Stinky Feet, Bad Breath, Flatulence and Fox News

By @BlakJakPershing on Getter, @BlackJackPershing on Gab, @PershingSoldier on Parler, @PershingSoldier on Clouthub

Dateline: 12 July 2021          Missouri Territory

“Oh, this isn’t even BO. This is beyond BO. It’s BBO.”

  • George Constanza, Seinfeld

There are certain things we want none of like those mentioned in the above headline.  For Fox News this started on election night, when Martha McStupid and Radical Donut Activist Bret Baier decided to throw in with the leftist controlled media outlets and declare the election over.  Those watching at the time know that Tucker Carlson confronted both of them, live, on the air.  Awkward moment as all semblance of professionalism went out the window.

The implosion of Fox will be remembered as the most spectacular meltdown of an established television channel in history.

This implosion was caused by petulant elitists, frustrated at the evolution of the conservative movement toward the working class of the United States.  Many have observed that the Murdochs were not getting invited to the right cocktail parties, were not being accepted by established leftist media infrastructure – and so had to change direction.  It is now becoming clear that the Murdoch’s called the play.  Thinking conservatives will ensure they are not paying real money to any Murdoch owned entity.  The Murdoch’s are wealthy enough to not care.

Like many successful businesses through the years, Fox News was full of hubris, and decided to pursue a course that, to their loyal viewers, was insane.  There are multitudes of historical corollaries inside and outside of the media world:

  • Ford and the Edsel
  • The Enron collapse, led by Ken Lay, who was trumpeting his business model weeks before the implosion
  • The recent Volkswagen emissions scandal, notably being ignored by most US media
  • Twitter, Facebook and Google are performing a live version of this tragedy of hubris seen so many times before – it will not end well, and has already hit Twitter hard

The viewers of Fox News were dealt a nasty wake up call on election night, and many have left and not returned.  What they have found, since viewing the alternatives, was that Fox News had become a fixture in their lives that they accepted, but like many other things we accept, had become dated, dilapidated and in some ways, festering and nasty.  Much like the old couch in the basement that’s been with the family for years, stained and scarred, that no one pays much attention to, but is actually offensive to guests.  And it smells bad. Like Chris Stirewalt.

When looking at emerging rival Newsmax you see rougher production values, but a hungry team that does not act like it is above the viewer.  You also see regular improvements and upgrades.  Fresher talent.  Better energy. 

Fox News had been on autopilot for years.  Lets inventory the most annoying Fox News calamities.

  • Chris Wallace came out of the closet in the last several years as the biased leftist turd that he is.  Trump broke him by telling him his Dad was better.  As always, Trump was right.  Chris is a petty, one sided punk.  His role in derailing the 2020 presidential debate which he did not moderate is noteworthy.  He is a Biden diaper changer and diddler.
  • Bloated Bret Baier, as noted above, just follows orders.  Its sad that the person who replaced Brit Hume as anchor is such a transparent buffoon.
  • Hannity: useful, but parrot like, and repetitive.  Interrupts others.  Likes his paycheck.  Its over.
  • Laura Ingraham: mean, interrupts guests, belittles poor Raymond Arroyo to the point where he may have a case as a battered spouse.  Brings on annoying leftist dopes.  Hasn’t taken on the network about anything.  Likes her paycheck.  Its over.
  • Juan Williams: unwatchable.  Dishonest.  Sad.
  • Greg Gutfeld, Judge Jeanine, Jessie Waters: they had a window of time to leave Fox News with dignity.  That has now passed.  They all have proven they like their paychecks/contracts better than their own reputations.  They will go down with the network despite any glib protestations to the contrary.  We may also discover that they were really playing all of us, and do not have any core conservative principles.
  • The rest of the Fox cast of secondary characters would be smart to plot their move to alternative outlets.  Its over, whether they know it or not.

Newsmax is offering a high quality alternative.  Reasons to view Fox?  Only one.  The first 15 minutes of Tucker Carlson.  That’s it.  Those clips are always immediately available in a million different places afterward, so viewing it live is not necessary.

I challenge my fellow patriots to hasten the demise of Fox News, and consign it to the ash heap of history along with Liz Cheney, her old man, and Bush World.  It’s over.  Let them know.  We all know.



Activism is the New Nose Picking

By Blackjack Pershing: @PershingSoldier on Parler; @BlackJackPershing on Gab; @PershingSoldier on Clouthub


“I’m just a no-good, scum sucking, nose picking, boot licking, sniveling, groveling, worthless hunk of slime.”

— Al Yankovic


I disagree with Weird Al – he provided us many big laughs over the years.  But there is a new group of nincompoops with an equally disgusting habit that I’d like to discuss with you today: Activists


You’ve seen them introduced on news programs ‘Writer and Activist’; ‘Producer and Activist’; Entertainer and Activist’; oh – here’s a good one – ‘Rapper and Activist’.  Substitute nose picker for the word activist in those titles and I’ll have more respect for you.  At least you’d know what you were doing.


In today’s world, what does being an ‘Activist’ mean?  Here are a few things that claiming to be an ‘Activist’ will guarantee:

  • You are annoying
  • You are a nuisance
  • You are a killjoy
  • You ruin otherwise good times
  • You won’t STFU
  • You are the one that farts in elevators
  • Your issue is unimportant to those around you
  • You likely have poor personal hygiene
  • You embarrass yourself routinely
  • You are pompous
  • You are likely a narcissist
  • You have halitosis
  • You have zero self-awareness
  • The only ‘active’ things you really do involve getting off the couch during commercials to use the can and raid the fridge again.
  • You can go two knuckles deep in pursuit of that booger.
  • You’re a communist that applies the Marxism to others, but never yourself.
  • You have few if any friends and resort to using social media to create your fake world
  • You are lacking in skills and capabilities, and have decided that calling yourself an Activist is a great diversionary tactic
  • You are a loser, losing loserly on the way to Loserville in a Losermobile


How about the clowns that have that word ACTIVIST in their social media profiles.  One positive thing about this is it’s good way to avoid morons.  Like a leper yelling ‘Unclean!’ from a distance 2000 years ago, ACTIVIST on a Linkedin profile screams ‘I am a huge doofus!!!’  Thanks for the tip, Bonehead, I’ll move on.  These yutz’s also frequently have their preferred pronouns posted next to their name: he/him, she/her.  How ‘bout we just go with the gender neutral ‘Big Dummy’or maybe ‘Buffoon’ is more to your liking?


Even worse are the ACTIVISTS in media, portraying themselves as legitimate journalists – when they really are leftist activists spewing talking points and propaganda that would make Pravda editors blush.  Stelter.  Cooper.  Tapper.  Cuomo.  Holt.  Todd.  Stephanopoulos.  Sharpton.  Lemon.  Maddow.  Mika & Schmoe.  You know them.  No talent ACTIVISTS.  Nosepickers ALL!  They’d never be welcome at any social event where normal people assemble.  Most of their parents will not let them come over either.  The great Spiro Agnew called them ‘nattering nabobs of negativity.  He knew.


Activist Athletes may be the worst.  Colin Kaepernick and Lebron James perhaps the Apex of nose picking absurdity.  One became an activist after being benched, the other clearly owned by China.


Like nose pickers, Activists seem to be everywhere.  Unlike many nose pickers, activists don’t try to hide what they do.  The are disgusting and improper in plain sight.  Let’s all shun them and call them out for the disgraceful POS’s they really are and get them a damn Kleenex.  Gross!






Corrupt Government = Phony Dossier

The Swamp, Update April 24th, 2018

Many new revelations since this article was originally published. What have we learned?

  1. The #2 man in the FBI, Andrew McCabe, has been found to lie (he lacked “candor”), on at least three occasions. The DoJ Inspector General has recommended criminal prosecution. He was fired before he was allowed to retire.
  2. The basis of the FISA warrant was the phony dossier. The court was never told that the dossier was democratic party opposition research designed to do a hit job on Trump.
  3. The Director Comey memo’s he leaked to a professor friend at New York University, subsequently leaked to the NY Times, contained classified information. Comey knowingly leaked classified information.
  4. Comey kept book on Trump with the memo’s as part of the hit job. These memo’s were then used to demand a Special Prosecutor and get DoJ Sessions to recuse himself from the Russian collusion investigation. Very convenient.  Interesting how Comey never kept book on anyone but Trump … hmmm.
  5. John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, continues to demonstrate his lack of candor with his extremely unprofessional tweets directed at President Trump. What is he worried about? Likely a hell of a lot. He and his battle buddy Clapper have a lot of explaining to do soon, very soon. When all the dust is uncovered, we are likely to find officials in our government (DoJ, FBI and Intelligence Community) that failed their agencies, conspired against President Trump and set actions in motion to undermine the votes of 63 million Americans. Clapper & Brennan need to be recalled by Congress to answer some very hard questions.

(Article Originally published January 11th, 2018)

This should scare all Americans. The Democratic National Committee and the Clinton Campaign hired a former British spy to create a phony dossier against President Trump fabricating Russian collusion that alleges salacious activities that ranged from criminal to deviant in nature. This dossier was then used by senior officials in the Intelligence Community (IC), likely senior officials under DNI Clapper or CIA Director Brennan, to get a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant, a “wire tap,” to collect information on Trump and his campaign. So it is highly likely one of these two helped justify the phony dossier.

The fake news has reported the dossier as opposition research but when you use a foreign agent and unknown paid resources by a for profit company, Fusion GPS, to justify a FISA warrant to a US court the whole system of checks and balances has been corrupted. The first question by the FBI should have been, “Wait, you are justifying a FISA warrant off of a foreign agent paid for by a political campaign and unverified third party sources?” Of course this is what America came to expect from the professionalism of the FBI and IC. Of course this is before we learned the wife of a senior FBI official worked for Fusion GPS; or the wife of the #2 FBI official under Comey received $400K in campaign donations from the Clinton campaign; or the two senior FBI officials assigned to investigate the Trump campaign were texting bias and hatred toward Trump as they built their case and carried on an affair. The question highlighted above was never asked because of extreme bias and prejudice of senior FBI officials. Comey’s FBI became a political pawn for the Obama Administration, the Department of Justice and the political hacks that masqueraded as professionals.

Furthermore, DNI Clapper and CIA Brennan grossly failed to do their due diligence in the matter as it appears  they supported the political aim to destroy Trump before he became president. How do I know this? Ultimately, I do not but I’m reading the puzzle pieces like many IC professionals do as part of their jobs, putting them all together. Real Intel professionals don’t tweet policy positions or more anti-Trump rhetoric after they leave the agency like Brennan does regularly. Real Intel professionals don’t take a position on CNN to broadcast more Trump hate to fulfill the fake news agenda like LTG (R) Clapper does. We have a serious crisis in our government and at least three departments have likely been corrupted by highly politicized “leaders” that allowed themselves to be corrupted.

There is much more to cover on this matter. You can take a modicum of comfort that 53rd Regiment is covering this issue but as you likely suspect, the Deep State is covering tracks and destroying evidence each passing day. Stay tuned.


Fake News & The Walking Dead

Dateline March 18, 2018

The Swamp

When did the news become fake? As the 53rd Regiment examined this issue, we discovered some common threads  and a couple key elements that have corrupted the news profession resulting in the loss of public trust.  Mainstream TV news broadcasts and major newspapers are failing and losing their audience. Why?

Element One. Democratic politicians joined news rooms, editorial boards and became on air personalities. The news became less about the facts and more about pushing their liberal agendas. To name a few: (1)  George Stephanopoulos, former Clinton Press Secretary, with ABC (2) Jay Carney, MSNBC Contributor, former Obama Press Secretary, married to Claire Shipman ABC (3) Ben Rhodes, former Obama Deputy National Security Advisor in Obama Administration, is the brother of CBS News President Ben Rhodes (4) Chris Cuomo of CNN, brother of Democratic Governor of NY Andrew Cuomo. We could spend all day naming the liberal connections to the news media. The Democratic Party and the news networks are one in the same. Conservatives or non-partisans need not apply to work in the media.

Element Two. Late night comedy has been high jacked by the left. These shows have become extensions of the liberal base and they are not very funny anymore. Jimmy Kimmel,  Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers and the list goes on. Nobody wants to end their day listening to these comedic elites spew their hatred and carry their collectivist messages for the democrats. Sadly, many of these shows now believe their job is to inform the masses and shape American opinion instead of comedy.

Element Three. Sporting news network such as ESPN have turned hard left with broadcasters openly ridiculing the President on air and in social media forums. Sporting networks have openly backed the disrespect shown to military Veterans by NFL athletes choosing  to side with the extreme minority of players instead of keeping the focus on the game.

When you combine these three elements, we have the Walking Dead fabricating the news, pushing their agendas and losing the American public due to their ideology driven broadcasts. News shows can’t be trusted, newspapers are collapsing and sporting events are being destroyed by the left. Americans are speaking by tuning out but the Walking Dead running and ruining these networks would rather push their leftist agenda than report real news!


Anti-Trump Russian Collusion Narrative Collapses

Dateline February 17, 2018

The Swamp

Top 10 List of Anti-Trump Russian Collusion Narrative Collapses

10. Empty Barrels not attending the Trump Inaugaration or the State of the Union

9.  The “Two America’s” hypocracy of the Democratic party as they continue to divide the country with the false Russian collusion narrative against Trump putting power & party above country

8. Using LTG(R) Michael Flynn as a Pawn and indicting him after FBI agents said he did not lie in the official FBI 302. How did this happen? 

7. The Obama Administration failing to safeguard the US election system and Americans from the Russian hacking and spreading fake news that began as far back as 2014

6. The relentlessly toxic orchestrated news organizations preaching the Russian collusion narrative while coverage remained 95% negative of the Trump Administration

5. The Deep State orchestrating the whole Russian collusion narrative in collusion with the DNC and paying for Christopher Steele (a British spy) to create the phony dossier

4. The Media elites being proven as Fake News with Special Counsel Mueller’s announcement Feb 16th that no members of the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. They totally failed to do honest reporting!

3. @Adamschiff being duped as a shill for the Russians in his anti-Trump hatred 

2. #Resistance Movement being used by the Russians to manipulate Democrats & anti-American forces to spread discord and discontent in the US and foster more anti-Trump falsehoods

  1. Using the Phony Dossier to justify the FISA Wiretap against the Trump campaign


The Clown Car is Rolling

The Swamp, Dateline January 17th, 2018

The Clown Car that is the White House Press Pool was on full display yesterday interrogating the White House physician, Navy Rear Adm. Dr. Ronny Jackson on President Trump’s health. Much to their disappointment, Dr. Jackson declared President Trump to be in “excellent health.”

As the phony Russian dossier and collusion loses steam,  the press pushes a new false narrative that the president has dementia, or early onset Alzheimer’s disease or some other psychosis that would build the case to remove him from office. Once again, the press was very disappointed with the results when Dr. Jackson explained the  cognitive exam he administered on President Trump resulted in a perfect score of 30 out of 30 questions answered correctly.

Here are a few of the “serious” questions asked by the press in the Clown Car during yesterday’s press conference:

ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl asked, “Can you explain to me how a guy who eats McDonald’s and fried chicken and all those Diet Cokes and who never exercises is in as good of shape as you say he’s in?”

NBC News reporter Hallie Jackson noted that Trump’s weight put him just shy of obesity, based on body mass index, and asked the doctor, “You’re confident of that number? Dr. Jackson said yes.

Other gems included:

“Does the president watch too much TV?”

“Is he limited to one scoop of ice cream?”

“Did you address drug addiction?”

Much to the Clown Cars disappointment, President Trump is in “excellent health.” However, this hasn’t put their narrative to bed as they continue to question Dr. Jackson’s exam, the president’s health and his fitness to office. The only thing slowing the clown car down on this topic is #shithole gate which is the presses new foil for Trump being a racist. Clown Car madness continues.

On a more serious note, there are a few Clown Car questions:

  1. Who is driving the Clown Car? MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough or CNN’s Jay Tapper or maybe Jim Acosta
  2. Is the Clown Car gas,  electric or foot powered?
  3. Is Keith Olberman or Stephen Colbert in charge of honking the horn?
  4. Did MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow or Laurence O’Donnell design the clown outfits?
  5. Who is funding the Clown Car?
  6. Who are the Dark Clowns? 


What if President Trump Stopped Tweeting?

by Eagle 21

President Trump, a suggestion, if you could stop tweeting for just a little bit and get out-of-the-way of the liberals hypocrisy and their self-destruction.

I have this theory that if President Trump stops tweeting and avoiding missteps creating controversial issues for a week or two, then the media, the left will eventually destroy themselves. If Donald stops giving the media other things to talk about, they will be forced into talking about Harvey Weinstein and his ties to the Clinton’s, the cover ups the Obama administration made (Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious), all that crazy Uranium deal stuff,  the Democrats favorite Hollywood liberal, Harvey Weinstein, is a sexual predator. Think about it, the media is able to avert all these topics that don’t fit their talking points, their narrative because they twist President Trump’s tweets.

The media continues to “resist” President Trump not respecting the American voter.  If President Trump gives the media nothing to report via tweets, maybe they’ll start reporting real stories (probably not). Maybe they’ll report the links of the democratic party to their top three funding source, Harvey Weinstein.

Regarding the Obama and Clinton scandal with Russia concerning Uranium One; haven’t heard of it? Read the Hill online journal,  Presidents Clinton and Obama let Russia control 20 percent of our Uranium now. (

Imagine if President Trump was doing his job quietly and ignoring criticism, ignoring fake news and all that crap. Imagine if they had to do real reporting? Well, they’d likely be incompetent at that too. They simply cannot resist bashing the President, being the elites that they are.

When it all comes down to it, the media needs ratings, so they have chosen to create fake news because they hate Trump.

Should Trump stop tweeting? We might miss it.


Fake News

Dateline February 2, 2017

Is that what it is called, “Fake news?” I’ve been wondering for all these years what the appropriate term was for mainstream news  reporting. Whether CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, MSNBC, ecetra. There seems to be less hard investigating and reporting and more opinion journalism shaping news and public opinion than seeking the news. Even President Obama’s Daily News Press Conference seemed to be more of a collegial gathering of friends than news services’s asking tough questions to honestly report on news, policies and serve as an objective source of information to serve the greater public interest.

I guess all those polls having Secretary Clinton winning the election handily fit the category of “fake news.” How can they get it so wrong unless they are reporting untruths or trying to depress the vote for the opposition? And doing opinion journalism instead of finding and reporting news, but yet representing it as news and not opinion? I never had heard of this term until the mainstream media outlets starting using it. It’s ironic that the Fake News labeling began with the progressive left mainstream media and they became the biggest proponents of it openly favoring Secretary Clinton. By backing and manufacturing stories to prop up their candidate, they became the drivers of fake news. In socialist and communist countries fake news is known as propaganda.

But we are a democracy, how can we have fake, propaganda news? Is this possible? Well, we now know it is. When the self proclaimed elite journalists of the mainstream mass media conspire along with Hollywood and late night TV news comedians (“Fake-Medians,”) to back the left and vote 90%+  for the democratic candidate year after year, you get … drum roll please … Fake News! Walla!!! We have Fake News!!!

