Dateline April 13th, 2021    North Carolina

  “Yankee Mike”

Well, at least Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet are still part of our great American Heritage! Sadly, Major League Baseball once considered to be “America’s Past Time” has dropped from the list of iconic Americana. Baseball was featured for decades in great American TV & Radio Commercials as uniquely American, patriotic, wholesome, fun and unifying. The title of this essay was taken from a very popular Chevrolet commercial from the mid – 1970s. Allot has changed since then, especially lately, and not for the good of the sport or the nation.

Many of us baseball loving fans grew up with a bat and a ball in our hands. We came from all walks of life and all economic classes. We were raised by God-fearing & patriotic men and women. We kneeled before our Lord and Savior & we stood for the Star Spangled Banner.

In many cases, our parents had put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms that we enjoy. They fought to protect our way of life and to safeguard us from the evils that reigned supreme in other parts of the world. When faced with the tyrrany of dictators, genocidal maniacs and the spread of Socialism and Communism, American generations have risen to the challenge of defeating “all comers”.

Throughout much of the 20th Century and up until now, there has always been at least one “Safe Place” to rest our weary minds from the bad news of the day. That Safe Place is otherwise defined as Major League Baseball; a place where one can get lost in the game and harken back to one’s youth to remember one’s own passion for the game while rooting for a particular sports hero to come through in the pinch for you when the game is on the line.

That safe place has been a safe harbor and a refuge from troubles at home, from war and from politics. Major League Baseball has served as a unifier among very diverse groups of people. Just go sit in Yankee Stadium for a game and take in the diverse crowd of people sitting all around you and representing every race, color, creed, gender, nationality and language that one can imagine. Everyone there has one thing in common: pulling for the Home Team to win ! New friendships are made with the crack of a bat. Race as an issue never enters into the atmosphere at the ballpark. The mosaic of the diversity of the fans represented at the ballpark only makes for an even more enjoyable experience as one’s fellow fans realize that there is more uniting us at the ballpark than dividing us.

Sadly, Commissioner Rob Manfred has chosen badly. He has thrown his lot in with the Radical Leftists, the Marxists & the Communists hiding under the guise of BLM & Antifa. They have found him to be a Dim Bulb, a Soft Target, an ill-informed Dupe and a Coward. Not satisfied with the destruction of the NBA & the NFL, the Democrat Stormtroopers have successfully placed their MLB Trophy in the Media’s Display Case.

Stacey Abrams has nicely filled the role of Darth Vader as she continues to leave a swarth of destruction in her sizeable path. Let’s not forget, however, that she is simply the spearhead for a much more sinister purpose and that is “The End of Free & Fair Elections” in the state of Georgia and all across the nation.

“Komisar Manfred” rolled over nicely like a dog awaiting his treat for successfully completing his trick. He pulled the “Mid Summer Classic” from “racist” Atlanta & “racist” Georgia faster than you can say “Archie Bunker”! And what, pray tell, makes Atlanta & Georgia so “racist” in the eyes and mind of Ms. Abrams? Why it’s the new Georgia state election laws that tighten up voting regulations and were recently passed by the State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Kemp to prevent the fraud and abuse that took place in the 2020 elections from ever happening again. How TURRIBLE ! as Charles Barkley might say.

Hey Stacey! From now on, mail-in ballots from the Dead, voting boxes stuffed with ballots from “Jin-nah” and Zuckerberg’s handy dandy “Drop Off Boxes” will be very limited or altogether prohibited. Oh, and by the way Stacey, Photo IDs will now be required. Maybe, Komisar Manfred will place your Photo ID on a baseball card for trading purposes among your fellow Stormtroopers!

Komisar Manfred has abandoned Atlanta for the snowy white peaks of the Rockies by placing the 2021 All Star Game in the “Mile High City” of Denver. Along with Komisar Manfred, the MLB Team Owners have shown themselves to be Eunucks of the First Order by allowing this travesty to take place.

It would have been far wiser for the team owners and MLB Executives to “channel” NBA great Michael Jordan who in 1990 was approached by Democrats who wanted him to support a black candidate running for a US Senate seat in North Carolina. Jordan refused. His comment? “Republicans buy sneakers too!” It would seem that Michael Jordan had it right more than 30 years ago while MLB is run by a bunch of DUMMIES!!!

Hey Komisar! Republicans buy baseball tickets too! They also buy lots and lots of team merchandise and food and beverage at the ball parks. They also buy team apparel and ball caps online. They also watch the games on MLB Pay for View and stream lots of other games. By taking the ill-informed actions that you have taken, you have aligned Major League Baseball with the Radical Left and alienated the vast majority of your fan base.

MLB has disenfranchised the working poor who work at its SunTrust Ballpark Concession and Souvenir Stands. You have gravely injured many of the small business owners in the surrounding communities who worked for months to support and to prepare in earnest for the All Star Game. Those small business owners borrowed money in most cases in the hope of turning a profit on a once in decades event. MLB beginning with the Commissioner’s Office has shown woeful poor judgement throughout this self-inflicted wound and the sport does not deserve support from its paying, patriotic fan base.

Worst of all, Major League Baseball has immersed itself in politics, again ! Last year was more than enough to endure watching millionaire ballplayers take a knee in solidarity with the Marxist BLM movement which declared war on the nuclear family. I have no intention of supporting Marxists or other people that support Marxists……including sports figures and athletes. Marxism / Communism is anathema to the American character and all that we stand for as Americans. We fought and won a long Cold War to get rid of this scourge only to find it has been revitalized on the nation’s college campi and is being spread by “educated” twits who have no understanding of our great American History. It has now reared its ugly head in the MLB Commissioner’s Office and in the “Woke Corporations” of America.

Major League Baseball has decided to pick a winner on a political battlefield. And for this there must be consequences. The Komisar’s Office has exposed its Team Owners to what certainly will be a loss of revenue and fans. The losses have begun with an immediate loss of respect for the Commissioner’s Office, the 30 Team Owners who were in the circle of decision makers and for your decisions to accept being bullied by one political party over another. The National Political Scene has NO place in Baseball.

My counter to your poor choices is to reject Major League Baseball until the time of your resignation. Personal apologies from all 30 Team Owners would be nice also in light of their enabling your poor choices. Until that time comes, here is what I plan to do:

  • I will not attend a MLB Game
  • I will not spend money on Food or Beverage at a MLB Game
  • I will not purchase MLB Team Apparel, Gear, Caps, etc. online or in stores
  • I will not purchase the products of MLB sponsors
  • I will not watch televised MLB Broadcasts
  • I will not listen to MLB Radio Broadcasts
  • I will not watch livestreamed games

I would encourage all readers to take similar measures in order to drive down MLB’s revenue stream. We need to send a strong message to the “Powers-to- Be” that we will not be part and parcel to the self-destruction of our country. We will not be bullied by those who think that they know better than we do. We will not be the “Sheeple” that the Leftist Loons prefer us to be and allow our country to be taken from us by those who would destroy our way of life.

The NBA, the NFL, MSM stalwarts ABC, CBS, NBC, and Cable News providers CNN, MSNBC, and FNC have all seen their advertising revenues fall as their viewership has plunged. They are all “woke” and going broke! Its time for Komisar Manfred and MLB to feel the pinch !

As a lifelong Yankees fan, it is heart breaking to leave the team of my youth and my dreams. However, I take solace in the fact that George Steinbrenner, the Yankees owner during periods of some of the team’s greatest success, was actually born on the 4th of July and did his level best to honor America and our flag. One can only hope that we rediscover our greatness as a nation and that our sports teams learn to stay out of areas of debate where they have no business.

It’s God, Country, Family First for me! Those who disparage our nation and turn against its laws have no seat at my table.


Media Bias and Christians: Lacking Shared Experiences

By: Jack Reacher         Dateline: The Swamp 28 September 2019    0757 Hours

Years ago, my boss and I worked on a large project in which a major political news organization was an active partner.  During this collaboration, the stakeholders at this political news organization repeatedly suggested holding conference calls at 10am or 11am on Sundays.  Each time they were surprised when both my boss and I informed them that this time did not work for us because we would be at church services. It certainly seemed to me that no one in their organization had even considered this might be an issue for scheduling.  

This illustrates a larger point about political news coverage.  Nearly everyone is familiar with the fact that most political reporters hold moderate to liberal views.  Jay Carney went directly from being the Washington bureau chief of Time magazine to serving as the director of communications for then Vice President-elect Joe Biden.  The less discussed blind spot for political journalists is that there are far too few prominent political journalists who are also active and practicing Chrisitans.  This leads to coverage that is contemptuous and misleading regarding disputes involving people of faith.  

Karen Pence, the Second Lady, teaches at a Christian school in Northern Virginia.  One way to cover this story would be to applaud her for using her gifts and talents to educate others and get first hand experience at a private Christian school, a type of school that often does not get enough attention in debates about federal educational policy.  Instead, this story was covered in many outlets as her embracing anti-LGBTQ sentiments because the school asks parents and employees to follow moral guidelines based on Christian principles, including a prohibition on homosexual acts.  

Just last week, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos visited several schools as part of her efforts to observe different approaches to providing elementary education.  The Trump administration has been remarkably open to considering all approaches to education. One could report this effort by Secretary DeVos as a thoughtful way for her to gather diverse perspectives in her role as the chief policy advisor on education to the President.  Much of the press coverage about this tour centered on her visit to a Catholic School in Pennsylvania. According to the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, there are over 79,000 students in diocesean elementary schools in the state. This is a sizable group whose experiences are also often overlooked when formulating federal education policies. 

Rather than applaud her efforts to hear from this often forgotten sector of the educational world, the press coverage centered on the anti-transgender policies of this school.  However, this school merely follows the teaching of the Catholic Church and has a dioscesean policy that states,

“where there is a clear biological determination of a person’s sex and subsequent efforts to chemically and/or surgically alter the given biology. This is understood in Catholic moral terms as self-mutilation and therefore immoral. To attempt to make accommodations for such persons would be to cooperate in the immoral action and impose an unacceptable burden on others in the school community.”

One would find a similar policy at almost every Catholic school in the world.  

In the insular, liberal leaning, and secular world of the DC mainstream media, a school placing Christian values at its core instead of the whims of individuals is unthinkable and must indicate that the leadership of the school is biased and prejudiced against minority groups.  The viewpoint that religion often challenges us to subjugate our desires in service of a divine calling has no representation in this corner of the media landscape. 

People poke fun at Christians who assert that they are a persecuted group, but there is no other way to describe a group that a major segment of the media does not understand and holds in contempt. 





The Democrat Doomsday Machine

by Blackjack Pershing                             20 January 2019

“Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”
― J. Robert Oppenheimer

“It happened that a fire broke out backstage in a theater. The clown came out to inform the public. They thought it was a jest and applauded. He repeated his warning. They shouted even louder. So I think the world will come to an end amid the general applause from all the wits who believe that it is a joke.”
― Kierkegaard

“We need to be fit and ready for anything that might come our way.”
― Aaron B. Powell, Doomsday Diaries

What if an evil entity wanted to end human civilization? How would it happen? Dozens of movies and television shows have riffed on this topic, delivering all sorts of scenarios from floods, to ice ages, to alien invasions. But really – what if a technological or spectacular end was not feasible? How would it be done?

We have an answer right in front of us. It could and would be done by manipulation of the population into self destructive habits, beliefs and rituals.

Welcome to the Democrat Doomsday Machine circa 2019.

To date about 30% of the populace seems completely bought into the Doomsday Machine. Let’s have a look at how it operates.

Erase the population:

The United States has one of the most permissive abortion laws on the planet, allowing the destruction of babies through the entire term in many places. Democrats have made it their mission to spread this malignant practice. Making it ’safe and rare’ as Bill Clinton once claimed is out the window, as his wife made clear in the 2016 election. Begun as race elimination through Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood, abortion is now an industry, dependent on grisly parts sales for profits. By teaching parts of society to not reproduce and to abort the inconvenient, the DoomsDayDems have the most critical part of their plan in place. Teach the ignorant to hate life.

Wreck Cities, especially inner cities:

Decades of Democrat leadership has destroyed vast neighborhoods in venerable US cities such as Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland, New Orleans, Memphis, Detroit, Chicago, St Louis, Oakland, Los Angeles, and many more. The creation of dependency ghettos in the 1960’s by the Democrats was done to ensure a cycle of poverty and dependency and most importantly – votes – to keep Democrats in power. This strategy has been devilishly effective and has taught generations that they are victims that need to be provided for by the federal bureaucracy. Worth noting is the level of crime, drugs, and guns – things the DoomsDay crowd claim to hate – are highest in Democrat controlled areas. We must go past assuming incompetence and assume its on purpose.

Wreck public education:

Working in tandem with groups like the NEA (teacher’s union) and many other leftist organizations, Democrats have ensured that public education in the US has declined in most metrics on an international scale for decades. Leftist indoctrination and revisionist history are the urgent topics while preparation for the real world, college, STEM skills, etc, are secondary at best, non-existent at worst. Elitist Dems choose private schools and make sure the public system produces vast ignorance. Even richer suburban schools have dropped civics and accurate history courses in favor of leftist skewed garbage. Leftist teachers spew their ideology at students eager to please for grade point average purposes. What we have here is perhaps the most subversive Democrat Doomsday initiative which is in full bloom. (And – they criticize all other options)

Wreck higher education:

Again, active for decades, institutions of higher learning have become the Fascist regional bases for the Democrat DoomsDay apparatus. While preaching diversity they eliminate diversity of thought. They take in vast sums of money, spend it poorly, and rely on government loans to those who least afford them to exist. In the worst scenarios leary parents pay for the tuition of their children at leftist institutions only to have them graduate with warped world views and degrees of questionable value. Higher Ed has become a museum of wax figures with views based in demonstrably wrong theories, like socialism. However, ignorance of the ‘educated’ is key to their strategy; they have successfully created a willingly ignorant educated class.

Wreck gender:

We’ve seen in the last 10 years concepts that have stood the test of centuries put on their heads by the Democrat Doomsday thugs. What better way to disrupt human reproduction than to get them fighting about what it means to be male and female. The worst victims here are those with mental confusion that are easily manipulated. They are not the issue. The real issue is taking a condition that affects a severe minority of the population and giving it the attention of the civil rights movement in the 1960’s. Its fake and agenda driven. Its ultimate aim is to destroy the family.

Wreck masculinity:

Related to the last point and more recent but the next move in the play book is to attack and shame traditional gender roles. Attacking so called toxic masculinity is code for eliminating father figures plain and simple. If strong fathers do not exist, the family is wrecked and males become dysfunctional and self destructive. The DoomsDay Democrats need strong males to be eliminated to achieve their goals.

Wreck femininity:

Underway for decades now – this was a very early initiative in the DoomsDay strategy. If women can be taught to hate men, to assume the worst about themselves, to assume the mantle of victimhood, then they will seal themselves off from men, thereby interrupting the ability of humans to procreate. Wrecking femininity has to happen for the Doomsday strategy to work. The recent emergence of very shrill hateful language from leftist female Democrats is evidence that decades of emersion in twisted feminist ideology is working for their goals.

Wreck free speech:

Shrill and venomous voices scream night and day about what can and cannot be said – all emanating from the left. Tipper Gore’s famous crusade against crude rap lyrics now seems quaint. Anything can be said by the Stalinist left. Nothing but polite acceptance is tolerated. This is how the DoomsDay Democrats get their way. They silence cowards like Romney and all the Bushes. They Bork. They lie in extremes and then move on. Classic form of bullying.

Jump start socialism; exploit the poor:

Who alive today that was an adult at the end of the cold war would have thought that in our life time we would see very robust acceptance of socialist thought in the United States? Yet – there it is in full bloom with Bernie, Alexandria, and a host of other accepting Democrats. Surely – to accomplish the DoomsDay strategy – the self destruction of socialism has to play a role. Its done quite well in Cuba and Venezuela – the last hold outs – while ‘communist’ China has really become a fascist capitalist economic state. The Democrats hope we do not notice that and continue to merchandize envy in order to bring down the United States. DoomsDay comes when everyone blames the other for their wants and needs. It starts with the poor. It has started.

Create a DoomsDay Threat:

Armageddon is real for the Democrat DoomsDay cult: its called Climate Change. In an odd revisit of the inquisition we now have the term ‘denyers’ being merchandized by the cult. While this one gets massive amounts of attention, it really is just a back drop for all of the things mentioned above. Its dogma in the Domesday cult. It may not even be that important to them – but its a convenient stick with which to beat the opposition.

Christianity bad; Islam good:

This one might be the hardest to understand, as it flies in the face of many of the Stalinist Doomsday Left’s longstanding alleged causes: women’s rights, gay rights, freedom from censorship and on and on. The fact that the DoomsDay Dems embrace the hijab, embrace vast immigration (much of it illegal) from countries that are intent on exporting radical Islam, is evidence of a more sinister intent. Importing vast numbers of those at odds with basic American culture and our constitution is meant simply to cause anarchy. Look at the above list and then throw in millions of those that hate our freedom. Its almost like in an afterthought, the DoomsDay crew said – ‘yeah – throw that in there too’. It makes little sense other than to continue the wrecking of – well – everything.

There is the case for the Democrat DoomsDay Machine. As you back away and look at all of this what you may see is a very sick unvirtuous circle of destruction. Our point here is that we need to stop assuming this is a coincidence; this is a plan that has been thought out with several obvious aims: reduce the United States to a former power; reduce the population of the United States; confiscate the possessions and wealth of the population; cause chaos.

If you accept these observations, share this article and ask others, perhaps political leaders, what they intend to do about it.

“It seems people don’t want to be awake these days. Apocalypses are easier slept through than experienced”
― Charles Stross



“Words Don’t Hurt. Bullets Hurt.”

by James Hasson, former Army Captain

New Army Transgender policy, combat multiplier or introducing new risk to the formation, readiness and morale?

Insightful article written by a veteran examining  Army policy that appears to be more concerned with placing the needs of a few over good order and the dignity of the majority in the formation.   



Pigs at the Trough

Dateline September 10th, 2016

“Regiment, Attention!” I have a message for you from Blackjack Pershing. Now pay attention. “Parade rest!”

The following cable was received from Blackjack earlier today. Message reads:

“I am coming at the Colin Kaepernick (CK) National Anthem debate from a different perspective. Many years ago an old school business executive I knew had a way of describing clueless entitled executives: Pigs at the Trough. While in most organizations it takes years for these creatures to evolve and emerge, it seems the NFL has developed a fool proof way of producing them quickly.

Over the last several years we’ve watched the classic Pigs at the Trough (PATT) model unfold, while Stan Kroenke and the NFL owners made fools of several cities like St Louis, competing to keep a failing franchise team in their town. In classic PATT mode, the owners met in secret and decided that self interest was once again in their best interest.

Now we have CK and others deciding to use their fame and national TV audience to make a statement and it fits the same pattern. By now you know the facts so they will not be repeated here. Other more logical options for CK to follow his conscience were obvious.

Go ahead and google ‘Colin Kaepernick house and cars’. See what comes up. We have a young individual that enjoys a privileged life style only available in the United States. Look at CK’s life narrative and try to imagine it happening anywhere else. Much more difficult. His story makes his ‘protest’ absurd by any logical standard.

Analysis: CK has everything but wants more. CK is over indulged. CK is enabled by sycophants playing to his biases. CK knows his career is likely in question due to failing performance. CK misses the attention he had when he was winning. CK needs more than the money, he needs attention and constant fame. CK wants to be important. CK has convinced himself he has a message that the rest of us need to hear. CK’s enablers have never given him a reality check. CK hasn’t checked his biases against statistics. CK is a Pig at the Trough, who has been given much but it will never be enough. Money, recognition and fame were not enough for this PATT. He has to have more. It’s more than ego. Its greed that goes way past money, although he may be setting himself up for speaking fees once his failing career finally comes to an that will sound like squeaking flatulence.

His enablers include the national sports media. The most recent and robust example might be the WSJ article by @jasongay that was a long and complicated 16 point justification for an illogical protest. Really? All that tortured rationalization for a PATT that was unable to string together several articulate sentences to talk through his actions after his first ‘protest’? There was a time when defending the un-defendable was left to government prosecutors.

His enablers also include a paralyzed culture of ethics at the NFL. From the top executive down to the coaches, the majority have not made any clear and pointed statements criticizing this behavior. See a recent summary here:

Once again: Pigs at the Trough. And maybe these PATTS, the top executives, owners and coaches are the worst PATTS of all. The CK’s of the world are many; chowderheads that think their new found wealth also makes them a guru; NFL leaders should know better; they get paid to develop these kids into more than just players: responsible role models, if not just decent citizens. They don’t speak up due to the politically correct and corrupt culture of the NLF. They lack character and play it safe for the sake of their high incomes and notoriety. PATT’s of the first order.

While I am generalizing I will will admit there have to be good and decent players and leaders across the NFL. The question for fans is really how much can you put up with and for how long. While I have never been a huge football fan, I did pay attention to several teams and the post season. My interest is about zero right now. For those more passionate – what will you do as your country is denigrates? Just hope it gets better? Sadly, Pigs at the Trough are never satisfied. They just want more.

My advice: turn off the NFL. Get off the couch. Go outside. Let others know your disgust with this growing group of BIG FAT PATT’s.” End of Cable …

Regiment, Blackjack has spoken. He has been heard. Heed his words.”

“Regiment, Attention! Sergeants Major, take charge of the Regiment.”

CSM, “Yes Sir!”
