
It’s not hard. If you put Americans in harms way, you best have a plan to get them out of harms way if need be. You owe them that. You owe their families that. If you work in a US Embassy, you have an emergency action plan to get out. You rely on the US government to monitor the situation and give the Ambassador and his staff orders securing US personnel and safeguarding designated information and equipment. If it is too dangerous and US citizens safety cannot be guaranteed, SOPs are executed on a deliberate, planned withdrawal. When this doesn’t happen, you have a systematic failure. When this doesn’t happen, you question leadership at every level. When this doesn’t happen on the anniversary of September 11th, people are relieved for their incompetence and failure to properly advise and secure US personnel, property and equipment. When this doesn’t happen, and you lose an Ambassador and US personnel, the Secretary of State doesn’t run for President. Ultimately, four American lives were lost makes a big difference to their families and the honor of this country. One of the country traits that historically makes the USA exceptional, is that one ordinary citizen’s life matters dearly. As a nation, our citizenry expects our government to move heaven and earth to bring our own back to safety. Did that happen here? Did we find a way to get every potential resource in play to save our fellow citizens lives? I don’t care if there is less than a 1% chance at saving a life and rescuing our fellow Americans, you give the order to rescue, safeguard and bring our people home, without hesitation. It is simple, Americans in harms way? We go get them and bring them home! If you hesitate, if you debate it, if you blame a youtube movie and insult our intelligence, you are not fit to serve in a low level position let alone as President of the Unites States!
