Man’s Best Friend Deserves Better

By BlackJack Pershing @pershingsoldier on X
Dateline: February 23, 2024   Missouri Country

I train humans not dogs because if the human doesn’t change, the dog doesn’t change. Humans are responsible for the outcome of their dogs.
There is no such thing as a problem breed. However, there is no shortage of ‘problem owners’….
– Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer
You’ll be hearing quite a bit from Ceasar in this essay.
For a guy who sniffs and grabs and paws and has been known for it for many decades, Joe ‘BiteMe’ Biden knows very little about the dogs he claims to love so much.
We are finding out yet again that a dog maintained at the White House by Joe Biden has attacked as many as 20 people or more.  
“I believe in integrity. Dogs have it. Humans are sometimes lacking it.”
― Cesar Millan
When you love dogs you begin to learn there really are no bad dogs, just bad owners.  Dogs are always a reflection of those around them.  Always.  They love humans by instinct and can’t help but be influenced by them.  Many have said that we don’t deserve them and that they are too good for us.  I agree.
Like many when I began hearing about these incidents with the dogs at the White House, I immediately attributed the problem to the owners.
Yes – Joe is a known degenerate and general prick, but there are others that are part of this equation.  Disconnected and enabling Dr Jil and Crack Head Hunter.  
Discipline isn’t about showing a dog who’s boss; it’s about taking
responsibility for a living creature you have brought into your world.”
– Ceasar Milan
Well.  That’s a tough statement by Cesar when you are Joe Biden, who has blamed literally every problem he has created on others.  The examples are well known and ongoing.  Seems like this quote would also apply to Joe’s kids.
Remember Joe describing his ankle injury early on in his administration and telling a fake news reporter that he was trying to grab a dog’s tail?  Just last night Greg Kelly asked the question ‘Aren’t we all taught to not grab a dog’s tail as young children?’  Yes.  We are.  But if you are a sadistic prick, you may opt out of that lesson.
“Denial,they say, stands for “Don’t even notice I am lying.” Human beings are the only animals who are happily lied to by our own minds about what is actually happening around us.”
– Cesar Milan
Well now.  Joe and his many DNC apparatchiks and hacks have turned denial, gaslighting and insane false claims into an art form.  The border?  Trump ruined it!  I need money to close it!  LOL.  Inflation?  Better than its ever been!  Fentanyl?  Ignore it.  Palestine, Ohio?  I helped!!  Israel October attack?  Bibi is an assh-le!  Stolen secret documents?  I did nothing wrong!!   And on and on and on it goes without end.  There is nothing he won’t say.  No low to which he won’t sink.  
“Mother Nature’s ruthless to the weak, but isn’t arbitrary cruel or negative. Mother Nature saves aggression for extreme situations, and instead uses consistent leadership–to help keep things running smoothly. Mother nature doesn’t rule by fear and anger, but by calm strength and assertiveness.”
-Cesar Milan
No one except the shills, hack and propagandists for the DNC believes we have anything resembling calm strength and assertiveness with the Biden Puppet Regime.  What we have is demented, perverted, angry, irrational, silly, emotional, fake and twisted. Calm and assertive?  NO.  The American people are reaping the bad results.  
“My kids are around pit bulls every day. In the ’70s they blamed Dobermans, in the ’80s they blamed German Shepherds, in the ’90s they blamed the Rottweiler. Now they blame the Pit Bull.”
Cesar Milan
That’s right Cesar.  We know.  If you love dogs you know and have been around all of these breeds.  I have.  I have experienced wonderful loving Pit Bulls and especially German Shepherds.  They are wonderful animals and definitely take their lead from their owner.  If the owner is open and kind and not a jerk, they treat strangers with some caution but will never attack.  
Why does Joe like German Shepherds?  Why has he singled out this breed to focus his inane behavior on?  What is going on in that empty shell of a head he’s got?  Clearly those running most animal shelters would turn away a known problem owner like this.  
“animals don’t follow unstable pack leaders; only humans promote, follow, and praise instability. Only humans have leaders who can lie and get away with it. Around the world, most of the pack leaders we follow today are not stable. Their followers may not know it, but Mother Nature is far too honest to be fooled by angry, frustrated, jealous, competitive, stubborn, or other negative energy—even if it is masked by a politician’s smile.
– Cesar Milan
We’ll leave this quote to stand on its own.  Cesar knows.  We all know.  
The seemingly smaller things tell us a ton about people.  Hopefully these issues with the Biden dogs will spell out to traditional liberal dog lovers that we’ve got a big problem with the Sniffer in Chief.
“It becomes very obvious, by reading a dog, how stable or unstable his human companion is. Our dogs are our mirrors.”
-Cesar Milan




Carefully Reasoned by Iron Mike___Truth

Dateline: February 2nd, 2024 (Groundhog’s Day)

As many of us begin to get serious about assessing the Presidential candidates and other down ticket elected officials, we need to keep current events in perspective. A “Before and After” Comparison becomes a useful tool in contrasting the USA before Joe Biden was inaugurated as our 46th President and after he assumed high office on January 20th, 2021. For the purpose of this article, we will focus on our Open Borders situation and simply ask —“WHY?” or better yet “WTF?”

President Donald J. Trump had done a superb job of shutting off the flow of illegal immigrants, contraband and drugs pouring into the USA during his first four year administration. There was also a promise of further making our Southern Border even more secure, near impenetrable, with the completion of the specially designed Border Wall  and enhanced security measures. Here’s where we ask for the first time: “WTF?”

Within days of his Inauguration, “Scranton Joe” signed an Executive Order discontinuing the construction of our Border Wall and the security enhancements that went with it. Again, “WTF ?”!!!

Shortly thereafter, “The Big Guy” signed another order cancelling President Trump’s very successful “Remain In Mexico” policy. With that, the traffic of illegal immigrants crossing into our country began to build exponentially. The traffic quickly grew out of control to the extent that it began to overwhelm our U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. While thousands claiming asylum crossed the border at various points along the Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California borders with Mexico, thousands more chose not to check in with our Customs Border Patrol officers. “FJB “ became responsible for a whole new class of illegal immigrants: The Got-Aways! “The Got-Aways” should alarm every thinking and voting American!

Who are The Got-Aways? Are they Terrorists? Maybe! Are they foreign fighters from distant nations that hate the USA? Perhaps! Are they the rabble, the insane, the murderers, the criminals that our enemies have dumped at our gates to create havoc and to cause mayhem in our streets and neighborhoods? Possibly! Will we be “properly introduced” to our new residents one day soon? COUNT ON IT !!! My best guess is we will meet them on our streets and in our cities this coming summer as a run up to the coming elections. They may well replace the likes of ANTIFA, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, etc. and bring their extreme brand of violence with them; a level rarely seen anywhere except in Israel on October 7th, 2023. Let’s pray that does not happen but it remains a distinct possibility.

One needs to consider what our porous borders have wrought and ask themselves, “WTF?” It wasn’t that way before “FJB” took office! What has “Sundowner Joe” done to us? Here are just a few of the evils that he has brought to our country.

#1. Cartels control our Southern Border. That control has enabled the Cartels to kill tens of thousands of young Americans with toxic fentanyl overdoses and drug cocktails that are smuggled into the country. So many young adults have overdosed on fentanyl or another drug with traces of fentanyl that it is commonplace in some states to find Narcan dispensers in Rest Areas on the Interstate Highway System. Nearly 300,000 Americans have been killed from Fentanyl exposure since “Crooked Joe” took office. Yup, its time! Let’s shout together………”WTF !!!”

#2. Child Sex Trafficking and Sex Trafficking as a whole is akin to Modern Day Slavery and it, too, is controlled by the Cartels. There is very little in this world more evil than sexually abusing children. “Sleepy Joe” threw out the Welcome Mat and the Red Carpet to this evil bunch when he ordered our borders Open For Business. It almost makes one wonder if once again “10% For The Big Guy” is in play. Here again one must ask “WTF?” Does Amtrak Joe know that there is a seat reserved for him on “The Haides Express”? “FJB” would be well advised to remember what Jesus said about those who harm children. “It would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

#3. President Donald J. Trump was correct when he stated: “They’re not giving us their best. That I can tell you!” As a matter of fact, many of the poor souls that are entering our country are suffering from terrible disabilities and debilitating disease. They come in many cases for medical treatment and corrective surgeries paid for by the US Taxpayers. There has been an alarming uptick in Tuberculosis, a disease that had been eradicated in the United States. Leprosy, a disease largely confined to Third World Nations, has now appeared in the USA. Polio, another disease that had been largely eradicated has reappeared here now with the illegal immigrant invasion. We can also see upticks in malaria and Chickenpox. Let’s chant it again! “WTF ?” After all of his postering that he had beaten COVID 19, looks like Emperor Crooked Joe had no clothes when it came to watching our back door and allowing some diseases back into our country that we had not seen in many decades! Indeed ! WTF, Joe!

#4. We need to highlight and emphasize that it has been and largely still is “Young Men of Military Age” that are pouring across the Southern Border. It does not appear that they are here to pick tomatoes…….you know……..”do the work that Americans won’t do”! “WTF?” One might venture a guess that they are here to intimidate the American public when it comes time to vote. Could it be that they are here to start trouble in the streets or at the polling stations? Could it be that they cause such a stir that “FJB” has “no choice” other than to declare Marshall Law and cancel the elections until a time of peace and tranquility is declared?

One can come up with many different scenarios as to why “Crooked Joe” has allowed us to be invaded. And one can come up with many different reasons as to why he has appointed the worst among us to positions of power and influence. Every explanation that one can pose will be labelled a Conspiracy Theory. But! Its Not a Conspiracy if it develops into the Real Deal.

At this point in his life, Joseph Robinette Biden may be an American Idiot. Of this we can be sure. However, Mr. Biden has betrayed our American ideals and American Idiot or not, Joseph Robinette Biden appears to be an American Traitor! Move over, Benedict Arnold ! Make room for your new bunk mate! “FJB !!!”


WEF & Davos 2024 – Where Tyrants Gather

Davos Switzerland

Dateline: 15 January 2024

Whether planning the next pandemic, famine or crisis to inflict the world with new cause to control the masses you can find many of the worlds billionaires, tyrants, sycophants and self imposed elites in Davos. Klaus Schwab will usher in his diabolical agenda, developed and contrived by the World Economic Form (WEF), that enables them to control western governments and partner with the likes of communist China to control resources, the free flow of information and ultimately freedom of movement.

So what is on the agenda for WEF 2024. Let’s have a look:

  • The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2024 says the biggest short-term risk stems from misinformation and disinformation.
  • In the longer term, climate-related threats dominate the top 10 risks global populations will face.
  • Two-thirds of global experts anticipate a multipolar or fragmented order to take shape over the next decade.

Shall we examine?

Misinformation and disinformation. Brilliant, of course in an election year in many western democracies including the United States, control of information flow will be done by discrediting people like Trump, Musk and writ large those dirty, smelly Deplorables. Cancelling or suppressing information is another favorite tactic. Pulling a page from the 2020 election cycle and Tech Tyrants like Mark Zuckerberg and Silicon Valley, Klaus and his WEF Klan can plan their strategies and control measures to prevent Trump being re-elected. However, Elon Musk has gotten in their way. Although the WEF controls corporate media, it is dying. New media like rebranded X and citizen journalists like the 53rd Regiment and Podcasters are serving as modern day Minutemen disrupting WEF falsehoods, warning of their dystopian plans and showcasing their lies. Many countries in Europe are starting to fight back to control their destiny. Klaus is not happy.

The WEF’s old crutch is of course Climate Change. The One Worlders have successfully scared the western world populations into submission. Biden is not only an elite capture of China, he is equally controlled by the masterminds in the WEF. Younger generations have been brained washed since childhood. Klaus Schwab and his Band of Orchestrated Killers (they kill through their policies of deprivation) have successfully reduced farming land, oil energy supplies and are advocating policies to create scarcity on a broad scale. All of this insanity is being driven by the Climate Scare.

Fragmented order, what is the means for this? Besides policies that drive scarcity of fuel, food and deprivation of economic means for people to lead fruitful lives, the WEF is driving illegal migration to western countries to facilitate break down in shared values and create division. Destroy a nations national pride by importing masses of people that do not conform to western societies. Balkanize the West, especially America, to create massive division. Since the Democratic Party has been co-opted by the WEF and China CCP, use them to destroy the United States from within. Leverage standard Marxists tactics of dividing people by race, religion and ideology. Leverage 21st Century tools like DEI, CRT and the Trans Agenda to confuse children. Turn children against their parents and the rule of law. Be relentless. Open borders fuels fragmented order through chaos and consuming government means.

It’s Davos week where miscreants, evil and self described elites plan our demise. America remains their biggest problem. Once America sheds the snake skin of the Democratic Party, Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and the Band of Hate, America’s glory will return. And if I was a betting man, leading the charge will be the WEF’s biggest nightmare, President Donald J. Trump returns in 2025. Save America! 


Recommended Resolutions for Patriots in 2024

By @PershingSoldier and @The53rdregiment as seen on X
Dateline: January 1st, 2024
Happy New Year fellow patriots – leaving a thread of resolutions here. Feel free to add your own in the comments section! You know, I know and we all know – it’s time to get serious and stay on point in 2024. Let’s roll!
1. Encourage the@GOP to rally around Trump. Time to meet the historically corrupt dems on the field of battle and return fire with everything we’ve got under one leader.
2. Talk to your RINO friends. We all have them. Remind them the republic is at stake and worries about style over substance have proven invalid with Trump. Confront them. Hold them to account. He gets results. Outstanding results. One example? The Trump Court just may save our collective asses in the end. Win your independent friends into Trump’s court as well.
3. Don’t give an inch on emotionally unhinged criticism of Trump’s style. It is what it is. If he says he wants the people who are trying to imprison him unjustly to ‘rot in hell’ he has a point. Too damn bad, MSM. Go cry.
4. I will continue@EricMoo91919605 ‘s best practice of giving the ‘racist dem talibans’ on X one response before blocking them. I can’t get bogged down.
5. @SpeakerJohnson pick 2 or 3 things to do and do them. Border close or government shut down? Good. Impeach Mayorkas? Good. Impeach Biden? Good. Those might be enough. If the 18 RINO’s won’t cooperate openly advocate they get primaried. Time get serious and focused.
6.  DifferenceMaker.

it’s time to get serious about engaging the black vote. #BLEXIT is real but must be cultivated. Get advice from@dom_lucre– smaller rallies in the black community are over due. Democrats betrayal is obvious – going and bring black Americans home. Meet them in their communities. Address the urban blight inflicted on them by @democrats.

7. All of us need to adopt the stance of

and stop allowing the MSM to call us racist, white supremacist etc. These f’d up ideas are full embedded in leftist brainwashed heads. It’s time to push back hard. Relentlessly. Don’t take there 💩.

8.@GOP must get serious about fighting lawfare and the only way to do it is to return fire. State attorneys general in red states – it’s up to you.
9. Support fellow digital warriors. Give them likes and follows.
10. @NEWSMAX you need to actually do journalism and go hard like

– investigate.

are the show. Get serious.

is a joke with Eddie Munster aka Paul Ryan calling loser plays. Step up. Do your JOB, Newsmax. We are waiting. Time to pull into the #1 spot.


Every day you should be spotlighting democrat crime, democrat violation of the constitution and democrat hypocrisy. Go to war. Stop cooperating with thugs, criminals and assholes.

12. Governors and Attorney Generals of all red states, especially border states, should be charging all government officials involved in violating the constitution via open borders with crimes. RICO. Collusion. Corruption.
13. Slob, RINO & closet democrat,

time to wrap it up and start your paid gig on

– just get out. You are a nasty, complete and total disgrace.


and conservatives need our own Soros with an unlimited supply of cash to fund freedom and liberty. Only difference would be these efforts are above board. Find the donor(s).

15. To all patriots who work in the #CIA #FBI #SecretService and other agencies who may be thinking of becoming a whistle blower, now is the time to do it. In doing so you will save yourselves, your beloved agencies and America. Step up.
16 To southern red/border state governors. Take the initiative. Find and ship every single ‘migrant’ / illegal alien to blue 💩 hole cities. All of them. 10 million. Divide them among Boston, NYC, Philly, Baltimore, DC, Chicago, Minneapolis, SFO and LA. Do it fast. Planes, trains and automobiles. Let these Stalinists eat the cost and feel the pain.
17. To @GregAbbott_TXyou may be reluctant to start a constitutional crisis but you are already in one. Seal the border yourself. Get ahead of the now useless border patrol. Use whatever combination of barriers and Tx National Guard it takes. Let’s see how the dementia patient in chief responds in front of American patriots.

18. Parents get active in your local schools. Do not accept CRT, DEI and other woke communist crap being shoved down your childrens throats by leftists. Stop the gender ideology dead in its track. Demand a focus on traditional school subjects (English, Math, Reading, History) and give ZERO ground on the crap.

19. Veterans be active calling out the woke agenda destroying our military. Call it out in your local VFW and American Legion. Write letters. There is a reason recruiting is down 25% year over year. Biden & Austin have not only destroyed our capabilities but they’ve destroyed our military culture. Let the GOFO crowd on twitter have it when they attack Trump.
20. Be a proud, bold MAGA. If someone doesn’t like that you want to Make America Great Again that is their problem. You have no more F’s to give. Just smile and drive on. We got work to do.


Bidenomics Breaking America

by Guardian 6

Dateline: 26 September 2023

What is Bidenomics? The intentional destruction of the American middle class through high taxes, massive inflation, excessive regulation, curtailment of energy supplies, hyper federal debt and a tripling of interest rates.

Bidenomics makes Jimmy Carter’s 1970s Misery Index look like the good old days. Middle class families and lower income Americans are getting hammered at the grocery store, the gas pump and every category of living expenses. While inflation rages from 10% to 45% in various categories since Biden took office, wages are suppressed. The average family is spending 2X on groceries and fuel weekly compared to two or three years ago. In practical terms:

You go to the grocery store and buy two bags of groceries for $50 just two years ago. Today, those same groceries are $100. Why? Bidenomics!

In 2020, you’d fill up your car with gas it would cost $35 – $40 to put half a tank in. Today, $70 to $90! Bidenomics!

You take your car to be serviced for an oil change. It used to cost you $29. Today? $99! Bidenomics!

You want to take your family of four out to eat like you used to. Maybe the local pizza place or Mexican restaurant. It used to cost you $60 and the children really enjoyed it. Today, you can no longer afford to take your family out. That same simple meal is $105. The small business owner explains to you that the cost of food, rent and pay have all gone up dramatically. You understand because you are living it. Welcome to Bidenomics!

Property taxes are up. Insurance fees are up. Interest rates have soared. Bidenomics!

With school returning, you shop to buy your children a few new shirts, pair of pants, a pair of new shoes. Helps your son or daughter get excited about returning to school. Now you are shopping at the local Thrift Shop hoping to offset some of the cost. Bidenomics!

You find yourself deferring vacations, carrying too much debt on credit card month over month or holding off on a new appliance you really need. That would be Bidenomics!

Sadly, this lying lousy Biden Administration is out there talking up Bidenomics like it is working and good for the American family. Biden and his flunkies must think the average American is dumb as rocks. Like we do not live in the same country. This Biden economy is the worst since the Great Depression. This is Barack Obama’s “fundamental transformation,” creating a broken-down America where less than 1% of the uber rich control society and the rest of us beg for scraps.

Democrats must be thrown out of office in mass if we are to Save America.  We cannot take another four years of Bidenomics!



UAP, UFO or Q-Anon … The Truth is Out There … Part II

by  The Nordic Alien (now it all makes sense) 

Dateline 29 July 2023     1230 MTN

Please use the comment section under this article to ask Q more questions. He assured us he would answer more questions from this interview. 


UAP, UFO or … The Truth is Out There … Part I

The 53rd interviewed @Blackjackpershing on the whole UAP phenomena …

Dateline: 27 July 2023        Ozarks, MO

1. What’s going on with these UAPs, is this another government program to control and distract the public from the mess Biden has created?

Many are asserting that this is a diversion or purposeful disinformation.  I take a different view on this matter.  First, it is possible to manage multiple priorities.  Unlike the Dems, we don’t all have to say the same thing at the same time, in unison.  It’s ok.  The misdeeds of Joe and Hunter will be revealed.  It is happening.  Second, this UFO issue has been more urgent is recent years, amplified by compelling video and testimony of credible pilots.  It’s not a made up ‘new thing’.   3rd, this is actually a non-partisan issue, with a high degree of interest by all thinking US citizens.  My final point would be that we as citizens deserved to be informed of what could be a very real ‘existential’ to us an over used term, threat to the US and the planet.

 2. If there is intelligent life visiting Earth, the operative word being the most important word in the English dictionary according to Bobby Knight, “If,” they must think we are idiots with Biden as president. What are these aliens thinking?

It is possible that the Biden presidency is why they are here and/or making their presence known.  Clearly those observing earth from afar would view the US as the best evolution of life, society and technology on this planet.  They would monitor our progress.  The Biden election is an anomaly as we know, for all the wrong reasons.  The question is whether they plan to intervene and help us or put us out of our mystery.

3. Are these Aliens walking among us? If so, is there any way to identify them?

The answer here is a definitive yes.  It really is the only explanation for the likes of Pelosi, Fetterman, John Brennan, Joy Bejar, Michael Jackson and Klaus Schwab.  These individuals are/were wearing biologically adaptive exoskeletons.

Twitter users will note the recent episode of an airline passenger walking off a plane and telling the rest of the passengers that a fellow in a green hoodie was ‘not real’.  The details of that episode remain unexplained.

Most aliens present themselves as democrats because by doing so, they know that the awkwardness, weirdness and general oddity of their persona can easily be explained.  “I’m a trans activist and my pronouns are blah blah blah”.  People walk away.

4. Some people speculate that these UAPs are from China or future humans returning through a time portal. What do you think?

I believe the aliens will avoid Chinah due to its evil nature, and I believe Chinah is incapable of creating new tech.  They are only capable of imitation, and they are quite good at it.  The time portal thing is interesting; there are lots of good stories of the unexplained about potential time travelers.  If it were possible it seems like the meddling of those doing it might spin into to madness.  I suppose that could explain a few things.

5. What do these Aliens want if they are real? Minerals, Human DNA, water, study primitive worlds, what is it?

I do not believe they want anything of a material value, unless it’s some kind of matter we have not yet discovered.  There are only two possibilities, bad and good.

They are here to eliminate us as a threat as we are about to discover many critical technologies.  Quantum computing, CRISPER and other biological breakthroughs, nuclear fusion, etc.  They may be here to take us out.

For the same reasons as  above, they are trying to steer us toward peace, enlightenment and abundance.

6. Have previous US presidents engaged with Aliens? Could there be a secret space treaty with Aliens from another world?

Sadly it’s hard to see any recent president save Trump and maybe Reagan taking the side of the people.  Many might sell outs out for a nice condo and safe passage to Planet Xerkmog 2B.

Part 2 of this interview with @Blackjackpershing will be published this weekend. Stay tuned.


Biden: The Case for Impeachment – Now!

by @the53rdregiment Editorial Board

May 21st, 2023

America is adrift. Americans are under assault from our own government. Laws are not upheld. American spirit has been assaulted by internal forces desperate to remove America as the world leader in power and moral authority while democrats work to repurpose our republic into a socialist centralized planned state. Joe Biden stumbles through every speech while antagonizing Americans that believe in traditional patriotic values,  America is an exceptional country and worshipping God is an important part of fabric.

The case for impeachment:

Afghanistan. Biden exercised exceedingly poor judgment not heeding the best advice & counsel from military commanders. He failed to secure American interests abandoning Americans, Allies, sensitive US equipment and ceded Afghanistan to the Taliban, terrorist organizations and China.

US Border. Biden has failed and continues to intentionally not uphold US laws as it relates to immigration, border security and securing the safety of Americans and their property. Biden has ceded the southern border to drug cartels, human trafficking and allowed over ~6 million illegal aliens to invade our country. Biden has allowed China and the drug cartels to kill over 100,000 Americans annually through the fentanyl epidemic that is destroying young Americans through addition and death.

Weaponization of US Government. Biden has weaponized the federal government against American citizens who dare to disagree with his administration. Whistleblowers in the FBI and IRS have been denied their rights as employees and citizens in reporting violations of the law. The Biden Administration has targeted them and taken retribution against them for upholding their oaths of office. The Biden Administration has targeted  parents of children attending school boards meetings objecting to pornographic books; teachers making decisions about children’s sexuality; and objecting to CRT and revisionist history.

Censorship, Media Collusion and Voting manipulation. Biden has instructed his administration to work with social media to object to a free and open press. Meta invested over $400 million dollars into the Biden campaign to work with local democratic governments on ballot harvesting and changing voting laws without legislative approval. The Hunter Biden laptop was suppressed by the Intel Community and FBI through censoring the NY Post in all social media platforms and securing 51 current and former intelligence officials to claim it was Russian Disinformation. The Biden DoJ invaded former President Trump’s home in Mara Largo over classified documents that he had self reported while working with the National Archives to resolve disagreements. Meanwhile Joe Biden had classified documents in his house, at the Biden Penn Center in DC and also at his beach house from his time in the US Senate. Joe Biden’s classified documents are not protected under the Presidential Records Act.

Military Readiness. Biden has destroyed all three service departments through malfeasance, incompetence and social engineering of a Trans focused agenda. Year over year Army recruiting has missed their recruiting number by 20%. An Army of formerly 500K in size is barely able to field a force of 400K soldiers. Brigade Combat Teams are at an all-time low of readiness. Parents fear allowing their children to join the military because of Afghanistan, woke focus and sheer incompetence. The Marine Corps most recently was unable to support a noncombatant evacuation order (NEO) from Sudan due to poor equipment and readiness. Once again, over 70K Americans were left to evacuate on their own.

Communist China (CCP) ISR Balloon. Biden allowed a Chinese Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) balloon to fly across the United States for a week collecting intelligence on our nuclear triad sites, military communications and US reaction to their asymmetrical attack on the US homeland. Biden continues to show US weakness toward China at every turn. Biden has delayed equipping Taiwan with US military equipment they purchased several years ago.

As the Durham Report revealed, US government including the FBI, Intelligence Community and DoJ has been weaponized against Americans that believe in founding principles and interfered in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. Joe Biden and his administration is doing it again in preparation for 2024 working hard to destroy Trump now so he is damaged and unelectable. While the items above outline the case to impeach Joe Biden and several other bad actors in his administration, there is much more. Why both the US House & Senate have not acted continues to frustrate Americans while we watch our country and our institutions be destroyed.


The Replicants Are Coming!  And Some Are Already Here…

by BlackJack Pershing (@PershingSoldier Twitter)
5 April 2023          Published from Undisclosed Location
“But they had work to do; they had to communicate with people, clandestinely. The extremes we would go to to disguise those people was the most interesting, and the most challenging, part of the job.”
Jonna Mendez, CIA Spy Chief
The advanced capabilities of the CIA in the arena of disguise have been an open secret for a long time.  Not only have their own personnel discussed it openly, but movies like the Mission Impossible franchise have used advanced masking as a theme.
We have all seen the memes that address the question of whether Joe Biden is the actual Joe Biden or some kind of replicant created by the shadow government.
It’s time to confront the question legitimately.  The occupant of the White House is NOT the original Joe Biden.  The occupant is a replicant.  Go now and check out the comparisons of current Joe Biden with 5-10 years ago Joe Biden.  You will be shocked.  The nose, the eyes, the ears, the walk – all of it – is different.  More so that can be explained by Botox run amok or dementia.  The only similarity between old Joe and Replicant Joe seems to be low IQ.
What do we mean by ‘replicant.  First what we do NOT mean: we do not mean cloning.  That’s not feasible and even if it was, a Biden clone would be a baby (yes, current Joe is one in terms of intellect).  We do not mean a robot either.  Nothing that far fetched or over the top.
What we do mean is a surgically altered subject, possibly with brain implants, put in place to facilitate doing the bidding of another group.  We mean a subject that volunteered to do this and was willing in order enjoy fame or the benefits of the office, but without the mental capabilities to execute the office without direction.  Is it possible the subject replicant was not a volunteer?  Yes.  That would likely require constant drugging and could explain much about the current Biden’s behavior.  In any case one is a bargain with the devil and the other is the devil’s work.
Use of a replicant would explain the basement campaign strategy, the lack of press conferences, the need for the media to cover up obvious malfunctions:slips, trips, falls, gaffes, incontinence, turning to talk to invisible people.  Use of a replicant prevents any independent thinking from taking place in a coerced relationship.  And Yes ‘Doctor’ Jill is in on this and facilitating.  The constant refrain of ‘I’m Jill Biden’s husband’ was part of the replicant’s conditioning.  There are many mantras that have been repeated via brain implant in order for the replicant to follow its directions.
Use of a replicant would also explain the abandonment of the very few moderate positions the original Biden stuck to in his career.
So why?  Why all of this?
Much like the evil characters in movies like The Boys from Brazil and They Saved Hitler’s Brain, there is a cabal comprised of Barack Obama, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarret and other willing idiots that do their bidding, that wants to hold on to the Obama era.  They control the replicant.  They are given assistance by the swamp.
Are there other replicants?  Where are they?
Kamala Harris: she was never as stupid as a senator as she is now.  Go watch the tapes.  It’s likely she’s been altered.  
Pelosi: she really hasn’t made any sense in the last 10 years.  People blame booze and alcoholism.  Maybe the slurring is related to poor replicant function.  Bad drug reactions.  
Gretchen Whitmer, mechanical Governor of Michigan may be a case of a large trans replicant.  Big enough to be a linebacker  for the Detroit Lions, she/they may be an example of another deal made with the devil.  
Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: being a replicant answers the question of how someone could be so willfully destructive of our border, our laws and constitution.  
Fetterman: easy call and we all know.  His hospital stay was to put the finishing touches on the replicant process.  An earlier mistake had caused a stroke.  
Senators including Leahy, Blumenthal, Feinstein, Duckworth, Durkin, Hirono, Kline, Klobuchar, Melendez, Stabenow, Tester, and  Warren have all done and said things so insanely stupid that the only answer to it is that they are all forms of replicants – some more adjusted than others.  
There are other governors that maybe part of the replicant pool.  Hochul for sure.  Gavin Newsome – almost a robot.  The newly installed non-governor of AZ.  Obese replicant Pritsker of IL.  It is likely that outgoing MD governor Larry Hogan and Infamous Hangry RINO Chris Christie are also obese replicants.    
Are any RINO’s replicants?  It’s hard to look at them and think otherwise.  Romney for sure is, as is Susan Collins.  Mitch McConnell may indeed be getting his replicant adjustment in the hospital due to his alleged fall recently, similar to Fetterman.  
Watch for unscheduled hospital stays.  Those usually are indicators of pending replicant surgery, brain implants and drugging.  
There you have it patriots.  Some may claim this is just a conspiracy theory.  I say the evidence is right in front of us every day.  What say you?


Democrats Destroy Everything – 2023 Update

by Blackjack Pershing @PershingSoldier on Twitter, @BlakJakPershing on GETTR, @BlackJackPershing on Truth Social 

Artwork: By our good friend and internationally recognized artist, Mr. Joseph Elder, Making Comics & Art Great Again!

April 4, 2023

I’d rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University. – William F. Buckley Jr.

Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. – Barry Goldwater

 We have all known spoilers, malcontents, irritating nerds in our lives: in short those who ruin things.  The kid who reminds the teacher to give homework at the end of class, the dope on the team who causes everyone to have to run extra laps.  The little twit who tells on people.  The 2nd grader who cries and screams ‘no fair!’ over trivial things.  The other kid in 3rd grade who craps his pants and has to be sent home.  Leftists all.  They ruin it for the rest of us.  They are really UnAmerican when you think about it – because they don’t mind their own business and try to inflict pain on others for their own satisfaction.

The list of things ruined by the left is accelerating at a pace no one ever suspected.  Here is my attempt to capture some of them in order to keep a record.

Infrastructure, Airports, Roads, Trains, Anything that Requires Skills: Leftist democrats of demonized merit and excellence and appointed leaders based solely on race, ethnicity and sexuality.  We are now witnessing failure across industries at levels never seen before as the fallout from affirmative action and poor leadership, poor management and zero common sense takes hold.  Screwed up airports, train de-railments, environmental disasters, blackouts, shortages – all of this took very little time to emerge under the negligence of democrat ineptitude.  We are told we have racist overpasses and freeways while the nation sinks into the abyss.  We all know the reasons for all of this.  The question is how much we are willing to take.  
The Military: covered on this website in other places, the sinking of our armed forces into woke BS campgrounds might be the most sinister item on this long list.  We have disaster after disaster in plain sight with the media covering it up.  We have an entire generation of politicized General Officers that will need to be removed.  China watches this with an eager smile.  They helped engineer all of it so why not?  

Baseball: we had hoped they would not surrender, but they did.  Kneelers and worshipers of the communist front organization known as BLM are now part of MLB.  Patriots are walking away.

Football: beginning with Kapernick’s woke baloney after failing as a starting quarterback, their descent into irrelevance continues.  The NFL may not know it but they are finished.  Their halftime shows are akin to the end of the Roman Empire.  Disgusting showcases of depravity.  

Basketball: the NBA is now wholly owned by China.  Lebron is a hulking nitwit, obedient to his Chinese masters.  A disgrace.  Already less entertaining than college hoops and filled with fatheads, the NBA has started it’s end.

Hockey – they went woke in the last several years.
The new XFL – the pre-pandemic XFL was refreshingly anti-woke – just about the game.  The jury is out on the new post pandemic XFL.  We will see if the Rock has the backbone to keep the nonsense at bay.  
Country Music: there was a drag queen act at the latest Country Music Awards.  Merle Haggard where are you?  George Jones what say you?  Johnny Cash really?  DISASTER!!!

Healthcare: while they only succeeded halfway under Obama, and President Trump was unable to undo the damage due to Paul Ryan’s incompetence and John Mc Cain’s malevolence, Leftists will not stop using healthcare as a means of control.  Witness their dwarfian Dr Goebbels knows as Fauci who has undermined medical professionals across the country with conflicting statements, bad guidance and now we hear flat out lies about his gain of function research.  The left loves him and manipulates his self importance.  He has set back trust in ‘Science’ decades.  

Medicine: Pfizer alone has set back the pharma industry decades as well, by collusion with the same democrats that used to hate big companies.  As it turns out they only hate big companies that don’t pay them off.  You know ANYONE that wants a booster these days?  Only the most craven dopey leftist maskholes do.

NASCAR: the Jussie Smollett of Nascar had his 15 minutes.  He’s still not winning.  But he made his skidmark.

History: decades of trashing the US Public School system has resulted in a generation that knows little about the exceptional history of the US, and many likely believe we are evil and bad.  The history departments at most liberal arts colleges are equally as flawed and not helping the situation.  Intellectual rigor and discipline are becoming rare.  The ‘1619; project is bogus, Democrats are the party of slavery and Jim Crowe and we all have a job to do in restoring real history to curriculums everywhere.  

The Founding Fathers: ‘Presentism’ is applying todays standards to historical figures.  We hear from the left that our founding fathers were white male slave owners and as such do not deserve to be honored.  The fact that they all set up a system that would not only outlaw slavery and a million other injustices, but also allow the same mouthy leftists to enjoy standards of living unimagineable decades ago has no effect on these shrieking lunatics.  

Statues: in their haste to erase history, they damage tributes to our most important historical figures.  Its not Antifa or BLM by the way, it’s the Democrats.  Debates about confederate anything are legitimate – but mobs tearing down anything without permission – that’s criminal.  Art takes years to construct and can be destroyed in seconds.  Watch the climate change idiots throw paint at art works in Europe or chain themselves to objects.  This is DE-evolution by indoctrinated ignoramuses.  

News Reporting: well documented and on the list.  Its over.  Fox falling away now.  Will patriots have options? We hope.  We did have success in re-instating Newsmax to Direct TV – a green shoot from the snow in late winter?

Higher Education: as the opening quote suggests, most faculties at US Universities have been leftist indoctrinators since the early 1960’s.  They teach the children of those paying for the experience to hate their parents and the United States.

The Catholic Church: a pope who speaks more about global warming than saving souls says it all.  American Bishops too cowardly to condemn the attacks on the statues of St Louis and St Juniperro Serra.  Pathetic.  AOC called St Damien of the Lepers a white supremacist colonizer.  Gender under attack.  There is some hope – Archbishop Cordelione of San Francisco has restricted Pelosi from communion due to her radical abortion stance.  Bishop Strickland of Tyler, TX is a warrior.  What about the rest?  Where are they?

US Cities: all cities run by democrats for decades are plagued with corruption, poverty, failing schools, failing infrastructure, leftist ideology and lost hope.  Drugs allowed into the states by the federal government are wrecking our cities.  Again – they are UNcivilizing our country.  

The Legal System: we all see what Soros installed DA’s are doing to cities across the country.  setting murderers free and persecuting political enemies.  This is where we are.  Insidious.  What is happening with Trump is already backfiring on these extremists.  We will see what Red State AG’s have in store for the Dems going forward.  Should not have been this way.  

Public Schools: well documented train wreck controlled by the teachers unions.  Corrupt, communist, failing, a mess.  A generation is lost to ignorance.

Black Families: starting with the Great Society programs in the 1960’s, Black Families and Black Culture have been undermined by the democrats; the most heinous feature of their intentional mistreatment of the Black Community is the massive damage of the abortion trade.

Initiative: leftists and democrats hate it

Self Sufficiency: flies in the face of everything leftists are trying to accomplish

Free Speech: the left has now cultivated cancel culture with millions of democrat Karens calling employers and screaming about hate and racism to get fellow Americans fired.

Corporate America: in fear of being cancelled and other actions like boycotts, most US Companies, which run with little investor tolerance for sales variances, live in fear of being called out by the left for anything.  So – they cave and issue statements with leftist approved language each time there is a social issue being pushed by the MSM Propagandists.  Some go futher: M&M’s and Hershey both using sexuality and trans agendas in their advertising, Bud Lite joining in, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream routinely supports anti-police propaganda and whatever the Woke issue of the day is.  Thanks Unilever.  Just a reminder: marketers are the worst people on the planet, in case you didn’t know.  If you are a marketer reading this, my apologies, and I hope you are an exception.  

Men: as the younger generation comes of age we must ask: will what was traditionally called ‘a man’ even exist: by this we mean a male individual with freely formed opinions that exhibits traditionally masculine traits and does related masculine things.  Its up for grabs ladies and gentlemen, because the left knows they must be eliminated for their goals to be realized.

Women: the same as above but different: those lovely creatures who exhibit beauty and femininity, have children, and make most things nicer and better: the left is actively destroying gender roles and wants the nuclear family to disappear.  Women are told to despise men by the leftist prison guards self appointed ascendency – who are always quite repulsive.

Responsibility: they hate that too – they prefer dependent losers who rely on government for all of their needs.  The tent cities on the west coast are emblematic.

Tech Companies: infested with angry self-righteous leftists.  Their skills are one thing, their opinions are another.  Thank God for the Elon Musks and Peter Theils of the world, but there aren’t enough of them.

Hollywood: well documented.  A complete sick disaster from movies, to awards, to blackballing, to communist infiltration, to pedophiles, to hypocrisy – a long sad list.

The Economy: the question must be asked: is the intentional creation of monster inflation, and now the follow on banking crisis, a Democrat/China/Soros conspiracy?

Real Racism: it will forever be harder to spot, since the left has now called anyone with a dissenting opinion from theirs a racist.

Truth: out the window with these Trotskyite zealots.  Abe Lincoln and Frederick Douglas now bad?  How did we get here?  Democrats claiming documented and filmed riots are myths.  Clearly demented leaders in roles like Speaker of the House and the Democrat nominee.  J6 an insurrection?  Total BS.  Hard to imagine just a few years ago.

Dignity: out the window with the sad mess we have as President and his cadre of enablers.  His trips, falls, gaffes, bathroom incidents are all well known.  He got 81 Million BALLOTS, not VOTES.  Not a joke folks!!

Law Enforcement Under Attack: who saw this coming 6 months ago.  Let’s give the Stalinist Left credit for opportunism and activating their plans for anarchy and chaos so quickly.  This situation should give all of us pause.  We should be considering what has been organized right beneath our noses and how fast it came about.  Something is not right.  Look for the next round of de-urbanisation to happen in the US if this doesn’t stop sometime very soon.

Social Media: admittedly it was already broken, but what was once a ghetto of narcissists posting what they had for lunch, has turned into mostly liberals screaming about their causes and threatening others.  Its a net negative to society to say the least.

Progress on Race: Abolitionists, John Brown, Frederick Douglas, the Civil War, 600,000 dead, Reconstruction, President Grant, The Tuskegee Airmen, Buffalo Soldiers, Integration of the Military, President Eisenhower sending troops to Alabama, the Civil Rights Act, MLK, Affirmative Action, Busing, Integration, Charter Schools – on and on – to the left none of it ever happened.  There has been no progress and they will never talk about any of this.  There is only racism and if you do not agree with them – you are evil and racist.

We are just scratching the surface here folks – we’ll revisit this list every so often to update it with the latest things the left has ruined.  Please leave your thoughts below if I have missed anything. 


Ignorance & Fear Abounds

… Fear of being canceled. Fear of what others think. Fear of Big Government. Fear of being reported. Fear of retribution. Fear into submission. Fear.

This is tyranny, the desired environment created by tyrants.

Dateline: March 19th, 2023     by Guardian 6

If they can shut you up and cause you to not exercise your 1st Amendment rights, they’ve won.

If they can threaten to take away your 2nd Amendment rights, and you let them, they’ve won.

If they can intimidate state and federal judges to not accept cases with legitimate election fraud, they’ve won.

If they can scream racist at you for wanting criminals, murderers and drug traffickers prosecuted, they’ve won.

If they can secure borders of other countries with federal funding, but not our own, they’ve won.

If they can close down businesses by COVID19 lockdowns and fiats, they’ve won.

If they can ignore laws on the books for securing the border and use federal funding to house, feed and transport illegal aliens throughout the United States, they’ve won.

If they can shove “Green Energy” conversion down your throats where the technology and cost efficiency does not make sense, all under the false guise of #ClimateChange, they’ve won.

If they can remove God from every corner of the public square but be good with creating Satan Clubs in elementary schools, they’ve won.

If they can allow the  allow a Chinese Communist Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance collection platform (balloon) to fly across the US for a week to collect on US Military installations and sensitive areas, they’ve won.

If a president and his family can accept tens of millions of dollars for over a decade by Chinese Communists, fund the Biden Center with over $50 million in Chinese Communist money and the FBI and Intelligence Community not investigate and prosecute the Biden’s, they’ve won.

If they can arrest, detain and restrict parents from objecting at school board meetings on pornography,  groomer books and drag queens being brought into elementary and secondary schools, they’ve won.

If the FBI can label traditional Catholics as threats and put them on terror watch lists for their faith, they’ve won.

Ignorance and fear abounds. We got here by not speaking up and tolerating these tyrants for decades. Through fraudulent elections. By timidity. By fear of what others think. America is still America but social media, Fake News outlets, collusion between the Democrats and Main Stream Media, the Great Reset, intentional Balkanization of America and Obama’s cry to “fundamentally transform” America and allowing the leftists to take over our schools and universities. When we choose to fight back and demand to be heard, and honest elections are restored, we will win. Time to organize local, state and federally to restore America to our greatness. America remains an exceptional country that just needs the communist leftist democrats to be destroyed. Not defeated, destroyed! 




Interview: Blackjack Pershing – American Patriot

Dateline: March 13th, 2023      Missouri 

This is a special featured article with@Blackjackpershing, a featured author, scholar and @Twitter persona that brings his intellect, good humor and conservative values to the fight for freedom and the American way of life. Fearless, bold and provocative Blackjack tells it how it is, how it should be and when necessary holds the leftist politician and the lies of democrats to account. Enjoy the read and getting to know Blackjack!

1. Blackjack, millions of readers across the globe have enjoyed your essays and commentary now for nearly a decade. What do you credit for your keen insight and analysis, and ability to breakdown issues so the average reader can quickly comprehend?

First off thanks for the opportunity to do this chat and to share it with members of 53rd Nation!  This website is a difference maker for patriots who want to ‘BE HEARD’.  I’m proud to be part of this team.  We cover a myriad of topics from politics to UFO’s – it’s rewarding and entertaining.

I do my best and if there is credit to be given it’s to my parents – a dad who was proudly trained in Latin, Logic, Philosophy and many other disciplines and a highly intelligent, well read mother with great sense of humor.

I write when I am moved to, instead of trying to keep a schedule, so when I do put something out there, it’s usually something I have been thinking about for some time.

2. Why do you go by Blackjack Pershing? Is there a linkage to your time in the Army?

John J Pershing is an under appreciated General historically speaking – his rank, ‘General of the Armies’ was the equivalent of 6 stars and hasn’t been awarded to anyone since.  He was from my state, Missouri, and his time in the army bridged from the late 19th into the 20th century.  He laid the ground work for the modern military in organizationally and strategically as he prepared the military to fight WW1.  He was an advisor to presidents until his passing.

I served proudly in the US Army in a weapons system named for him; the painting by George Finley on my twitter banner is the Pershing II Missile system.

3. What formed you as a person?

The parents mentioned above made sure I got a Catholic foundation – in faith and education.  I won’t name the schools I attended here but I was fortunate to go to several great Catholic institutions that reinforced and enlightened my character and beliefs.

It is sad that the Catholic Intellectual Tradition is not offered to more people who could benefit.  Statistically we know that those exposed to it are more successful in life, have longer more stable marriages and personal lives, and tend to give more to charity.

I’d be remiss in not mentioning my time in the Army as being critical to my own formation – in terms of leadership development, character development, physical fitness and a thousand other things – the Army is a huge part of who I am – I realize it more the older I get.

 4. Many of your writings take on the issues of the day. Politics, sports, American culture and business. More and more in American society these areas of interest overlap. How do you assess the political landscape? Is American culture being eroded and if so, how and why?

The leftists who have corrupted the democrat party are the root cause of most societal ills.  Are there bad conservatives too?  Sure.  However, for clarity, you could say that not all democrats are extreme leftists, but most extreme leftist are democrats.

I do see an overall convergence of institutional decay across most sectors of society – as you mention, sports, law enforcement, politics, government agencies, etc.

Where does it come from?  We have covered it here in 53rd quite well.  Leftists ruin everything like locusts.  They’ve infiltrated all levels of education with political and sexual indoctrination and perversion.  That leads to a generation like Gen Z which is neurotic, beset by many forms of mental illness, weak physically and addicted to their phones.  This was done strategically and patiently.

Conservatives need to take accountability for the situation, as they allowed it.  It happened under their noses.

5. Joe Biden, is he bubble wrapped by the media? Is it plausible that he really did get 81 million votes to Trump’s 75 million? Why has our electoral process become elongated? Is there an intersection here?

I believe Biden is not Biden.  Go look at the videos from 8 years ago.  He was a chucklehead back then, but that’s about the only similarity.  Eyes, nose, ears – all different.  He may be some sort of replicant that was created to do the bidding of the DNC and Soros.  He may indeed be the real Joe with any number of surgeries that have altered his appearance – but is incredibly impaired mentally and controlled by a small cabal – with ‘Dr’ Jill’s ongoing compliance.  He may be drugged and purposely impaired.

The constant trips to Delaware are telling.  I believe maintenance is performed on the replicant on these weekends.

Joe got 81 Million ballots – not votes.  We all know how it was done, and enabled by the media, federal and state bureaucracies.   Ballot harvesting and creation is real.  Pennsylvania is the ultimate example that remains unfixed.  Does anyone really believe Fetterman was really elected?  Yes, leftists are that insane, but many just can’t or are unwilling to believe it.

 6. The Media, first rate or corrupt? Who has it right? Where are the bad actors?

Mark Levin has covered this best – they have always been corrupt going back to the ‘party press’ in the US a century ago.  Newspapers around the US were named for the political parties overtly.  They tried to professionalize to some degree after WW2 but let’s face it – they were finks back then too.  We all knew.  One big difference was that up until very recently, most networks would cover real news and issues regardless of which side they were on.  Think back to Clinton’s impeachment or Biden’s lies in his earlier presidential attempts.  Leftist news outlets reported all of it.  We now have a completely corrupt leftist press in the US.  Fox News is not much better and was in on the 2020 election fraud.  Newsmax is tolerable.  OAN ok but not widely available.  Sites like The 53rd Regiment will eventually replace traditional news outlets.  Citizens and Patriots trust each other more than manipulators and posers at the networks.

7. China. Many of your intellectual writings take on the Chinese Communists and their American collaborators. How do you assess the Chinese threat and what actions must the US take?

Unlike the Cold War in which we were at a stand off with a distinct and entrenched communist enemy, with China we are much more entangled with a more sinister foe.  Think about it.  We source massive amounts of consumer goods from an emerging enemy.  We are educating their youth who go back home afterward and work against us.  None of this makes any sense.  We have allowed them to infiltrate our institutions and work against us.  Our largest corporations are completely in bed with and compromised by China.  Ditto on that for our largest universities.

Consider any of the woke leftist absurd ideas – from gender ideology to ESG to Climate Change to Covid – China CCP’s prints are all over these ideas and efforts.  They are trying to rot us from within.  They have been successful.  We have a serious need for internal reform, let alone the need to compete and win in any number of technology based problem areas.  Meanwhile, the installed leadership of the US continues to retreat and signal weakness.

8. Do you buy the whole argument that the US leadership role is being passed by China? There is nothing the US can do?

I don’t buy it.  I don’t accept it.  The current fiasco could be turned around in a week with the right leadership at the presidential level.  Trump had them managed and compliant – quickly.  You can read his likely China agenda on this site.  In the end freedom wins.  The ability of the USA to leapfrog and CCP achievement remains, despite the democrats constant attempts to undermine the country.

9. COVID19, should China be held accountable? Why hasn’t Biden confronted China on the Virus?

Biden is compromised.  China has a multitude of video tapes of Joe and his son doing horrific things.  Aside from that, Joe has been paid off.  That information was on the laptop from hell.  WE ALL KNOW.

With regard to COVID – Trump has it right.  Their bill is $20 trillion for starters for what they did to us and the rest of the world.  Further, an entire generation of students from grade school to college have been permanently damaged by the idiotic lockdowns caused by the China Virus and weak, primarily democrat, leadership.  The root cause was China.

10. What has happened to the US Army, the Department of Defense and the American warrior spirit? What is the state of military leadership in our Armed Forces?

Another outrageous situation.  There is a crop of general officers, some retired, some still in the service, who lost 2 wars with zero accountability.  You might argue that Iraq was not lost, but I’d say it wasn’t won either.  Regardless, these arrogant slobs mouth off on all sorts of matters – political and woke – but check their tongues on their own malfeasance – like the disastrous pull out from Afghanistan.  Some of these train wrecks are also borderline obese.  Honestly our general officer corps is starting to remind me of the groups of ancient Soviet generals you’d see overlooking the May Day parades in Moscow, or the groups of toady generals you see with Kim Jong Un – with loads of medals on their uniforms, that signify nothing.  They suck up to get along.

 11. Woke-ism, ESG, Transgenderism and DEI – are these the tools Obama implemented to radically transform America while he lives a palatial life in Hawaii, DC and Martha’s Vineyard?

That smug and unaccomplished punk is the author of many of our worst ills.   Lots of baby boomers voted for him believing we needed a black president.  They enabled all of it. We need a president that loves America and takes his oath of office seriously regardless of color. By the way, the Floppy Mike thing is real.

12. Some believe Joe Biden is simply Obama’s front man. That Obama’s grand bargain with Biden was to be installed president, he will take all direction from “the puppet masters.” What do you believe?

I believe there is an Obama, Rice, Klain, Jarrett cabal.  Keep your eyes on Valerie Jarrett.  She is the most sinister Obama operative.  Note how fast Roseanne Barr was fired for making a joke about her – it was still early in the woke period but she was canned and cancelled immediately.  That was a Jarrett demand.  That group is in direct control of the replicant.  They make the calls while Dr Jill changes the diapers.

13. Who wins 2024 if it is Trump vs. Biden again?

With actual votes, Trump wins his third term.  With ballots its anybody’s guess.  Of the 5 worst states for voter fraud, Pennsylvania is worse off than 2020, Arizona is also worse off.  Michigan is the same.  Wisconsin has done some reform.  Georgia has made reforms.  Trump can’t win AZ or PA for obvious reasons.

Republicans have to come back at democrats with the same level of acumen the democrats have developed for using the legal system against their enemies.  If they don’t they will be sidelined for decades to come.

14. Why is corporate America jumping on the woke, ESG and DEI train? Can it be stopped?

It’s leftist bullying at its core, but there are several other elements.  The incoming generation, indoctrinated in their education, demand their employers take public positions on issues that have nothing to do with their business.  They are shrill little punks and many executives cave to them out of concerns for retaining talent.  Further, the PR and marketing functions in particular are staffed with left leaning woke dopes.  That goes across all industries.  If you want to experience group think – go hang out with Marketers or PR Hacks for a day.  Willing idiots and dopes.
Recently candy makers Mars and Hershey both learned hard lessons by letting their marketing idiots engage on transgender BS.  In the end maybe losses and poor performance will make them learn.  Leftist don’t learn however so it’s a tough situation.

15. As we close out this interview let’s end on a positive note. What gives you hope about America’s future that our better days are ahead of us?

I am an optimist despite the fact that we are in strange times.  A number of things about the United States will endure.  Most of the people are not woke.  Most of the people do not trust the media.  Most of the people love and worship God.  We still have the most innovation happening in our midst than any other place on the planet.  We still are the one place people from around the world want to come to in order to have a fair chance at making it.  We are still the best last hope for liberty on the planet.  The constitution endures.  The bill of rights endures despite obvious democrat hatred for it.  All of you can BE HEARD via places like The 53rd Regiment.   We will be fine, but we are going to have to go to work.


Twitter Rock Star: Meet Svit – American Patriot

Dateline: 10 March 2023

Q&A Interview with Миротворец: Царь Svyatoslav Великий @Kremlins16

This is a special featured article with Svit, @kremlin16, a Twitter persona that brings his intellect, good humor and conservative values to the fight for freedom and freedom of speech against the left. Informed by history and his family suffering under the yoke of communism, Svit fight the good fight (debate) battling the ignorant, the leftist politician and the lies of democrats. Enjoy the read.!

1. Svit, during the dark days of pre Elon Musk purchase of Twitter, how did you survive the masking of accounts, cancel culture and the viscous left? Initially, I deleted my account, as I noticed other Twitter users were doing-so. However, the deletion, did not come easily, I struggled with it, but I could see weekly, often daily, my account was targeted and my followers dropped, as did the people I followed did – deleted it. Spooky! As a Tech, it was easy to see, or realize I was being targeted, while not “pin-pointed” personally, possibly I was caught in a “rule” that dastardly algorithm we always hear about. I suggest it was a rule-based tool, searching for phrases , created by programmers targeting conservative users. These rules, or algorithms, unlike the potato, or turnip, or bunny, they do not breed, human hands create them. Do not believe Obama!
2. Tell us about yourself. Russian or Ukrainian? Family background? Communism your family endured? Are you seeing an installation of progressive/communist policies to destroy our freedom?
I consider myself Russian, in the same sense an American from various states calls themselves American, i.e., Texan, Californian, etc. However, I do indeed come from people in various provinces of the Ukraine and Balkans. I am not from the Grand Duchy of Moscow. So, I am Ukrainian. See the irony? Unlike some Ukrainians that play in this 19th century Balkanization, I could see the stirring of war years ago, even when this so-called break occurred, I always wince when people bring up this imaginary Kievan Rus as their starting point for the break away. Its nonsense, foolish, and of course the European Union, that Von Renthe creation exploits it to the full – Guy Verhofstadt anyone? Not one of our good ancestors would understand this term Ukrainia in the modern sense, the nobles, the Grand Princes, and Emperors who ruled us never asked the simple peasant their opinions, and the likely answer “that’s for the Tsar to decide, not me”. My point, several people are guilty in this Ukrainian quagmire, and these guilty people now crow, and pimp for war with an innocence that shocks me…. My background, I did not have the greatest upbringings until a relative stepped in, and from there, my life was much better, but a new hammer came with it. This lady my aunt, struck fear into any nonsense, or bad grade I ever received. Her constant reminder that I was her parents’ grandson was the beginning of punishment. The fist that smacked my mug though, was always covered with velvet! I owe her everything, the wonderful woman, and her husband. He came recently before he died, telling me how proud she was of me, nothing was more awarding than this. As to more, I grew up hearing terrible stories of socialism, I had very old relatives around, so the constant stories were horrid. I mention one always, the worst, of a relative being stuffed in a barrel, nails jammed in, and rolled down a hill. Certainly, socialism at its most caring efficiency, it teaches the audience, the onlookers to obey!
3. Electric Ronald, statesman or clown? Complete clown. Unbelievable this clown has aged there 50 years. This says something about the voter, sadly!
4. I see in social meeting “engagements” with leftist tyrants you are 246 – 0 in fights. What is the key to victory? I read Saul Alinsky, and I never answer these trolls for the most part. I like to toy with them, be absurd, drag them into a hole, throw out facts, distortions, and let them get caught, then hammer them. Strangely, many of these leftists admit they are racist, bigots and tools. Almost all of them block me, I believe 1 or 2 have not. I know for the most part I accuse them of nonsense, but I really do believe, some, honestly, work for politicians. Some have followed me to other platforms, and I am 100% certain 3 were actual politicians.
5. You would appear to have a Band of Brothers that have your back on Twitter. How did this group of patriots organize? Who are they? Honestly, that’s the funny part! I used to get on twitter to just tell people what I am up to. I go to clubs, hang out always in various places, record shops, eat at various places. I never speak of politics to my friends – ever. I defended a person on Twitter with a similar background (though famous), and these trolls came at me. Well, I deleted the account, and then came back at these same trolls under a new account, and from there I started meeting various Twitter users with the same sense of humor, and similar background. I think from there, I started adding people, to the chats, as I find them funny, these people, these leftists, they are morons. We need a laugh, life is good, not some horrid vile place controlled by animals like Schiff.
6. Who tells bigger lies, Schiff or Swalwell? Best nicknames for them? One appears to be a watermelon and the other a Bunny. Though I would say Schiff is the biggest lair, he is intelligent, and calculates his dirty business. Schiff’s nicknames, like watermelon, I think pencil neck is best. Swalwell, lets be honest. How did this tool pass the bar exam? He really is a low intelligent public servant. My thoughts, he would suffer without Nancy’s benevolence. I struggled with all his nicknames, finally Bunny came up. Absurd! Totally! Absurd like Swalwell. Bunny is the best, it annoys this loser.




Dateline 8 March 2023

Q&A interview with The 53rd Regiment’s ( good friend, Mr Joseph Eder. You can find several of Joe’s art pieces featured prominently on numerous articles on the 53rd’s website. Joe brings his talents to us from Europe as a proud Austrian.  His masterpieces bring insights on the social, political and cultural times we are living in. The 53rd appreciates artist flare and we are grateful to have him as a contributor to our work. 

1. Your artwork is special, unique. Who’s better, Rembrandt, Vangoe or Eder? 

Rembrandt and van Gogh were great masters, but both of lousy humor. A good cartoon is more than just art, there is also the journalistic, feuilletonistic part, along with hard hitting comedy. Best thing as a cartoonist: You can offend people without having to cut your ear off!!!

2. What is the inspiration for your artwork? Who did you model yourself after?

Well, I draw ´em like I see ´em, but of course there was some inspiration for this style of drawing. First of all there are Europe´s Classic-Comic-Masters like Ibanez(Clever&Smart) or Uderzo(Asterix), but also Amercian stuff like Popeye or Tom and Jerry, who I always loved as a kid, and then we have all the great Street-Art pieces around Europe, still inspiring me, but the most important influence I had as a political cartoonist is the Austrian godfather of dark humor, Manfred Deix(R.I.P).

3. Three dinner guests to enjoy an evening with, who would you pick?

Biden, Zelenskyj and Putin, sitting at an Ukraine-shaped table, and once again it´s me who´s forced to pay them dinner!

4. Joe Biden, the American President, what is the average German sentiment on the street? Old fool or greatest American president ever?

I think even the German Leftists have realized that this guy is a very dangerous mix of corruption and being senile…. In Austria and Switzerland people are more concerned about the growing influence of NATO-Worldwarmongers, trying to lure us into giving up our neutrality. Being neutral means neither wanting to be “liberated“ by the Russians, nor wanting to be “protected“ by NATO. To put and end to the circus, one must not become the circus!!!

5. Would you let Joe Biden watch your children?

In general it´s enough that they have to watch Brandon´s global shitshow every day and besides that, well educated Austrian kids would never accept a foreign president as an authority.

6. Do you prefer Octoberfest or International Women’s Day?

Well, both events seem to have the same problems: being totally sold out to Marketing and Propaganda, so if you want to see a real beerfest, along with true Feminism, better vistit our countryside instead, where traditionally strong women know what they want and people don´t need an orchestrated reason to drink. Besides that, without all that tourism-fuzz, everything tastes better, yes, I meant EVERYTHING!!!

7. American football recently played a game in Germany. Boring or worth a look?

Sorry to say and no offense, I seriously never heard about that, maybe I´m too busy watching wintersports…

8. Russia and Ukraine War, Joe how does this end?

This might sound a bit romantic, but I truly believe, that it is on us, the common people, to put an end to this useless, crazy waste of innocent lives. If our peaceful protest against this war can put enough pressure on the streets, they have to negotiate. It´s us funding these killings and it´s us who can put and end to it….Power to the people!!!

  • 9. Final thoughts for your American friends, any advice on best places in Germany to visit?

    The best places to visit in Germany are the railwaystations, where highspeed trains will bring you to Austria, a country much older than just 150 years, where the food is better(you have to try the pastries) and world´s best coffee is served. People might seem a bit grumpy on the first, but after a bottle of wine, everything´s fine…


Parade of Horribles in Joe Biden’s America

by Guardian 6               Dateline: 24 February 2023 (Updated)

     Originally Published: 21 September 2021

Artwork by Joseph Eder, Internationally recognized Artist

It goes from bad to worse with no end in sight. Once you think it cannot get any worse, it does. The Biden Administration is a complete abject failure orchestrating chaos to cover their failings on a broad scale. Friday dumps of bad news to mask the Biden Administration dereliction of duty is a thing of the past. The parade of horribles is a daily occurrence if not an hourly event. With this team of losers at the helm, it is depressing. Let’s take a look:

  • Biden’s Proxy War, Russian – Ukranian Conflict. Biden created the conflict by demonstrating extreme weakness with his Afghanistan surrender to the Taliban and his inability to confront China on their Uyghur Genocide and their COVID19 virus that killed millions of Americans and hundreds of millions worldwide. Biden does nothing. Putin measured the man and like 2014 with Obama, he saw a weak, feeble, compromised president with a 50 year record of failure. Hence, Putin invaded Ukraine. Today we watch Biden send over $113 billion to Ukraine with no strategy, no accountability and no plan to end Putin’s aggression.
  • China & the Wuhanvirus. The democrat party collusion with China is in plain sight. China caused the COVID19 virus but the democrats will not back an investigation or even assign blame directed at the Chinese Communist Party. Instead, they attack the GOP and attempt to shift the blame toward GOP Governors who are pushing back against mandates and keeping schools and businesses closed. Question, how much money have the Chinese been paying off democrats? How is it all the democrats in Congress are millionaires? Eric Swawell slept with a Chinese spy and he is still on the Intel Committee. How does this happen?
  • Open Borders. Biden will not secure the border. Quite the contrary, his Executive Orders and Homeland Security policies have created a massive migrant crisis. Border patrol and state governors and local municipalities are overrun. Drug cartels are fueling this crisis  being given free reign to run drugs and human trafficking rings in the US. Of course there are likely thousands of criminals, rapists and terrorists intermixed with illegal aliens. Biden is not only failing to uphold our laws, his administration has torn down portions of the new wall that was recently built. Children are being abandoned at the border and children are dying in America due to drug overdoses. The Border Czar VP Harris is AWOL. America is being invaded.
  • Afghanistan debacle. This is well chronicled by the 53rd in the Biden policy of Abandonment article. The more we learn about the Biden surrender and the on going torture of innocents within Afghanistan by the Taliban, the more horrendous it becomes. It is hard to fathom an American humiliation of this scale, incompetence off the charts that makes one wonder could this be intentional.
  • American News Media. Beyond fake, it is now a criminal enterprise covering for the crimes of the Biden Administration.  While our border and Afghanistan burn with chaos, and American cities are hit with crime wave after crime wave, our extremely incompetent and democratic party news media servants, focus on defunding the police or the fake insurrection (it was a riot at best), or what ice cream Biden is eating. No one takes the news media serious anymore because they are grotesque liars that orchestrate the news cycle. When you think of people like Chris Wallace, Brian Stelter or Joe Scarborough you think of taglines like democratic operative, potato and shill. Losers all.
  • Big Tech. Truly scary how they have compromised themselves and become enabling to a one party state controlled by Democrats aligned with China selling principles for access to a bigger market and profit. Censorship is ruling the day in policy and practice, and now they are blunt about it. Twitter allows the Taliban but bans President Trump. Youtube censors videos of doctors and nurses that disagree with the CDC. Google buries truth in their search engine and manipulates searches to benefit democrat messaging. Apple censors Apps that enable free speech but allows China to dictate terms and conditions to them to access their market and make their phones. Amazon sells mostly Chinese crap on their platform killing American small businesses.
  • The Pandemic & The Chinavirus. We now know the Chinavirus came out of the Wuhan lab. Democrats continue to obfuscate this fact to include Fauci funding much of the research to include gain of function research that is banned in the US. The 53rd covers this well in Global Strike but the virus is how the Democratic Party weaponized the presidential election and introduced massive fraud on the  American population; closed businesses and schools and continue to instill fear to create a compliant people, mask wearing population. Now the plan is to destroy military readiness by mandating the vaccine on troops. The Biden Administration and DoD know a high percentage of troops will opt out, and be forced out of the military. This is not a second order effect, this is part of the devious plan to continue America’s destruction.

Sadly, there is much more than what is chronicled above.  Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, Antifa, bankrupting American generations with massive debt, the Green New Steal, woke military leadership and the parade of horribles goes on.

The clown in the center of the parade of horribles is Joe Biden with Barack Obama manipulating the strings behind him.  Biden thinks he’s in charge but he is not. Obama gets plausible deniability as Biden destroys American society and our culture of fierce independence, patriotism and an entrepreneurial spirit gets destroyed by people from within that hate our country.  Democrats are compromised and their party has been taken over by socialists, communists and evil. The china virus is the foil they’ve needed to build American dependency and scare millions of Americans into submission. It is way past time to wake up and for patriots to take America back. This tyranny must end. It is past time being on the sidelines. Patriots, America needs you and the world needs America. Stand up, push back in your local communities. Time now!

