Break-up the Beltway

The 53rd Regiment News Reports

Dateline: Undisclosed location, April 6, 2017, 1935 Hours

A handful of new Senators and Representatives change with each election cycle as incumbents build financial war chests for their next election and we expect change, civility and better outcomes. One party wins, the other party loses and the incumbents maintain the status quo. Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.” Well here we are folks, largely the same group of players in the House and Senate, a new President, and the status quo incumbent crowd fights to obstruct and do nothing. Meanwhile, back on the farm and a hometown near you, many Americans continue to struggle.

Where is the mainstream media in all this? Well, they’re are doing what they do best; picking sides on the left, obstructing and chasing fake stories or covering up real stories through under reporting or no reporting at all. Hence, American culture has a new term, “Fake News.” These days it seems we have a plethora of Fake News Outlets (FNO), take your pick. It’s somewhat funny watching one FNO accuse another FNO of putting out Fake News. What to do? Read and think for yourself.

Break-up the Beltway! Why is it that every federal agency and intelligence agency has to be physically located in and around Washington DC? Why? With all federal agencies being co-located in the Kabul of the Beltway, power is concentrated, colluded and often contrived (Fake News). Listening to the politicians is often sickening. I digress but did anyone watch democratic senators attack Judge Gorsuch? Wow, if that guy gets beaten the way he did for being simply a good fair man, there is no hope for any of us running through the Fake Hearings Gauntlet.

Both the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the Federal Election Bureau (FEB) need new headquarters buildings to modernize and house their staff. Where are they looking? Within DC and the ever expanding Beltway of course! Break-up the Beltway! Time for real change. How about we put federal agencies throughout the country to better represent America; eliminate the concentration of power and all the ills that come with it; add geographic and cultural diversity to the federal workforce; and enhance survivability and force protection of our government.

I recommend that we move the FBI to Detroit, MI. The FEB, my candidate state and city is Gary, IN. It’s time for change and to disperse the federal work force so they look more like America and the rest of America benefits from proximity to the federal government. Cities and States should of course compete for the opportunity to bring a federal agency to a hometown near you. The cultural rot of the Senate and House with elected officials that have been there for over 30 or 40 years will fight this, but ladies and gentlemen, this is a battle worth fighting. Time to Break-up the Beltway!

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