Really — Comey Teaching Ethics?

The Swamp, January 24th, 2018

Former FBI Director Comey will be teaching a class on Ethical Leadership at the College of William & Mary (W&M) in the DC branch campus come this fall. This is very interesting since many of the issues associated with the Hilliary Clinton Email scandal; or the  Democratic National Committe  paying a former British spy to build a phony dossier with Russian sources he never met against Trump;  and the alleged collusion of Trump with the Russians helping his campaign. None of this is settled and one might say the Comey legacy is on fire and his reputation is in tatters. Regardless of facts or outcomes, leftist universities have an agenda to preach and a “left, left, left” cadence to keep as they instruct their students to march hard left. Education is no longer about teaching students to think critically or for themselves, it is about grooming the next generation of progressive democratic voters. Oh, and did we mention, Director Comey is a W&M graduate. Left, left, left, right, left.

Upon being announced for the orchestrated privilege of teaching at W&M, Comey said,”I am thrilled to have the chance to engage with William & Mary students about a vital topic — ethical leadership. Ethical leaders lead by seeing above the short term, above the urgent or the partisan, and with a higher loyalty to lasting values, most importantly to the truth.”

A couple questions: (1) An ethical leader would never leak a classified memo to a NY college professor friend, right? (2) An ethical leader would never allow themselves to be compromised by the Obama Administration or Attorney General Lynch to find Hillary Clinton Innocent of mishandling thousands of emails (many of them classified) and setting up a private server to avoid government scrutiny, right? (3) An ethical leader wouldn’t predetermine the outcome of the Clinton investigation before it was completed, right? (4) An ethical leader would not develop or surround himself with an extremely partisan workforce that has been grossly compromised at the senior level in the FBI, resulting in the FBI’s reputation being dragged through the mud. #ComeyShameful

While W&M may be helping to rebuild Comey’s reputation while he also passes their leftist anti-Trump test, Mr. Comey has acted far from ethical. This whole episode is actually very sad and a complete joke. It is very sad to see that the FBI has lost the trust and confidence of the American people. But we must also be very clear, Mr Comey presided over this. Mr. Comey created this mess. It is just too bad he failed the ethical leadership test.

