We All Know

by 53rd Editorial Board            November 15, 2021

We all know Trump won the 2020 election. It was not even close.

We all know the Democratic Party cheated in Milwaukee, Atlanta, Detroit, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Philadelphia. We all went to bed that night with President Trump having insurmountable leads in Wisconsin, Georgia,  Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. Somehow, without merit and breaking media norms and precedent Foxnews and the fraud Chris Wallace called Arizona early for Biden.

We all know that the DNC and democrats are using mail in ballots and extended voting windows to cheat.

We all know in certain democratic controlled areas dominion voting machine are connected to the internet.

We all know BigTech colluded with the Democratic Party to push favorable Biden news reports and censored Trump on all their platforms only reporting negative news.

We all know the fake news frauds at Fox, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of them colluded to cover up “the laptop from hell” and Hunter Biden’s criminal dealings with China, Russia and hookers among other questionable behaviors.

We all know the Big Guy is Joe Biden and he received 10% kickbacks from Hunter leveraging his positions of government authority for financial gain.

We all know Joe is shot!

We all know Hunter is not an artist.

We all know that the Main Stream Media (#MSM) is very fake and littered with leftists, socialists and statists.

We all know that the #letsgobrandon movement is not only national but it is now an international movement. And we all know what #LGB really stands for. #FJB

We all know that Build Back Better is BS and all about making America a socialist country.

We all know that whatever is woke turns to shit!

We all know that America never leaves its citizens and Allies behind like  Biden did in Afghanistan.

We all know that the Green New Deal is all garbage and about confiscating wealth from America’s middle class to control us.

We all know that the COVID19 mandates are anti-American and about taking away our rights.

We all know that Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer are tyrants and they do not care about what the people think.

We all know that the Democratic Party is compromised of socialists, incompetents and people that no longer believe in the promise of America.

We all know that the Democratic Party uses race to divide us, as a wedge issue and to keep the poor dependent on government programs.

We all know that the Democratic Party and Joe Biden cannot be trusted with our children.

There are many other things we all know. Please share your thoughts of what you know in the comments section below.

Be Heard America! 
