The Trump Rebellion

by Guardian 6            July 4th, 2018

We are reminded this Independence Day that Americans are not afraid to be bold, to think big and to start a little rebellion now and then to right the course charted by our Founding Fathers. The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are America’s guide posts that remind all of us who we are, where we came from and most importantly, the journey we are on as Americans. We have been given much in the home of the brave and the land of the free. This we should remember and take the time to read our history to fully appreciate  who we are as Americans.

Regarding “a little rebellion now and then,” against all odds the American citizenry elected Donald J. Trump, our 45th president. He was beyond a long shot in the pollster universe, he had zero shot. But Americans don’t listen to pollsters or the media much for that matter, they vote with their minds, their wallets and their hearts. Trump is an unabashed proud American. After eight years of President Obama apologizing to the world about America the heartland, the south and the west had enough of it. Hillary Clinton, besides her penchant for lying, she was a true swamp creature made rich by lobbyists and establishment democrats. Trump on the other hand, an outsider that said what he thought, built his business the hard way and just wins.  Americans love underdogs and Americans love winners. Trump is the 1980 US Olympic Hockey team, an iconic winner.

So this Independence Day we are celebrating the Trump rebellion and victory reminding all Americans, especially the Democrats, who America is and what we stand for. Who are these Americans?

  1. Americans are an independent people that cherish freedom and their individual liberty.
  2. Americans are patriots that serve their country in times of war and meld back into the landscape when the job is done.
  3. Americans are generous and share their fortunes out of love and helping their fellow countrymen (or the world) not because the government directs it but because we believe in goodwill toward men.
  4. Americans love the outdoors, love fishing, hunting, driving their cars and just taking in all God’s wonder.
  5. Americans love sports, love competition, love to compete and love to win.
  6. Americans are risk takers, creators and innovators.
  7. Americans think big and execute boldly.
  8. Americans love God, practice their faith and believe we are endowed by our Creator.
  9. Americans don’t make excuses, hold each other accountable and support one another.
  10. Americans love the 4th of July, love our flag and love our country.

The Trump rebellion this 4th of July is worth celebrating reminding all America’s citizens what a proud, independent people we are and that the 2016 presidential election was our Independence Day from the Swamp, the political class and the vestiges of power hungry bureaucrats !
