Anti-Trump Russian Collusion Narrative Collapses

Dateline February 17, 2018

The Swamp

Top 10 List of Anti-Trump Russian Collusion Narrative Collapses

10. Empty Barrels not attending the Trump Inaugaration or the State of the Union

9.  The “Two America’s” hypocracy of the Democratic party as they continue to divide the country with the false Russian collusion narrative against Trump putting power & party above country

8. Using LTG(R) Michael Flynn as a Pawn and indicting him after FBI agents said he did not lie in the official FBI 302. How did this happen? 

7. The Obama Administration failing to safeguard the US election system and Americans from the Russian hacking and spreading fake news that began as far back as 2014

6. The relentlessly toxic orchestrated news organizations preaching the Russian collusion narrative while coverage remained 95% negative of the Trump Administration

5. The Deep State orchestrating the whole Russian collusion narrative in collusion with the DNC and paying for Christopher Steele (a British spy) to create the phony dossier

4. The Media elites being proven as Fake News with Special Counsel Mueller’s announcement Feb 16th that no members of the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. They totally failed to do honest reporting!

3. @Adamschiff being duped as a shill for the Russians in his anti-Trump hatred 

2. #Resistance Movement being used by the Russians to manipulate Democrats & anti-American forces to spread discord and discontent in the US and foster more anti-Trump falsehoods

  1. Using the Phony Dossier to justify the FISA Wiretap against the Trump campaign
