The UFC Presidency


Dateline: December 13, 2024

by @PershingSoldier

Missouri Territory

Let Trumpamania run wild, brother!

– Hulk Hogan at Madison Square Garden

Fellow patriots the Golden Era is upon us!  The winning has already started.  So much winning.  All of us need to guard against winning fatigue, because a literal hurricane of winning is headed straight for us.  Dig in!

If you have seen Trump entrances to UFC events, especially the last one at Madison Square Garden with Elon, Vivek,  RFK, Tulsi and a somewhat bewildered Mike Johnson, you have seen the second term in a nutshell.  We will be witnessing the UFC Presidency.  That entourage, like the ‘conservative avengers’ as Joe Rogan named them, was met with thunderous sustained applause and adoration.  Not because they are worthy of worship, but because they want to make America great.  The put us, our safety and our success, first.

The UFC Presidency: It will be, in a word, GLORIOUS.

Those who are now approaching Trump looking for peace and common ground, like Zuckerberg, Bezos, Mika and Morning Schmoe, etc, are not just looking for relevance.  They are looking for a place in Trump’s UFC entourage.  It really is as simple as that.  Add in the list of traditional RINOS that are coming around like John Cornyn and even Jonie Ernst.  The entourage walk – if you are invited into it – means you are America First and want our citizens to win, so much so that you are willing to be hated by the democrats and derided by the MSM. The glory is worth the price, folks.

A few things to watch for:

The inauguration is already taking on some new themes as Chairman Xi has been invited, to watch his new boss take the oath before God and country.  That is quite the psychological message to Xi, whether he takes the invitation or not.  With foreign leaders attending, and other likely changes coming, President Elect Trump is adding some UFC flair to a long-standing tradition that has not been tweaked in many decades.  It’s time.  That priest who did the Trump imitation at the Republican Convention (‘You’re going to be so blessed, more blessed than anyone…”) needs to be brought back for a full-blown Trump inspired invocation, with a serious thank you to the God that saved him.  Linda McMahon should be brought up before the new president speaks to do a simulated (or not) pile driver with the outgoing dunderhead.  Huge entertainment on the dais.  A re-creation of the famous Trump/Vince McMahon fights seems in order, this time perhaps with all the RINOS against Trump.  We’ll see what happens!

A new tradition will take form, with the State of the Union Address being given in Madison Square Garden, or a more local arena in the DC area.  The public would be invited to participate, with the Conservative Avengers walking into thunderous applause, after both houses of congress have been booed, for the most part.  Finally, Hulk Hogan will deliver those famous words, ‘Mr Speaker!  The President of the United States!’ Insanity breaks out! Yes – a little WWF mixed in with UFC is a good thing.

Major legislation will now be passed in a UFC style setting, again in an arena, with the public invited to watch as both houses pass the laser focused and efficiently written bills that will allow America to be great again.  Both houses will be present with the President waiting in a center ring to sign the new bills into law.  SCOTUS will be invited as well.  The joint chiefs?  NO.  They will be focused exclusively on war fighting and will not be invited to political events.  While the final negotiations happen, and the audience waits, all will be entertained by stories from Elon and Vivek about which idiotic government programs have been eliminated.  Footage of do-nothing bureaucrats being walked out of their offices with a box of their belongings will be shown for the audience to enjoy.

The Trump UFC experience has been seen once if you remember, overseas.  During his visit to India, you may remember his appearance at a stadium there.  Well guess what?  The Conservative Avengers will be appearing in places and events all over the globe.  Watch for the entourage at Soccer (aka Foot Ball) events in Europe.  Watch for them to set hair on fire at stuffy Cricket Matches in the UK.  Watch for an insane entourage walk at a Beer Tent at the Oktoberfest in Munich.  They will run with the Bulls in Pamplona.  In a shocking bid for world peace, the entourage will appear at Mecca.  Once Ukraine is put to bed, in a similar effort, the entourage will go to the Kremlin with average Russians going crazy.  Even Putin wants in on it.  Chinese New Year will be up ended by the appearance of the Conservative Avengers.  Xi will endorse them.  And yes, that famous scene of Trump crossing the DMZ in Korea will be recreated, this time with the full entourage and massive audiences of Korean citizens on both sides.  HUGE.  Any world festival is now an opportunity for the Avengers to make an appearance.  In fact, they will compete for these appearances and in some cases pay for them, with proceeds going to our veterans.  Trump will conduct business while on these trips, negotiating trade agreements that truly make America great.

OK Patriots.  That’s just a taste of the UFC Presidency.  Be sure to enjoy these next four years because this is a once in a lifetime experience.

You know something? I’ve seen some great tag teams in my time. Hulk Hogan and oh yeah, the macho man, Randy Savage. But you know something? I see the greatest tag team of my life standing upon us getting ready to straighten this country out for all the real Americans. Even though you guys are real Americans, you better get ready because when Donald J. Trump becomes the President of the United States, all the real Americans are going to be nicknamed Trumpites because all the Trumpites are going to be running wild for four years. With the power of Donald J. Trump and all the Trumpites running wild, America is going to get back on track and like Donald J. Trump said, America is going to be great again.

  • Hulk Hogan at the Republican convention


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Author: Guardian 6

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