
The modern day Exodus has been well under way in the Middle East for the last six years of the Obama Administration. This time instead of Israelis fleeing Egypt, Christians are fleeing Iraq, Syria and neighboring countries. The exodus has been supercharged since the Obama Administration withdrew US Forces from Iraq in 2011, against the recommendations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This single decision set in motion the formation of the brutal terrorist organization ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, organized from extremist Islamic terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda Iraq (AQI) among others. ISIS is one big dung pile in the heart of the Middle East attracting  low-life maggots from across the world to terrorize the innocent, brutalize Christians and pillage civilian populations that don’t conform to their brand of Islam.

In 2010, US Vice President Joe Biden, said this, “I am very optimistic about — about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government,” said Biden. It is a gross understatement to say VP Biden got this wrong. US troops withdrew creating a vacuum for Iranian influence and cooperation with the Shia al-Maliki government to dominate Iraq’s politics, which alienated the Sunni’s leading to the resurgence of terrorism and ISIS.

Between President Obama’s flippant comment about ISIS being the JV team; and his failure to honor his own words three and half years ago  telling President Assad of Syria, that using chemical weapons would be crossing a red line, and then doing nothing as Assad gassed his own people, the president opened all the doors on the barn of ignorance, weakness and hollowness. The US has lost credibility with our friends and enemies alike resulting in tremendous loss of innocent life and the current quagmire of what is left if the heart of the middle east.

In Iraq today it is estimated that there are less than five hundred thousand Christians remaining from an Iraqi population of 1.5 million Christians ten years ago. In Syria, six hundred thousand have fled or been killed out of an estimated population of 1.1 million Christians. Al Qaeda, ISIS, terrorist maggots are not on the run, they have re-grouped, reorganized and grown in size and number, and they have carved out their own country, the so called “Caliphate,” out of Iraq and Syria. All this while the world’s greatest power has sat on the sidelines for five, six years allowing this cesspool of terrorists to grow in number while our president gave speeches denying the seriousness of the threat and the resurgence of terrorist numbers. Paris and San Bernardino were the final straws of disgust with the American public demanding action from this president as over 70% of the American public disagrees with a “leading from behind” approach to foreign policy which has now been defined as The Obama Doctrine,  “do nothing, at any cost.”

Americans may be war weary but when we withdraw from being the world’s conscious, bad things happen and in this case, a Christian Exodus of the living runs over the graves of the hundreds of thousands who have been persecuted. This is not us, this is not our country, we are not cowards. We stand up and fight for innocents, and we win! I remind all of us, there are reasons to fight!
