David’s Slingshot To The CCP’s Goliath

Taiwan To Serve As The Slingshot That Destroys The Chinese Communist Party!

Dateline: 20 February 2023

by Going Deep with Deacon Mike From “The High Plains of New Mexico”

Xi Jinping and his CCP ruling elites should continuously evaluate, reevaluate and evaluate some more before they take another step towards war with Taiwan and its Western allies. Taiwan is “The Little Engine That Could”! It has built its economy on the Western Principles of Freedom, Transparency, Accountability and Free Market Governance. “The Republic of China” (aka Taiwan) is the polar opposite to the CCP’s governance of Mainland Communist China where freedom of speech, religion, press and assembly simply do not exist.

As we have recently witnessed, the people of Communist China resent the hell out of the lockdown tactics of their ruling elites and the overbearing harshness and cruelty of their overlords. This natural yearning by the Chinese people to toss off the yoke of repression and governance by fear & intimidation can and should be used by Taiwan to defeat those who would wipe away the impressive track record of economic success in Taiwan. Taiwan serves as a faithful and reliable trade partner to its Western allies and friendly neighbors. Their reliability needs to valued and honored. It stands in stark contrast to the CCP’s cruel rule of mainland China.

If the CCP continues to move towards war with Taiwan, there are several other factors that they will need to consider. We are sure that the CCP must be thinking about them. Here’s a partial list of ”Food for Thought” that we recommend gratis to our own most threatening adversary and Taiwan’s Number One Public Enemy!

1.)  The Chinese Communist Party’s Chairman Xi Jinping and his Advisors vastly underestimate the tenacity of a Free People when threatened by the hostile takeover of a murderous regime. The Taiwanese will inflict grave damage upon those who would enslave them. Xi will be humiliated and forced to vacate his lofty position.

2.)  China has absolutely NO experience in combined warfare when leveraging their joint capabilities. Neither does Taiwan but guess who does? Well, that would be the USA, our Western European Allies, Australia, The Philippines, South Korea, Japan and New Zealand. That which Taiwan lacks will be supplemented and greatly enhanced by its neighbors and friends.

3.)  The CCP will need to ask itself many times over and over again: “How do we feed 1.4 Billion starving Chinese countrymen?” Surely the CCP understands that once kinetic warfare begins, the CCP will lose access to its most lucrative global markets. The trade that the CCP has come to expect to fund their malevolent efforts all around the world comes to a screeching halt. “Sorry Charry! No Ticky, No Laundry!”

4.)  When the CCP begins seizing American businesses in China being run by “woke” leftist American CEOs too entrenched and stupid to leave beforehand, Communist China will pay a most severe price as it loses all access to Wall Street and sees it’s own American based factories, farms and properties confiscated and sold off. The profits from those sales could be donated to charitable foundations dedicated to the rebuilding of damaged Taiwanese properties.

5.)  The CCP’s raw materials supply lines will be completely sealed off from ever reaching the Chinese mainland. All that money spent to build their “Belt and Road Initiative” to steal from poorer nations will come to naught as their belts lose their buckles and their roads are bombed into potholes.

6.)  The CCP “thinks” they have done enough spying and subterfuge to know and understand American Warfighting Capabilities. They think that they have paid off enough corrupt American politicians to advance their knowledge of American weapons advancement. In reality, they have no idea of what will hit them and how hard they will be hit if they step into the arena.

7.)  The CCP believing that they have the goods on the Biden Crime Family may elect to jump early before a new American hardline President is elected in 2024. This would only add to their self-inflicted pain as they not only shoot themselves in both feet but also their groin and their head! The reelection of one Donald J. Trump with all of his new tariffs and promised Covid Penalties would be cemented in stone assuring the CCP’s China a journey backwards in time of 100 years or more. Reopen the Opium Dens!

8.)  China’s many American Collaborators in Congress will be identified by the newly formed China Committee and jailed for lengthy terms as American Traitors. The CCP will lose any influence that it once had in the USA and the suffering that follows in the CCP’s China will surely lead to the removal of Chairman Xi and the collapse of its inhumane regime. State Trials are assured. As in the case of the Nuremburg Trials, crimes against humanity (ie. the Genocide of the Uyghyr Muslims) will result in capital punishment and public hangings.

9.)  There are rumors circulating of the re-formation of Pappy Boyington’s original “Baa Baa Black Sheep” Unit and “Doolittle’s Raiders” both of which made their respective marks on military history during WW II. In addition, there has been discussion of a new Tuskagee Airmen “Red Tails” Unit. Rumors abound that the new units will all be equipped with American stealth technology. The resurrected units will be staged in special operations centers and able to strike under the radar and without warning, true game changers!

10.)One last point, Taiwan does not need to win an outright military victory to be viewed as a Gold Medal Winner in any battle with its Big Bully Evil Brother, the CCP! Taiwan already has and will continue to have the deep respect of the civilized world while the CCP circles the old bowl and joins the many other historical & dictatorial murderous regimes of the past. It truly is sad that such ambitious and industrious people are controlled by the CCP and fail at learning life’s lessons!

The number one life lesson that China’s CCP may want to study and embrace is the Golden Rule! “Treat others as you would have them treat you.”And if the CCP needs it stated more clearly? “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.”

We welcome your comments and additional input! We at the 53rd Regiment emphasize: BE HEARD!!!


(Trump) US China Reset Has Started … Xi Jinping Awakened Sleeping Giant

By BlackJack Pershing: @PershingSoldier on Twitter, @BlackJackPershing on Truth and @BlakJakPershing on GETTR

Dateline 18 February

     Democracy is liberty – a liberty which does not infringe on the liberty nor encroach on the rights of others; a liberty which maintains strict discipline, and makes law its guarantee and the basis of its exercise. This alone is true liberty; this alone can produce true democracy. –Chiang Kai Shek

     Fellow patriots it was not that long ago that China was not under the yoke of the CCP.  A long civil war that overlapped WW2 was fought in China between nationalists and communists, ultimately won under the brutal and relentless drive of Mao.  Mao, by the way, was a madman on equal scale with Hitler and Stalin – no one discusses it these days – but – that’s fact.  Chiang Kai Shek was the imperfect leader of the resistance back then.  He ultimately fled to Taiwan.  This is part of the reason why Xi wants control of Taiwan so badly.  It’s unfinished business for the CCP.  A bastion of freedom close by that reminds Chinese citizens of their real history.  

So given the recent provocations by the CCP (there are legitimate questions as to how much control Xi actually has), what should we expect from the 2nd term (3rd technically) of Donald J Trump?  In short, look for a massive overhaul and correction.  A few highlights:

Reparations for Covid: China will pay for the destruction it gave the entire world, starting estimates are $20 Trillion.  Likely paid via tariffs but its coming.  

Balloons: payback for the balloons, Hawaii/Guam laser shows and other Chinese surprises?  Likely direct overflights of China using our latest high altitude stealth technology, drones and likely some tech we do not know about.  Space Force will actively demonstrate satellite killing technology.  And watch for us to poke at China – just to see what they will do.  That’s what they just did and have been doing.  It’s time for pay back.  No one knows what it will look like.  

Access to US Universities: Drastically reduced.  No Chinese national will be allowed access to any US STEM programming.  Ivy League institutions who have profited directly from Chinese betrayal will be wickedly upset.  We will allow access to a handful of approved liberal arts colleges that teach liberty/freedom/western civilization in the formerly grand tradition.  We now have approximately 300,000 Chinese students in US colleges.  3 years form now?  We will be down to 30,000.  

Pacific Zone Strategy: the US will develop a robust answer to China with a Pacific version of NATO in which key pillars will be the Philippines, Japan, Australia, South Korea and yes, overtly, Taiwan.  An aggressive mix of Naval, Space and land based forces will be cultivated.  We will ensure their biggest threats remain in their own back yard.  

Peel Off North Korea and Vietnam: what began under Trump in the first term will continue.  The relationship between Trump and the North Korean Dictator will allow us to move NK into the US sphere of influence.  Economic benefit will outweigh NK’s traditional emphasis on being a pariah state.  Many may find this action  unpalatable and it is – but it is more important to isolate China.  Vietnam is already far along in this evolution and is becoming a destination for businesses departing mainland China.  We will continue to develop an alliance with Vietnam.  The US will double the number of troops based on the Korean Peninsula and begin joint exercises in cooperation with North Korea.  

Repatriate US businesses from China: Trump will lead a unified Republican congress in outlawing most manufacturing done in China.  Anything that uses advanced technology in anyway – will not be made in China if it’s destination is the United States.  Tarrifs will apply to everything else from shovels to laundry baskets.  China used our open economy against us – that will be reversed in short order.  

No Chinese Investments in the US: China will be cut off from buying US real estate of any kind and from purchasing US businesses of any kind.  TikTok is done as far as US access goes.  

Begin the End of Uighur Genocide: aggressive work will be done to uncover exactly what is being done on the mainland with this exploited and tortured minority in China. Insist world governing bodies that we fund work on the issue or defund them.  Trump will lead this effort loudly just as he did with the deadbeat NATO members not living up to their obligations for funding.  The horror will be exposed in detail much the way the holocaust was exposed at the end of WW2.  

Unbelt and Unroad: President trump will take great pleasure in developing a strategy to counter Belt and Road.  Ironically the tools are already there.  We just need to use them,  From here on out, no foreign aid will be awarded to any country unless the recipient guarantees there will be no participation in the so called ‘Belt and Road’ Chinese infrastructure initiatives.  We will build on this by further ensuring US trade policies amplify the same.  Want to trade with the US with a minimum of tariffs?  OK.  No Belt and Road in your country.  Otherwise no trade or massive tariffs.  This is coming.  

China Loses Face: perhaps worst of all for Xi, Mr Trump will look for every opportunity to ensure that whatever esteem or good will Mr Xi thinks he’s built up over the last 10 years, is erased.  China, desperate to be taken seriously, will be exposed as the Godless empty vessel it is under CCP leadership.  

US Military Prepares for 22nd Century Warfare: View it as either necessary, if early, or provoked by China, but the US Military knows it must counter China’s malevolent aims.  Countering EMP threats, countering misinformation/disinformation driven by woke China assets in the US, cultivating a healthy and fit population, realigning higher ed with American ideals, controlling our borders, becoming energy independent and an exporter of energy will be part of the strategy.  The basics of having the best weapons on the planet must continue.  

So fellow patriots those are the basic tenets to watch for as President Trump begins the long overdue correction of CCP led China in his coming term.  Watch for it all to begin/happen with lightning speed the day he takes the oath of office.  No Chairman Xi – this is not he beginning of 1000 years of China dominance.  Quite the opposite.  We are at the dawn of a major course correction that helps Chinese citizen reclaim their heritage and freedom.  

What did I miss?  Please comment below.

