Where is W?

America has been torched by Biden, with Obama managing the destruction from behind the scenes, “Fundamental Transformation.” Obama orchestrated Biden’s rise from the ashes of the 2020 democratic primary when it looked like Bernie Sanders was going to win. Biden’s compromise to be installed president was to accept Kamala Harris as VP and serve as Obama’s third term. While this is working out well for Obama it has been a complete disaster for Americans except the billionaire favored class and democrat elite. In other words, just like Barack planned it.

by Guardian 6                             

Dateline: May 28, 2024       

What is really curious is that George W. Bush remains silent. No real interviews, no critiques of current administration and no Op-Ed’s offering his learned experience from eight years of being president. I guess it is too much to ask him to back his party’s candidates, I mean after all the GOP got him elected twice. Perhaps W. is still bitter over Trump beating “Low Energy” badly. Was another Bush entitled to the throne? I mean look at what a third term of Obama has delivered on America, an unmitigated full-blown disaster of more new wars, hyperinflation, high interest rates, US dollar has lost 20% its value, runaway spending, and military readiness destroyed. You would have thought W. could at least find a critique for the way Biden left Afghanistan abandoning our troops, our Allies, and the Afghanistan people. I guess this is beneath George’s new life. He’s got portraits to paint and brush to clear.

Whether W. hates Trump or not he should be putting America First. Staying on the sidelines W. is choosing Biden’s open border policy; destitution for Americans; the rise of our enemies including China, Iran and Russia; loss of America’s superpower stature; a less safe world for future generations of Americans.

Unless W. is a full fledge member of the uniparty and enjoys watching America be destroyed, he should get over any personal animosity with Trump and give his full-throated endorsement. Trump has grown the GOP base to majority party status which now includes the working class, middle class, white collar, blue collar, no collar, blacks and Hispanics in the tens of millions. All Americans are welcome in the Trump GOP whereas the democrats have canceled their way to oblivion attacking Catholics, Christians, Jews, families, prolife, and American patriots. The fringe RINOs that still exist are masquerading democrats.

Mr. Bush, clearly you recognize another term of Joe Biden will cripple America. While your endorsement is not critical for Mr. trump to win, supporting your party nominee and down ballot Republicans is the right thing to do. Time to ignore the Trump haters and get on the right side of history.


Parade of Horribles in Joe Biden’s America

by Guardian 6               Dateline: 24 February 2023 (Updated)

     Originally Published: 21 September 2021

Artwork by Joseph Eder, Internationally recognized Artist

It goes from bad to worse with no end in sight. Once you think it cannot get any worse, it does. The Biden Administration is a complete abject failure orchestrating chaos to cover their failings on a broad scale. Friday dumps of bad news to mask the Biden Administration dereliction of duty is a thing of the past. The parade of horribles is a daily occurrence if not an hourly event. With this team of losers at the helm, it is depressing. Let’s take a look:

  • Biden’s Proxy War, Russian – Ukranian Conflict. Biden created the conflict by demonstrating extreme weakness with his Afghanistan surrender to the Taliban and his inability to confront China on their Uyghur Genocide and their COVID19 virus that killed millions of Americans and hundreds of millions worldwide. Biden does nothing. Putin measured the man and like 2014 with Obama, he saw a weak, feeble, compromised president with a 50 year record of failure. Hence, Putin invaded Ukraine. Today we watch Biden send over $113 billion to Ukraine with no strategy, no accountability and no plan to end Putin’s aggression.
  • China & the Wuhanvirus. The democrat party collusion with China is in plain sight. China caused the COVID19 virus but the democrats will not back an investigation or even assign blame directed at the Chinese Communist Party. Instead, they attack the GOP and attempt to shift the blame toward GOP Governors who are pushing back against mandates and keeping schools and businesses closed. Question, how much money have the Chinese been paying off democrats? How is it all the democrats in Congress are millionaires? Eric Swawell slept with a Chinese spy and he is still on the Intel Committee. How does this happen?
  • Open Borders. Biden will not secure the border. Quite the contrary, his Executive Orders and Homeland Security policies have created a massive migrant crisis. Border patrol and state governors and local municipalities are overrun. Drug cartels are fueling this crisis  being given free reign to run drugs and human trafficking rings in the US. Of course there are likely thousands of criminals, rapists and terrorists intermixed with illegal aliens. Biden is not only failing to uphold our laws, his administration has torn down portions of the new wall that was recently built. Children are being abandoned at the border and children are dying in America due to drug overdoses. The Border Czar VP Harris is AWOL. America is being invaded.
  • Afghanistan debacle. This is well chronicled by the 53rd in the Biden policy of Abandonment article. The more we learn about the Biden surrender and the on going torture of innocents within Afghanistan by the Taliban, the more horrendous it becomes. It is hard to fathom an American humiliation of this scale, incompetence off the charts that makes one wonder could this be intentional.
  • American News Media. Beyond fake, it is now a criminal enterprise covering for the crimes of the Biden Administration.  While our border and Afghanistan burn with chaos, and American cities are hit with crime wave after crime wave, our extremely incompetent and democratic party news media servants, focus on defunding the police or the fake insurrection (it was a riot at best), or what ice cream Biden is eating. No one takes the news media serious anymore because they are grotesque liars that orchestrate the news cycle. When you think of people like Chris Wallace, Brian Stelter or Joe Scarborough you think of taglines like democratic operative, potato and shill. Losers all.
  • Big Tech. Truly scary how they have compromised themselves and become enabling to a one party state controlled by Democrats aligned with China selling principles for access to a bigger market and profit. Censorship is ruling the day in policy and practice, and now they are blunt about it. Twitter allows the Taliban but bans President Trump. Youtube censors videos of doctors and nurses that disagree with the CDC. Google buries truth in their search engine and manipulates searches to benefit democrat messaging. Apple censors Apps that enable free speech but allows China to dictate terms and conditions to them to access their market and make their phones. Amazon sells mostly Chinese crap on their platform killing American small businesses.
  • The Pandemic & The Chinavirus. We now know the Chinavirus came out of the Wuhan lab. Democrats continue to obfuscate this fact to include Fauci funding much of the research to include gain of function research that is banned in the US. The 53rd covers this well in Global Strike but the virus is how the Democratic Party weaponized the presidential election and introduced massive fraud on the  American population; closed businesses and schools and continue to instill fear to create a compliant people, mask wearing population. Now the plan is to destroy military readiness by mandating the vaccine on troops. The Biden Administration and DoD know a high percentage of troops will opt out, and be forced out of the military. This is not a second order effect, this is part of the devious plan to continue America’s destruction.

Sadly, there is much more than what is chronicled above.  Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, Antifa, bankrupting American generations with massive debt, the Green New Steal, woke military leadership and the parade of horribles goes on.

The clown in the center of the parade of horribles is Joe Biden with Barack Obama manipulating the strings behind him.  Biden thinks he’s in charge but he is not. Obama gets plausible deniability as Biden destroys American society and our culture of fierce independence, patriotism and an entrepreneurial spirit gets destroyed by people from within that hate our country.  Democrats are compromised and their party has been taken over by socialists, communists and evil. The china virus is the foil they’ve needed to build American dependency and scare millions of Americans into submission. It is way past time to wake up and for patriots to take America back. This tyranny must end. It is past time being on the sidelines. Patriots, America needs you and the world needs America. Stand up, push back in your local communities. Time now!



Communist China’s American Robber Baron’s

Profits at any cost. Sellout American workers for a better deal in China. Trade sensitive technologies for a better deal in China. Exchange American intellectual property, manufacturing expertise and American ownership for a better deal in China. Compromise the American supply chain for a better deal in China. Hollow out US infrastructure and manufacturing prowess for a better deal in China. Sell American farmland for increased pennies on the acre by the Chinese. Sell American cattle ranches for increased dollars on the head. Avoid regulations and taxes for a better deal in China.

Robber Baron: a person who has become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices.

by Guardian 6

Dateline: 15 February 2023          Colorado

Communist China’s Robber Baron’s:

Blackrock CEO Larry Fink. Using American 401K investment dollars Larry builds up China and the communist regime. “He calls democracy ‘messy.’ Props up the Chinese Communist Party.  “Praises [Chinese President] Xi and his regime, known for violent oppression.” As China cracks down domestically ruling its people with an iron fist and imprisoning one million Uyghurs in forced labor camps, Fink see’s opportunity for investment growth creating financial vehicles to help prop up the regime.

National Basketball Association. Lebron James is the face of the NBA in China. While “King James” rails in support of Black Lives Matter and often criticizes police officers here in the States, he’s silent about the imprisoned Uyghurs. The NBA has been silent on China’s human rights violations, including its treatment of Uyghur Muslims, with human rights organizations decrying this genocide but with NBA owners and the league investing over $10 billion in China, money trumps genocide. Billionaire Hedge Fund and part owner of the San Francisco Warriors, Chamath Palihapitiya had this to say, “Nobody cares about what’s happening to the Uyghurs, OK? You bring it up because you really care, and I think it’s nice that you care, the rest of us don’t care.” Not much more than a PR clean up job for the Warriors and NBA. He said the quiet part out loud. It’s about the money.

Nike. “Nike is a brand that is of China and for China,” CEO John Donahoe told Wall Street analysts last week in response to a question about competition from Chinese companies during a call about fourth-quarter earnings, “We’ve always taken a long-term view. We’ve been in China for over 40 years,” Donahoe said, expressing his optimism that the brand will continue to grow quickly in the world’s most populous country. I guess the Uyghurs that are suffering today is a problem Nike and Donahue ignore under their “long-term view,” whatever that means. I’ll translate, Nike operates in communist China for the money.

Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Hedge Funds & China. Dalio is another communist enabler preaching there is a New World Order (NWO) coming with China replacing the United States. Dalio owns many Chinese companies through his investments and licks the Chinese ice cream cone often on MSNBC Business network singing communist China’s praises. Eating Chinese ice cream is a passion he shares with Biden. It wasn’t too long ago where Dalio compared China’s human rights abuses to a “strict parent.” Yeah, what’s a little enslavement in ethnic camps for Uyghurs, or organ harvesting, or locking hundreds of thousands of people in their apartments during COVID to stop the spread resulting in mass suicides and starvation. Yup, this is the kind of place Ray Dalio prefers to do business over America.

Apple and Tim Cook, CEO. Nothing like a $275 billion dollar payoff to Apple’s overlord, the communist Chinese government and Xi Jinping. In exchange for Tim Cook’s Apple investing in China CCP’s high technology sector and funding Chinese suppliers for Apple products in the communist parties 2016 five-year plan, Tim secured his communist minders “necessary support and assistance.” What else did Tim Apple give up?  Technology transfers include a deal with China’s largest wind turbine maker, Xinjiang Goldwind Science and Technology; made plans to move iCloud operations to China in 2017; launched a $300 million investment fund for clean energy in China in 2018;  opened 11 more retail stores in mainland China; and brought Chinese manufacturer Luxshare into I-Phone 13 production.  Tim Apple (Cook) appears to be a China First man too like the other Robber Barons.

These are only five of the companies and individuals that are selling out American national security and jobs. Amazon, Google, General Motors, Ford, Pfizer, General Electric, Smithfield Foods, Coke, McDonalds and the list goes on. There are hundreds of American companies supporting the buildup of communist China at America’s expense.

It is all about the profits with these Robber Barons. It’s not about what is best for America’s national security, nor American workers, nor America’s cities and industrial base. Nah, these masterminds, companies and organizations put America and its people last.


Satanic Summer: Democrat Hell Hounds Unleashed

By BlackJack Pershing

@BlackjackPershing on Truth Social, @BlakjakPershing on GETTR; also on parler, clouthub, gab

God’s truth judges created things out of love, and Satan’s truth judges them out of envy and hatred.

– Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Envy and hatred.  Democrat currency.  Here is your forecast for the summer of ’22.


We all should have realized by now this is going to be a long, hot summer filled with democrat attempts to foment hatred and chaos.  Demons shriek and manifest the loudest as they are exposed and exorcised.  The democrats have been exposed and they will be exorcised in November.  We are about to witness the nastiest few months of political violence and fake news in the history of the United States, as democrats realize their wicked plans will be stopped.


Prepare yourself and have courage to call them out.  To fight back.  #DigitalSoldiers


As Roe V Wade is undone, we have already seen the wickedness unleashed in front of the homes of SCOTUS Judges, and in fact a murder attempt on Justice.  The only real murder attempts done on politicians are usually done by deranged leftists and democrats.  Ask Steve Scalise.  More organizations are emerging promising to create havoc over the summer in response to SCOTUS undoing the big lie of Roe.  Democrats are obsessed with abortion.  Perhaps because it’s the fastest, most effective and largely unseen way to do the most damage to humanity.  Self-hate really drives them.


We are all watching our retirement accounts get routed by the Dementia Patient in Chief and his handlers.  This is done with malice.  With intent.  They hate the middle class,  They hate the poor.  They seek to make all of us slaves.  The Stock Market will be routed further by these maniacs.  They do not care.  Add in unprecedented inflation.  Just living each day has become a problem for many.  Our quadrupled gas prices will hit $10 per gallon by September, further aggravating the cost of….EVERYTHING.  Smart people are angry.  Dems and leftists shrug.  RINOS do nothing.   In addition to $10 gas, DOW 20,000 if not lower, is coming.  Recovery will not begin until the republicans retake congress in early ’23.    Democrats will wreck as much of the underpinnings of capitalism as they can on their way out.


We are in ‘Pride Month’ as defined by the Stalinist Left.  This is a month that feels like a year, with all US Companies seemingly co-opted into this sick game.  When will it end?  Is it a reasonable concern to think it may never go away as we witness more and more the exposure of children to Drag Queens.  I am old enough to remember when that would have seemed preposterous.  Like maybe 5 years ago.  Where did this come from, other than straight from the bowels of hell itself?  Let’s be clear that this is child abuse and opposed by anyone with a normal non-brainwashed outlook.  African Americans that were pleased at the addition of Juneteenth as a holiday, maybe a bit dismayed that its smack dab in the middle of Pride Chaos.  Sorry – we can only celebrate the emancipation of GAY Slaves.


Back to the economy, if you need something we are probably out of it.  Again, how did this happen?  Since when do we just run out of stuff in the US, randomly?  We may eventually find out its because there are about 30 million people here that are unaccounted for, allowed in by Biden and his Keepers.  That can screw up a supply chain.    Formula, tampons, diapers, food, gas and soon electric power – all things we are running out of.  Seriously.  This is Biden’s America.  Its all done with malice.


Californians have been accepting this sort of thing for years.  They shrug.  Average democrats shrug.  RINOS shrug.  You do not hear complaining from any of them.  They all just go along.  Call me Ultra MAGA.  I don’t go along.  I am calling BS on all of it.  These are manufactured distractions and purposeful destructions.  We all need to organize and oppose.


Soon it will be time for satanic democrats to badmouth the founding of the United States during the 4th of July holiday.  Watch for them to ramp up their efforts even louder this year.


Watch for them to create fake racial strife out of some incident that will happen soon, real or false flag.  It is coming.


Watch for the ‘trans rights’ fiction to increase, with even Fox news now promoting this issue.  (Thinking conservatives know that Fox News imploded under the weight of Bret Baier’s fat arse on November 3rd, 2020, with an assist from Martha McStupid in throwing the election.


Watch for more and more losers exiting the work force and sitting on their brains at home.  It’s Biden’s America.  Laziness is rewarded.


Watch for Monkey Pox and whatever the next planned pandemic is to arrive in September.  Its coming.  Dems will shut down the nation again if allowed.  Various cells of Stalinist dems are already demanding the return of masks.


Dementia Joe will soon get an assist from Union Bosses, the most corrupt group of nitwits and fat heads in the nation, who take pay offs from Dems while their members are absolutely shafted.  Typically obese and alcoholic union bosses will use what little influence they have left to assist Joe with generating chaos in any number of ways to include shutting ports, blocking traffic, interrupting rail transport and air traffic.  Watch for it.


The Ukraine war continues and look for China to be emboldened to act on Taiwan while the rest of the world is distracted and the US has a feckless wreck as president.


Final prediction – look for more engineered crime to appear with the involvement of the FBI.  Defending the rank and file of the FBI is getting harder folks.


“I think the demon’s target is not the possessed; it is us … the observers …. And I think—I think the point is to make us despair; to reject our own humanity, to see ourselves as ultimately bestial, vile and putrescent; without dignity; ugly; unworthy. And there lies the heart of it, perhaps: in unworthiness…”

― William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist




Democrats: Un-Representative Government

… It’s what democrats do. Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, the Squad, the lot of them; it’s about them. It’s never about you the American people that elected them (Biden was installed, like a toilet, with massive election fraud). Democrats are not interested in what you want or what you voted for. It’s all about their fiats, dictates and what they desire as the ruling class. Democrats do not represent American voters, they represent themselves.

by Guardian 6

Dateline: March 9, 2022

Fuel prices. With the war raging in Ukraine through a Russian invasion, it would be logical for Biden to reverse his decision and open the Keystone pipeline that he shut down Day One of his administration in January 2021. Fuel has increased from a $1.99 under Trump to a national average of $4.35 fifteen months into the Biden Installation. Instead, Biden continues to import Russian Oil for the first two weeks into the war, all the while threatening sanctions, and lining Putin’s pockets with cash, and then he turns to the dictatorships of Venezuela and Iran for increased fuel production, which will result in increased terrorism funding. Americans want the Keystone pipeline opened to receive fuel from Canada which would produce nearly 900 million barrels daily and drop the price dramatically.  Democrats and Biden don’t care what Americans want they can pay more. The Green Fascists cheer lead by Sandy Cortez and the Squad, are shoving “green” energy up Americans ass. These low wit masterminds are running America into decline. This is their plan to build more dependency on the government. Nothing is coincidental with democrats.

America Last. Democrats are intentionally forcing America’s decline to elevate China. They’ve been doing it for decades along with select RINO’s like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and others. While they get rich selling America out, America’s factories, jobs, and means of production have all been shipped to China weakening America’s economy by baking dependency on foreign supply chains, again mostly Communist China. The Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street and Big Tech are all in on it. The communists have full access to America’s capital markets, institutions and government leaders. President Trump disrupted these arrangements, but we all know how he was treated for fighting the Deep State and ruling class. Our Un-representative government is more interested in following the World Economic Forum (WEF) and that mega pervert Klaus Schwab than the people that elected them. Klaus and the master minds at the WEF believe China is better suited to lead the world because their people follow orders and are more compliant than the unpredictable Americans. It is time for America to acquiesce the world stage.

Open Borders. Rush Limbaugh use to refer to those affiliated with democrats as low information voters (LIV).  The professorial utopian class and LIVs make up the Democratic Party. Trump woke a lot of LIVs up and more Americans have been paying attention to the radical democrats. Hence, besides the WEF instructing Biden to open America’s borders to create chaos and mayhem, the democrats need tons more LIVs. Since democrats believe in killing babies through birth, they need imports of voters in the millions. And of course, we can’t have voter ID because then the new “voters” won’t be able to vote since they’re not US citizens. Drugs, human trafficking and gang violence is acceptable in the democratic mind, and it is the cost of doing business. Fentanyl killed over 42,600 Americans last year, many of them teenagers. Again, in the democratic mind, it’s about power and control; it is never about the children. Never!

It’s Never Been About the Kids. If you’re a democrat because you believe they do what is best for children, and you still believe this crap after the mandates, masks and fear driven shutdown, you an abject idiot! It has never been about the kids. It’s about power and control always with democrats. Pre-K, in school breakfast, after school programs, etc., it’s all about controlling your kids, indoctrinating them and building dependency through government schools. The Teachers Union has moved on from delivering lousy educations, now they are indoctrinating your kids through critical race theory, transgenderism and perverted sex education classes staring in kindergarten. Oh, and how dare you try to take ownership of your children’s education and share your opinion at School Board meetings. In Biden’s America, this will get the FBI treating you like a domestic terrorist.

Democrats, unrepresentative government. It’s what they do and have always done. From slavery to stealing elections and starting wars, America is at its worse led by tyrant democrats.


Biden Christmas – A Disgrace in a Pear Tree

On the first day of Christmas
Joe Biden sent to me
A 50% increase in gasoline prices!

On the second day of Christmas
Joe Biden sent to me
Two federal vaccine mandates
And a 50% increase in gasoline prices!

On the third day of Christmas
Joe Biden sent to me
Three million illegal immigrants
Two federal vaccine mandates
And a 50% increase in gasoline prices!

On the fourth day of Christmas
Joe Biden sent to me
Four Hunter Biden paintings
Three million illegal immigrants
Two federal vaccine mandates
And a 50% increase in gasoline prices!

On the fifth day of Christmas
Joe Biden sent to me
Five contempt charges over Chuck Schumer’s January 6th Erection
Four Hunter Biden paintings
Three million illegal immigrants
Two federal vaccine mandates
And a 50% increase in gasoline prices!

On the sixth day of Christmas
Joe Biden sent to me
The foreign policy failure of all time  — the Afghanistan Withdrawal
Five contempt charges over Chuck Schumer’s January 6th Erection
Four Hunter Biden paintings
Three million illegal immigrants
Two federal vaccine mandates
And a 50% increase in gasoline prices!

On the seventh day of Christmas
Joe Biden sent to me
Seven percent roaring inflation (7%!)
The foreign policy failure of all time  — the Afghanistan Withdrawal
Five contempt charges over Chuck Schumer’s January 6th Erection
Four Hunter Biden paintings
Three million illegal immigrants
Two federal vaccine mandates
And a 50% increase in gasoline prices!

On the eighth day of Christmas
Joe Biden sent to me
Eight highly ineffective and grossly incompetent Cabinet Secretaries
Seven percent roaring inflation (7%!)
The foreign policy failure of all time  — the Afghanistan Withdrawal
Five contempt charges over Chuck Schumer’s January 6th Erection
Four Hunter Biden paintings
Three million illegal immigrants
Two federal vaccine mandates
And a 50% increase in gasoline prices!

On the ninth day of christmas
Joe Biden sent to me
Nine Antifa scumbags with Squad endorsements for HS teachers
Eight highly ineffective and grossly incompetent Cabinet Secretaries
Seven percent roaring inflation (7%!)
The foreign policy failure of all time  — the Afghanistan Withdrawal
Five contempt charges over Chuck Schumer’s January 6th Erection
Four Hunter Biden paintings
Three million illegal immigrants
Two federal vaccine mandates
And a 50% increase in gasoline prices!

On the tenth day of Christmas
Joe Biden sent to me
Ten percent for the Big Guy!
Nine Antifa scumbags with Squad endorsements for HS teachers
Eight highly ineffective and grossly incompetent Cabinet Secretaries
Seven percent roaring inflation (7%!)
The foreign policy failure of all time  — the Afghanistan Withdrawal
Five contempt charges over Chuck Schumer’s January 6th Erection
Four Hunter Biden paintings
Three million illegal immigrants
Two federal vaccine mandates
And a 50% increase in gasoline prices!

On the eleventh day of Christmas
Joe Biden sent to me
Eleven more videos of Hunter with drugs and prostitues
Ten percent for the Big Guy!
Nine Antifa scumbags with Squad endorsements for HS teachers
Eight highly ineffective and grossly incompetent Cabinet Secretaries
Seven percent roaring inflation (7%!)
The foreign policy failure of all time  — the Afghanistan Withdrawal
Five contempt charges over Chuck Schumer’s January 6th Erection
Four Hunter Biden paintings
Three million illegal immigrants
Two federal vaccine mandates
And a 50% increase in gasoline prices!

On the twelfth day of Christmas
Joe Biden sent to me
Twelve  more Democratic Congressman compromised with China
Eleven more videos of Hunter with drugs and prostitues
Ten percent for the Big Guy!
Nine Antifa scumbags with Squad endorsements for HS teachers
Eight highly ineffective and grossly incompetent Cabinet Secretaries
Seven percent roaring inflation (7%!)
The foreign policy failure of all time  — the Afghanistan Withdrawal
Five contempt charges over Chuck Schumer’s January 6th Erection
Four Hunter Biden paintings
Three million illegal immigrants
Two federal vaccine mandates
And a 50% increase in gasoline prices!

Merry F’ing Christmas America from a disgraced, installed like a toilet, Joe Biden White House. 
