State of the 53rd Regiment Address


Dateline October 4th, 2016

Regimental CSM: “Regiment, attention! Listen up; the Regimental Commander will be here shortly to give his State of the Regiment Address. I expect every soldier in this regiment to maximize your attention on the Commander’s every word. Our nation is at war, our values and way of life is questioned by the civilians that lead us from behind, but I’ll be damned if we will not Be Heard!”

Regimental CSM: Who are we?

Regiment: The 53rd Regiment, the Fightin’ Herd!

Regimental CSM: What is our motto?

The Regiment: Be Heard!

Regimental CSM: Sir, the Regiment is formed.

Regimental Commander: Sergeants Major, Post!

2016 State of the Regiment Speech

Regimental members, ladies and gentlemen, families and friends, fellow citizens, The State of the Regiment is Strong! (Editors note: applause, clapping, standing ovation that finally subsides after 10 minutes)

Thank you, Thank you. Please be seated.

Regiment, Parade Rest!

To the Fightin’ Herd, let me begin with this, “I’ll be damned if we will not Be Heard! We will Be Heard from sea to shiny sea! I guarandamnteeit! The 53rd Regiment will Be Heard!”

Since our inception, the 53rd Regiment has published 77 scholarly articles focused on the challenges of our time. We have had over 4300 web traffic hits on our articles and over 100 comments made largely endorsing views. Our numbers are growing, our message is strong and we will Be Heard!

We have covered the failure of the current administration to prosecute the war against Radical Islam & terror. We have covered the corruption of our government covering up the Clinton lies, Benghazi, Clinton compromise of classified information, the Iranian Nuke scandal and the federal government targeting conservative groups through the IRS.

The 53rd Regiment has covered the Pope, the Trump phenomena (Colon Blow I & II), the National Football League, the Democratic Party’s War on Women, Abortion, and we have honored our Veterans and troops that have sacrificed for our country.

Showing the tremendous depth of interest of the 53rd Regiment members, some of our scholar/authors have even covered Roofman (A Dayton, OH) phenomena; Lawn Mowing in the modern world; Landau Rooftops and their impact on America culture; and most recently Coulrophobia and the Dark Clowns terrorizing our cities and towns.

To my writers, my authors, members of The Herd, you have Been Heard!

To the 53rd Regiment community of interest, you have Been Heard!

To our enemies and those that wish the 53rd Regiment ill will, the Fightin’ Herd is always on guard and we will Be Heard!

The State of the 53rd Regiment is Strong and getting stronger! (Editors note: applause, clapping, standing ovation that finally subsided after 15 minutes)

Our numbers are growing, readership is growing and new authors are being added to our ranks each day! The message is strong, our conservative press credentials are right and our message is Being Heard!

Regiment, I am proud to lead you each and every day. We will not be denied. We will lead, we will be a positive example to our fellow Americans and you know one thing for certain, We Will Be Heard!

God bless you, God bless America!

Regiment, Dismissed!


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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."