The Real Threat to Democracy

"If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that." - Barack Obama

Who is running our government?

While the world burns the US is adrift. Hamas and Hezbollah continue their Iran proxy terror war against Israel. Russia – Ukraine no peace in sight and the US continues to finance Ukraine’s war with no strategy and no prospects for victory or peace. In Venezuela Maduro refuses to give up power as it appears the election was rigged as the vast majority of Venezuelans voted for the pro-democracy candidate, Gonzalez. China prepares to invade Taiwan while US military deterrence is waning. Biden is AWOL and eating ice cream. Harris is rebranding herself along with support from the very fake mainstream news media lying about her awful record; failure to secure the US border, massive inflation, Afghanistan debacle, war and more endless wars, a recruiting crisis in the US military, defunding the police having devastated cities with crime exploding, and the parade of Kamala Harris awful policies is unlimited.

by Guardian 6                                                                Dateline: August 1, 2024 

Democrats talk about “saving democracy” attempting to label Trump a threat but at every turn they undermine it. Democrats are the real threat to our republic. They do not campaign on ideas or restoring the American Dream or empowering Americans with individual liberty and freedoms. They balkanize Americans by race, by class, by gender or by sexuality. They lead with perversion driving a Trans and Abortion agenda scaring Americans with “reproductive rights” and mainstreaming the abnormality of gender dysphoria. We now know this is the “fundamental transformation” that Barack Obama meant. He used a mentally compromised Biden to drive his agenda having the perfect foil in Biden who did the dirty work for Obama and his cabal of Marxists, while Biden took all the slings and arrows. Obama sat back with his pen and phone and through Biden’s staff, his former staff, he directed policy and called the shots. America in decline.

Third Term. Meanwhile, Obama’s de facto third term opened our borders allowing somewhere between 12- 15 million illegal aliens into the country and through I-phone apps and non-profits managed to register many of them to vote, which is illegal! Not only are illegal aliens taking jobs away from Americans with lower wages, but they are also exhausting US benefits of social security, Medicare, healthcare and welfare, in some cases providing free lodging and a one-thousand-dollar debit card each month. And of course, with the massive illegal alien problem has come massive crime, human trafficking and over 250 thousand American deaths due to fentanyl and drug cartels over the last two years. China celebrates their strategy.

Assassination. The more we are learning about the attempted assassination of President Trump two weeks ago, the more it smells. Something is way off. The US Secret Service demonstrated such incompetence allowing a 20-year-old “boy” to get 8 shots off within 150 yards of the former president that Americans are left wondering was this done on purpose? After years of Trump Derangement Syndrome and lawfare by the left progressive democrats, Americans are all out of surprise.

Fundamental transformation” is all about undermining the US Constitution, the rule of law and creating a one-party state, a Democratic Party state. Government institutions are already there. The last bastion of a merit-based institution was the Department of Defense (DoD). But Obama undermined DoD during his two terms appointing over 300 Generals & Admirals. Obama’s flag officers did great damage. We don’t win wars anymore, but gays, trans and the whole rainbow menu serve not based on warfighting skills but their class of aggrieved people. This is culminating in a recruiting crisis. After Afghanistan the white male got sick of being demonized and marginalized by democrats, our military readiness is plummeting to post-Vietnam levels. This is by design too. After all, Obama and the left do not believe America is an exceptional country. They hate our Founding Fathers and have been removing their statues throughout America along with erasing Democratic Party history by removing confederate statues and renaming US Army Forts that were named after democrat confederates. Democrat racist history being removed by racist democrats.

The remaking of Kamal Harris is all about Obama’s fourth term, the man behind the curtain. Hollywood, social media influencers, fake news outlets, Big Tech, foreign financiers, Soros, Teachers Union and other misfits have their work cut out for them recreating Kamala from being the incompetent leftist tool. But after dragging Biden over the finish line in 2020, the democrat machine likes their chances. After they forced Biden out by threatening the 25th amendment against him, they are left with Harris.

As for President Trump, he’ll be re-elected by staying on a focused message of the economy, sealing the border, restoring our national security, enhancing deterrence, strengthening the military, restoring safety in public spaces, emphasizing his previous record of success and Making America Great Again, again!

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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."

2 thoughts on “The Real Threat to Democracy”

  1. Well done Guardian 6! Never forget obama’s quote about being the guy behind the curtain. He’s no less evil than leaders of Hamas, Hizbollah, or the Revolutionary Guard of Iran.

  2. It is becoming increasingly clear why Obama & Macron push the transexual & homosexual agendas in every way possible. Two dudes married to 2 dudes but the world is not yet ready for such open disclosures!!! Archbishop Vigano has followed up on “Poor Joan” Rivers revelations! We pray that Vigano does not meet the same tragic end at an assassin’s hands! But the truth is out there for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

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