
by Guardian 6    Dateline April 29th, 2018

“It is my sincere hope that everything necessary may be done in order to continue compassionately accompanying little Alfie Evans, and that the deep suffering of his parents may be heard. I am praying for Alfie, for his family and for all who are involved.”  Pope Francis

Who is Alfie? He was a baby in England that has garnered international news because the doctors refuse to treat him removing his oxygen and allowing him to starve to death. The hospital and doctors that treated him say that Alfie suffered from a degenerative neurological condition that is fatal, that he is in a semi-vegetative state and his medical care is not justified. His parents, supported by the Italian and Polish governments and the Pope,  wanted his care to continue. How did we get to this point?

The culture of life vs. the culture of death.

Private care vs. socialized care.

Thomas Evans & Kate James, parents of baby Alfie Evans, vs. the Alder Day hospital in Liverpool England and socialized medical care.

Parents making decisions to care for their children vs. the state taking control and deciding who lives and who dies.

The state government refusing to allow the parents of Alfie to take their child to another country for care.

Disregarding faith and spiritual aspects for loving and caring for Alfie.

Loving all life in all forms vs. devaluing life so quickly.

“If we cannot cure, we can still care. If we cannot heal, we can still love. A person who is damaged is still a person, fully in possession of his or her rights, and fully deserving of our loving care.” Father Frank Pavone

The state of England allowed Alfie to die. He did not reach the age of two. The state took control displacing parental rights. Is this the future of all western democracies? State governments choosing who lives and who dies?

There is much to reflect on in Alfie’s premature state directed death. There are many questions we should reflect on. I’ll begin with this reflection; the more power we acquiesce to state authorities, the less control we have on our own lives and those we love. 
