaire. The media deceives, sadly. Trump puts the country first, Americans first, and has done so his whole life.

Peace, prosperity and the golden age is upon us. We saved ourselves from destruction by electing Trump, ignoring the very fake elite class of America. We did so by ignoring the media, Hollywood and leftist influencers by choosing to restore American Greatness by electing Trump. Seeing through the lawfare and the relentless attacks and fake impeachments. America found itself, once again. We stood with the greatest president of the 21st century, who the left tried to kill, at least twice, with two assassination attempts that we know about. The daily barrage of attacks this man stood against. His courage. His resolve. His steadfastness. His love of country. His confidence. He just wins.

America voted for American exceptionalism. America said loudly, “I’m with Trump. Make America Great Again! Do what you did previously Mr. Trump. Biden absolutely sucks and he has disparaged us, abandoned us and embarrassed us. We want to win, President Trump. Make us winners again. Restore the constitutional republic. Give me the mean tweets. Put our enemies on notice. Peace through strength. End the woke crap! Rebuild our military. Take care of the forgotten women and men. Stop the excessive spending and waste on our hard earned money. No more endless wars. We want to win President Trump. Make America Great Again, Sir.”


The UFC Presidency

Dateline: December 13, 2024

by @PershingSoldier

Missouri Territory

Let Trumpamania run wild, brother!

– Hulk Hogan at Madison Square Garden

Fellow patriots the Golden Era is upon us!  The winning has already started.  So much winning.  All of us need to guard against winning fatigue, because a literal hurricane of winning is headed straight for us.  Dig in!

If you have seen Trump entrances to UFC events, especially the last one at Madison Square Garden with Elon, Vivek,  RFK, Tulsi and a somewhat bewildered Mike Johnson, you have seen the second term in a nutshell.  We will be witnessing the UFC Presidency.  That entourage, like the ‘conservative avengers’ as Joe Rogan named them, was met with thunderous sustained applause and adoration.  Not because they are worthy of worship, but because they want to make America great.  The put us, our safety and our success, first.

The UFC Presidency: It will be, in a word, GLORIOUS.

Those who are now approaching Trump looking for peace and common ground, like Zuckerberg, Bezos, Mika and Morning Schmoe, etc, are not just looking for relevance.  They are looking for a place in Trump’s UFC entourage.  It really is as simple as that.  Add in the list of traditional RINOS that are coming around like John Cornyn and even Jonie Ernst.  The entourage walk – if you are invited into it – means you are America First and want our citizens to win, so much so that you are willing to be hated by the democrats and derided by the MSM. The glory is worth the price, folks.

A few things to watch for:

The inauguration is already taking on some new themes as Chairman Xi has been invited, to watch his new boss take the oath before God and country.  That is quite the psychological message to Xi, whether he takes the invitation or not.  With foreign leaders attending, and other likely changes coming, President Elect Trump is adding some UFC flair to a long-standing tradition that has not been tweaked in many decades.  It’s time.  That priest who did the Trump imitation at the Republican Convention (‘You’re going to be so blessed, more blessed than anyone…”) needs to be brought back for a full-blown Trump inspired invocation, with a serious thank you to the God that saved him.  Linda McMahon should be brought up before the new president speaks to do a simulated (or not) pile driver with the outgoing dunderhead.  Huge entertainment on the dais.  A re-creation of the famous Trump/Vince McMahon fights seems in order, this time perhaps with all the RINOS against Trump.  We’ll see what happens!

A new tradition will take form, with the State of the Union Address being given in Madison Square Garden, or a more local arena in the DC area.  The public would be invited to participate, with the Conservative Avengers walking into thunderous applause, after both houses of congress have been booed, for the most part.  Finally, Hulk Hogan will deliver those famous words, ‘Mr Speaker!  The President of the United States!’ Insanity breaks out! Yes – a little WWF mixed in with UFC is a good thing.

Major legislation will now be passed in a UFC style setting, again in an arena, with the public invited to watch as both houses pass the laser focused and efficiently written bills that will allow America to be great again.  Both houses will be present with the President waiting in a center ring to sign the new bills into law.  SCOTUS will be invited as well.  The joint chiefs?  NO.  They will be focused exclusively on war fighting and will not be invited to political events.  While the final negotiations happen, and the audience waits, all will be entertained by stories from Elon and Vivek about which idiotic government programs have been eliminated.  Footage of do-nothing bureaucrats being walked out of their offices with a box of their belongings will be shown for the audience to enjoy.

The Trump UFC experience has been seen once if you remember, overseas.  During his visit to India, you may remember his appearance at a stadium there.  Well guess what?  The Conservative Avengers will be appearing in places and events all over the globe.  Watch for the entourage at Soccer (aka Foot Ball) events in Europe.  Watch for them to set hair on fire at stuffy Cricket Matches in the UK.  Watch for an insane entourage walk at a Beer Tent at the Oktoberfest in Munich.  They will run with the Bulls in Pamplona.  In a shocking bid for world peace, the entourage will appear at Mecca.  Once Ukraine is put to bed, in a similar effort, the entourage will go to the Kremlin with average Russians going crazy.  Even Putin wants in on it.  Chinese New Year will be up ended by the appearance of the Conservative Avengers.  Xi will endorse them.  And yes, that famous scene of Trump crossing the DMZ in Korea will be recreated, this time with the full entourage and massive audiences of Korean citizens on both sides.  HUGE.  Any world festival is now an opportunity for the Avengers to make an appearance.  In fact, they will compete for these appearances and in some cases pay for them, with proceeds going to our veterans.  Trump will conduct business while on these trips, negotiating trade agreements that truly make America great.

OK Patriots.  That’s just a taste of the UFC Presidency.  Be sure to enjoy these next four years because this is a once in a lifetime experience.

You know something? I’ve seen some great tag teams in my time. Hulk Hogan and oh yeah, the macho man, Randy Savage. But you know something? I see the greatest tag team of my life standing upon us getting ready to straighten this country out for all the real Americans. Even though you guys are real Americans, you better get ready because when Donald J. Trump becomes the President of the United States, all the real Americans are going to be nicknamed Trumpites because all the Trumpites are going to be running wild for four years. With the power of Donald J. Trump and all the Trumpites running wild, America is going to get back on track and like Donald J. Trump said, America is going to be great again.

  • Hulk Hogan at the Republican convention



A Bigly Thanksgiving

“We are about to enter a golden age!”
                        – Donald Trump

X @pershingsoldier  Dateline Thanksgiving 2024

Fellow patriots, we have much to be thankful for!  That which was lost has been found!  Specifically, our liberty and freedom!

And Donald J Trump!

Here, in no particular order is a list of things we patriots should be thankful for.  Feel free to add your own in the comments section. Be heard!!!

We are thankful once again for seeing the meltdown of the “main stream media” as they try to comprehend everything happening that they tried to stop.

We are thankful for the many many hilarious videos of Kamala minions losing their minds. Poor poor White Guys for Kamala. Timmy AWOLz couldn’t close the Grand Canyon gap. Predictable.

We are thankful for Joe BiteMe secretly voting for Trump.  Likely Jill and Hunter too.  #Glorious!

We are thankful for the utter disappearance of Nancy Pelosi from any public presence.

We are thankful for the ongoing string of cabinet appointments and related leftist head explosions that go with them.

We are thankful for Avengers and their appearances at UFC matches: DJT, RFK, KidRock, Hulk Hogan, Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, Vivek and Elon.  Even little Mike Johnson has been tagging along.  We hope these invites keep him in line.

We are thankful for the absolute kicking to the curb of the RINO Never Trumpets in this election, with more to come.  Sad sacks and anemic losers like Max Boot (Boob), Aunt Bill Kristol, Karl Rove, Musty Fusty Dusty George Will. Mitch Romney, Mitch McConnell and so many others is most satisfying.  No one cares about their nonsense.  No one.

We are thankful for the exposure of the Obamas as the abject hypocrites and sh-t salesmen that they are.  They are at long last a a laughing stock.  Along with Oprah, The View and Morning Joe. #LOL #Glorious

We are thankful for the exposure of Hollywood as the morally dead dung heap that it is.  Once again no one cared what any of those losers thought about anything in this election. Hollywood was dunked on while MAGA simultaneously spiked the football! Who in Pedowood needs a Budlight?

We are thankful for alternative media and long form podcasts.  Talent Like Patrick Bet David, Lex Fridman, Joe Rogan, the Nelk Boys and many others have freed us from having to listen to the pompous fat heads in old media. They still do not know what has hit them.

We are thankful that X has been freed from the leftist controlled dung heap that it was before Elon bought it and single handedly saved free speech.

We are thankful for the Trump effect which sees the planet trying to heal itself just because he was elected.  Mexican troops are already at the border.  Putin knows he can get a peace deal even though BiteMe is trying to start WW3.  Iran, Hamas & Hezbollah is on the run. Stock market is booming.  Self deportations will begin soon.  It’s like the world knows dad is coming home and they better clean up the house and stop fighting because he’s gonna be pissed.

We are thankful for the beginning of the end of the DEI circus of lies, with fighters like Robby Starbuck and James O’Keefe leading at the front.

We are thankful that DOGE is about to give a massive wedgie to the federal bureaucracy.  Ronald Reagan is smiling down up on Elon and Vivek.

We are thankful that enlistments are up just because Pete Hegseth has been nominated for SECDEF!!!  We are about to undo the untold damage done to our armed forces by sick leftists. Political GOFO will be dispatched quickly and warriors will be hired & promoted.

We are thankful the middle class will be restored with promise & opportunity; the forgotten men & women will be given their rightful place in America; and that faith filled leaders will restore American Greatness.

We are thankful that America’s enemies will be reminded that their transgressions  will be met with their personal peril; it’s been a long four years under Biden and we’re tired of their shit. We are out of patience.

We are thankful that Obama’s “fundamental transformation” is dead and the elites have been exposed for selfish, classless, godless assholes.

There is so much more.  For now let’s reflect and be proud that our fellow citizens showed up and took out the trash.

Bravo America, Bravo!!!!!


MAGA 2.0: Bigger, Better, Faster and Permanent

By BlackJack Pershing: @blakjakpershing on GETTR

Updated November 7th, 2024.

Dateline:7 November 2024

Original version, September 14th, 2021


‘The laws should be rigidly enforced which prohibit the immigration of a servile class to compete with American labor, with no intention of acquiring citizenship, and bringing with them and retaining habits and customs repugnant to our civilization.’

‘A cause worth fighting for is worth fighting for to the end.’

 ‘Our citizens have the right to protection from the incompetency of public employees who hold their places solely as the reward of partisan service.’

‘Communism is a hateful thing, and a menace to peace and organized government.’


  • All quotations of Grover Cleveland, who, until 2 days ago, has been the only president to serve 2 non-consecutive terms.  He was a dem, but a good one, and a far right winger by today’s standards.

Fellow Patriots, justice sometimes takes longer than we’d like, but here we are: Donald Trump will be the 47th President of the United States.

Its time to recommend and put forth his agenda for the next term.  He’s got lots of clean up to do.  We know that he can do it.  Joe Biden is and will be a skid mark on the history of the United States.


  • Finish the wall.  Overhaul immigration.  Forever stop illegal immigration by making it impossible through walls, drones, electronic means and aggressive/thorough visa enforcement.
  • Eliminate foreign aid; begin leveraged foreign assistance.  That means to get a dime from us we get something back, to include taking your illegal aliens back.
  • Payments to illegals: cancel immediately; offer assistance to those who will voluntarily leave.
  • Reach out to the Pope and other global religious leaders… challenge them to start holding the dictators and miscreants that cause migration accountable. Offer to assist nations with credible governments when migrants are taken back.  Redirect accountability for migration to those who cause it, capture them and try them at The Hague.
  • The Cartels in Mexico and Central America: treat them as international terror organizations and handle them like ISIS was handled.  Pick one Cartel to wipe out immediately and tell the others you’re next if you cross the border in the US or send drugs through their proxies. Put them on notice. Give China no more than 30 days to stop assisting with fentanyl production in Mexico to the Cartels. If they won’t kick their embassy and consulates out of the US. This is for starters.
  • Complete NATO solvency.  Allies pay their bills.  They are kicked out if they don’t.  Enforced in the first 90 Days.  Germany targeted as the lead deadbeat. Make an example if necessary. Move US bases in Germany to countries that pay their NATO bills so their economy can benefit.
  • Begin ‘Pacific NATO’ to counter Chinese aggression; replicate post WWII model for defending free nations in the Pacific region.  Require the re-arming of Japan.  Japan and Korea to play the roles their economic power requires.  Philippines to step up.  Indonesia too.  Pull in Vietnam as an ally. Equip Japan & Australia with spanking new US Carriers.
  • Military: disinfect the wokeness and sickness.  De-capitate the top levels of leadership, promote non-political officers who fight to leadership.  Bring back merit based promotion.
  • Navy: begin refurbishment of the navy in the model Victor David Hanson advocates: smaller ships, lots of them, loaded with volumes of deadly drones.
  • Implement Chinese Reparations for the China Virus Epidemic.  Offer concessions for honesty and a legitimate answer on how it was started.  Assume it was on purpose to start.  Opening bid is $20 Trillion.  It can go up or down based on their behavior.  Collected via direct payment, debt cancellation, or tariffs.
  • Western Hemisphere Alliance: begin to negotiate a communist-free western hemisphere alliance based on our shared western heritage and common security interests in North and South America.  Require participation and funding by all nations.  Begin the isolation and ultimate de-communization of Cuba and Venezuela via internal friendly parties.  Fix Haiti once and for all via dedicated coalition of charitable partners that do not include any US State Department resources, the Clinton Foundation, the Gates Foundation or any other organization associated with human trafficking. Hold a national referendum for the Haitian people to vote on a US Governor to fix Haiti’s ills modeling the Germany & Japan rebuild after WWII.
  • North Korea: finish what was started.  Rocket Man is waiting the return of his friend to negotiate a nuke free Korean peninsula.   Get the US troops home.  Agree to guarantee Kim’s safety with an agreement to normalize relations between north and south.  If he stays, fine,  if he exiles in China – fine.  Let’s all move on.  Allow travel and development.  Let them work it out while Pacific NATO grows in strength and power.
  • Restructure the Federal Government/Bureaucracy (De-Swampification):
    • Decommission the Pentagon as an office.  Turn it into a museum or commercial office space.  Move military operational HQ to the midwestern United States.  Ft Riley, KS or Ft Leonard Wood, MO.  The locations will attract those willing to serve and prevent swamp connections and corruption in Washington, D.C.
    • Elon and Vivek: set them loose with the Office of Government Efficiency.  Target 80% reduction of federal employee base. Let the swamp feel the reorgs and layoffs we’ve all felt forever.
    • Move all other offices of the federal government out of Washington DC and divide them up among the entire geography of the United States to include Hawaii, Alaska and the territories.  Sell off all offices in the Washington DC area.  Good examples are the DOJ and the FBI.  Move them to different and distant states.  Consider permanent elimination of the corrupt FBI.
    • Cut the Intelligence Community by 50%. Bring it down to a handful of agencies from 17. Break-up the CIA and disband rogue elements.
    • Close the department of education permanently and send all related assets and funding to the states.
    • Close HUD; send all related assets and activities to the states.
    • Consolidate, consolidate, consolidate agencies, organizations, pet projects, ruthlessly.
    • Much like Space Force, develop a scientic branch of the military specifically dedicated to defense against the emergence of bio-weapons, sonic/Havanna effect weapons, chem/nuke, electronic pulse, laser and other weaponry we know that our adversaries are aggressively developing.  Science Force All the Way?  POTUS will name it well.  That I can tell you.

Other items on the domestic front:

  • Begin the permanent de-communization of the United States thorough civics education, strict visa/immigration compliance and aggressive removal of Chinese bribery initiatives
  • In all ways reduce the scope of the federal government to the intent of the constitution.  Truly relegate all to the states that should be.
  • Require honest work; eliminate welfare where it is not needed; replace with retraining credits
  • Get business taxes to 15% to win the global battle for investment and jobs
  • Continue bilateral trade agreements
  • Allow the private sector to find win/win solutions to pollution and clean energy; reward through incentives.  Dump all foreign ‘deals’ that punish our workforce.
  • Institute studies, taskforces, awards that institutionalize true American history.  Re-institute the 1776 project.
  • Fully constitutional Supreme Court
  • Refresh and renew the Republican Party with zero RINO’s; help lead a de-communization of the Democrat party
  • Win back the Black vote for republicans and solidify Latinos as a reliable republican block of voters
  • Finish Enterprise Zones and work with the private industry and states to at long last fix inner cities; make failed democrat leadership of inner cities obvious
  • As planned, open up more oil fields and use proceeds to pay down national debt.
  • Introduce tariffs in all categories where trade is not reciprocal
  • Begin transition away from income tax and plan for a revenue generating model that rewards the rest of the world for honest and smart interaction and trade with the US.
  • Immediately implement the tax cuts promised on tips, overtime and social security.

Those are my initial thoughts fellow Patriots?  What are yours?  Please leave them in the comments.  I’ll close with a few things you already know:

  • Exchange Biden family pardon’s in exchange for direct evidence of the crimes committed by Obama and the Clintons
  • National election reform now
  • Hillary still sucks; in fact she’s become more evil if that was even possible.
  • Democrats will not reform; they will become more subversive in new ways.  Watch for it.
  • The Avengers including RFK, Elon, Vivek, Tulsi and more need key roles in the new administration.
  • Release the JFK files now
  • Release the truth on UFO’s – Trump should travel to the black ops sites to personally investigate.
  • They killed Joan Rivers for calling out the obvious.  We all know. Investigate now.
  • The Golden age is upon us!


BlackJack Pershing


53rd Endorses: There is One Choice – President Trump

For only the third time in @the53rdregument history, we unanimously endorse President Donald J. Trump for President of the United States.

Dateline: November 2nd, 2024             Alexandria, Virginia

The Biden-Harris-Obama Administration has America on a path to ruin. Our cities are unsafe with criminals, cartels and gangs attacking innocents.  Our border is wide open with over ~20 million illegal aliens having invaded our country draining financial resources with a government 35 trillion in debt. Our economy is in shambles with Americans struggling to put food on their table and pay a reasonable mortgage or rent with prices skyrocketing 20-30% year over year. The world is on fire with two new wars in the Middle East and Europe and our foreign policy creating strategic chaos empowering our enemies. We are no longer feared but laughed at.  Our education system is a disaster with America’s schools now ranked 39th in the world where DEI and a transgender agenda have replaced math and science. The US government is way too big accounting for nearly all new job growth, loss of a market competitive edge for private companies and massive inefficiency draining financial resources and market incentives to drive economic growth. Our military and Generals are woke, broke and they do not win anymore prioritizing social engineering over military readiness and war-fighting.

Save America!

Trump has been vilified, impeached, arrested, lied about incessantly, and Shot with two assassination attempts by the extreme, tyrannical, evil democrats. Harris and the very fake news attacks Trump as being a Nazi, unstable or unfit. A lesser man would have folded long ago with this relentless assault on himself and his family. Recognizing President Trump’s imperfection like each of us, there is something special about this man’s ability to withstand it all and “fight, fight, fight!”

Reality is by the grace of God, President Trump has been saved to restore America to greatness. To restore the Republic to constitutional principles  bringing us out of the wicked imposed darkness by the left and evil masterminds that work in the deep state to destroy us from within. God is working to take this imperfect man who loves America to inspire American greatness once again.

During President’s Trump’s first term in office America soared before COVID was politicized to take him down. Our economy was booming; crime was in check, the border was being secured with nearly 500 miles of wall built; our military readiness and capabilities were being enhanced and rebuilt after 20 years of endless wars. The world was a safer place with no new wars and ISIS defeated and Veterans were being taken care of. Minority communities were beginning to thrive with enterprise zones and Trump reduced excessive incarceration rates for black Americans mistreated by the justice system. America was leading once again in the world and our enemies feared us, respected us and thought long and hard about attacking US interests. Trump exposed the enemy from within that has been empowering our enemies and globalists; undermining the rule of law and the will of the American people. He fought them head on. President Trump restored American greatness and he will do it again.

There is one choice for President — Donald J. Trump!!!

Swamp the vote! Conservatives, independents, republicans, democrats, the forgotten American men and women — Save the Republic and vote Trump!



Save America: Rage (Vote) Against the Democrat Machine

Dateline September 18, 2024 

Where: American Kitchen Table

by Guardian 6


Democrats have owned the White House 12 of the last 16 years. The four Trump years were the best years during that period minus the COVID19 attack, which the democrats exploited through lockdowns, vaccine mandates, closing schools, closing  small business, closing churches & synagogues, censoring and canceling Americans, re-engineering the voting systems through mail in ballots and ballot harvesting. In the 21st century, they underpinned counting the vote by adding weeks so they can manufacture the number of ballots they need to win. While the rest of the western world can declare a winner in 24 hours.

It is time to Rage Against the Machine by voting overwhelmingly to Save America! 

And now they are exploiting voter rolls through illegal migration placing illegals in red states and where needed registering them to vote through the DMV and other mechanisms. The Machine is so corrupt they are doing all this with taxpayer money and indirectly telling you to just #STFU. The democrats are so brazen they even created an App where migrants can apply for air travel and benefits from their home country and be flown in bypassing Homeland Security and Customs. Obama, Harris, Biden and Newscum have placed illegal migrants above the American citizen to meet their needs to cheat and win the vote. They don’t care what you think.  They think you are stupid, uninformed and easy to manipulate. On with “Fundamental Transformation” of America to break down American exceptionalism and weaken all our institutions while piling on the debt to break America and build dependency. If you complain you are a racist so just #STFU. Obama and his puppets Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer know better than all of us.

It is time to Rage Against the Machine by voting overwhelmingly to Save America! 

The Democrat Machine is finely tuned with a propaganda arm that makes the Politburo look like Baghdad Bob. Democrats have underpinned their deceitful strategies with billionaires; the main stream media (MSM); Big Tech; George Soros and his evil spawn; Marxists that believe the end justifies the means; LawFare with Democrat & Soros backed prosecutors; fueling NGOs with unlimited cash like Catholic Charities and Lutheran Refugee and Immigration Services used like a rag doll to break immigration law, indirectly support human trafficking and empowering the drug cartels. Many other NGOs are newly created being run by democrat operatives to serve the Democrat Machine. Much of the funding came out of The American Rescue Plan which Harris was the deciding vote in passing it. Yup, Harris who couldn’t retain 93% of her VP Staff because she is a toxic, lazy and underwhelming in the way of the world has now been remade into all this promise. The Democratic Machine is the new Marxist standard over the Politburo. We know this much.

It is time to Rage Against the Machine by voting overwhelmingly to Save America! 

Somewhere between 15 – 20 million illegal aliens have been dumped throughout America. This number is staggering, more than the population of 36 states in the union. Did you ask for this? Were your voices heard? Did you vote for this? Did you vote to give illegal migrants $1500 – $2000 debit cards each month? Free lodging? Free food? Free healthcare? All the while you are working your ass off to feed your family; make a mortgage or rent payment; working 1, 2 or 3 jobs. Have you been in a grocery store and watched a “migrant” pull out 2 or 3 debits cards to pay for $300 in groceries? Meanwhile you are buying low end brands, eating less meat and deferring many items you used to buy that you can no longer afford due to 20 – 40% inflation on grocery goods. But hey Harris is going to use price controls to bring the prices down, that will work, right? Once this goes into effect suppliers will stop producing and pricing will skyrocket even more. Remember Covid pricing when low supplies hit? You want a life long government lawyer running America or you want an Uber successful businessman that proved during his first presidential term what a booming economy looks like?

It is time to Rage Against the Machine by voting overwhelmingly to Save America! 

Democrats cannot run on what they believe — porn books in elementary schools to teach perversion; transgender indoctrination exploiting a child going through puberty; the Green New Steal mandating EVs and killing American energy; nationalizing healthcare so we all get lousy care; equal outcomes not equal opportunity to fully embrace your God given talents; banning guns; limiting free speech and employing censorship; endless wars destroying American lives and treasure; hyper inflation through more government control of the private sector; open borders to destroy national sovereignty and American exceptionalism; creating racial division dividing Americans against each other; fundamentally transforming America into a Marxist state in Barack Obama’s vision.

It is time to Rage Against the Machine by voting overwhelmingly to Save America! 

Donald Trump has survived two assassination attempts in the last two months. They have impeached him twice falsely; they created a false Russian collusion hoax; they attack him and his family relentlessly; Soros appointed lawyers and DoJ used Lawfare to prosecute him on 34 fake counts tying him up in court rooms and spending millions to defend himself; they have destroyed female sports and Title IX by letting males compete in women sports; they fact checked Trump during the debate and let Harris lie relentlessly. Trump talks to everybody including very hostile MSM and they hide Harris from the media because she is an incompetent and has the knowledge base of limited intellect. The most unpopular VP has been remade ever by the Machine ever since the Biden coup de tat.

One Choice America — Rage Against the Democrat Machine! Send a message to the sick puppet masters turning America against itself. Vote Freedom! Vote America! Vote Trump!!! 


Doppelgängers, Mysteries and Oddities of the Left

By BlackJack Pershing aka @PershingSoldier on X, @BlakJakPershing on GETTR, @BlackJackPershing on Gab

Dateline September 3, 2024.            Missouri

“More human than human.  That’s our motto.”
– Tyrell Corporation in Blade Runner
If you spend much time on X or other social media (all of it much worse and much more biased than X), you may have taken note that there are recurring characters in our most viewed stories that seem to bear resemblance to other characters we have seen before.
I submit to you that this is no coincidence.  I think we all know at this point there there are very few if any coincidences these days.
We have doppelgängers among us, created organized and managed by the leftist/progressive/marxist regime in order to create chaos and confusion.
Why do they need such things?  It’s a practicality.  The replicants are obedient and predictable.  Easy to manage,  They do what they are told.
Let’s sort through a few of the most obvious examples.
John Brennan and Tim Walz
Brennan, the erstwhile criminal and former head spook at the CIA, admitted Islamist and marxist, is among the most repugnant characters of the Obama White House – and that is saying something.  Now we have Tim Walz emerging with the same commie outlook, hairdo, permanent frown and as some have reported, related incontinence as Brennan.  This is no coincidence.  These two angry old men with suspect tendencies and erratic behavior are either one and the same or stamped from the same foul machine.
Stephen King and Diane Feinstein
Poor Stephen King.  He’s a great fiction writer, specifically in the horror genre.  If only he’d kept his mouth shut he’d have the admiration of twice as many fans.  But like many Hollyweird bizzaros that start to believe their own press releases, Stevo has decided his political insights need to be shared with the world.  They are all pathetic, stalinist rehashed gruel.  Speaking of rehashed gruel, Steve’s resemblance to the late senator from California has many believing she never passed away and reitred to a life on tweeting nonsense from New England.  I suspect they both were spawned from a similar DNA sample at a lab run by the CIA.
Alexander & Eugene Vindman and Senator Schumer’s Wife:
All marxists, all have bad taste and poor judgement.  Mrs Schumer’s poor judgement is clear due to who she married.  We offer our sympathy and hope that she gets some peace soon when Chuck is rightfully locked up for inciting violence against SCOUS Justices.  The Vindman Twins, when not eating donuts and shilling for war in Ukraine, spend their time looking exactly like Mrs Schumer.  Something is not right.
Liz Cheney and ‘Admiral’ Rachel Levine 
First we offer an apology to the Admiral for comparing him/she/they/them to Liz Cheney, who is in the top 5 contenders for worst person on the planet on a consistent basis.  While the ‘Admiral’ mostly minds its business, with the possible exception of advocating for the drugging and savage vivisection of children, Liz has presided over possibly the largest travesty in the history of the congress, assembling a panel of idiotic minstrels and professional liars to perpetrate massive crimes on the American People and Donald Trump.  I suppose both are bad in their own unique way.  But damn – they both look the same.  The ‘Admiral’ might be slightly easier on the eyes.  I am not sure.  Who would you rather have a beer with?
Leticia James, Stephanie Abrams, Fani Willis and Lizzo
We have an outbreak of large African American Democrat operatives aka criminals, that all seem to be spawned from a Lizzo DNA sample.  Whether it was done with or without Liz’s consent is a mystery.  Liz’s recent attempt to drop tonnage may be her way of distancing her self from the other beefalos in question.  At least Rizzo has not attempted to lock up Donald Trump,  Yet.  We will give her that.
The Many Joe Bidens
This is old news now, but still worthy of mention.  Joe BiteMe has come in a dozen iterations in recent times.  Declining but angry basement Joe, screaming ‘you ain’t black’ at ‘Charlemagne’ who ain’t even close to being anything Godly, Fascist Joe screaming with a red background at Independence hall while our forefathers looked on from the great beyond in horror, pants pooping Joe at the Vatican, farting Joe at the Queen’s place, almost dead Joe on the beach, methamphetamine Joe at the recent State of the Union, bent over and pants pooping Joe at Normandy and Nursing Home Joe at the recent debate.  There are at least a dozen Biden replicants and all are malfunctioning.  Very sad. Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett must have been very stressed out in their puppet master roles toward the end.
Keith Olbermann and Rosie O’Donnell
I propose to you now that never in history have there been two more repulsive doppelgängers than these two.  Both are routinely hysterical and unhinged, both use foul language, both are challenged in the hygiene department….we could go on.  We will not.  I remain unconvinced that these are two different people.  They look the same, act the same and sadly, smell the same according to local witnesses.  If we still had lunatic asylums, they both would reside there and be given dolls to play with and lecture.
Alice Cooper and ‘Doctor’ Jill
OK – this one is just for fun.  Apologies to Alice who has found Jesus and seems like a genuinely good man.  It’s not his fault that Dr J really is his doppelgänger.  Regardless, I wish Alice the best and congratulate him for not wearing dresses that look like grandma’s couch like Dr J.  In the end, the fake presidency we suffered through with Joe might be more Dr J’s fault than anyone else’s.  She could have stopped it.
Bill Kristol and Robert Reich
This is an emerging story, most recently busted open by an expert take down of Aunt Bill Kristen by Victor Davis Hanson and his trusty podcast side kick, Jack Fowler.  It was Jack that mentioned that Bill was 5’2” tall and that got me thinking that there is very little difference in what Aunt Bill espouses and what angry communist lilliputian Robert 3rd Reich puts out.   I submit to the reader that they are one and the same, operating from the same basement or hole in the bottom of a tree somewhere.
The DNC and the Communist Party
This one is easy.  They are one and the same in their principles and goals.
The Leftist Media and North Korean Media
I give a nod to the NorKo media operatives for being smarter than their MSNBC/CNN/NBC/CBS/ABC etc kissing cousins.  But they are all regime apologists.  The NorKo’s have no choice.  The American chowderheads have chosen their life as minstrels.
In closing here is a list of other mysteries oh which we should reflect:
Is Nancy Pelosi a Lizard Person?  Have we seen evidence?
Why does Chuck Schumer hate Jews?
Is Big Mike really Big Mike?
Was Barack a Kenyan?
Who managed the Butler PA op?
Who coordinates messaging for the leftist media?
Who told Joe BiteMe he was done?  Was it really Nancy and Chuck or were others involved?
How many those in congress are compromised by the swamp intel establishment?
Why are so many swamp generals compromised democrat operatives?
Fellow Patriots!  Keep fighting the good fight!!  Please share your own doppelgänger theories in the comments below.


Kamala Harris Accomplishments & Expertise

Dateline August 15th, 2024

53rd Regiment Editorial Board

A thorough review of VP Harris accomplishments were examined by the @the53rdregiment editorial staff. After exhausting numerous forums and search engines, the following accomplishments have been identified.

  1. Umm …
  2. Well ah …
  3. There was the …
  4. In California as Attorney General she … well, what about …
  5. As Democrat Senator from California she … ahh
  6. As the border Czar she …
  7. Her expertise in …
  8. As Vice President she demonstrated a strong understanding of …
  9. She led in … umm
  10. Her foreign policy expertise was instrumental in …

Never has there been a VP so underwhelming, unprepared and unserious to serve as President of the United States.



The Real Threat to Democracy

"If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that." - Barack Obama

Who is running our government?

While the world burns the US is adrift. Hamas and Hezbollah continue their Iran proxy terror war against Israel. Russia – Ukraine no peace in sight and the US continues to finance Ukraine’s war with no strategy and no prospects for victory or peace. In Venezuela Maduro refuses to give up power as it appears the election was rigged as the vast majority of Venezuelans voted for the pro-democracy candidate, Gonzalez. China prepares to invade Taiwan while US military deterrence is waning. Biden is AWOL and eating ice cream. Harris is rebranding herself along with support from the very fake mainstream news media lying about her awful record; failure to secure the US border, massive inflation, Afghanistan debacle, war and more endless wars, a recruiting crisis in the US military, defunding the police having devastated cities with crime exploding, and the parade of Kamala Harris awful policies is unlimited.

by Guardian 6                                                                Dateline: August 1, 2024 

Democrats talk about “saving democracy” attempting to label Trump a threat but at every turn they undermine it. Democrats are the real threat to our republic. They do not campaign on ideas or restoring the American Dream or empowering Americans with individual liberty and freedoms. They balkanize Americans by race, by class, by gender or by sexuality. They lead with perversion driving a Trans and Abortion agenda scaring Americans with “reproductive rights” and mainstreaming the abnormality of gender dysphoria. We now know this is the “fundamental transformation” that Barack Obama meant. He used a mentally compromised Biden to drive his agenda having the perfect foil in Biden who did the dirty work for Obama and his cabal of Marxists, while Biden took all the slings and arrows. Obama sat back with his pen and phone and through Biden’s staff, his former staff, he directed policy and called the shots. America in decline.

Third Term. Meanwhile, Obama’s de facto third term opened our borders allowing somewhere between 12- 15 million illegal aliens into the country and through I-phone apps and non-profits managed to register many of them to vote, which is illegal! Not only are illegal aliens taking jobs away from Americans with lower wages, but they are also exhausting US benefits of social security, Medicare, healthcare and welfare, in some cases providing free lodging and a one-thousand-dollar debit card each month. And of course, with the massive illegal alien problem has come massive crime, human trafficking and over 250 thousand American deaths due to fentanyl and drug cartels over the last two years. China celebrates their strategy.

Assassination. The more we are learning about the attempted assassination of President Trump two weeks ago, the more it smells. Something is way off. The US Secret Service demonstrated such incompetence allowing a 20-year-old “boy” to get 8 shots off within 150 yards of the former president that Americans are left wondering was this done on purpose? After years of Trump Derangement Syndrome and lawfare by the left progressive democrats, Americans are all out of surprise.

Fundamental transformation” is all about undermining the US Constitution, the rule of law and creating a one-party state, a Democratic Party state. Government institutions are already there. The last bastion of a merit-based institution was the Department of Defense (DoD). But Obama undermined DoD during his two terms appointing over 300 Generals & Admirals. Obama’s flag officers did great damage. We don’t win wars anymore, but gays, trans and the whole rainbow menu serve not based on warfighting skills but their class of aggrieved people. This is culminating in a recruiting crisis. After Afghanistan the white male got sick of being demonized and marginalized by democrats, our military readiness is plummeting to post-Vietnam levels. This is by design too. After all, Obama and the left do not believe America is an exceptional country. They hate our Founding Fathers and have been removing their statues throughout America along with erasing Democratic Party history by removing confederate statues and renaming US Army Forts that were named after democrat confederates. Democrat racist history being removed by racist democrats.

The remaking of Kamal Harris is all about Obama’s fourth term, the man behind the curtain. Hollywood, social media influencers, fake news outlets, Big Tech, foreign financiers, Soros, Teachers Union and other misfits have their work cut out for them recreating Kamala from being the incompetent leftist tool. But after dragging Biden over the finish line in 2020, the democrat machine likes their chances. After they forced Biden out by threatening the 25th amendment against him, they are left with Harris.

As for President Trump, he’ll be re-elected by staying on a focused message of the economy, sealing the border, restoring our national security, enhancing deterrence, strengthening the military, restoring safety in public spaces, emphasizing his previous record of success and Making America Great Again, again!


Lara Logan: The War Against Humainty

Attention: Reader Discretion Advised. This section contains information that may be distressingly truthful to some readers.


Lara Logan (@laralogan) appeared on yesterday’s X Space (FREEDOM FRIDAY – Campaign To #StopTheWHO) led by Bill Elmore (@BillEllmore) and Dr. Kat Linley (@KLVeritas). Thank you to the organizers for the most legendary and informative X Space gathering ever.

What was supposed to be a short introduction to her experiences in the investigative journalism field turned into a legendary, single-blow, 40-minute delivery about how recent events tie together—with COVID, January 6, the state of independent journalism, the border crisis, child trafficking, global trafficking networks, media bias, technological control, ideological struggle—and why this is the last curtain call for action for every one of us. Her delivery was one of the most impressive flow states of information delivery that I have witnessed. Therefore, I’m sharing the transcript below, with the assumption that since the broadcast was public, so is the data contained herein.

The text below may contain transcription errors, but it is intended to be presented as close to the original raw delivery as possible.

Lara Logan on May 24, 2024.

“Okay, so I’ve been a journalist for more than 35 years. Sixteen years as the chief foreign correspondent and correspondent for 60 Minutes at CBS. I worked at NBC and ABC. They loved me until I reported on Benghazi honestly and went outside of the accepted narrative. And then they came for me, and they haven’t stopped ever since.

But I’ve learned how to really not care. I mean, I’m only human, so it’s not that it has zero effect on me, but honestly, these days it has close to zero effect. What I do is map it out so that I can understand the nature of the threat and where it’s coming from. And I have to say that I agree with Liz, this is a beginning. It’s not an end state. And that’s what I would really urge people to understand.

There are a lot of people out there who say, ‘Well, I don’t like the way things are going, but what can I do about it?’ You know what I mean? Or, ‘I just I’m hoping that if I do everything right, and you know, I didn’t go to the Capitol on January 6, and I didn’t vaccinate my kids or whatever,’ you know, people just think that somehow they can stand on the side. It literally, if you can picture, you’re on the banks of a river, and America is drowning, and you’re just like, ‘Okay, so I see it drowning. But if I stay here, I’m safe, and maybe someone else will come to save it.’

I would say we have a limited window of time. Hope is not a strategy. You’ve got to do more than hope. And Trump is just a life raft. Even if he gets into office, which would be, you know, take something of a miracle given the extent of the fraud and everything that goes along with it. This deal is already underway, obviously. So I would just say that even if he were to get into office, there’s a robust plan to make this country ungovernable in his time, in his tenure, and to prevent him from bringing accountability. And I think the entire thing can be boiled down into three words: accountability, not amnesty.

You know, almost all of it [illegal immigation] is funded through NGOs, either by the United Nations or the US government. You’d be shocked to understand it. I would urge everybody to follow Tara Rodas. She’s a whistleblower within the Inspector General’s office, a lifelong Democrat, married to a man from El Salvador, and speaks fluent Spanish even though she’s like this five-foot, you know, middle-aged blonde mama. And Tara went down and volunteered on the border. She answered the call from the Biden administration to go and help with the border and was just shocked by what she found. But what makes Tara interesting and particularly important is that she’s probably the only whistleblower I’ve ever known in history who has not been fired. And that’s because she was not actually working for the Inspector General’s office when she stumbled across the reality on the border. And she is meticulous because she has a history in the Inspector General’s office. So what she has been documenting is how the government is trafficking children, really for the benefit of the cartels, in the worst multinational criminal operations in the world.

I mean, the most powerful and the wealthiest, right? Because you’ve got, for people who think the Mexican cartels are just, you know, ‘Oh, it’s just the drug cartel in Mexico.’ No, you know, they’re in 54 countries. And cartels are in 48 countries and so on. These are global operations and for reasons that defy any kind of morality, logic, or decency. I just have no words for it. This administration is assisting them in their operations, and I am very passionate about it because I know what the reality looks like.

It’s one thing to discuss it or it’s kind of at arm’s length. But when you talk about 85,000 missing unaccompanied minors that the federal government has no idea where they went and admits that they have no idea where they went, you don’t know how many more there are beyond that. And that’s just in one fiscal year, right? 2022 to 2023. And so when you start to delve into what happens to those missing children, and you do what Tara has done, which is document and literally trace them, or you’ve got an MS-13 gang member who is a known sex trafficker, who is sponsoring kids, who is literally approved as a sponsor by the Biden administration to sponsor unaccompanied minors, who, by the way, are only supposed to be coming to this country to reunite with their families, so they shouldn’t need sponsors. They shouldn’t need to go into foster care in the United States because they’re supposed to have family here. That’s the reason they’re granted an exemption to immigration law in the first place. But most of them are not going to families. And what Tara and her coworkers found was that you’ve got 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 kids going to one person at the same address, as you know, two or three other people sponsors, and there are 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 kids going to each of those sponsors. So you’ve got hundreds of kids going to one apartment in the state of Texas. Well, obviously, that is a trafficking operation.

And I will just tell you from my time in Mexico with Mexican investigators and others, that the average length of time that a child survives when they are trafficked for sex is two years, and death is merciful because technology has enabled the worst people on Earth to find their home and their tribe and unite these people and elevate them and enrich them and empower them. So you will have, I don’t know, 50, 100 pedophiles around the world participating in the mass rape and torture of a three-year-old child and directing how that child has to be tortured. You have entire genres of pornography called hurt core, which is sadistic pornography that is proliferating now, where for example, someone who has a fetish for blood will cut certain veins in the child and then they create what’s called a blood show as they bleed and raise the children to death. And we’re not talking now about the average age of a trafficked child. It has dropped now from children to teenagers to infants, toddlers, to now newborn babies that they do this to.

And so one of the reasons I’m glad you asked about this and forgive me this [X Space] is because I know that this is about COVID. But when you look at these things in isolation, I’m afraid that you don’t see the whole picture. And I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of people in this space that connect those dots, and you start to understand that the fentanyl crisis is not in isolation. It’s drug warfare that has been waged since the Opium Wars. The Chinese learned a very harsh lesson in drug warfare from the British. That’s how they lost Taiwan, and they’ve never recovered. So you know, you have the Chinese starting the fentanyl crisis. You’ll often see today people say, ‘Oh, well, the CCP is running the fentanyl in America.’ They’re not. They farmed it out to the Mexican cartels.

So how is that connected to the trafficking? Or when you open the border because you have open border ideologues in the government, you have now opened the border to everyone: transnational criminal enterprises, sex trafficking, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, money laundering, everything, right? You’ve opened it to everything. Well, how is that relevant to the WHO(1)? Well, I’ll tell you how, because the policy that the open border ideologues are implementing is the exact policy that was entrenched at the United Nations in the Global Compact on Migration(2), where they made migration a human right. That’s where they removed the word ‘illegal’ from the international lexicon on migration.

What was one of the first things Biden did when he came into office? So you might not notice it, but I noticed it because I know what the Global Compact on Migration says. So when Biden removed the word ‘illegal’ from the language of Border Patrol, Customs and Border Protection, ICE, immigration enforcement, law enforcement, Health and Human Services, I mean, you name it, he banned it from the lexicon of the federal government. So now you’re no longer allowed to talk about illegal immigrants. Well, why was that? Because they will begin implementing the Global Compact on Migration.

So right now you have everybody kicking and screaming about the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty (3). But you’re already halfway there on migration because this administration has never talked about a crisis at the border because they are implementing the Global Compact, which is a globalist policy that they have placed above sovereignty, above US law, etc. And they now talk only about regular and irregular flows of migration. So, for them, they are now implementing what they already have in the digital realm, which is a world without borders, without laws, because there are very few laws that govern the digital realm.

Anti-trust legislation is not applied to big tech. There’s no digital Bill of Rights. You don’t own your own image there. They’re using that digital world which already dominates so much of our lives and dictates so much of what happens in the real world. Things that we don’t even know whether they’re real or not. Those things are all interconnected. There’s no escaping them. And if you don’t see how they relate to each other, then you miss the bigger picture, which is, of course, the next step from that digital realm is right into digital currency, which is a control system as well as a global pandemic policy, which is an extension of the passport, digital health passport, etc.

So we’re moving into a Marxist-type system of control. But the difference that the world has never ever seen before. The part that I believe people underestimate is that technology will empower and enable that in a manner and on a scale that we have never seen before.

So why does Obama say we shouldn’t have said defund the police? He didn’t say we shouldn’t defund the police; he said we shouldn’t have said it because it put people off. But why do they want to defund the police? Well, because the technology will be the police. You’ll be geo-fenced, you’ll be controlled, there’ll be no private ownership of anything. You will no longer have purchasing power. You won’t even have a digital CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). That’s just a stepping stone to where you’re going. These are control mechanisms just the way that a digital health passport is a control mechanism.

In addition to that, the world’s resources, how this relates to climate is that climate [Climate Change narrative] is needed. How are you going to store all that data? If any of you have ever seen a data center, you need to see it. Look it up online or go find one and go look at it. Because you will start to understand the scale of the data collection in the world, how much water and electricity it takes to keep that stable, how all the backup systems they have to have and all the water that is required, and the security that they have it under. I’ve seen it with my own eyes in the Nevada desert. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen. It’s unbelievable. And that’s just what’s out there and that’s visible. And they’re working all the time on reducing the size of metadata so that they can store more and more data because there aren’t enough rare earth minerals currently identified worldwide to power the artificial intelligence future that they envisage for us.

So forgive me if I’m boring you, but this is a war against humanity.

And if you get caught up in Democrat versus Republican, you’re just, honestly, you’re giving them the greatest advantage they could hope for on the battlefield. Because that’s exactly where they want you. They don’t want you to see that we’re really looking at a war against humanity. And a war against humanity is not humanity for humanity’s sake because we’re so important. It’s because we are created in the image of God. And whether you believe in God or don’t believe in God, it doesn’t really matter, because you can’t change what is. The truth is the world did not create itself. You know, that’s just the reality. And so, I know many people recognize the spiritual nature of this war, and I know there are some people perhaps who don’t see that.

But what I would say to you is that when you look at COVID, there are so many things about COVID that are now self-evident. I agree with Liz that nobody who said, you know, the unvaccinated should not be treated in ERs and you know, all of that, all of what they were doing, I don’t think they should be given a free pass because there was ample information for everybody to know and to stand up.

And there’s no question that this is not an end state for them. We’re on a path, if you listen to Yuval Noah Harari, the psychotic Israeli history professor who wrote the book *Sapiens* and *Homo Deus*when he talks about COVID being important because it actually ushered in the era of mass surveillance, surveillance under the skin, and the digital age in which we are the product.

So, and that means, whatever part of us they need, so whether it’s your compliance they need or your body parts, and that’s not unrealistic. Or your manpower, because they have yet to create, they talk all the time about self-sustaining and sustainability, but the only thing on Earth that is self-sustaining, is life, because we didn’t create it. And no matter what they say, everything that they try to replicate in laboratories and all the rest of it, it’s all fake. All of it is fake. It’s not real. And their entire ideology is based on a mass delusion. And I’m just not going to participate.


That’s why they keep saying there’s a climate crisis because they want to preserve the climate, the Earth. They want to preserve it for their digital army, for their army of robots, their AI, and all the rest of it. And by the way, there are the backups in all of those data centers, right? And the cooling systems. So everything has to be cooled 24/7. So they go to the desert because there’s space, but then it’s so hot. So now they’ve got all these constant cooling systems, and they have all the backup systems, you know, and so it’s endless amounts of natural resources. So when they say the Earth is running out of natural resources, it’s not for us. It’s not because of us. Because when God created us, He created the Earth in absolute harmony, in perfect harmony. There’s all the food we could ever need. There’s all the space we could ever need. But what there isn’t, is if you’re going to create another race that outnumbers the human race, and you’re going to create this race out of machines and robots that have to be constantly recreated, right? All this stuff that AI is going to run away from us and be so much more powerful. Turn off the fucking power. Turn off the fucking power, and you know what happens to AI? It dies. Your crypto, your Bitcoin, all that shit that they want you to believe is so much more powerful than you. If it was the most powerful, aliens are smarter, superheroes are stronger, and machines are faster and cleverer and everything else. Then why is it that the Holy Grail for everything and everyone is humanity? Because humanity lives in the image of God, and God is the real enemy of Satan, who rules in this realm.

And it’s obvious, right? They’re not even hiding it anymore, right? They’re out front, in our face, you know, just worshiping Satan, you’re spot on. And there’s two theories behind that, right? And they might both be true. But one is, they’re running out of time because this has been set in stone. Everyone, you know, a lot of people on here know, but 1913 Federal Reserve Act, the Rockefellers, the banking, this did that. I mean, you can go back all the way to the founding of America, even before the Illuminati’s founding, to the lumens before that, to the crown. You can go back in time to all of it. And you can say this has been built over hundreds of years. But what we see now, we have been living in a time of ambiguity increasing in information warfare. That’s what it’s called, right? Where you can’t see the truth. Now we’re in the time of ambiguity decreasing as people are being revealed. And that is happening because within a few months, the people, the good guys, the people on the right team, will have the ability, clarity, and commitment to hold people accountable.

Now, I’m not saying that’s going to happen. I am just a journalist. That’s all I am. I’m one person, and one person has taken a beating in accounting for more than a decade, right? So I am not the Oracle or the miracle or the authority on anything. But what I can tell you is we know, we know this is like no election in history. We know this. And so right now, they’re under pressure, obviously, because not all is going their way. People are speaking up. You just had Trump go to the South Bronx, you’ve got black people, I mean, Hispanic people, people of every description, people who were too afraid to say they supported Trump saying, ‘I’m done. I’m done. They’re not doing this anymore. I’m standing up.’

And so one side of this, is there a timeline because they were moving, you know, to implement, look with COVID and all these other things. They were moving to implement their work with it, implemented COVID right then they hadn’t had the threat of Trump’s second term. I don’t know. But it seems that there are two reasons, there are two forces pushing this. One is their timeline, but it feels like their timeline is accelerating. And that’s in part because I spoke to a man, I know a man who infiltrated the global cult, the only one I’ve ever met, who was taught to do this, was 20 years underground training, who has read the ancient texts, who’s been in depopulation meetings, and more than that. And what he said to me was that we have been in a period where the power and the might and the strength of the United States have been very instrumental in building this global order. But we are now in a period of velitization, where they are; with these things, this power the United States has, is no longer helping to build the world global order, and is now an obstacle.

And so it has to be dismantled. But at the same time, I would say to you that you only have to look at JFK and the founding fathers in the Constitution to know that there were provisions made for such a time as this. There were people who foresaw it when they wrote it, you know, to protect this country from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. They recognized that there would come a day when this country would be dismantled from within. And they implemented legal constitutional meanings to protect it. And so I would say it goes back to George Washington and the tactics that he used. We are in an undeclared war. This is the thing, it’s an undeclared war and it is, in many ways, the Cold War, and it is a war for the mind where information and propaganda is no longer just a weapon. It is the battlefield itself.


I am trying very hard to launch my platform and get the backing to fight for real journalism because it’s up to us as journalists. I mean, everybody can see the terrible crisis in the media today. And, you know, it’s easy to start a blog in your home and do interviews on your phone, and there’s a place for that. It’s a very, very important part of independent journalism. But at the same time, it should not completely define journalism. I believe we shouldn’t give up on investigative journalism. So one of the things I’m trying to do is to build a press club that will provide accreditation for independent journalists. We have discovered through our research that a disproportionate number of independent journalists are being sued or prosecuted by the Department of Justice for doing their jobs. And that’s in part because they have no ability to really prove that they’re journalists.

For example, you have people like Steve Baker from The Blaze who are being charged, whereas people from foreign news organizations and American news organizations who were right there side by side with him are not being charged. At the press club, we will provide legal advice, not legal services or representation, but legal advice to help guide independent journalists, accreditation to help protect them, and also an annual award ceremony. One of the things I’m trying to do is to create a pathway for young people. I don’t think that you can say to young people, “Your only chance of survival is to lie your way through high school, lie on your papers, and lie through college, and then take a knee.” How can we tell young people that that’s something to aspire to? Otherwise, you tell them, “Okay, be an independent journalist, and you’re going to suffer. You’re going to be attacked constantly. You’re going to have no protection, no award. You’ll never be recognized as a journalist, and you will run the risk of being sued into oblivion by political entities who hide behind their 501(c)(3) status, and whose only reason for existing is to destroy you.” That’s not a future for young people. No one’s coming to save journalism. If the journalists don’t save it, then who’s going to do it?

So I’m working on that, but at the same time, I want to be the living, breathing example of quality journalism to show that it is possible outside of the corporate structure and the legacy traditional media structure. We can’t give up on that, just the way they want you to give up on comedy, you know, just the way The Babylon Bee’s ability to even do satire is questioned. Because, oh no, wait, you know, that’s not the purview of conservatives. And I’m not even, you know, I don’t even define myself as conservative or liberal. I think those are just tools of a much bigger machine that seeks to compartmentalize us so that we can be destroyed that way. I believe in unity and uniting this country, and I truly believe those divisions are distinctions without real significance. And I’m not a good politician. I have never been, and I never will be. That’s not my strength.

I continue to do my reporting. I’m overwhelmed with people who want me to tell their stories, very significant stories. And it’s massively difficult to operate in today’s environment. We have to have attorneys and First Amendment attorneys who are willing to take on and go through every line of every report, and then we have insurance, and it costs an absolute fortune. It makes significant journalism prohibitively expensive. Honestly, every day, I’m fighting for my survival. That’s pretty much what I’m doing, fighting for my survival. My children have been targeted and thrown out of school. I’ve lived this for more than a decade, and it is exhausting. I mean, it really is exhausting. I’m sure other people have been through this and other things, and some have been through worse things. So you know what it’s like. But all I can say is all I know how to do is what I was born to do. This is my purpose. I was born to tell the truth and to tell stories, and I’m good at it. And I am dismayed that so many people in this country when the rubber meets the road, fail to rise to the challenge. I don’t know what they’re hoping for. I think, you know, as Mel Gibson once said, the number one thing that most people fear is public humiliation, but I’ve had plenty. So I don’t care anymore. And that’s pretty much where I am. I don’t care anymore.”


Original X Space Recording @

Audio file stream.

*** June 4, 2024. Please note Ms. Lara Logan granted permission to the 53rd Regiment to repost this important analysis that brings together troubling events that have linkage. 


Where is W?

America has been torched by Biden, with Obama managing the destruction from behind the scenes, “Fundamental Transformation.” Obama orchestrated Biden’s rise from the ashes of the 2020 democratic primary when it looked like Bernie Sanders was going to win. Biden’s compromise to be installed president was to accept Kamala Harris as VP and serve as Obama’s third term. While this is working out well for Obama it has been a complete disaster for Americans except the billionaire favored class and democrat elite. In other words, just like Barack planned it.

by Guardian 6                             

Dateline: May 28, 2024       

What is really curious is that George W. Bush remains silent. No real interviews, no critiques of current administration and no Op-Ed’s offering his learned experience from eight years of being president. I guess it is too much to ask him to back his party’s candidates, I mean after all the GOP got him elected twice. Perhaps W. is still bitter over Trump beating “Low Energy” badly. Was another Bush entitled to the throne? I mean look at what a third term of Obama has delivered on America, an unmitigated full-blown disaster of more new wars, hyperinflation, high interest rates, US dollar has lost 20% its value, runaway spending, and military readiness destroyed. You would have thought W. could at least find a critique for the way Biden left Afghanistan abandoning our troops, our Allies, and the Afghanistan people. I guess this is beneath George’s new life. He’s got portraits to paint and brush to clear.

Whether W. hates Trump or not he should be putting America First. Staying on the sidelines W. is choosing Biden’s open border policy; destitution for Americans; the rise of our enemies including China, Iran and Russia; loss of America’s superpower stature; a less safe world for future generations of Americans.

Unless W. is a full fledge member of the uniparty and enjoys watching America be destroyed, he should get over any personal animosity with Trump and give his full-throated endorsement. Trump has grown the GOP base to majority party status which now includes the working class, middle class, white collar, blue collar, no collar, blacks and Hispanics in the tens of millions. All Americans are welcome in the Trump GOP whereas the democrats have canceled their way to oblivion attacking Catholics, Christians, Jews, families, prolife, and American patriots. The fringe RINOs that still exist are masquerading democrats.

Mr. Bush, clearly you recognize another term of Joe Biden will cripple America. While your endorsement is not critical for Mr. trump to win, supporting your party nominee and down ballot Republicans is the right thing to do. Time to ignore the Trump haters and get on the right side of history.


Poison Ivies

By BlackJack Pershing, @PershingSoldier on X, @BlakJakPershing on GETTR
May 9, 2024    Missouri Territory
“Measles make you bumpy
And mumps’ll make you lumpy
And chicken pox’ll make you jump and twitch
A common cold’ll fool ya
And whooping cough’ll cool ya
But poison ivy, Lord’ll make you itch!”
The Coasters
Remember when hearing someone went to Harvard, Yale or the other so called Ivy League institutions seemed impressive?  Remember when we all bought into those brands?  Remember how that one kid from your high school got into one of them and it seemed like that person was destined for greatness?  Let’s add to the Ivies the broader group of so called elite institutions that exist around the country such as Stanford, Berkeley, Northwestern, MIT etc.  You know the ones near your own location.  
It’s been a while, hasn’t it?  How did we get here where these once revered universities are now considered dangerous no go zones for parents that don’t want their kids turned into leftist zombies?  (Apologies to the Zombie community; they at least want brains, even if just to eat them…)
The DEI Industrial complex certainly is involved here.  They ensured lowered standards for admission to ensure the exploited races (in their view) were included.  Once that started, decline was inevitable.  This active discrimination went to such extremes that the recent SCOTUS ruling in Students for Fair Admissions vs Harvard has resulted in the beginning of the end of Affirmative Action, the case was led by a very able Asian student, tired of the open discrimination against himself and many others.  
The left.  They always go too far, don’t they?  Enough is never enough.  A quote from Sam Gompers, founder of the modern Labor movement comes to mind, when it comes to the goals and desires of our communist/progressive/fascist friends: ‘We want more and when it becomes more, we shall still want more…’. Ruining the best universities in America was more, until it wasn’t.  They can’t stop themselves.  Their unending miserable quest against imagined injustice ruins everything it touches.  
Maybe a foundational issue with the Ivies, is the absolute obnoxious elitism they have always embraced and exemplified.  The reality that they could do whatever they wanted and still be taken seriously, so true for decades, may have led them over a cliff of progressive stupidity, facilitated by group think.  Of course we can do this.  We are in charge.  We know.  Everyone knows we know.  Maybe not.
Three Ivy League presidents all failed an easy test in front of congress a few weeks ago, unable to understand what anti-Semitic hate speech was, how to stop it and how to manage students and faculty engaging in hate filled protests.  Two of them were removed from their leadership positions by Trustees collectively soiling themselves over lost donations.  The situation actually got worse after that, as we all know.  
As Maxine Waters waxes on about supposed white nationalist hate groups ‘up in the hills’ somewhere, we can actually watch the real hate groups live on TV on Ivy League campuses.  Trustees must be made to answer why all of this exploded so quickly and what their role has been in enabling it.  Full price tuition for the children of wealthy Middle Easterners seems a key factor.  
It was the University of Pennsylvania, wasn’t it, that gave us a male swimmer implanted into a female team, same locker room and all, with the team threatened with discipline if they complained.  Yes, it took an Ivy League university to educate the country on the new nature of the sexes especially in sports.  And it took Riley Gaines to finally rise up and say no, I am not having it.  Sick stuff.  
Penn also disgraced itself by being the host and home of the ‘Biden Center’, a Chinese Money Laundering effort unique in its unapologetic brashness.  Antony Blinken ran that fake operation before becoming our Secretary of Stupid.  
In other news we have the men’s basketball team at Dartmouth unionizing recently.  Yes – these spoiled brats of privilege, many on scholarship, playing a game, no less, have engaged in organizing and collective bargaining.  Irony alert.  You’ll never hear it discussed in the open, but unions do in fact hate some of their members, especially high maintenance members that create drama.  We can hope the SEIU, who organized this team, lives to regret it every day, as ‘players’ file grievances over their coaches requirements.  Only at an Ivy could such lunacy prevail.  
So we’ve established that our Poisoned Ivy Institutions foment hate, enroll unqualified students, discriminate, put female athletes in danger and undermine them, facilitate foreign influence peddling, and create unionized college sports.  Parents do these sound like a great places to send junior? 
What are the better options?  They are all around us.  Great regional universities that would treat your kids like individuals that count exist all over the country.  Your kids can be bigger fish in smaller ponds at these overlooked schools.  There are thousands of them.  The cache, prestige and brand strength of the Ivies is over in the US.  Their brands are just as tarnished as Bud Lite.  And just like Bud Lite, they are ill equipped to handle it.  Their incompetence is threaded through all of their operations.  See a university president that seems like an obnoxious obtuse, entitled fat head?  You can be sure the entire organization is the same.  
Take heart though, fellow patriots.  More rot has been exposed and when sunlight and fresh air hit desiccated messes like the Ivies, they can only improve or go away.  Better still is the advance of merit.  Great kids from overlooked schools will get more consideration as hiring managers walk away from the Ivies.  Grit, work ethic, attitude and perseverance beat pomp, elitism and entitlement every time.  Our country in fact was founded on exactly that.  


2024 Biden Campaign Strategy: Goes from Basement to LawFare

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women are created by the — Go — you know — you know the thing.” Joe Biden March 2020

Miscreants, Misfits and Morons are all part of the Biden campaigns approach to a second term. Communists, anti-democratic forces and Hamas antisemitic elements have displaced traditional democrats for the democratic party big tent. The new Biden democratic party resembles Obama’s vision for a fundamentally transformed America that is less free, less white and more dependent on big government. Biden did in four years what Obama only dreamed he could do in eight years. In essence, Biden is the better Obama with less charisma, less intelligence and more ignorance but somehow there are those on the left that view the Biden Administration as a successful presidency. Reality does not interrupt the Biden bubble when it comes to a self-licking ice cream cone, they see what they want to see.

Dateline May 6, 2024                          Dayton, Ohio

By Matthews Cooper

The Biden Administration and their fragmented coalition let’s explore what remains in Biden world.

Gone are the traditional liberal democrats. They are breaking for Trump or Kennedy. However, big Pharma remains ardent Biden supporters as is their mask wearing clientele and the multiple vaccine booster benefactors that still carry their COVID-19 vaccine cards.

Transgenders and Transgender doctors love Biden. Men competing as women in men sports love Joe. Misogynists love Joe and view him as their godfather proudly sniffing and hugging women of all ages and sizes.

Hollywood is fundraising for Joe at a record clip. Late night TV hosts, news media and dying TV networks are all down with Joe. Their ability to ignore his gaffs and fabricate his successes shock the masses and have become laughable but these failing entities cannot help themselves. Fake news and fake Hollywood are very real trying to influence your vote.

Open borders advocates, the World Economic Forum and illegal aliens themselves are all Biden supporters. With the coming collapse of the traditional democratic blue-collar voters as a dependable block, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) see’s illegal aliens as their path forward. Does it matter they are not allowed to vote in US elections? In democratic circles the answer is no because identification requirements are racist, and they should be resisted at all costs so illegals can continue to vote.  Of course, ballot harvesting, ballot generation and organizing the dead vote continue to be major instruments of democratic votes nationally.

Self-appointed elites are another highly dependable democrat voting bloc. Whether they’re billionaires, millionaires or academics they know better than the average America what is best for them and America. Hence, the average American citizen should have their rights and voting privileges curtailed. If they do not see the good fortune Joe Biden has bestowed on the American economy, foreign policy with new wars and abandoning our Allies, then this simply justifies elites making decisions for the country. To save democracy elites recognize that they must first act with tyranny to save it before free and fair elections destroy it. (When you understand this last sentence, you will have mastered the flawed logic in the democrat mind).

Joe’s greatest base is the Lawfare Brigade (LB) of swamp rats that prefer money over merit; deceit over decency; and getting Trump over justice. Joe’s LB is 10K strong and growing with Soros Open Society financial resources. Keeping Trump in the courtroom is job one and stacking one trial after another is the objective. Winning the cases are secondary to hurting Trump’s image and limiting those massive MAGA rallies.

Joe Biden and the DNC are counting on Big Pharma, Transgenders, Hollywood, Open Borders, Elites and the Lawfare Brigade to win the 2024 Presidential Election. Will it be enough to get Biden over the top, what do you say? The Biden Coalition of core voting groups is the new cabal of democrat valued voters. Things have really changed, not for good, but this is the new Democrat Party Coalition.



Man’s Best Friend Deserves Better

By BlackJack Pershing @pershingsoldier on X
Dateline: February 23, 2024   Missouri Country

I train humans not dogs because if the human doesn’t change, the dog doesn’t change. Humans are responsible for the outcome of their dogs.
There is no such thing as a problem breed. However, there is no shortage of ‘problem owners’….
– Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer
You’ll be hearing quite a bit from Ceasar in this essay.
For a guy who sniffs and grabs and paws and has been known for it for many decades, Joe ‘BiteMe’ Biden knows very little about the dogs he claims to love so much.
We are finding out yet again that a dog maintained at the White House by Joe Biden has attacked as many as 20 people or more.  
“I believe in integrity. Dogs have it. Humans are sometimes lacking it.”
― Cesar Millan
When you love dogs you begin to learn there really are no bad dogs, just bad owners.  Dogs are always a reflection of those around them.  Always.  They love humans by instinct and can’t help but be influenced by them.  Many have said that we don’t deserve them and that they are too good for us.  I agree.
Like many when I began hearing about these incidents with the dogs at the White House, I immediately attributed the problem to the owners.
Yes – Joe is a known degenerate and general prick, but there are others that are part of this equation.  Disconnected and enabling Dr Jil and Crack Head Hunter.  
Discipline isn’t about showing a dog who’s boss; it’s about taking
responsibility for a living creature you have brought into your world.”
– Ceasar Milan
Well.  That’s a tough statement by Cesar when you are Joe Biden, who has blamed literally every problem he has created on others.  The examples are well known and ongoing.  Seems like this quote would also apply to Joe’s kids.
Remember Joe describing his ankle injury early on in his administration and telling a fake news reporter that he was trying to grab a dog’s tail?  Just last night Greg Kelly asked the question ‘Aren’t we all taught to not grab a dog’s tail as young children?’  Yes.  We are.  But if you are a sadistic prick, you may opt out of that lesson.
“Denial,they say, stands for “Don’t even notice I am lying.” Human beings are the only animals who are happily lied to by our own minds about what is actually happening around us.”
– Cesar Milan
Well now.  Joe and his many DNC apparatchiks and hacks have turned denial, gaslighting and insane false claims into an art form.  The border?  Trump ruined it!  I need money to close it!  LOL.  Inflation?  Better than its ever been!  Fentanyl?  Ignore it.  Palestine, Ohio?  I helped!!  Israel October attack?  Bibi is an assh-le!  Stolen secret documents?  I did nothing wrong!!   And on and on and on it goes without end.  There is nothing he won’t say.  No low to which he won’t sink.  
“Mother Nature’s ruthless to the weak, but isn’t arbitrary cruel or negative. Mother Nature saves aggression for extreme situations, and instead uses consistent leadership–to help keep things running smoothly. Mother nature doesn’t rule by fear and anger, but by calm strength and assertiveness.”
-Cesar Milan
No one except the shills, hack and propagandists for the DNC believes we have anything resembling calm strength and assertiveness with the Biden Puppet Regime.  What we have is demented, perverted, angry, irrational, silly, emotional, fake and twisted. Calm and assertive?  NO.  The American people are reaping the bad results.  
“My kids are around pit bulls every day. In the ’70s they blamed Dobermans, in the ’80s they blamed German Shepherds, in the ’90s they blamed the Rottweiler. Now they blame the Pit Bull.”
Cesar Milan
That’s right Cesar.  We know.  If you love dogs you know and have been around all of these breeds.  I have.  I have experienced wonderful loving Pit Bulls and especially German Shepherds.  They are wonderful animals and definitely take their lead from their owner.  If the owner is open and kind and not a jerk, they treat strangers with some caution but will never attack.  
Why does Joe like German Shepherds?  Why has he singled out this breed to focus his inane behavior on?  What is going on in that empty shell of a head he’s got?  Clearly those running most animal shelters would turn away a known problem owner like this.  
“animals don’t follow unstable pack leaders; only humans promote, follow, and praise instability. Only humans have leaders who can lie and get away with it. Around the world, most of the pack leaders we follow today are not stable. Their followers may not know it, but Mother Nature is far too honest to be fooled by angry, frustrated, jealous, competitive, stubborn, or other negative energy—even if it is masked by a politician’s smile.
– Cesar Milan
We’ll leave this quote to stand on its own.  Cesar knows.  We all know.  
The seemingly smaller things tell us a ton about people.  Hopefully these issues with the Biden dogs will spell out to traditional liberal dog lovers that we’ve got a big problem with the Sniffer in Chief.
“It becomes very obvious, by reading a dog, how stable or unstable his human companion is. Our dogs are our mirrors.”
-Cesar Milan




Carefully Reasoned by Iron Mike___Truth

Dateline: February 2nd, 2024 (Groundhog’s Day)

As many of us begin to get serious about assessing the Presidential candidates and other down ticket elected officials, we need to keep current events in perspective. A “Before and After” Comparison becomes a useful tool in contrasting the USA before Joe Biden was inaugurated as our 46th President and after he assumed high office on January 20th, 2021. For the purpose of this article, we will focus on our Open Borders situation and simply ask —“WHY?” or better yet “WTF?”

President Donald J. Trump had done a superb job of shutting off the flow of illegal immigrants, contraband and drugs pouring into the USA during his first four year administration. There was also a promise of further making our Southern Border even more secure, near impenetrable, with the completion of the specially designed Border Wall  and enhanced security measures. Here’s where we ask for the first time: “WTF?”

Within days of his Inauguration, “Scranton Joe” signed an Executive Order discontinuing the construction of our Border Wall and the security enhancements that went with it. Again, “WTF ?”!!!

Shortly thereafter, “The Big Guy” signed another order cancelling President Trump’s very successful “Remain In Mexico” policy. With that, the traffic of illegal immigrants crossing into our country began to build exponentially. The traffic quickly grew out of control to the extent that it began to overwhelm our U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. While thousands claiming asylum crossed the border at various points along the Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California borders with Mexico, thousands more chose not to check in with our Customs Border Patrol officers. “FJB “ became responsible for a whole new class of illegal immigrants: The Got-Aways! “The Got-Aways” should alarm every thinking and voting American!

Who are The Got-Aways? Are they Terrorists? Maybe! Are they foreign fighters from distant nations that hate the USA? Perhaps! Are they the rabble, the insane, the murderers, the criminals that our enemies have dumped at our gates to create havoc and to cause mayhem in our streets and neighborhoods? Possibly! Will we be “properly introduced” to our new residents one day soon? COUNT ON IT !!! My best guess is we will meet them on our streets and in our cities this coming summer as a run up to the coming elections. They may well replace the likes of ANTIFA, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, etc. and bring their extreme brand of violence with them; a level rarely seen anywhere except in Israel on October 7th, 2023. Let’s pray that does not happen but it remains a distinct possibility.

One needs to consider what our porous borders have wrought and ask themselves, “WTF?” It wasn’t that way before “FJB” took office! What has “Sundowner Joe” done to us? Here are just a few of the evils that he has brought to our country.

#1. Cartels control our Southern Border. That control has enabled the Cartels to kill tens of thousands of young Americans with toxic fentanyl overdoses and drug cocktails that are smuggled into the country. So many young adults have overdosed on fentanyl or another drug with traces of fentanyl that it is commonplace in some states to find Narcan dispensers in Rest Areas on the Interstate Highway System. Nearly 300,000 Americans have been killed from Fentanyl exposure since “Crooked Joe” took office. Yup, its time! Let’s shout together………”WTF !!!”

#2. Child Sex Trafficking and Sex Trafficking as a whole is akin to Modern Day Slavery and it, too, is controlled by the Cartels. There is very little in this world more evil than sexually abusing children. “Sleepy Joe” threw out the Welcome Mat and the Red Carpet to this evil bunch when he ordered our borders Open For Business. It almost makes one wonder if once again “10% For The Big Guy” is in play. Here again one must ask “WTF?” Does Amtrak Joe know that there is a seat reserved for him on “The Haides Express”? “FJB” would be well advised to remember what Jesus said about those who harm children. “It would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

#3. President Donald J. Trump was correct when he stated: “They’re not giving us their best. That I can tell you!” As a matter of fact, many of the poor souls that are entering our country are suffering from terrible disabilities and debilitating disease. They come in many cases for medical treatment and corrective surgeries paid for by the US Taxpayers. There has been an alarming uptick in Tuberculosis, a disease that had been eradicated in the United States. Leprosy, a disease largely confined to Third World Nations, has now appeared in the USA. Polio, another disease that had been largely eradicated has reappeared here now with the illegal immigrant invasion. We can also see upticks in malaria and Chickenpox. Let’s chant it again! “WTF ?” After all of his postering that he had beaten COVID 19, looks like Emperor Crooked Joe had no clothes when it came to watching our back door and allowing some diseases back into our country that we had not seen in many decades! Indeed ! WTF, Joe!

#4. We need to highlight and emphasize that it has been and largely still is “Young Men of Military Age” that are pouring across the Southern Border. It does not appear that they are here to pick tomatoes…….you know……..”do the work that Americans won’t do”! “WTF?” One might venture a guess that they are here to intimidate the American public when it comes time to vote. Could it be that they are here to start trouble in the streets or at the polling stations? Could it be that they cause such a stir that “FJB” has “no choice” other than to declare Marshall Law and cancel the elections until a time of peace and tranquility is declared?

One can come up with many different scenarios as to why “Crooked Joe” has allowed us to be invaded. And one can come up with many different reasons as to why he has appointed the worst among us to positions of power and influence. Every explanation that one can pose will be labelled a Conspiracy Theory. But! Its Not a Conspiracy if it develops into the Real Deal.

At this point in his life, Joseph Robinette Biden may be an American Idiot. Of this we can be sure. However, Mr. Biden has betrayed our American ideals and American Idiot or not, Joseph Robinette Biden appears to be an American Traitor! Move over, Benedict Arnold ! Make room for your new bunk mate! “FJB !!!”
