This November Remember …


… what the Democrats did to you the last two years and what they continue to do to you today.

“He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”  Martin Luther King

by Guardian 6                Somewhere Outside the Swamp

Dateline July 27th, 2022

  1. They wrecked the economy
  2.  They made us dependent on foreign sources of oil, natural gas and gasoline doubling prices
  3. They killed the supply chain
  4.  They locked you in your house and built dystopia
  5.  They mandated getting the experimental vaccine regardless of your health condition
  6. They fired you when you declined the vaccine for health or religious purposes
  7. They failed to hold China accountable for COVID-19
  8. They spent billions of taxpayer dollars on COVID tests and masks supplied by China after China enabled the democrats to crash our economy
  9. The stole the 2020 presidential election through mules, fabricated ballots and flipping votes in machines
  10.  They closed schools under educating our children and creating social issues for kids on a broad scale
  11. They put our children in masks for 8 hours a day
  12. They killed small businesses and forced them to close
  13.  They denied alternative medicines to experimental vaccines
  14.  They transferred patients from hospitals to nursing homes causing the massive spread of COVID killing tens of thousands of elderly people
  15. They defunded the police causing massive crime waves in democrat led cities
  16. They allowed BLM and ANTIFA to wreak havoc on American cities killing, rampaging and destroying hundreds of businesses and properties
  17. They corrupted our federal government including FBI, Intelligence Community and Department of Justice
  18.  They opened our borders to massive illegals, drug cartels, human traffickers
  19.  They created a fentanyl crisis killing our adolescents and tens of thousands of men between the ages of 16 – 64
  20. They destroyed the military culture by introducing woke bullshit into the ranks and the new lexicon of diversity, equity and inclusion. War focus is out and destroying the military from within is in creating a recruiting and retention crisis
  21. They created a one sided highly partisan January 6th Committee to get Trump and prevent him from running for president again
  22.  They destroyed the rule of law and created a two-tier justice system where democrats are protected
  23.  They are destroying our history and claiming America is not a good country, let alone exceptional
  24. They tore down statues while claiming justice showing their ignorance
  25. They say America is a racist country and that white rage is the cause of all evil
  26. They support the Great Reset in policy, behind closed doors and lie to America
  27. They attempt to pack the Supreme Court, undermine the Electoral College and eliminate the filibuster
  28. They have destroyed childhood with gender confusion telling society men can have babies and girls can have penises
  29. They have created false pronouns and false genders
  30. They have started wars, introduced food shortages and attacked normalcy and the civil society on a broad scale
  31.  They gaslighted you and canceled you eliminating free speech

This November please remember exactly what the democrats have done to you, your families, your businesses, your community and our country. 

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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."