Dear Xi …

Feel lucky Xi? Apparently so. Xi doesn’t know. His arrogance and tyrannical hand of absolute power corrupts his mind and thinking. Big plans small mind. Xi Jinping plots, plans and reads his own paper clippings. Not good. Not good at all. 

Xi Jinping looks very small as he flies sorties off the coast of Taiwan to intimidate them. Meanwhile, the West yawns.

Xi Jinping looks like a petty tyrant leading a Chinese military parade celebrating China’s 70th anniversary of undermining Chinese democracy.

Xi Jinping looks in the mirror and pats himself on the back celebrating breaking the treaty of Hong Kong’s “high autonomy” with Great Britain and smiles putting his big pants on.

Xi Jinping continues to lie to the world about Coronavirus, the Wuhan Lab and being ground zero for millions of deaths. We all know China is the source and Xi’s policies and poor leadership led to this outbreak. The only question that remains is was this intentional? 

Xi Jinping knows the world is watching as he commits genocide against the Uyghur people. The world is watching and while it may appear to be weak, eventually the western world will reject Xi’s death camps. The NBA is not America Xi. LeBron James is not America Xi. Joe Biden is not America Xi. America is Missouri. America is North Carolina. America is Ohio. America is Virginia. America is Wisconsin. Olympic boycott is coming Jinping.

Xi America knows Trump won. America knows Biden is a fraud and that he was installed like a toilet. America knows that Biden did not get 81M votes. America also knows Trump will soon be back and that he will hold you accountable for your tyrannical rule.

Xi continue to play emperor and enjoy it while it lasts because eventually forces from within will up end you. Your Chinese enemies are already plotting. Democracy is coming, soon, very soon.


