
 With X-Files returning and a sighting of Smoking Man in a recent episode, we are left wondering who he is? What does he represent? Who does he really work for? Is he hiding aliens or is he orchestrating a government conspiracy to control Americans in order to establish a one world government and eliminate our freedoms. If America falls, they all fall. He knows it. Does he respect the US constitution or does he lead through executive fiats and orders? Who is Smoking Man?

Some believe he is a progressive democratic as he believes in a central authority controlling the lives of the ordinary unwashed masses. Uber-regulation supercharged with alien technology and DNA, the master keys to controlling the human race and eliminating the pesky libertarians and patriots. Amazon drone delivery units, street cameras on every corner and GPS enabled cell phones, convenience items for the public or orchestrated control by the Smoking Man to track us, all of us? Insights from the Smoking Man in his own words:

“Men can never be free, because they’re weak, corrupt, worthless… and restless. The people believe in authority. They’ve grown tired of waiting for miracle or mystery. Science is their religion – no greater explanation exists for them! They must never believe any differently if the project is to go forward.”

The “project,” what is the project? Mulder and Scully have been searching this answer for decades. Some believe the project is the American Affordable Care Act (ACA). Get the masses signed up, collect all their personal information and family history, secure their DNA and begin “the selection” and tagging process. Build the data base, empower control through the IRS and have the masses re-register every year through enrollment with significant fees and co-payments to secure the necessary funding. Supposedly this scheme was developed by the Smoking Man and the One World Syndicate, implemented by a willing democratic progressive movement.

This theory, although highly plausible has yet to be proven. The 53rd Regiment would like your thoughts, your opinions on this matter. Please help us analyze what the Smoking Man and his cohorts are up to. Post up with your comments.

