The Mooning of America

by Deacon Mike … Ruminating

Artwork by Joseph Eder, internationally recognized Artist

Dateline: 11 February 2023

Any red-blooded patriotic American just has to be deeply troubled by the inactions of our illustrious President and his loathsome administration over the past couple of weeks especially as it regards our once great country and the permitted slow passage of “Xi’s Balloons” over the length and width of the USA. What’s up with that? 

Why would a President no matter how weak and incompetent, sworn under oath to protect and defend our country, allow our number one adversary to fly his spy-ship openly in our airspace for hours on end?  

Why would a government that tries to censor so much news from its citizens , allow “Xi’s Balloon” to be televised crossing wistfully across the Northwest, the Great Plains and the Southeast?

Why would any President, even a monstrosity like “Dopey Joe”, wait to give the order to shoot it down until it was over the Atlantic Ocean having completed its spy mission? Was it really because the administration was worried about a debris field showering the residents below? 

When it was over Montana, those residents would have included the deer, the elk, prairie dogs, some wolves and some bison but very few actual human beings! The skies above Montana would have served as a perfect place to mark the target and fire a rocket into Xi’s “billion dollar balloon”!  That Did Not Happen! No order was given to bring it down. Why not?

The answers to each of these questions is troubling at best. Any thinking American, any American with an ounce of wonder, indeed any American with any awareness of right vs. wrong, has to be asking themselves these very same questions. Any American that realizes that the “Mainstream Media” has become nothing more than a government financed propaganda machine realizes that it has been telling our “reporters and broadcast journalists” what to think and how to explain their “Breaking News” to their minions.

As Americans, each of us should take a step back and really think deeply about what is happening in plain sight and put right out in front of us with so little regard to what and how we think about it. “They” must really think that we are “tres stupide” (a little French Lingo there)!

Let’s break down the potential rewards for “Dopey Joe” and Chairman Xi in their very public Quid Pro Quo. Shall we? Chairman Xi comes first as he the most to gain.

  1. Xi’s Balloon loaded up with the best High Tech Cameras that his Uyghur slaves can assemble is able to navigate his “Low Tech” Spy Satellite right over our Montana based ICBM silos. Chairman Xi says that he has no control over his “weather balloons” and that they kind of just float along with the breeze. It is purely coincidental that we had missile silos beneath his balloon and that his cameras and sound equipment took photos and listened in on the military conversations below.
  1. Xi’s Balloon floats toward the Midwest and a number of our top military bases where we house our B2 Bombers and Strategic Air Command. NORAD just happens to be on the flight path of Xi’s Balloon. Purely coincidental that the balloon floated that way. Must have been the Winds of Destiny or perhaps Xi “breaking wind”!
  1. On its path towards the Atlantic Ocean, Xi’s Balloon was able to gather in the cell phone numbers and personal data of millions of unsuspecting Americans. Unfortunately, those citizens with the Tik Tok App downloaded on their iPhones gave up their information unwittingly and in abundance. Chairman Xi commented that things are a little glum back in China right now where Covid has mutated again and millions upon millions are sick with the virus. That being the case….”We all need  good laugh back home and you Americans make funniest Tik Tok videos! Do you blame CCP for watching The Libs of Tik Tok? They are very very clazy! They almost as funny as your President Dopey Joe, NO JOKE!!!”
  1. Chairman Xi was testing his new Uyghur Slave Made Solar Panels! They were used to power the electronic surveillance equipment and antennae used to spy on us! Xi was heard to exclaim: “Oh my! This good stuff! Exerent performance by my new gadgets! Give my Uyghurs extra portion of rice tonight! Cancel all organ transplants for 2 days as reward for derivering top secret information to me. Chairman Xi very very happy!”
  1. As Chairman Xi’s Balloon floated out to our East Coast and it appeared over Myrtle Beach, SC Chairman Xi was excited to look down upon all of the amusement parks that abound in that area. He was downright envious of the beautiful boardwalk. He got very thirsty when he saw the vast array of bars and restaurants. It was just at this moment when Xi heard a very loud explosion. He was heard to exclaim to his aides, “Is Dopey Joe in the room? I not want to get sick on this day, the best day of my life! I am living my best life! Not want to smell terrible pant load of Stinky Dopey Joe!!!”. His aides told Xi that one of our jet fighters had blown his Balloon to bits. Chairman Xi’s response? “That better than smelling Stinky Joe’s arse!” 
  1. Do you believe that the CCP’s Balloon, tattered and laying in pieces on the watersof the Atlantic Ocean and at the bottom of the sea, still had lots of value to our Chinese “betters”? Well it must because they want every last piece of its electronics and balloon skin back in their hands! Remember! The Chinese have 1.4 Billion citizens and slaves to their Communist state that can reassemble it using Super Glue and Gorilla Tape!!! Now what does Dopey Joe get out of his deal with Chairman Xi? Well let’s dive into that, shall we?
  2. It may be logical and indeed expected to ask the FBI to investigate any recent deposits into Stinky Joe’s Bank Accounts. (“Logical and indeed expected” if the FBI was still an agency led by people of high ethics and integrity.) His personal wealth has grown exponentially over his 50 years in politics while collecting government salaries the entire time. (Note: While those salaries and benefits would have provided most of us with a very nice standard of living, there is no way under the sun that any of us could have become multi-millionaires many times over! None of us would have been able to own 3 large, beautiful homes and the now famous Corvette on a Senator’s salary alone. And as Stinky Joe likes to boast, he is often referred to as “Middle Class Joe” ……. by himself one would suppose.) Our first question has to be: How much did Stinky Joe get from Xi and when did he get it?
  3. How much money does it take to satiate an Octogenarian?
  4. Will Stinky Joe be presented with his very own copy of Chairman Xi’s new book?It includes a centerfold photo array of Hunter and Joe “in action” while in China on “business meetings”. The rumored name of the tome? The Book of Biden Decay and Corruption of America Under Chinese Supervision.
  5. Humiliation and Mortification are sure to follow Stinky Joe and his family all the remaining days of their lives, gifted to the Bidens’ by Chairman Xi. Our fellow countrymen realize that the Bidens have turned their innermost hatred on their very own Middle Class Citizenry, our values, our faith in God, our respect for our divinely inspired U.S. Constitution, our love for God and neighbor. As Benedict Arnold betrayed our country for 10,000 pounds and a British military commission, “Stinky Joe” has betrayed our country and its history of principled leadership for his own self-aggrandizement, a wheelbarrow full of cash and gifts and an audience of his fellow Democrat / Commie phonies and our Chinese enemies that only want to steal everything that they can while “Stinky”, “Sleepy”, “Dopey” Joe leaves our doors wide open.

So what is the Numero Uno thing that Joe Biden and his family of grifters, thieves and gypsies has earned for himself and exposed our still great American culture and nation to?

The Answer: Chairman Xi’s Mooning of America!

Xi’s pants are down and he is laughing as he exposes his ample derriere over us every time one of his Balloons flies over us! There is nothing that “Stinky Joe” can do because Chairman Xi has the goods to hang over his head ……. and Xi is doing just that!!!


Fentanyl, America and Joe Biden Epidemic

By Guardian 6         Dateline: January 2nd, 2023

While fentanyl continues to kill Americans in record numbers, the Biden Administration is not addressing the issue with resources and scale to counter this epidemic. This is by design but why?

To frame this issue and put it into perspective, in 2022 more Americans died from fentanyl than the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined. According to the CDC between February 2021 – February 2022 over 108,000 Americans died of drug overdoses with 70% being attributed to fentanyl. That is ~75,600 American deaths due to Fentanyl. The crisis is growing year over year. 2022 is worse with estimates of over 100,000 deaths being attributed to fentanyl alone. Where is the outrage?

The DEA recently announced that in 2022 they seized over 379 million doses of fentanyl, enough to kill the entire population of the United States, plus an additional 40 million doses to spare. This is only what was caught by the DEA. This is likely only a fraction of fentanyl that has come into the United States from China and Mexico.

Fentanyl is a synthetic drug that is cheap to produce. A single sugar size sweetener envelope is enough fentanyl powder to supply a single user for a year. Many other drugs and pills are being laced with fentanyl that are killing innocents that do not even know they are taking fentanyl. Thousand of parents have suffered the tragedy of their teenagers dying of fentanyl laced drugs. But yet the Biden Administration has not nationalized this epidemic. Why?

Ultimately, there are two reasons why Biden is silent. First, the Biden Administrations policy of Open Border with Mexico would receive the necessary scrutiny it deserves. Biden can’t afford to have his Open Borders policy linked to the Fentanyl crisis. Secondly, Biden would be forced to confront China and its illicit Pharma- eutical industry that is directly and indirectly killing Americans.

Considering the Open Borders policy, the net assessment or “gain” is acceptable to Joe Biden and his Administration. The Biden Administration finds it acceptable to allow fentanyl to flow freely into the US through cartel networks killing over 100,000 Americans annually for the net gain of 4.8 million illegal aliens entering the US since he took office in January 2021. Biden and Democrats get their future voters suppressing the epidemic and Americans suffer through a fentanyl crisis.

Regarding China, Biden and his son Hunter have profited mightily from communist China. While we await hearings on the “Laptop From Hell” that was suppressed by Twitter, the informed public is knowledgeable about the payoffs to the Big Guy, Mr. 10%. The Biden Center at Penn University itself was largely financed by donations from China. China clearly has leverage on Joe Biden and his family. To confront Xi JingPing and the Chinese communists, risks disclosures that could destroy the Biden presidency. Joe Biden’s tepid treatment of everything CCP China leads with this fact.

So, America and her children and families are at risk everyday of a growing fentanyl epidemic. While Open Borders and being weak on China CCP serves Joe Biden and his Administrations interests, just know that your president has engineered this crisis and he is unwilling to stop it. Joe Biden owns the fentanyl epidemic and he is OK with that. 


Satanic Summer: Democrat Hell Hounds Unleashed

By BlackJack Pershing

@BlackjackPershing on Truth Social, @BlakjakPershing on GETTR; also on parler, clouthub, gab

God’s truth judges created things out of love, and Satan’s truth judges them out of envy and hatred.

– Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Envy and hatred.  Democrat currency.  Here is your forecast for the summer of ’22.


We all should have realized by now this is going to be a long, hot summer filled with democrat attempts to foment hatred and chaos.  Demons shriek and manifest the loudest as they are exposed and exorcised.  The democrats have been exposed and they will be exorcised in November.  We are about to witness the nastiest few months of political violence and fake news in the history of the United States, as democrats realize their wicked plans will be stopped.


Prepare yourself and have courage to call them out.  To fight back.  #DigitalSoldiers


As Roe V Wade is undone, we have already seen the wickedness unleashed in front of the homes of SCOTUS Judges, and in fact a murder attempt on Justice.  The only real murder attempts done on politicians are usually done by deranged leftists and democrats.  Ask Steve Scalise.  More organizations are emerging promising to create havoc over the summer in response to SCOTUS undoing the big lie of Roe.  Democrats are obsessed with abortion.  Perhaps because it’s the fastest, most effective and largely unseen way to do the most damage to humanity.  Self-hate really drives them.


We are all watching our retirement accounts get routed by the Dementia Patient in Chief and his handlers.  This is done with malice.  With intent.  They hate the middle class,  They hate the poor.  They seek to make all of us slaves.  The Stock Market will be routed further by these maniacs.  They do not care.  Add in unprecedented inflation.  Just living each day has become a problem for many.  Our quadrupled gas prices will hit $10 per gallon by September, further aggravating the cost of….EVERYTHING.  Smart people are angry.  Dems and leftists shrug.  RINOS do nothing.   In addition to $10 gas, DOW 20,000 if not lower, is coming.  Recovery will not begin until the republicans retake congress in early ’23.    Democrats will wreck as much of the underpinnings of capitalism as they can on their way out.


We are in ‘Pride Month’ as defined by the Stalinist Left.  This is a month that feels like a year, with all US Companies seemingly co-opted into this sick game.  When will it end?  Is it a reasonable concern to think it may never go away as we witness more and more the exposure of children to Drag Queens.  I am old enough to remember when that would have seemed preposterous.  Like maybe 5 years ago.  Where did this come from, other than straight from the bowels of hell itself?  Let’s be clear that this is child abuse and opposed by anyone with a normal non-brainwashed outlook.  African Americans that were pleased at the addition of Juneteenth as a holiday, maybe a bit dismayed that its smack dab in the middle of Pride Chaos.  Sorry – we can only celebrate the emancipation of GAY Slaves.


Back to the economy, if you need something we are probably out of it.  Again, how did this happen?  Since when do we just run out of stuff in the US, randomly?  We may eventually find out its because there are about 30 million people here that are unaccounted for, allowed in by Biden and his Keepers.  That can screw up a supply chain.    Formula, tampons, diapers, food, gas and soon electric power – all things we are running out of.  Seriously.  This is Biden’s America.  Its all done with malice.


Californians have been accepting this sort of thing for years.  They shrug.  Average democrats shrug.  RINOS shrug.  You do not hear complaining from any of them.  They all just go along.  Call me Ultra MAGA.  I don’t go along.  I am calling BS on all of it.  These are manufactured distractions and purposeful destructions.  We all need to organize and oppose.


Soon it will be time for satanic democrats to badmouth the founding of the United States during the 4th of July holiday.  Watch for them to ramp up their efforts even louder this year.


Watch for them to create fake racial strife out of some incident that will happen soon, real or false flag.  It is coming.


Watch for the ‘trans rights’ fiction to increase, with even Fox news now promoting this issue.  (Thinking conservatives know that Fox News imploded under the weight of Bret Baier’s fat arse on November 3rd, 2020, with an assist from Martha McStupid in throwing the election.


Watch for more and more losers exiting the work force and sitting on their brains at home.  It’s Biden’s America.  Laziness is rewarded.


Watch for Monkey Pox and whatever the next planned pandemic is to arrive in September.  Its coming.  Dems will shut down the nation again if allowed.  Various cells of Stalinist dems are already demanding the return of masks.


Dementia Joe will soon get an assist from Union Bosses, the most corrupt group of nitwits and fat heads in the nation, who take pay offs from Dems while their members are absolutely shafted.  Typically obese and alcoholic union bosses will use what little influence they have left to assist Joe with generating chaos in any number of ways to include shutting ports, blocking traffic, interrupting rail transport and air traffic.  Watch for it.


The Ukraine war continues and look for China to be emboldened to act on Taiwan while the rest of the world is distracted and the US has a feckless wreck as president.


Final prediction – look for more engineered crime to appear with the involvement of the FBI.  Defending the rank and file of the FBI is getting harder folks.


“I think the demon’s target is not the possessed; it is us … the observers …. And I think—I think the point is to make us despair; to reject our own humanity, to see ourselves as ultimately bestial, vile and putrescent; without dignity; ugly; unworthy. And there lies the heart of it, perhaps: in unworthiness…”

― William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist


