The Modern Day Plunderers


by Andrews Cooper & Team Blue

 City of Swamp

Dateline: 15 March 2025 – The Ides of March – Fitting

The modern day plunderers are the Democrat party. The Vikings at least fought with courage, spirit and honor. We have none of those things. Today’s Democrats are built to destroy all that is good. We do our best work governing or resisting. It’s all the same. When running the US government, we bake destruction into laws, Executive Orders or policy. Candidly, it is easier than resisting. But hey even when we lose, we resist with lawsuits, manufactured disinformation, and of course fake news delivered by our partners in America’s destruction the mainstream media. Coordinated talking points, bylines and headlines can turn wins into loses or accomplishments into failures. It’s all messaging and Team Democrat are masters of deceit. I own this. My party gets mad at me for the honesty but I like to brag about the bait and switch, and who we really are.

The Democrat party might look like it is in chaos, and it is, but when you have the tools of deception outlined above I can take dysfunction and make it look normal. Hell, democrats got Joe Biden elected president; 15 – 20 Octogenarians elected repeatedly in Congress; and some of the lowest IQ people in America are democrat house members! I make this look easy, but it is a much harder than you might think.

Think about how extreme we are and the successes we’ve had mainstreaming deviancy.

  • we put porn books it elementary schools
  • we’ve convinced children they can change genders; boys can be girls and girls can be boys
  • we’ve put men in girls locker rooms
  • we’ve destroyed girls/women sports allowing men to dominate their leagues
  • we’ve destroyed meritocracy through DEI programs placing low expectations on one group of Americans while discrimination against another
  • we’ve invented new words with new meanings like misgendering, being an ally, privilege and positionality. Of course all of it is to control the masses
  • we’ve censored conservatives and pretty much removed them from free speech platforms
  • we’ve convinced the world that climate change is manmade and even have companies paying climate fees on climate exchanges wrapped around ESG models
  • we’ve attacked and destroyed masculinity referring to it as “toxic masculinity” peeling males away from their traditional roles as husbands, providers and protectors
  • we’ve replaced religion and Christianity with climate change and other false gods
  • we exploited and created NGOs to drive the border invasion and illegal immigration using taxpayer money creating new voters
  • we’ve weaponized racism to control people with the fear of being accused of being a racist
  • we destroyed free and fair elections through mail in ballots and eliminating voter ID laws

There is much more and we are just warming up. As a Progressive Democrat Team Blue and I pride ourselves on being Plunderers. It’s what we do. Some say we are evil or take pride in human carnage and destruction. We don’t disagree. All that matters to us is remaking America into our image of a government that controls the masses, limits personal freedom, and enacts policies where state control is paramount. We are well on our way. We are relentless. President Trump is a speed bump. Some say we are communists, socialists, atheists, elitists or statists. We say yes we are all of these things. We are proud Democrats.

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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."

2 thoughts on “The Modern Day Plunderers”

  1. Andrews Cooper! What a deviant pervert, thou art! I bet you hang with the likes of Stacy Abrams, Hank Thompson, Al Sharpton, Governor Pritzer, Kathy Hocul, Bernie Sanders and other knuckleheads of the first order! We’ve heard rumors of you all getting together to dance around Satan’s hell Fire in the nude worshipping The Prince of Deceit in hopes of gaining new insights as to how to torture the American people and destroy God’s great gift to humanity…… the United States of America! Andrews Cooper! May I just say to you and your fellow demons: “Phuck You!” Thanks Andrews! I feel better now!

  2. Excellent! The list of their short-term “achievements” are quickly vaporizing by a massed barrage of MAGA artillery.

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