American Heist — 2020 Election

“We have put together one of the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organizations in the history of American politics.”                                                                                                             – Joe Biden

Artwork by Joseph Eder, internationally recognized Artist

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline August 31st, 2022     Dayton, Ohio

To think this heist was done by campaigning in the basement just makes too much sense. Joe Biden is a gaff machine. If he’s talking there are three potential outcomes with Joe — multiple gaffs, a hidden truth accidentally revealed like quote above or a bold face lie. The amateur political pundit may think these are liabilities. In democratic party circles this is quite the contrary. Joe Biden’s gaffs and lies make him the perfect democrat. It is true that there is
concern with revealing hidden truths like the extensive fraud in the 2020 presidential election but between a complicit media and Big Tech partisans this is manageable. Add in RINOs that can be depended on to not fight for fear of risking their political fortunes and personal financial gain, this is but a minor cleanup operation for team democrat.

For example, take Mitch McConnell and his family fleet of Chinese CCP container ships importing hundreds of thousands of products from China annually and exporting American jobs. Is he in a position to complain about the Big Guy and his 10% kick backs? It’s laughable right? Of course, it is. Mitch occasionally talks tough, but his family is so entrenched in building up China at Americans expense he’s AWOL when it comes to the Chinese military buildup, the trade imbalance, intellectually property theft or China killing Americans through fentanyl being shipped in across the border. Kentucky is an afterthought for Mitch. Mitch and Elaine Chao are a typical swamp power couple that take care of themselves first and foremost, just like Joe & Jill Biden. For Mitch, business is good under Joe.

In the swamp, the democrats and RINOs get it. The biggest threat to their wallets and power was Trump, not Biden. Trump so disrupted their livelihoods of living off the teat of government, that he not only needed to be defeated, but Trump needed to be destroyed. Democrats led the fight on multiple bogus impeachments; wire tapping his campaign; leveraging Big Tech and the FBI to censor Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell; canceling Trump and his allies on social media; and leveraging the Deep State Intel operatives to try and set Trump up. RINOs like Liz Cheney and many others were willing accomplices. Getting Trump became the bipartisan sport for the swamp elites to maintain their status quo.

 “It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all.” – Joe Biden

Well, in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona and Michigan the manufacturing vote operation and counting apparatus was used under the mask of  COVID to put Joe Biden over the top. It’s laughable to think Joe Biden got 81 million votes. Of course, he didn’t. Campaigning from a basement? What is perhaps less shocking is Trump received 75 million votes, the most by a sitting president in US history, and the democrat fraud machine underestimated how many votes they needed to create. Think about this, the anointed one Obama received 69 million votes in 2008 and ~60 million votes in 2012. And you really believe Joe Biden received 81 million votes in 2020? Really?

There is a reason the five states mentioned above stopped counting votes on Election Day and took several more days, and even a week in some cases like Pennsylvania,  to manufacture the votes they needed to put Biden over the top. Votes needed to be manufactured to exceed Trump’s 75 million votes, which the democrat election fraud machine (DEFM) never contemplated that many votes would be needed for Trump. After all, the Immaculated Obama only received 69 million votes, surely Trump could never get that many.

So Joe was right on both counts. Democrats created the most extensive and inclusive vote fraud machine in US history while ensuring their people counted the votes in the dead of night.

The DEFM doesn’t deserve all the credit, most of it, but not all. We must also credit the dishonesty of mainstream stream media (MSM), Big Tech and Deep State Intelligence Community frauds for attacking basic truths, normalizing deceit and facilitating the Big Lie that election fraud is a hoax. All the evidence points to the contrary. Candidly, I’m just amazed we pulled it off. I think back to Biden’s speeches with on deck circles where maybe you had 30 people attending on a good day, and Trump is filling stadiums rally after rally. 20,000 Americans listening to and loving Trump and 30 people trying to understand Biden, and half of those 30 were campaign staffers. Quite candidly, DEFM leaders were right saying Americans are lazy, stupid and disengaged. We stoled it because we could and we eliminated election norms under the cover of COVID.

I’m proud of my democrat party. We manipulated the system, stoled the election from Trump and created a false narrative that Biden won. The real miracle is that Joe Biden is president and million of Americans believe he won fair and square. This is not only the greatest American heist, it may be the worlds biggest heist — ever!


The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, a life long proud democrat who prides himself as being left of Bernie Sanders and Michael Moore.  Matthews wrote this article exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section.

Matthews pronouns are He/Him except on Drag Nights where they go by She/Her. 


The 2020 Democratic Party Platform (Updated)

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                    August 8, 2020

The party masters gave us Biden. Maybe the third time is the charm but Joe needs to stop campaigning and simply stay in the basement if we are to win.  From New York to California the rank and file wanted Bernie, a tried and true Democratic Socialist. Basically, a communist that believes government can do a better job running peoples lives while protecting the planet. Centralize planning and elimination of individual choices in peoples lives can create the new America envisioned by Soros, Obama and the Squad. The Chinese & Venezuelan  five year plans are the gold standard we should emulate. The North Korean model even has its strengths when it comes to in-prisoning people for violating state rules.

Our Democratic Party platform, here are the tenets being finalized by the  Democratic Party leadership and DNC.

  1. The Mask. This is the new America. Even after the plandemic orchestrated by democratic leadership working with the Chinese, the mask will remain central to controlling America. No mask, no limited freedom to leave your house or apartment.
  2. Property Rights. Americans will gradually lose their right to own homes, farms or businesses. We will start with the middle class by taking personally property away from Americans that live in states governed by republicans.
  3. Second Amendment. All guns will be confiscated by the end of 2021. All gun and ammunition makers will issue a televised public apology to America and then they will be jailed.
  4. Living Wage for everyone. $15 in 2020 mandated growing up to $20 by 2040. Mandated .25 cents raise each year.
  5. Green New Deal. Air travel restricted in 2021 by charging a minimum of $2K per flight. Air travel eliminated in 2024. All gas engine cars must be turned into a processing center for disassembling by July 1st 2022. Each car owner will pay $500 fee to meet federal compliance of Car Elimination Act.
  6. 31 Genders Federally Standardization. Otherwise known as the Baskin Robins gender mandate, equal opportunity laws will now require gender compliance with federal set-asides to fast track compliance.
  7. Defund Police. All police departments will be eliminated. We will work with ANTIFA and the Muslim Brotherhood to begin community policing. Jails will be emptied. We will move prisoners to the suburbs so they too can suffer with crime and blight.
  8. Open Borders. Everyone is welcome and Americans will help fund this initiative by paying for public school books for the first time in every county and school district. The federal government will decide the books and prices. Current border fortifications will be removed and the Border Patrol will be converted to a welcoming committee helping new citizens register for social security and other benefits.
  9. Social Monitoring & Scoring (SMS). The FCC will be absorbed in the SMS. The SMS will begin monitoring American communications and scoring each citizen on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being a fully compliant, progressive thinking citizen that can be trusted. Americans will be assigned the following labels: Progressive Hero 90 – 100; Progressive Worker 80 – 89; Progressive But Too Independent 70-79; Watch List 60 – 69; Republican In Name Only 50 – 59;  Tea Party Conservative 1 – 49. Each citizen will be required to use GeoTrack software so their movements can be traced at all times.
  10. Department of Defense will transition to Internal Defense. The USAF will be eliminated as part of the New Green Deal. The Marine Corps will be eliminated due to their extremism. The Army will be subordinated to state Governors. The Navy will transition to a travel agency for US politicians  needing to be transported to foreign countries for meetings, annual communist gatherings and other social gatherings or vacations for elites.
  11. Voting Rights. Citizenship will be eliminated as a requirement to vote and each citizen will be allowed to vote up to 5 times based on their SMS score. Only citizens with scores of 80 or better will be allowed to vote. Age requirement will be waved. America will transition immediately to a one party state. The Republican Party will be eliminated when Biden is elected.
  12. Reparations. All African Americans will be given one million dollars each in lumpsum payment. It will not be taxed. The white man will be moved out of Arizona and New Mexico and this land will be returned to native Indians.
  13. Marijuana Fairness Act. Marijuana will be legalized across the country.
  14. Medicare For All. Appointments will be rationed along with care by local medical boards. Priority will be assigned based on political connections and need.
  15. Nationalize Media. We will nationalize all media including TV, newspapers and radio. The mainstream media is basically a tool of the Democratic Party today but broadcasts like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity will be eliminated. These three individuals will be prosecuted for crimes against the party.

It is an exciting time to be a Democratic Socialist. Our time has arrived!

Joe Biden may be the weakest candidate we have ever nominated but that is  not relevant. The system is rigged with mail in ballots, socialists controlling the polling stations and democrats counting the vote. We just need Joe to be alive to win in November.

          The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, presents a sneak preview of the Democratic Party 2020 platform.  This is Matthews fourth article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section. 
