Snakes Have Returned to Ireland

By Guardian 6       Dateline June 6th, 2018

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated worldwide on March 17th, honoring St. Patrick, the Christian missionary who rid Ireland of snakes during the fifth century A.D. According to legend, the patron saint of Ireland chased the slithering reptiles into the sea after they began attacking him during a 40-day fast he undertook on top of a small mountain, a hill.

Well on May 25th, 2018 the snakes returned to Ireland in full force. Supported, campaign trained and funded by Planned Parenthood (the same scourge that has victimized millions of American women and killed their babies in the millions), were  successful in their campaign to have the people of Ireland vote to overturn Amendment 8 which banned abortion. The young of Ireland then celebrated in the streets for their right to kill their babies. This is modernity in Europe and now in Ireland. Planned Parenthood succeeded in converting one of the last bastions of children safety where life in any form is valued, to just another “modern” society where babies are a commodity.

For pro-life Ireland, May 25th will be known as the Day the Snakes Returned. It appears the Catholic community of Ireland has been compromised by the pressures of leftist dictates. So much so it is further reported that the majority of Catholic Churches and clergy failed to rally the faithful from the pulpit and put fourth a forceful message of defending the unborn. Ireland is wayward, like the rest of us. God help us all.




by Guardian 6    Dateline April 29th, 2018

“It is my sincere hope that everything necessary may be done in order to continue compassionately accompanying little Alfie Evans, and that the deep suffering of his parents may be heard. I am praying for Alfie, for his family and for all who are involved.”  Pope Francis

Who is Alfie? He was a baby in England that has garnered international news because the doctors refuse to treat him removing his oxygen and allowing him to starve to death. The hospital and doctors that treated him say that Alfie suffered from a degenerative neurological condition that is fatal, that he is in a semi-vegetative state and his medical care is not justified. His parents, supported by the Italian and Polish governments and the Pope,  wanted his care to continue. How did we get to this point?

The culture of life vs. the culture of death.

Private care vs. socialized care.

Thomas Evans & Kate James, parents of baby Alfie Evans, vs. the Alder Day hospital in Liverpool England and socialized medical care.

Parents making decisions to care for their children vs. the state taking control and deciding who lives and who dies.

The state government refusing to allow the parents of Alfie to take their child to another country for care.

Disregarding faith and spiritual aspects for loving and caring for Alfie.

Loving all life in all forms vs. devaluing life so quickly.

“If we cannot cure, we can still care. If we cannot heal, we can still love. A person who is damaged is still a person, fully in possession of his or her rights, and fully deserving of our loving care.” Father Frank Pavone

The state of England allowed Alfie to die. He did not reach the age of two. The state took control displacing parental rights. Is this the future of all western democracies? State governments choosing who lives and who dies?

There is much to reflect on in Alfie’s premature state directed death. There are many questions we should reflect on. I’ll begin with this reflection; the more power we acquiesce to state authorities, the less control we have on our own lives and those we love. 


It’s not Facebook. It’s you.

Dateline March 22, 2018

The Missouri Territory

by Blackjack Pershing

Are we shocked that Facebook sold massive amounts of data to a 3rd party that used it for targeted advertising? No. That’s what they do. If you are upset or offended, you are simply misinformed.

Social media is an exchange. In exchange for a platform that lets you:
· Share pictures
· Share videos
· Broadcast live videos
· Maintain connections – including those with annoying people you never wanted to be connected to
· Share pictures of your lunch or dinner
· Pontificate about topics no one else wants to hear about
· Complain about just about anything

Facebook gets in return:
· Knowledge about where you go
· Knowledge about who your friends are
· Knowledge about your political leanings
· Knowledge about any particular interest you may have that results in a click of any sort

What does FB do with this knowledge or data?
· They monetize it.
· This is their business model

If you assumed differently, you might be a knucklehead. Grow up.

Blackjack Pershing is no fan of uber-douche Zuckerberg, or his lieutenant Miss Lean In Sandberg. They are elitist leftists of the first order. ‘Zuck’ gets credit for creating a useful social platform. He’s been rewarded for that. But he’s no icon to be worshiped. If you think harvesting data from dopey FB users is evil, you might be naïve. This has never been a secret.

Blackjack also uses FB for sharing information and humor and appreciates it as a tool, and is willing to make the above exchange, and accept the risks.

But really people – if you live on FB, you might be a loser. Even more – if you rely on the FB newsfeed for your news, you might be a loser. If you click on any random posting with sensational headlines that you know are BS, you might be a BIG DUMMY.

Smart American Patriots put effort into selecting their sources of information and do not let FB or any other social media site do it for them.

Lazy, silly, spoiled, narcissistic, neurotic dummies over-rely on FB and then get upset when they find out they’ve been had.

Gotta go and post a picture of my sandwich from lunch on FB –

Over and out –


Puzzle Girl


Dateline August 12, 2017, Virginia Beach, VA

She finds a nondescript puzzle in the beach house. In a corner of the family room facing the beach she quietly sits down and empties the box. She begins to piece together over one thousand pieces of the puzzle. Intermittently throughout the day she returns to the puzzle methodically identifying piece after piece placing it where it belongs. While many a person would ignore the beach house puzzle, the Puzzle Girl is attracted to this cerebral challenge. Why? What is she thinking while she builds the puzzle? It remains a mystery.


After days of puzzle building, she is nearly done. Just blue sky pieces remain. The Arena Farm puzzle seems out-of-place for a beach puzzle with pictures of a pumpkin patch, a barn and a pond. Only 24 hours left at the beach house and under 50 pieces yet to be placed.


The real question to be answered is after completion does Puzzle Girl leave the puzzle intact for the next beach house occupant or does she take it apart? A real dilemma. Time will tell. What should she do? What would you do?



… and they March


Dateline: Washington DC (53rd Regiment News)

January 28th, 2017

They didn’t come with hate in their hearts, or wearing vulgar pink hats and give speeches that were somewhere between incoherent and threatening. They came to march with love in their hearts to defend the un-defendable, the unborn. For more than four decades, regardless of weather conditions, men and women, young and old, and students come to give voice to the right to life and to peacefully demonstrate their beliefs in strong numbers. They gather on the National Mall and march to the Supreme Court to give voice for those babies that have perished and send a message to end this scourge on our society.

For the first time a sitting Vice President attended and addressed the Pro-Life rally. VP Pence addressed the hundreds of thousands one week after taking office saying, “Life is winning in America.” When you reflect on this statement it is actually startling. When did life start losing in America? Well, we know the story goes back to the 1973 Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade where abortion was legalized.

Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff behind Roe vs. Wade, now regrets being used as a prop for pro-abortion advocates. In the link below you can watch a one-minute video where she explains her work today as a pro-life advocate. She states,

You read about me in history books, but now I am dedicated to spreading the truth about preserving the dignity of all human life from natural conception to natural death.”

Woman Behind Roe v. Wade: “I’m Dedicating My Life to Overturning It”

Since 1973, there have been over 50 million abortions in the United States. Think about that number; 50,000,000 lives extinguished before they even got their first breathe. I’ve always thought, my goodness, America is so much better than this. How did we get to this dark, selfish place that we toss away the innocent?

What does 50 million lives terminated before they begin represent? About 1/6th of the current US population; there is nothing to celebrate here. America is better than this and it is time that we find our better nature. Something we can all pray about.

… and they March
