Dateline: October 19th, 2016 1930 Hours EST

by Patriot 6

One of the greatest things I have taught my sons is to make your decisions after gathering as much information as possible. While that is applicable in all decision making, it has special emphasis this election cycle. However, with the absolute media blackout of the immense amount of information being released by WikiLeaks and the FBI document releases, our ability to gather and, thereby, weigh information to make our decision has been removed. So tell me: Who gets to decide what information ‘We the People’ are allowed to have and what are those people withholding information afraid of?

Our Founders took special care to ensure that we had a free press so that information would not be suppressed. Our Founders were subject to censorship, especially for criticism of the ruling aristocracy, and, realizing how dangerous censorship can be to a free society, placed free speech protections in our Constitution. I submit to you that our vaunted “fourth estate”, the “watchdogs of the ruling class”, have betrayed that trust and are themselves engaging in censorship. These same erudite, elitist media executives/editors, and their minion journalists, are removing our ability to make an informed decision by a lack of informative reporting on the WikiLeaks and FBI document releases, and basically anything critical or damaging of Hillary Clinton, thereby, censoring information. Instead of objectively reporting on all information and allowing us to weigh it as we decide which candidate to vote for, they have skewed the entire decision making process and have decided for us who we should vote for by not reporting on potentially damaging information about on specific candidate.

There are many counter-arguments people make in an attempt to refute this premise. Here are several popular ones: it is not a news organization’s job to report on information that anyone can look up on the internet; the WikiLeaks information was hacked by the Russians and cannot be trusted; journalists do not take sides in political campaigns so as to remain impartial in their reporting; there has been just as much reporting on Hillary Clinton’s scandals; and one of my favorites, Fox News is censoring just as much information on conservatives/Republicans. We can debate and spar over whether the information is being intentionally ignored/suppressed or whether it can be accessed elsewhere, etc. However, that misses the greater point: it is not the journalists’ place to DECIDE what “We the People” should or should be allowed to hear. Their job it to REPORT the information and let “We the People” DECIDE for ourselves if it is relevant and/or how much weight to give it in making our choice of which candidate to support.

Folks let’s try some common sense. Based on the one sided reporting of the “scandals” surrounding our respective candidates, I can safely state that it is patently obvious that the media executives, including those at Fox News, and with the exception of a handful of journalists, do not want Donald Trump to win the election. An article in “thehill.com”, from October 17, 2016 stated that the three major networks covered the story of Donald Trump’s sexual misconduct allegations for “more than 23 minutes combined on Thursday night.” Compare and contrast that they covered the revelations from the WikiLeaks release during the same time period on Hillary Clinton’s views, and the views of members of her campaign staff, about Catholics, Latinos, Wall Street banks, open borders, etc., for a total “1 minute and 7 seconds combined” coverage. Anyone can look up Donald Trump’s comments on the internet, yet there was 23+ minutes of coverage. Just as much reporting on Clinton’s scandals? Really?

Let’s try the Russian hack and impartiality arguments. Interestingly, the fact that (if true) the Russians did indeed perform the hack, while criminal, does not mean the information isn’t accurate. Allegedly, the same entity hacked the DNC and the information learned about the subversion of Bernie Sanders’ campaign was accurate enough for them to allow the resignation of/firing of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the Chairperson. Amazingly, on the rare occasion that the WikiLeaks information is brought up, the Clinton campaign never disputes the accuracy of the information, they only deflect and criticize the hack. Why is the campaign never questioned by the news media? Could it be that the journalists are protecting and supporting Clinton when they are allegedly impartial? It is difficult to claim impartiality when, according the Center for Public Integrity, journalists from multiple media outlets have donated $382,000 to the Clinton campaign and only $14,000 to the Trump campaign. Additionally, according to WikiLeaks released emails from Clinton Campaign Chairman, John Podesta, the Politico chief White House political correspondent, Glen Thrush, cleared an article through Podesta to before publication. Does anyone want to rethink the impartiality argument?

It is obvious that people in the news media made a conscious decision to withhold relevant, important and critical information about a presidential candidate from “We the People”, but for what reason? It is really quite simple: They have DECIDED for US who should be our President and they don’t trust “We the People” to make the “correct” decision as they have determined. They are petrified that if they objectively report on both candidates, people will see Hillary Clinton for what she truly is and make the obvious choice. After all of the non-stop negative coverage of Donald Trump and the withholding/censoring of information, Hillary Clinton is still well below 50% and Donald Trump is ahead, tied or within the margin of error depending on the poll. These same people understand that if anything resembling equal coverage of Hillary Clinton’s disastrous and criminal past is reported, Donald Trump will win by double digits; therefore, THEY DECIDED what is best for “We the People” and there are doing all they can to remove our decision making power.

A free press does not mean that they are free to decide what the people get to know. The members of the corporate news media elites do not get to decide the election. That is the sole right of “We the People.” We have one choice that gives us an opportunity to take our country back and put it in the hands of “We the People.” I ask you to inform yourselves, make your OWN decision and to “BE HEARD” in this election.

