Stop Bitching and Do Something

By @BlakJakPershing on GETTR and @BlackJackPershing on Truth; similar on other platforms

Dateline    August 24, 2022

Missouri Territory

As reported on this website the Democrats’ Satanic Summer has been unfolding as expected.  Their lunacy and willful bad deeds know no bounds.  They have doubled down on inflation with the now useless Manchin/Sinema duo enabling garbage legislation on climate change.  As this is written the Dementia Patient in Chief is forgiving loans to losers who paid for useless degrees that likely made them even less employable.  They continue to enable our enemies, worsen all world crises, punish the US citizenry while rewarding illegal aliens and criminals.  In some cities traditional liberals are even waking up and fighting progressives.  Not enough and kind of pathetic.

I was listening to Glenn Beck this morning discussing the effects of so called ‘ESG’ – Environment, Sustainability and Governance – as driven by Blackrock and other financial firms, corporate boards, the World Economic Forum, and the Davos Dooferati.  He was also speaking about contents of the new spending package on Climate.  He was raising alarms that we may see a day when firms that purchase gas powered vehicles are denied financing, among other things.  Beck was long on complaints, and from the amount that I listed to, light on solutions.

I read Kurt Schlichter’s latest column yesterday; Kurt has finally come to the conclusion that nice guys like Pence finish last, McConnell is a liability and RINOS generally suck –  and that we need fighters on the right.  This website came to that conclusion 5 years ago.  See ‘Mudpit’, among other articles.  

I am tired of the conservative media just reporting on the lunacy of the left, playing clips of their infantile/imbecilic programs and yet not demanding a call to action.  The same lame talking heads, night after night, lamenting each growing outrage.  And………WHAT???

So Fellow Patriots, to paraphrase Karl Malden in the old American Express Traveler’s Checks Commercial:


For some that reference may be too old.  See it here:

See that guy’s face as his wallet sinks?  Right now we are that screwed as a nation.  ‘Not a joke folks!’ as a certain dotard likes to say….

Here are some suggestions for willing patriots who are tired and not willing to sit around anymore:

Get involved in your communities.

Join a non-profit board.  You will find they are filled with mostly well intended liberals.  Sound off about effectiveness and doing what is right, not what is woke.

Love your alma mater?  Paying for tuition at a private school and/or university for your children, or maybe already did?  Can’t stand their wokeness even though you still root for their sports teams?  Maybe you should join an advisory board at the institution.  If you have the means get directly involved with the trustees or board of directors. BE HEARD. 

Don’t like something your employer is doing politically?  Tell your boss in a diplomatic way.  If you don’t say anything, then the wokesters get their way.  Good employers listen to their people.   They often do anonymous surveys = put your comments there.  BE HEARD. 

Or – you could just watch conservative media and bitch.  Bad news friends: that doesn’t work.  In fact your progressive adversaries have been motor boating around you for decades.  With glee.  Because you don’t do anything but complain.  They know it.  They count on it.

Be brave and if you don’t run for a school council board seat, show up at their meetings and make their lives miserable if they are doing stupid things.  Conversely, thank them if they are holding the line.

Don’t like something a company did – like Walmart just announcing they will pay for abortion travel for all their ‘associates’?  Tell them.  Tell the local store manager in person and emphatically –  that you believe they are satanic, globalist scumbags and wont come back.  If enough of us do that, it will get to Headquarters.  Tell them on social media and via email and phone calls.  Make woke asshat CEO’s feel pain.

Sound off and get involved – in something – anything – outside of your job and have an influence and a voice.  Put a hard stop in place for progressive morons to navigate.  Make them feel opposed.  Right now they run their mouths unopposed – everywhere. 

I hate to say it, but based on everything we see right now with leftists running ALL major institutions, we deserve what we get if we do not change our ways.  If you live in Pennsylvania – you are in danger of a flat out monster named Fetterman being elected to the senate – are you going to let it happen?

BlackJack said it here: we need to get off of our collective conservative asses, friends.

What will you do.  What WILL you do?!?!?!?’

                                                Karl Malden



We’re American’s Damn It!!

By BlakJakPershing on GETTR,      @BlackJackPershing on Gab

Dateline: October 19, 2021   1957 hours

“America loves a winner, and will not tolerate a loser, this is why America has never, and will never, lose a war.”

General George S. Patton

Hiden Biden and Silly Milley Vanilli have proven the great general wrong in his prediction.  They left Afghanistan in a disgraceful way that the world will long remember and not soon forget.  Team Biden has now put American incompetence under a spot light for our global enemies to view with glee.

We are Americans, damn it and that is not us.  It is not how we do things.  IT IS NOT US.

What is happening now under this insanely incompetent mix of buffoons, miscreants and slobs IS NOT US.

Alejandro Mayorkas’ Department of Homeland Security, cultivator of a completely open border, destroyer of the Border Patrol, finger wagger to freedom seeking refugees from his own Cuban homeland IS NOT US.  He is a swampian leftist tool of the worst kind.  An insane Cueball, and bumbling contributor to the downfall of our country.

Non-thinking Antony Blinken: the worst possible Sec of State in the history of the Republic.  Makes bad plans, knows they are bad, anticipates they won’t work and does them anyway.  That’s him.  THAT IS NOT US.  That is the work of a career stooge.  A career coward.  A career incompetent.  A Bidenite!

What is a Bidenite?  A sniff accepting, pedo enabling, crackhead’s pop accepting, Stalin embracing, Bad Grandpa Groping, Corn Pop celebrating, IRS Abusing, thieving, contemptible, incompetent stooge.  Yes!  That is a Bidenite!

Psaki?  No thanks.  Give me some Sake, though, please.   Peppermint Patti is the worst Press Secretary of all time.  The sarcastic, scolding enabled harpy that gleefully defends Grandpa Badfinger.  Psaki is NOT US.  She is the Stalinist’s pom pom girl.  But no – she does not represent America.  NO CHANCE.

The imitation First Lady is as much of a Doctor as Rachel Levine is a real lady!  Rachel may qualify as a ‘fat broad’ – heck, Rosy qualifies for that.  But back to Dr Jill, who is very guilty of Elder Abuse.  Washington DC social workers should be getting involved.  It’s a real problem.  But what else can be expected from a rough Philly chick.  Enough said.  Jill is not us.  Americans don’t like fake titles and don’t abuse our elders.  Pound sand, Jill!

Kamala Harris is MIA.  Kamala Harris is a joke.  Kamala Harris is the failing Border Czar.  Kamala Harris has the most irritating laugh on the planet.  Kamala Harris is despised by everyone – even stray dogs.  Kamala Harris is not legit.  Kamala Harris is not one of us.  Americans are not phony posers, incompetent hacks, dopey imposters.  Kamala is NOT US!

“I am an American; free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit.”

President Theodore Roosevelt

Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Cooke, Bezos, Pichai have appointed themselves our digital masters.  We’ve been tolerating it.  Are you ok with this?  Will you continue to surrender your privacy and personal data for entertainment?  Will you continue to put yourself and your families at risk due to these Bidenites (see definition above) harvesting your information to destroy you later?  Do you understand that they are in league with China?  Do you understand you will soon receive a social score determined by their algorithm?  The Silicon Valley digital nerd-bidenites are NOT US.  We are Americans!  We do not steal from our neighbors!  We do not peek in our neighbors’ windows!  We do not enable election fraud!  Reject the digital nerd-bidenites!

Failing senior military officers are not us.  Generals used to win wars.  They insisted on it.  The last time it happened was the first Gulf War in 1991.  Clinton/W Bush/Obama and their enablers in the Swamp and congress wrecked the professional officer corps at the senior levels.  As George Marshall did before WW2, it may be time to remove all officers above O-6 and start over.  (credit to the Newt Gingrich podcast for that idea)  Fat, Woke, thick headed, Stalinist Generals ARE NOT US!!  American Generals win wars!  30 years of GO’s have not.  We don’t want you!!!

Fondly do we hope ~ fervently do we pray ~ that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword as was said three thousand years ago so still it must be said ‘the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural

America is virtuous and righteous.  As Lincoln pointed out at the time, the barbarism of the Civil War was enough.  The death, the destruction was enough and that God’s divine hand was part of it.  Those that seek to perpetuate the wrongs and make a living off of them must be stopped.  Bidenites live off of racism.  They get paid for encouraging it and then profit off of its misperception and the media seals who advertise it.  Reject the Bidenites!  Americans love their fellow Americans and are the most charitable people on the planet.  Reject the lies of the Bidenites.  We are 160 years on from the end of slavery.  Its OVER.  We are moving on.  Get a life, Stalinists.  We know what you have done with racism.  We know.  We all know.  The Trump Grand Coalition proves how wrong you arseholes are.  Its made up of blacks, whites, gays, Asians, blah blah blah – you name it.  They love Trump because he loves and defends the interests of Americans, not the diseased swamp.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

President Ronald Reagan

Frauds like lying Fauci don’t want us to be free and may in fact be in in cahoots with the ChiComs who have used the capitalist system to undermine us.  Money is being paid to undermine America.  Sometimes overtly like in the NBA which now employs communist propagandists like Popavich and LeBron James.  Sometimes silently but obviously as with China Joe and Hunter.  Sometimes in surprising ways as we are now learning with the Chinese lab and Fauci’s Gain of Function research.  We now have District Attorneys across the large metros of the United States installed and paid for by Soros/China – happy business partners.  Reagan’s warning/ forecast is coming true right in front of our faces.  We are Americans!  We do not take payoffs from Chinese Communists!!!  Fauci/Soros/Popovich/Lebron – you are not us!!!!  No you are not!!!  You are engaged in espionage in plain view.  We do not want you!

I remembered some people who lived across the street from our home as we were being taken away. When I was a teenager, I had many after-dinner conversations with my father about our internment. He told me that after we were taken away, they came to our house and took everything. We were literally stripped clean.

George Takei

Now George cares more about being woke and a gay activist than the real lessons of the history he lived.  George knows deep down that it was the democrats that imprisoned and took away everything his family owned.  He knows.  His life is proof of what they are capable of.  George really knows.  The democrats want to control us.  They want to imprison the uncooperative.  The Bidenites like what the ChiComms are doing to the Uighurs.  They do not talk about it because it’s a warm up.  Its one big happy family.  Crazy Aunt Nancy knows this.  Cryin Chuck knows this.  China Diane Feinstein used to know it before she lost her marbles.  The dems know.  Its their plan.

However.  We are Americans, Damn it.  We do not create concentration camps for our neighbors.  We do not take away belongings and rights of others.  But the Democrats do.  The Bidenites do.  What will you do?  What will you do?



