Something Wicked This Way Comes …

Something Wicked This Way Comes is an article about the challenges America is facing in 2018.



by Guardian 6

Drugs and addictive narcotics are bucketing through our southern border turning teenagers and young adults into drug addicts. Many communities have rapid heroin epidemics and families and law enforcement is overwhelmed.

Illegal border crossers, not immigrants, are pouring into our country and taking up residency throughout the country causing crime; overtaxing social welfare programs and schools; and democratic politicians are praising sanctuary cities and undermining community safety.

The rule of law is being undermined and corrupted by politicians that are  pitting fellow Americans against each other by labeling us racists, homophobes and xenophobic.

The Deep State continues to wage war against the election of President Trump despite his economic achievements of record low unemployment and foreign policy successes  that include stabilizing Iraq, defeating ISIS in Syria and bringing North Korea to the negotiation table.

The mainstream media (MSM) continues their collective, coordinated and petulant assault against President Trump pushing a false Russian collusion narrative while intentionally not reporting the overwhelming success President Trump has had economically, diplomacy and strengthening our military and alliances through tough love (NATO) and peace through strength (Syria, North Korea and China). 

The Catholic Church is under assault from within. Some priests and clergy (although an extreme minority – 2%) have been systematically preying on their flock, the most innocent among us, children. Church leadership at the highest levels have failed to address these heinous crimes with the seriousness, courage and robust cleansing needed to eliminate this horrific problem.

The Silicon Valley and the Tech Giants, Google and Apple in particular,  are acquiescing to the Chinese government building a censored search engine and removing applications from I-Tunes allowing the Chinese government to limit speech and control state approved messaging and content. Twitter and Facebook are shadow-banning conservative voices and promoting the leftwing agenda in America. 

The Democratic Party and their affiliated tribes (MSM, Teachers Union, Hollywood) would rather “resist” President Trump than move America forward and govern responsibly. 

Something wicked this way comes that is undermining America and her people. It festers out of the swamp and it lusts power. It is evil and dark. It is selfish, joyless and a Trojan horse masquerading with free healthcare, free college and a guaranteed living wage. It removes choices, makes promises driven by fear and promises that cannot be kept. 

Something wicked this way comes but America stands strong when faced with evil; she doesn’t run nor hide. America prays and she fights. It is time to do both. Pray for America to renew herself once again to the Lord and fight the evil forces that are in play undermining our country from within. Fight not with sword but with reason, love and resolve for an American renewal of spirit.  

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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."