This is What Disruption Looks Like

          Republished: June 10, 2018
      As the G7 closes out, the 53rd Regiment is reminded brilliant analysis by Blackjack Pershing. This treatise explains leadership, conviction and President Trump’s America First policies and how “settings things done” first & foremost matters.  Considering the last 24 hours news cycle, this analysis fully explains the belief system of the 45th President of the Unites States.

Originally Published: 2115 Hours, January 29th, 2017

By Jack Black Pershing (from “Fly-over Country”)

I’ve been getting in trouble my whole life and I really don’t care what anybody thinks of what I do on stage as a comic.” Andrew Dice Clay

Remember the Diceman? It was the late 80’s when he hit the comedy scene and it went crazy.   His act was a series of R rated send-ups of popular nursery rhymes not to be repeated here. They went as viral as something could at the time. A friend of mine sent me a VHS tape of his show when I was stationed in Germany. That tape got passed around to dozens of other lieutenants and some of their wives threatened to do me bodily harm as I was the known source.

The Diceman disrupted comedy at the time – like it or not.

Enter the Diceman 2.0 known as Donald J. Trump, now POTUS.   DJT is disrupting the tired and ossified political structures in place since the post WW2 period. DJT’s social similarities to the vulgar Diceman are well documented – so no need to elaborate on the details – but let’s start there.

DJT is direct, sometimes bombastic and decidedly coarse. Ironically those he offends most and are most likely to scream about his offenses, also routinely defend the worst content Hollywood culture has to offer in terms of glorification of drugs, smoking (pot), sex of any kind, extreme gun violence and on and on.   “Yes I have dreamed of bombing the Whitehouse” says a certain woman known for extreme vulgarity and mocking the Catholic church regularly.

What do disruptors really do? The acronym VUCA was born and popularized by the Army War College shortly after 9/11; it stands for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Into VUCA environments come disruptors and it is there that they thrive. We certainly exist in a VUCA environment today. Technology, social norms, major religions, large institutions of all kinds – almost everything is up for grabs in terms of where it might go and how it might evolve – or not survive.

DJT is incorrectly called a populist. This is wrong. Or as DJT might write: ‘WRONG!’. The stale ‘old media’ mistook the large rallies, fun and entertaining rhetoric, potshots, accusations of bias and the tagline ‘Make America Great Again’ as old school populism. Nope. That is Diceman 2.0 breaking through media noise. Newt Gingrinch wrote a perfect analysis of it months ago.

Here are a few of the disruptions:

  • Calling out the fallacy of free trade that elitists do not get and seemingly can’t. Trade is free when all of us are playing by the same rules. We can enforce that in our own country. However – many countries have governments and businesses that collude. Many countries have nothing called free trade or the laws and civil society to support it. Those who enabled them to compete against us under easier constraints were naïve at best and grossly negligent at worst. Meaning every president since and including Nixon and their teams.
  • Overwhelmingly liberal bias in the old media. (I won’t call them ‘Main Stream’). It took running for president in my estimation for DJT to finally see how bad it was. After all he had thrived in the industry that now calls him Satan for decades. Once he declared his positions they spit him out like a watermelon seed.   What did he do? He called them out with the kind of ferocity they hadn’t ever seen – and continues to. They are so far beyond self-awareness that they are incapable of any course correction. We now have a president that talks back and is NEVER passive. Disruptive.
  • Speed: last 7 days are self evident. This 70 year old outworks everyone around him and definitely the tired drag asses in congress. Impressive and even Jeb must be thinking DJT was right in calling him ‘low energy’
  • The Forgotten Man/Forgotten Women: I know them. I’ve known factory workers my entire career and been on staff in a factory that was closed and been part of closing several. I do not believe there has ever been a president –with the possible exception of Teddy Roosevelt – that connected with blue collar America (and disrupted/outsourced/offshored America) like DJT. In his career he knew them. He led them. He managed them. He employed them. He understood them. All the elites could do is speak down to them from both major parties because they didn’t get them and didn’t much care. As jobs left us en masse, the republican offered tough love: ‘get retrained’ and the democrats offered food stamps and platitudes: ‘you’ve been screwed by the rich’. No. They were screwed by jackass politicians that gave away the store.
  • Tweets and social media: he used social sites better than anyone in the media, any other politician, maybe better than anyone period. Political class were caught flatfooted and still are.
  • Disregard for convention: as a business person, DJT is the ultimate get it done guy – that one employee or soldier you know can piss everyone off but usually gets results. He doesn’t care about how it was done before. The Whitehouse correspondants are learning this now.

Those are just a few. More to come. Where does this all go? For us conservatives, as Guardian 6 has said, ‘Its like Christmas…each morning: tweets in our stockings and battles with big libs for our presents!’ Indeed G-6. Indeed. Sometimes disruptors get tiresome.   Diceman faded for a while but I am happy to see he’s back playing Vegas and has a reality show. Will DJT tweet himself into trouble? Will he deeply offend an ally of the US? Will he simmer down once his major programs are in place? Will he get so much done that he hands the reigns over the VP after the first term?   Its just hard to say with a disruptor. I will say this: for the first time since Reagan, a guy I can say gets me and I get him is running the show. He’s in a vastly different package – a major NYC wise guy. And he’s disrupting all the right disruptees.


I do whatever I do. I go to the club. I work on material. While other people are sleeping, I’m awake. I always liked that.

                  – Andrew Dice Clay
