Dear Xi …

Feel lucky Xi? Apparently so. Xi doesn’t know. His arrogance and tyrannical hand of absolute power corrupts his mind and thinking. Big plans small mind. Xi Jinping plots, plans and reads his own paper clippings. Not good. Not good at all. 

Xi Jinping looks very small as he flies sorties off the coast of Taiwan to intimidate them. Meanwhile, the West yawns.

Xi Jinping looks like a petty tyrant leading a Chinese military parade celebrating China’s 70th anniversary of undermining Chinese democracy.

Xi Jinping looks in the mirror and pats himself on the back celebrating breaking the treaty of Hong Kong’s “high autonomy” with Great Britain and smiles putting his big pants on.

Xi Jinping continues to lie to the world about Coronavirus, the Wuhan Lab and being ground zero for millions of deaths. We all know China is the source and Xi’s policies and poor leadership led to this outbreak. The only question that remains is was this intentional? 

Xi Jinping knows the world is watching as he commits genocide against the Uyghur people. The world is watching and while it may appear to be weak, eventually the western world will reject Xi’s death camps. The NBA is not America Xi. LeBron James is not America Xi. Joe Biden is not America Xi. America is Missouri. America is North Carolina. America is Ohio. America is Virginia. America is Wisconsin. Olympic boycott is coming Jinping.

Xi America knows Trump won. America knows Biden is a fraud and that he was installed like a toilet. America knows that Biden did not get 81M votes. America also knows Trump will soon be back and that he will hold you accountable for your tyrannical rule.

Xi continue to play emperor and enjoy it while it lasts because eventually forces from within will up end you. Your Chinese enemies are already plotting. Democracy is coming, soon, very soon.




Overweight, Political, Failing and Woke: The Sad State of America’s General Officers

By @BlakJakPershing on GETTR, @PershingSoldier on Parler, @PershingSoldier on Clouthub and @BlackJackPershing on Gab

Dateline July 15th, 2021             Liberty, USA

‘Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son’

-Dean Wormer, Animal House

To paraphrase the Dean, ‘fat, scared, stupid and woke is no way to go through a military career, General Milley!’

‘There’s no power in a bushel of blubber’

                General George S Patton

Its about time we discuss the state of many, but not all General Officers in recent years, especially the ones choosing to bad mouth our legitimate Commander in Chief, Donald J Trump.

A bit of history first.  We haven’t solidly and specifically won a war since 1991.  The Gulf War was a stellar use of strategy, tactics and restraint.  Bravo.  This war used what was known as the ‘Powell Doctrine’ a set of lessons learned from Vietnam about the need for clear goals and the use of overwhelming force for clean victories.

One could argue that ’91 was the year we could say that the Cold War was also won after years of commitment and leadership by many in several generations of political and military leadership – it was even mostly a bi-partisan effort until the 1980’s.

Since ’91 however, whether it was Clinton’s draw down of the military in the so called ‘peace dividend’, or the two wars poorly fought under the supervision of George W Bush and Barack Obama, our military leaders have let us and our soldiers, airmen and marines down.

There have been moments of brilliance.  Battles have been won by the rank and file, by junior and midlevel officers and NCO’s.  But at the strategic leadership level, we have been let down.  There have been legitimate small engagements like Panama or Kosovo that were positive.  Missions like the one in Haiti that achieved good humanitarian aims for a time.

But the big jobs have been bungled by Generals.  The list of the incompetent GO’s is long. 

Many veterans know that once you get to the rank of O-6, or full Colonel in the Army, Airforce and Marines or Captain in the Navy, all future promotions are purely political.

‘Anyone who thinks he’s indispensable, ain’t!’

                General George S Patton

We haven’t seen many, if any, principled resignations at the General Officer level in the last 20 years.  We can only imagine there have been plenty of opportunities.  We would hope that our senior military officers would have the moral courage to walk away from poor civilian leadership.  We need to be able to count on that.  But that  apparently doesn’t happen despite many opportunities: Understaffing the invasion force of Iraq? Performing social experimentation in the ranks of our troops?  Requiring pseudo-socialist training that has zero to do with war fighting? Summary cuts to critical budgets for training? Requiring trans persons to be part of a force that still disallows people with flat feet and other musculoskeletal issues due to the need for readiness?  Announcing an Iraq departure that gives birth to the Caliphate? These weren’t enough to cause principled resignations?  Not even a public negative comment?

   We have a cohort of General Officers who have delivered a generation of lost wars, who act as if they deserve respect and admiration but really deserve the opposite.

We have a cohort of General Officers who show open bias politically. But here is the official guidance from the department of defense:

The primary guidance concerning political activity for military members is found in DoD Directive 1344.10. Per longstanding DoD policy, active duty personnel may not engage in partisan political activities and all military personnel should avoid the inference that their political activities imply or appear to imply DoD sponsorship, approval, or endorsement of a political candidate, campaign, or cause.

These cowardly GO’s would gladly prosecute junior officers, NCO’s and troops under the UCMJ for doing far less than they have done, in terms of their cooperation with the foul aims of the democrat party and their attempts to undermine the Trump administration in the roll out of its policies.

Think of SecDef Mattis and his open contempt of his boss.  Well General Mattis, he was only trying to change things because of your record of failure.

Think of egg heads like General Michael Hayden, a Four Star General who also served as Head Spook at the CIA for a number of years.  This arrogant Swampian has screeched out regularly about President Trump, bringing dishonor on himself and his rank.  The likely reason is because of what Trump knows of the General’s failures and malfeasance.

Think of poor General McChrystal, dissed by Obama after doing a pretty good job, because of leaked comments to press scumbags he should have never associated with.  Apparently a life long learner like Stan didn’t learn a key lesson and went back to supporting democrat dopes and openly bad mouthing President Trump on Syria tactics during his term.  Trump was right.  Again.  Stan’s motives remain unclear as he’s been openly dissed by Dems for years.  Just dumb I guess.

Think of lost at Sea Admiral McRaven of ‘Make Your Bed’ fame, another sad sack openly bad mouthing President Trump for any number of reasons.  Guys like him can’t handle unconventional leaders like Trump.  Thank God the founders ‘got it’ and understood our system would produce a variety of leaders, some colorful.  Swampian stiffs like McRaven obsess on ‘he said mean things’ while losing wars and acting cocky.

Think of Woke Fatty, Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs who was savagely and appropriately corrected publicly by the President in a statement on the day of this writing for musing to the press about Trumps desires for a coup.  Trump hires him, gives him a chance after others dissed him, and Milley returns the favor by kissing woke democrat arse.  A sad mess, a disgrace to the uniform – especially because his ability to pass an Army Physical Fitness Test isn’t even in the remotest of possibilities.

Let’s pause here and ask the question: what happened and when did it happen that fat slobs are now a thing in my United States Army?  Vindman?  Milley?  This needs to stop.  Navy?  OK – they are desk jockeys primarily and there is a tradition of out of shape Navy Officers that goes back to the founding.  We can even let certain Airforce Officers be tubby.  But the Army?  NO.  JUST.  NO.  We’re not having it.  Drop the donuts General and get your fat arse on the track.  Of note: the correlation between being fat/slovenly and being liberal/woke is extremely high.  Someone needs to check on Hayden – likely has a major paunch developing – and cankles.

You may have also seen that Admiral Michael Gilday, Chief of Naval Ops, has added anti-American socialist garbage to Navy reading lists.  What about winning wars, one may ask?  What about the Navy enduring a number of embarrassing accidents and incidents in the last 15 years, one may ask?  Perhaps its leadership devoid of principle or common sense?  Obsessed with democrat arse kissing instead of winning?

Swamp Generals exemplify group think.

‘If everyone is thinking alike, no one is thinking.’

                General George S Patton

Notice the Patton quotes?  What do you think he’d make of this sad crop of Generals?  Not much is my guess.  We quote him because he and men like Sherman, Grant, Pershing and Washington knew their jobs were to train our troops to do difficult, hard things in the worst of circumstances.  And to win.  Where did we go wrong?  Who derailed this tradition?

“War is cruelty. You can’t refine it.”
― William T. Sherman

Here is some free advice for our senior military leaders, which they should already know, but apparently don’t:

  • If it doesn’t increase our readiness and warfighting effectiveness, don’t do it
  • Don’t bad mouth the commander in chief personally – it’s not your place and it’s conduct unbecoming – active or retired
  • Disagree on policy? Then have the stones to resign if you are active.  If retired, be professional, not personal
  • Check your ego; you report to civilians.  Deal with it General.
  • Stay in shape; set a proper example; don’t be a slob
  • If you haven’t won a war, you probably shouldn’t be talking smack about anyone.  You had one job.  You failed.
  • Pull your heads out.
  • Stop kissing woke democrat arse.

This one time active duty soldier has just about had it with today’s military leadership.



Is the Devine Hand Present?

by BlackJack Pershing on Twitter and Parler:  @PershingSoldier

Dateline 23 September 2020                              Missouri Territory


As high as the heavens are above the earth,

So high are my ways above your ways

and my thoughts above your thoughts

                                                Isaiah 55:9


We phrase the title of this article as a question, not an assertion, because as the great prophet teaches above, we dare not proclaim to know what the Almighty is thinking.  We are however, provided many hints about his concerns, his doings, his past deeds and his intentions for all of us through divine revelation.

This year has been filled with the unexpected but recent events have this author questioning whether the divine hand is directly present in current events.  I present the following reasons from the perspective that America is the last best hope for planet earth, and as goes the United States, generally speaking so will go the rest of the planet.

President Trump today announced he would sign the ‘Born Alive Executive Order’, which makes clear that infants born alive in any context should be assisted, saved and protected.  Did anyone think that in our lifetime such an order would be necessary?  As we learned from the vacant and banal Governor of Virginia, we now do.  So much for the Hippocratic Oath he took as a doctor.  This action the President took today triggered this essay for the 53rd Regiment.

The United Nations General Assembly speech by the president this week was a clear and direct wake up call to the world about the evil doings of China; Venezuela, Iran and Cuba were also singled out.  It cannot go unnoticed by the Almighty that the Atheist Communist dictatorship in China is presiding over and is the source of, the most vile activity on the planet.  It has done so while sealed off from the world for decades.  Slavery, infanticide, organ trafficking, absence of human rights and the likely engineering of a bio-weapon, the China Virus, are all clear examples of pure evil.  Is Donald trump the imperfect vessel selected to take on this malefactor nation?


But if thou indeed obey his voice,

And do all that I speak;

Then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies,

And an adversary unto thine adversaries

                                                Exodus 23:22


Many have observed that God has made a habit of choosing imperfect messengers.  Kind David had many faults, the worst of which was sending his lover’s husband to be killed in battle.  The old testament is filled with many reluctant and imperfect representatives of the Almighty.  Christ himself associated with many deplorables.  Was Trump a saint before the presidency?  Heck no and we all knew that.  Is God using him?


Sister Dierdre Byrne’s appearance at the GOP Convention was striking.  She spoke in bold terms of being ‘pro-afterlife’ and she put her rosary on display.  Leftists were repelled by this appearance as they always are by truth.  The larger question for all of us is how Sister Byrne got into the orbit of our President and his party.  Contemplate that.


Soon thereafter, following his acceptance speech, a selection of songs were sung by a talented tenor, that included the Ave Maria by Schubert (also played at this writer’s mother’s funeral).  I’ll admit to being stunned when this occurred.  This piece, beautiful, ancient, classy and ultimately a prayer to the Blessed Mother of Jesus – seemingly had no place at a political event.  But there is was, placed with intent.  By whom?  For what reason?


The timing of the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is striking.  Late enough to be during the critical period of the campaign early enough to be approved by the Senate, and to have enough positive votes identified.  While we will resist speaking ill of the dead, we will not resist pointing out that RBG was a frequent vocal fan of infanticide.  Our President is present at a critical moment and is committed to making a difference with his next SCOTUS pick.  To think this is all a coincidence is difficult for one of faith.


The March for Life: POTUS shows up.  Reagan phoned it in.


The Fake News MSM is now working tirelessly at destroying the President but he seems to be thriving and using their negativity as energy.  Who else could do this?


Blessed are you when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.  Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven…

Jesus, Matthew 5: 11-12


The President has in fact surrounded himself with people of faith.

Black Pastors visit him frequently, he’s been prayed over by many others.

Mike Pence

Ben Carson

Mike Pompeo

The First Lady

William Barr

Eugene Scalia


So keep your eyes open, fellow patriots.  Something bigger than all of us may be happening.  This imperfect man, this billionaire, this reality star, this product of Queens, NY, this brash fighter, this occasionally mean ‘punch back harder’ guy, this tweeting 3 level chess brawler and Don Rickles style insult artist, might just be a tool of the Almighty, acting as a bulwark against the many evils that confront the United States right now.




You would have no power over Me

Were it not given from above….

                                Jesus, John 19:11




Breaking News: @the53rdregiment Endorses Donald J Trump

by Black Jack Pershing (find on Twitter or Parler  @PershingSoldier )

Dateline 161620 August 2020              Missouri Territory

“Relish the opportunity to be an outsider. Embrace that label — being an outsider is fine — because it’s the outsiders who change the world and who make a real and lasting difference.”

 – – Donald J. Trump 2017

I am honored to have been invited by the 53rd Regiment to write the official endorsement for this valuable website for the re-election of Donald J. Trump in 2020.  Let’s jump right in with an evaluation of the the vitals:
  • Trump Record on Conservatism: for many of us this has been the best and greatest surprise: a man from NYC who supported both major parties financially over the years as a business strategy, and was on the record with many non-conservative views, has turned out to be the most conservative president in our history, to include Reagan.  Specifics to follow. 
  • Trump Record on Life: two conservative judges are seated on the SCOTUS, so the most important actions were taken.  BUT – his record of consistently taking on this issue in the most fearless manner from the debates with infanticidal Hillary through his willingness to show up personally to the March for Life is unprecedented.  In the most poignant moment of all, President Trump invited Robin Schneider and her daughter Ellie, now 2 years old, who was born prematurely after just 21 weeks of gestation at the weight of 14 ounces, to the State of the Union Address as his guests.  This boldly highlighted the obvious point of our medical advances and understanding of when life begins.  
  • Trump Record on Taxes: lowering the business tax from 35% to 21% is the most significant economic policy change for the US since WW2.  We became competitive overnight and attracted new manufacturing sites from foreign companies immediately – many still under construction now.  This, literally, was the ‘magic wand’ that Obama spoke about so dismissively and unimaginatively.  This action, really the only thing Paul Ryan managed to get done before his swampian exit, does not get enough press and discussion.  The other parts of that tax package are relatively minor in impact.  The business tax cut was/is a game changer.  
  • Trump Record on Economics: building on the tax change, Trump is an admitted cheerleader for the US economy.  The tax cut, combined with massive regulatory cuts have driven more stock market records in his first term than ever before; the immediate market rise upon his election was an early indicator.  As with many things, he regularly challenges the Fed on its practices and pushes for actions that help all Americans build their retirement accounts, among other things.  His record on unemployment both before and after the pandemic lockdown is clear: before, he shattered all records for all groups in question; after, he’s insisted on opening back up despite the Stalinist Left’s attempt to keep people out of work.  The V shaped recovery is in process.  Finally, fair trade deals have been enacted with both the retirement & replacement of NAFTA and the first part of a more comprehensive deal with China.  These were done with plenty of criticism form the RINOS in his own party, who hated the tariffs and threats thereof it took to get the deals done.  
  • Trump Record on Handling the China Virus: through the dense MSM Fog, patriots can see the facts and the truth.  Trump cancelled travel to China and was called a racist and Xenophobe by the Left, while Vodka Nancy was giving personal walking tours of China Town in San Fran Cesspool.  Europe and the UK were next.  Mike Pence’s handling of the crisis team was outstanding.  All issues called out by the media were addressed quickly.  Ventilators, PPE, emergency hospital sites, etc.  If not for the northeastern US states, and their inept Leftist leaders, the US infection statistics would be best in the world.  Testing?  No one is talking about it now since we have the best availability in the world.  Operation Warp Speed will deliver vaccines soon.  Trump gave lessons on Federalism to the shrieking  left along the way, and also instructed everyone all over the world on how to partner with industry, and showed what our great American companies are capable of.  Everything else is just conversation.  And as our President has said of the virus itself, “it comes from CHY-NAH”.
  •  Trump Record on Peace: this topic deserves a laundry list and we should begin by noting that this is an area where doom was predicted by the Stalinist Left:
    • Would anyone have predicted that the President would have had 2 in person meetings with the dictator of North Korea, forged a working relationship, actually crossed the border at the DMZ on foot and secured the remains of a number of our fallen soldiers in the Korean War?  Whatever unfinished business remains, his achievements here are undeniable.  
    • Moved our embassy in Israel to Jeruselem after the failed promises of his predecessors
    • Made NATO stronger after calling out our allies for their failed committments for funding
    • Placed missiles back in Poland after a weak Obama administration took them out and has now committed to moving troops there at new bases.
    • As promised in his campaign he eliminated ISIS – they have been removed, disrupted, dispersed, and killed
    • Stopped Iran Deal, sanctioned and weakened Iran, pariah of the middle east
    • Called out China for any number of mis-deeds
    •  Smaller matters like the bombing of Syrian forces and taking out of senior ranking terrorists have set the tone for our adversaries to understand they are not dealing with a weak man
    • Finally – the Israel/UAE peace deal is setting the tone for more to follow.  Winning! 
  • Trump Record on Draining the Swamp: while we can all agree that we have a long way to go, he’s off to a decent start – here’s another laundry list:
    • in his own administration many of the early departures were due to swamp thinking and swamp behaviors – leaks, insubordination, etc – swamp draining had to begin in the White House
    • Many swampian republicans have had their careers ended in one way or another: Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, John Kasich to name a few.  Others like Mitt Romney are pending.  In their place a new generation of leaders that are focused on their constituents is rising.
    • Corrupt military officials are also being exposed, especially at the General Officer level.  Partisan cranks like Stan McChrystal, William McRaven, and Michael Hayden betray their professionalism by their constant sniping at the Commander in Chief.  Swamp dwellers all. I suspect a new generation of leaders is emerging inside the newly energized and modernized military that will outclass all of them, who, when you think about it, never solved the Iraq or Afghan wars and then complained when the president tried different strategies.  
    • The fake collusion story – if it has any benefit at all, has drawn out into the public a multitude of unsavory misfits and bad intentions: the corrupt FBI agents, corrupt intelligence community, slimy election tactics used by the democrats, insanely bad characters like Nadler, Schiff, Maxine Waters, the inept Mueller himself, nitwits like LTC Vindman and the other buffoons that tried to make hay of the Ukrainian teleconference.  Americans can now see for themselves the grotesque collection of minstrels and incompetents in the Swamp.  A second term with Donald Trump will allow for needed and lasting reform that will keep the swamp draining going. 
  • Trump Record on Humor and Entertainment:  Here is just one tweet to get us started:
  • is a low class slob who came to my office looking for consulting work and I had zero interest. Now he picks anti-Trump panels!

    While it is well established that his humor is not for everyone, it has been pointed out by the 53rd Regiment’s Lead Writer before, for many of us, President Trump’s tweets are like presents we awaken to on Christmas morning – but they happen every day!  We will not see another President this entertaining in our lifetimes, if ever.  The President is bigger than life, a billionaire from Queens NY – steeped in everything that was ever great and amazing about NYC – and he brings that to work with him every day.  The tweets, the press conference ass chewing of nitwit reporters, the many classic lines at his rallies.  And the nicknames.  The nicknames. For some of us, who have watched the likes of Dan Rather and Sam Donaldson in our youth, poking at President Reagan and those before him, this president has been amazingly satisfying.  For those that love liberty but hate the rude, brash NYC vibe of POTUS, I say ‘hold your nose and vote for freedom’.  For those Stalinist left, I say plainly, ‘Go home to Mommy and the Wall just got 10 feet taller!’


  • Lightning Round of Other Trump Accomplishments:
    • Space Force – All the Way!
    • Patriotism defended: the flag, the anthem, the military, the troops, Mt Rushmore, our monuments, our parades – all of these vigorously defended and celebrated by an unashamed patriot.
    • Veterans Administration overhauled, bad employees fired
    • Drug Price model disrupted
    • Right to Try legislation
    • NASA told to hurry up and get wins on the board, partnerships accelerated
    • African American outreach and sensible solutions like assisting HBCU’s and Opportunity Zones
    • Fake News called out, defined and identified
    • The wall – 290 miles and counting as of this writing
    • Extreme vetting and banning terrorist states from flying into the US
    • Clear and strong support for law enforcement
    • AG Barr: Bad Ass
    • Kayleigh McEnany & Sarah Huckabee- Sanders; both bad asses
    • Mike Pompeo: outstanding
So fellow Patriots, as we see the Democrat party truly revealing their malevolent intent for the country (well documented on this site), with their minions destroying cities and threatening citizens, our endorsement for President Trump’s second term is LOUD, FORCEFUL and UNEQUIVOCAL!!! 
Join the 53rd Regiment readers and contributors in working for a Trump 2nd Term.  Join us as we watch America get greater and stay greater and lock in our gains in liberty, freedom, patriotism, opportunity and justice.  Vote Trump-Pence and vote red on November 3rd!


Global Strike – Wuhanvirus

by Guardian 6

Dateline:  Bunker Undisclosed Location                      March 14, 2020

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

China has yet to apologize or offer compensation for the virus they have unleashed on the world and their own people. While there is some uncertainty on the origins of this coronavirus strain, it does appear it originates out of a military lab in the city of Wuhan, hence it being referred to as the Wuhanvirus. The question remains open on whether the Chinese were developing this virus as a biological weapon. The Chinese continue to refuse letting global medical experts in to help likely because they have something to hide.

China is now putting out false propaganda blaming the U.S. for the Wuhanvirus while also crediting the leadership of Chinese President Xi Jinping for containing the virus.  Over 80,000 in China are infected, close to 6,000 deaths worldwide and 150 countries are dealing with the Wuhanvirus Global Strike. This has resulted in the World Health Organization declaring a pandemic. The communist government of China puts out propaganda to their citizens while the threat grows worldwide. 

President Trump has taken extraordinary action in the United States declaring a national emergency which allows the federal government to marshal all necessary resources to counter this biological threat to human life. Congress is now working on a spending bill to secure the resources to fight the pandemic. President Trump has shown tremendous leadership organizing the governments response; embracing private sector support; eliminating travel from China and Europe and adjusting the US response to meet specific needs as they are identified. This is unprecedented pandemic that calls for the United States to lead at home and abroad.

In the US and worldwide schools have been closed, businesses are stopping or reducing operations and supply chains have been dramatically disrupted. NBA, NHL, MLB and March Madness have either been suspended, postponed or canceled. Because of the unpredictability of the Wuhanvirus spreading, social distancing protocols have been implemented to arrest the spread. The health sector is ramping up to deal with this crisis.

While the US media attempts to help the democrats politically by relentless attacking President Trump, he’s focused on the task at hand standing up a Task Force and updating Americans daily. Meanwhile, China the source of the virus, is largely being held unaccountable for this global epidemic by the US media and democrats. This is not a time for politics but a time for the country to unite. China see’s division in the US and they are exploiting it, as they have been doing for decades until Trump arrived.

Trump understands China’s long game and how they have been exploiting the US in trade, currency manipulation and stealing our technology. Now Americans and the West have their eyes wide open as China’s irresponsible behavior has devasted the global economy killing vulnerable citizens on every continent. “The supreme art of war is to subdue your enemies without fighting.” Is China foreshadowing their strategy?


The FDO Playbook is Dead (Soleimani too!)

by Guardian 6                     Dateline: 6 January 2020

President Trump’s bold decisive action to eliminate the world’s #1 terrorist, General Qasem Soleimani, head of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and architect of Iran’s Middle East strategy was killed January 2nd, 2020, in a precision drone strike on the perimeter of Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), Iraq. Happy New Year America and Happy New Year to all the world’s victims that have suffered due to this ruthless killer. While Iran’s “supreme leader,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his band of like minded killers consider a reprisal attack, I would counsel the Ayatollah to think twice and sleep on it for the rest of your time on earth.

I’ll be clear, the FDO Playbook is Dead! President Trump gets it. For the last 50 years the US Diplomatic-Military Complex (DMC) telegraphs every move to stalemate, status quo and to limited gain at best. The DMC Flexible Deterrent Option (FDO) playbook is so old it is better placed in the national archives than the Pentagon. Why do we have endless wars absent victory? How about we institutionalize our doctrine in Joint Publications and then we post these publications online to friend and foe alike. Sound like a good idea? Of course not. Who would do this? Did someone leak these documents because that would be extremely poor operational security (OPSEC). The answer is no leak. The Department of Defense posts all US Joint Publications online for all to see, study and if necessary, counter.

Open the attached hyper link, Joint Publication 5-0, Joint Operational Planning. In this Joint Pub, the US lays out our national security approach to operational planning, strategic guidance, interagency planning and coordination, operational design, and the Pub goes on to elaborate in tremendous detail the US approach to deterrence and warfare. Once in JP 5-0, jump to Appendix E and F, Flexible Deterrent Options & Flexible Response Options. Here is the playbook for all to see. Call me old school and paranoid if you must, but this is not smart!

Back to President Trump taking out the killer that was Soleimani. Trump values American lives and American interests first and foremost. An old, dusty, telegraphed playbook is of no use to him. Iran, Syria, Russia and North Korea among other countries are  counting on it as they exploit the US FDO/FRO process and use it to their advantage. While the US national security apparatus follows their process, bad actors exploit it and Soleimani was counting on it as he brazenly landed at BIAP, approximately 10 miles from the US Embassy, where he mistakenly orchestrated  one too many attacks against the US leading to his demise.

President Trump leads. He’s not looking for an OPSEC compromised playbook that leads to stalemate, leaves real bad actors in place and ultimately increases risks on American troops and US interests. As the dishonest MSM whines and failed Obama officials and policy wonks are trotted out to criticize President Trump, he just simply wins by breaking old paradigms, shredding failed policies and keeping Americans safe. The year is young. Enjoy it America because winning is the new normal while Iran and others have been put on notice.


Winning Bigly Index (WBI)

by Guardian 6   

December 6, 2019   1900  hrs

Undisclosed Location

It is the best of economic times. Many Boomers and the remaining Greatest Generation Americans remember the Depression and the Misery Index (MI). The MI combines inflation and unemployment rates. It wasn’t too long ago that President Obama and his fellow entitled elites were telling Americans that manufacturing and many service jobs were not coming back. That a depressed economy was the new normal.

President Carter’s MI was 21.98%, a shocking number combining double digit inflation and unemployment. Today, in the Trump economy, we have a Winning Bigly Index (WBI) where Americans are experiencing remarkable prosperity on every level. Trump simply gets it and he has worked tirelessly to remove government bureaucracy, create incentives for investment (tax cuts) and get the US out of unfair trade deals while holding China and other countries accountable for their unfair trade practices. America is winning again! Let’s look at some numbers:

  • Unemployment rate: 3.5% (54 year low)
  • Average hourly wage increase for Americans: 3.1%
  • Average family weekly wage increase: 2.8%
  • Inflation: 1.76%
  • Job growth November 2019: 266,000 (54K in manufacturing)
  • Overall job creation during President Trump’s 1st Administration:  6.02 million; 482K manufacturing jobs
  • US Crude Oil Production: Up 33.6%

When using the MI formula in the Trump economy, unemployment and inflation equals 5.26%. There is no misery index in the Trump economy just a big beautiful Winning Bigly Index! Mr. Obama, Donald J. Trump built that!

Looks like the roaring 20’s are upon us for Trump’s second term. Much to celebrate in America as Pelosi, Schiff and the Democratic Party candidates focus on impeachment and socialism. As the greatest economic President in our lifetimes stated during his 2019 State of the Union speech, “America will be never be a socialist country!” Lets Keep America Great! #KAG2020



It’s Time for a Distributed Capital of the United States

By Blackjack Pershing             Missouri Territory

Dateline: November 5th, 2019

“As once, when the armies of the empire were shattered and the strong barbarians poured in upon the soft provincials, so now the fierce weeds pressed in to destroy the pampered nursling’s of man.”
George R. Stewart, Earth Abides

A recent tweet by the 53rd Regiment sparked the idea that it’s time to decentralize the federal government and disperse it throughout the United States.

The above quote from the noted apocalyptic novel Earth Abides, references the ‘pampered nurslings of man’. Is there a better description of denizens of the Beltway than that? Maybe…

Like rats to a dumpster every known form of vermin has now gathered in Washington DC; like the swamp ecosystem that gives it its nickname, DC has its own ecosystem of users, hacks, hangers on, bribers, sycophants, charlatans, and destroyers. Unlike the ticks, fleas, snakes, toads, mosquitos and flies of the real swamp, these vermin do real and lasting damage to our nation.

The 53rd Regiment pointed out recently that even major corporations (not just defense contractors) are moving their HQ’s the DC metro area to get in on the feeding frenzy of special interests and influence building. Even those larger companies who do not have a HQ there, usually have well-staffed teams of lobbyists in the capital.

A distributed model for our federal institutions could be one way to break up the clogged sewer we call Washington DC.

First – what we do NOT mean: this is not a proposal to move the entire capital to the center of the United States. Others have advocated that; we are not. Too expensive, too unrealistic and too dated.

We advocate a gradual move of federal resources throughout the territory of the United States in order to evenly distribute resources, and better keep the population in touch with its institutions.

What stays in DC: the Capitol, the White House, the Pentagon (DOD), the museums and the monuments. Washington DC can remain the historical capital of the nation and the rightful place to memorialize our history. Our elected officials can also live and assemble there.

What can go? Pretty much everything else. Over time. And it would be extremely healthy. Current thinking on the evolution of any large organization is to move toward a distributed model – google Bob Johansen and Leadership Literacies, if you have an interest in the topic. Technology now enables instant communication globally; certainly within the time zones of the United States this is even more attractive.

Think about these possibilities:

· The Department of Homeland Security in the Southwestern US near our largest security issue
· While the Pentagon may stay the Pentagon, US Military assets could be moved throughout the United States. Navy HQ in Hawaii? Philadelphia? Army HQ Ft Bragg, NC? Ft Riley, KS? Air Force HQ one of the coasts? Home of Aviation in Dayton, OH? Future Space Force Command in Cape Canaveral? All Possible – over time. Military deployment and logistical needs should certainly be evaluated.

· Every time a department is to be built, renovated, restructured, etc., it should be moved to another state, systematically and fairly – no one gets too much, and everyone gets some. Much like the electoral college.

· FBI leaves the swamp and goes to crime capital of the US: Chicago; they should be careful once there. Dangerous.

· CIA: leaves the swamp and comes to the heartland, St Louis, MO

· HUD: move it to a well-run city like Charlotte or San Diego learn what works.

· DOJ: great candidate to leave the swamp; send it to the heartland, and in this case make it Jackson, MS

· The VA – a critical agency if ran correctly should move to a much more conscientious town near a large Military Installation; maybe someplace in Kentucky, near Ft’s Knox or Campbell.

· The USDA should naturally be in the farm belt of the nation; upper Midwest feels right.

· The EPA should move to Detroit. Plenty of big messes for them to focus on there. New Jersey a close #2, and we do mean #2, as in #2. Sorry New Jersey.

· Require the congress to rotate its location and meetings through State Capitols several times per year. Make them experience and come to terms with different parts of the United States.

Safety: distributing the federal government assets makes it far more difficult to ‘decapitate’ the United States in a terror attack or even surprise attack from an international competitor. Given the risk level it is surprising that this course of action hasn’t been discussed more openly already.

Readers of the 53rd Regiment: Do you agree? Is this a good way to not only drain, but permanently disrupt the swamp? Weigh in below and be heard!



Americans are under assault …

by their government — House democrats, lawless bureaucrats in the Intelligence Community (IC) and the Main Stream Media (MSM).

by Guardian 6                                         Dateline 1 October 2019

The democratic party’s impeachment craze, Russian collusion witch hunt and now the Ukraine hoax is not about justice, it is about getting rid of Trump at all costs, the rule of law be damned.  Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff are out front leading the charge with The Squad in support creating the frenzy and madness in their caucus. MSM has given these democrats the media platform from sunrise to sunset and well into the darkness. This is not about America or Americans, this is about power, democrats regaining power and the White House at all costs. This is a sophisticated coup d’etat with democrats, the Hillary Clinton campaign, former government IC agency heads like John Brennan and James Clapper; and democratic operatives planted in the White House, IC agencies and willing MSM accomplices. The assault has been underway since Trump became the republican nominee. The democrats have become master of lies, deception and their tyranny is justified in their resistance narrative.

Americans should be deeply troubled and scared at what we are witnessing and enduring. This is not representative government. The democrats really don’t care what the public thinks. They believe they make the rules, set the terms of public debate and shape public sentiment to their thinking. If democrats can create a false narrative, orchestrate government resources to collect on the President and fellow Americans, hold phony hearings and then have the MSM back them up, are we safe?

Americans are under assault. If democrats can do this to the President, we are all at risk. Liberty, justice and the American way of life are being attacked by democrats fueled with MSM support. This is tyranny. It is a time for patriots to stand with our President, to defend our constitution and stand resolute to hold these democrats responsible for what they have inflicted on the American people and President Trump.



The Trump Doctrine

by BlackJack Pershing    

Dateline June 4th, 2019                       Missouri Territory

The Trump Doctrine — Peace Through (Economic) Strength

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”    Dwight D Eisenhower, January 17th, 1961

Among the most shrill cries of ‘no fairsies!!’ to arise in the last two years are those of the never Trump crowd: Bill Kristol, George Will, Bret Stephens, writers at the National Review, the Bush family and their various satellites. This has been puzzling because despite POTUS’s colorful/abrasive style, he’s racked up many conservative wins, Supreme Court picks, regulation cuts and tax policy most notably. So. Why the insane whining from so many ‘center right’ types despite the progress?

President Trump has side stepped, walked around and disregarded the orthodoxy of the center right, sometimes neo-con, always hawkish and seldom military veteran establishment. He has disregarded their playbook completely. He has not sought advice from most of them. He has made them the museum pieces that they really are. He’s attempting something completely new, touching on some noteworthy historic initiatives, but his actions are mostly unprecedented. Here are a few examples of President Trump’s mortal sins, as designated by the traditional hawkish-right handbook:

Economics as foreign Policy: for the hawkish right, the only tool here is economic sanctions against enemy states, to be used mostly leading up to poorly planned and ill-conceived war plans.

Trump has added tariffs to this arsenal to the great dismay of economic purists on the right. Tariffs on everything? No. Tariffs directed at those exploiting the American system. Unacceptable to those steeped in the past, who reflexively invoke the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 each time this tool is used. The globalist conservative right was complicit in selling out the American worker in the last 30 + years while invoking this act from a different time and context. The left is too misinformed to even weigh in coherently. Witness Joe Biden: ‘China is not our competitor’.

Negotiating with Dictators: for the hawkish right, this is only ok on their terms. Threats delivered while we are deploying troops (Iraq, Afghanistan) or worse, concessions achieved with those giving them getting eliminated (Libya-Kaddafi); it also means just offering bellicose rhetoric with zero action taken. Name your 3rd world dictatorship where we’ve not done that under the left and right (Obama and his red lines, JV team, etc).

President Trump has made his own way here. We went full circle from Little Rocket Man to ‘my friend Chairman Kim’ in a short time frame, with the emphasis on finding a personal relationship and appealing to the potential for economic success in North Korea. Had we ever heard an American president discuss developing beach property in a foreign land, let alone NoKo? This approach has sent the Kristols/Stephens/Will crowd into level 5 fits of TDS. While we do not have success yet, we do have reduction in missile tests, nuke activity and the return of Korean War soldiers’ remains. That is 5000% more than his 3 predecessors got done.

Can allies be deadbeats? For the hawkish right, yes of course they can and we should thank them for it. For decades our NATO allies were allowed to NOT pay their bills while their citizens enjoyed lavish social welfare benefits and long vacations. The elitist American right, long alienated from anyone doing blue collar work, only focused on the mission of the alliance and not what the cost was to our citizens.

President Trump shows up and immediately plays collection agent. The predictable response from the right and left is that he’s being mean and disrespectful to our allies. BS. The opposite has long been true. He’s insisting on accountability. He’s got our back.

Peace Through Economic Strength: for the center right, peace, foreign policy and war fighting have never been directly related to economics, even though they may claim differently. Even Rumsfeld while acknowledging the ‘dead enders’ in Iraq with no hope/no job/no life, never offered any solution to why they exist.

Global Competitiveness: Both the left and right forgot about this, as both became remote and sealed off from working America. While encapsulated in the fake bubble of DC, where all drinks are free and all meals are paid lunches and dinners at various ‘events’, they lost all empathy for the American worker.
President Trump in one single act ushered in the game change needed to unleash American economic might: the business tax cut. No one is talking about it but this change that rises above all others. It is reversing decades of off-shoring of jobs. It is restoring faith in the American worker. Companies want to be here now. We finally got the business tax rate to a competitive level. Where does it lead? American economic strength gives us leverage to use in other areas, like the border crisis with Mexico. Unconventional? Yes. While the hawkish right screams about Smoot-Hawley and other imagined horrors, this action just might keep our Border Patrol people safer, just might keep our National Guard Troops home and just might solve some long standing issues. Elitists/Globalists on left and right scream with no solutions.

When America is at its best economically, it can do amazing things, like the Marshall Plan, like the Moon Shot, and even the (FAILED) War on Poverty. We can spend mightily to solve big problems when we are solvent. We currently have a President that knows this, while his adversaries are preaching socialism and offering scolding and shame to the American people – about – well everything.

President Trump has even offered to meet with the Iranian ‘leadership’ with no conditions, emphasizing their economic woes in the meantime.

Venezuela’s socialists will fall soon, and the Russians have announced they are leaving…..

Here’s to Peace through Economic Strength and to victory in 2020!



Twitter Patriots

America’s sons and daughters of liberty are taking twitter by storm. They are the modern day equivalent of Minute Men or Daughters of Liberty pushing back against the fake news networks, the leftist-socialist propaganda agenda and the 24/7 President Trump resistance movement. While @twitter does their best to shadow ban or limit their messaging, these patriots will not be silenced. These patriots stand proudly with @potus Trump Make America Great Again movement, #MAGA.

The trailblazing duo of @DiamondandSilk were early adopters of President Trump as a pair of his most outspoken and loyal supporters. Their tag team approach of bringing reality to liberals with a little “chit chat” is direct, humorous and on point. 

Bringing national security expertise and street smarts, former secret service agent and NYPD officer @dbongino deals directly and forcefully with liberal lies and fake news on all forums including his podcast. Dan is eloquent, quick witted and a regular on @foxnews burning the midnight oil ready to joist a liberal elite off their horse at a moment’s notice. 

@RealJamesWoods is our favorite Hollywood conservative with his take no prisoners approach to commentary. Quick witted and armed with an MIT education, foolish fake fanciful liberals think they can challenge him or refute his critiques. Wrong! James will quickly undress you with your pants down around your ankles with your shoes tied together.

Brilliant, quick witted and tough, the @hodgetwins don’t mess around! They go deep and swing for the fences. These two “Comedians, Black Conservatives” are all about calling out the loons on the left with humor and wit. Make America Great Again! 

@The_Smirker is our “Common Sense Conservative and Psychiatrist for Joe Scarborough” and takes on all lying Liberal & Never Trumpers for morning coffee and evening beers. He fights and wins! Really have to appreciate the selfless service counseling America’s #1 clown @JoeNBC. 

Big victory coming November 6th! #Redwave coming with Twitter Patriots armed with facts, principles and love of country. @potus just wins and so do the Twitter Patriots! 


This is What Disruption Looks Like

          Republished: June 10, 2018
      As the G7 closes out, the 53rd Regiment is reminded brilliant analysis by Blackjack Pershing. This treatise explains leadership, conviction and President Trump’s America First policies and how “settings things done” first & foremost matters.  Considering the last 24 hours news cycle, this analysis fully explains the belief system of the 45th President of the Unites States.

Originally Published: 2115 Hours, January 29th, 2017

By Jack Black Pershing (from “Fly-over Country”)

I’ve been getting in trouble my whole life and I really don’t care what anybody thinks of what I do on stage as a comic.” Andrew Dice Clay

Remember the Diceman? It was the late 80’s when he hit the comedy scene and it went crazy.   His act was a series of R rated send-ups of popular nursery rhymes not to be repeated here. They went as viral as something could at the time. A friend of mine sent me a VHS tape of his show when I was stationed in Germany. That tape got passed around to dozens of other lieutenants and some of their wives threatened to do me bodily harm as I was the known source.

The Diceman disrupted comedy at the time – like it or not.

Enter the Diceman 2.0 known as Donald J. Trump, now POTUS.   DJT is disrupting the tired and ossified political structures in place since the post WW2 period. DJT’s social similarities to the vulgar Diceman are well documented – so no need to elaborate on the details – but let’s start there.

DJT is direct, sometimes bombastic and decidedly coarse. Ironically those he offends most and are most likely to scream about his offenses, also routinely defend the worst content Hollywood culture has to offer in terms of glorification of drugs, smoking (pot), sex of any kind, extreme gun violence and on and on.   “Yes I have dreamed of bombing the Whitehouse” says a certain woman known for extreme vulgarity and mocking the Catholic church regularly.

What do disruptors really do? The acronym VUCA was born and popularized by the Army War College shortly after 9/11; it stands for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Into VUCA environments come disruptors and it is there that they thrive. We certainly exist in a VUCA environment today. Technology, social norms, major religions, large institutions of all kinds – almost everything is up for grabs in terms of where it might go and how it might evolve – or not survive.

DJT is incorrectly called a populist. This is wrong. Or as DJT might write: ‘WRONG!’. The stale ‘old media’ mistook the large rallies, fun and entertaining rhetoric, potshots, accusations of bias and the tagline ‘Make America Great Again’ as old school populism. Nope. That is Diceman 2.0 breaking through media noise. Newt Gingrinch wrote a perfect analysis of it months ago.

Here are a few of the disruptions:

  • Calling out the fallacy of free trade that elitists do not get and seemingly can’t. Trade is free when all of us are playing by the same rules. We can enforce that in our own country. However – many countries have governments and businesses that collude. Many countries have nothing called free trade or the laws and civil society to support it. Those who enabled them to compete against us under easier constraints were naïve at best and grossly negligent at worst. Meaning every president since and including Nixon and their teams.
  • Overwhelmingly liberal bias in the old media. (I won’t call them ‘Main Stream’). It took running for president in my estimation for DJT to finally see how bad it was. After all he had thrived in the industry that now calls him Satan for decades. Once he declared his positions they spit him out like a watermelon seed.   What did he do? He called them out with the kind of ferocity they hadn’t ever seen – and continues to. They are so far beyond self-awareness that they are incapable of any course correction. We now have a president that talks back and is NEVER passive. Disruptive.
  • Speed: last 7 days are self evident. This 70 year old outworks everyone around him and definitely the tired drag asses in congress. Impressive and even Jeb must be thinking DJT was right in calling him ‘low energy’
  • The Forgotten Man/Forgotten Women: I know them. I’ve known factory workers my entire career and been on staff in a factory that was closed and been part of closing several. I do not believe there has ever been a president –with the possible exception of Teddy Roosevelt – that connected with blue collar America (and disrupted/outsourced/offshored America) like DJT. In his career he knew them. He led them. He managed them. He employed them. He understood them. All the elites could do is speak down to them from both major parties because they didn’t get them and didn’t much care. As jobs left us en masse, the republican offered tough love: ‘get retrained’ and the democrats offered food stamps and platitudes: ‘you’ve been screwed by the rich’. No. They were screwed by jackass politicians that gave away the store.
  • Tweets and social media: he used social sites better than anyone in the media, any other politician, maybe better than anyone period. Political class were caught flatfooted and still are.
  • Disregard for convention: as a business person, DJT is the ultimate get it done guy – that one employee or soldier you know can piss everyone off but usually gets results. He doesn’t care about how it was done before. The Whitehouse correspondants are learning this now.

Those are just a few. More to come. Where does this all go? For us conservatives, as Guardian 6 has said, ‘Its like Christmas…each morning: tweets in our stockings and battles with big libs for our presents!’ Indeed G-6. Indeed. Sometimes disruptors get tiresome.   Diceman faded for a while but I am happy to see he’s back playing Vegas and has a reality show. Will DJT tweet himself into trouble? Will he deeply offend an ally of the US? Will he simmer down once his major programs are in place? Will he get so much done that he hands the reigns over the VP after the first term?   Its just hard to say with a disruptor. I will say this: for the first time since Reagan, a guy I can say gets me and I get him is running the show. He’s in a vastly different package – a major NYC wise guy. And he’s disrupting all the right disruptees.


I do whatever I do. I go to the club. I work on material. While other people are sleeping, I’m awake. I always liked that.

                  – Andrew Dice Clay


Trump Stumbles with Omnibus Bill

Dateline March 25, 2018

The Swamp

The Master of Art of the Deal got rolled, got played. He had a winning hand but allowed himself to be consumed and played by DC politics and a 2,000 page bill loaded with Democratic priorities and very few conservative ideals or priorities. How does this happen with Republican control of Congress?

Answer: Many, many RINOs masquerading as conservatives that are too enthralled with enriching themselves and failing to represent the people that elected them. 

Many Trump supporters (of which the 53rd Regiment is one) believe Trump had an ace up his sleeve and approved this bill because he has a plan (@hotfunkytown for one). Sadly, the 53rd firmly disagrees. He caved! He failed to take his case to the American people and use the bully pulpit. The Swamp has to be dealt with directly and upfront in your face. Chuck & Nancy won this round and @potus got sucked in by the two RINOs leading the House & Senate. Very sad. No Wall (33 miles is a joke!)! No DACA and Immigration bill … massive, excessive spending! When Sen. Schumer states, “the era of austerity is over,” Mr. Trump has totally failed his base!

The 53rd Regiment needs President Trump to regroup. Cleaning house within the Administration of Swamp Dwellers is a good start as Blackjack Pershing points out in Swamp Human Resource Problems, but Trump supporters expect the President to focus on America First! The omnibus bill should have been a slam dunk veto, quickly followed by an Oval Office address to the country calling out the American sellouts that orchestrated this awful piece of legislation.

The 53rd Regiment is highly disappointed in in President Trump. He has many, many wins in his first 15 months in office but signing this bill was his first major mistake and a big loser to the millions of patriots that support him. Sad, very sad! Mr. President, time to get tough and lead us out of decades of decay.



Swamp Human Resources Problems

Dateline March 19, 2018

by Blackjack Pershing

Missouri Territory

“He should fire them at rallies” – Ann Coulter on the recent Trump Administration staff departures

Good HR polices and the Swamp it seems, have never met. Ever.

And the Swampian press that covers the Swamp and its bad people practices defends the status quo at all costs.

McCabe. Never has someone’s exit package or lack thereof become such an issue; the fact that every news organization is breathlessly reporting that Mr. McCabe lost his pension rights is moronic. Most Americans are not entitled to such a lavish pension as the one once available to Mr. McCabe. And most Americans who must work day in and out and are subject to rules of ethics, integrity and polite business behavior know that their employment can end abruptly if they do not comply with said rules. So the proper answer to reports of a pension denied to a rule breaker is ‘Do I look like I give a ____? Were rules broken? Were improprieties proven? Fine. Let’s move on.’

When people break integrity rules they get fired – almost everywhere. This is normal in the United States and necessary to maintain a civil society. Mr. McCabe should be far more worried about criminal charges than his pension.

Why do people get fired? A few reasons:
– Because they are ‘at will’ employees.That means you can be let go for no reason at all. Despite the litigious nature of our society, this is still true and legal in the US.

– Poor performance
– Bad fit; meaning they do not function well with the rest of the team
– Ethics and integrity: meaning they broke substantive rules; they lied; they stole; they cheated

It seems everyone in the media and in the Swamp lives outside these rules and assumes everyone gets a job for life. They don’t. That would be stupid, undermine progress, and lead us to what was the reality under communism in the Eastern Bloc Countries in the 20th century.

President Trump has presided over many departures. He says he likes turnover. Being fired in a tweet, or informed of your termination while on the toilet, as some have reported happened to Rex Tillerson, is unfortunate. Rex, however, is a big boy; he’s been a CEO of one of the most powerful companies on the planet. He’s got money. He will get over this. Who knows – he may have been relieved, as he relieved himself.

The President is managing how he likes to manage. It is not illegal. And we all knew what we were getting. It was not illegal to fire James Comey. It was not illegal to fire any of the White House staff that has been fired, many of whom remain loyal to the President.

Let’s compare the Trump firings to one that stands out; George W Bush’s firing of Don Rumsfeld in 2006 came about after Congress turned. Bush openly admitted that he was making the change due to the change in congress. Bush hang on to Rumsfeld for 6 years, during which many mistakes were made in the execution of the two active wars at the time (most notably abandoning the ‘Powell Doctrine’ in favor of ‘Shock and Awe’) This was the standard Swamp employment model. Employ a loyal stalwart until politics and the public can no longer stand them. Rummy along with Dick Cheney became the bogey men for the leftist media at the time. Bush should have relieved Mr. Rumsfeld as early as 2003 as the initial results of the war proved the predicted occupation force levels of General Eric Shinseki correct.

To be clear, Black Jack Pershing likes Rumsfeld; but he suffered from a ‘job fit’ problem. He simply was not the man for the times, at that time. In other roles, for example running the IRS, he could have been magnificent.

Trump is operating at Trump Speed, not Swamp speed. A trump year is like 5 years of Swamp speed. Those relieved of duty, whether it was Reince Preibus, Steve Bannon, or Sean Spicer actually served 5 times or more length of service than their Swampian detractors would admit, as they were working at TRUMP speed, not SWAMP speed. Even the Mooch, who lasted but a week, was really there for 5 weeks in Swampian time.

The 53rd has regularly reported that disruption is uncomfortable in the Swamp. Recent shrieking about firings simply proves that to be true.

As for those of us outside the swamp? We think Ann Coulter might be right. Can you imagine the warmth and generous applause that could have been awarded to Rex Tillerson as he was axed at a Trump Rally?

“Great to be with you here in Kansas City! I love the heartland! Missouri loves me! We were up but almost 20 points here! I am going to bring out Big Rex Tillerson for one BIG last round of applause!!! Rex come on out! The people love you Rex! Rex is a great man, a great man, ladies and gentleman!! His wife is great too and he has a great family! We love you Rex but it’s time for you to go! Mad Dog is waiting for you over there with some parting gifts. Ok there he goes ladies and gentlemen – let’s all wave goodbye! Ok let’s get Mike Pompeo out here – you’re gonna love him, trust me!”

It could work.


State of the Union Preview

Dateline Somewhere in the Midwest, January 28th, 2018

by Blackjack Pershing

Let’s get right down to business; what follows is a set of predictions, observations and wishlist items for the pageant know as the SOTU Address.
The Gallery: we know Melania will be up there looking hot; we’ve been told to expect the so called dreamers as guests of Dicky Doo Dah and others; we’ve been told the gentleman who rushed to the church shooting in TX will be there.  Who else would we like to see? Diamond and Silk, as many wounded veterans as possible, and maybe some of those folks in Puerto Rico who caught the paper towels that @Potus was chucking.
Boycotters: in addition to Aunty Max and a few other angry leftist puppets, we’d like to see all of the democrats sit this one out.  We then have one big pep rally for @potus.  And we can give their seats to wounded vets and paper towel recipients.
The Walk In: as in the past the President will walk into congress with many well wishers reaching to shake his hand.  This time why not do some swag distribution.  @potus should hand out MAGA hats, t-shirts, mugs and other premiums to these excited well wishers as he walks in.   Maybe even some Trump Wine, Trump Ties, Trump Steaks, etc etc etc.
VP & Speaker: we’ve seen over the years many sets of Vice Presidents and Speakers looking sometimes bored, sometimes happy, sometimes disgusted.  Poor John Boehner suffered through many bouts of Obama’s gasbaggery.  This year, with an aligned and friendly VP and Speaker, we recommend they occasionally stand up and do the hockey power play dance, demonstrated with great precision in this link by a St Louis Blues Fan:
Key Messages we can expect to hear from @potus:
– America is well on the way to being great again
– Tax cuts working: companies sharing wealth with employees and Apple repatriating billions
Black unemployment lowest in history!
– North Korea bad
– Little Rocket Man is chubby and not helpful
– The Wall!
– DACA for the Wall
– ‘Chuck & Nancy’ not helpful!
– Jay Zee a no good crack dealing chowder head
– infrastructure will be built on time and under budget!
– China not helpful!
– Dicky Doo Dah Durbin not helpful!
we will win so much we will get tired of winning!
– America First
– We will not allow unfair solar panels and washing machines!
– @Potus very healthy!  Won his physical! Celebratory Big Mac! 
The Aftermath: the Very Fake MSM will pan the speech as unspecific and go right back to Russia and almost but not quite firing Lurch 2.0 aka Mueller.  However, Deplorables across the nation will be pleased.  
Open questions:
– who else will boycott?
– will there be a paper towel throw to several friendly Supreme Court members or the Joint Chiefs?
– will any new forever nick names be awarded?
– Will there be a potshot taken at the Very Fake MSM?
– Many many possibilities await!
Thoughts?  Please leave a comment!


