To the Tyrants

by Guardian 6                                       8 November 2020

While the leftist news media that is America’s Mainstream Media (MSM) has declared the presidential race for Joe Biden, a majority of Americans are both perplexed and shocked at this outcome. How can a failed 47 year politician that literally campaigned from his basement and failed to garner voter enthusiasm win? All things are possible when good men and women choose tyranny over freedom as they put this special constitutional republic that is America at risk. Dark forces are in play.

Tech Giants. To the Technology Giants that censored President Trump, news outlets and hid stories not favorable to Biden, you will suffer significant loss of market share and you will be met in court  with several class action lawsuits. A majority of Americans are sickened by statist tactics.

MSM. You openly favored Biden over Trump. You shaped the news for four years to attack President Trump, his family and his cabinet. Your tyranny weakened America and weakened our institutions. You created one fake news story after another as hit jobs on the president. America witnessed your elitist attitudes daily and now there is no doubt that you are true frauds. Foxnews, Drudge Report and the other conservative sell outs you will burn in hell. CNN, MSNBC and the Washington Post you are not worthy of comment.

Beltway Generals & Admirals. To the military career political types like James Clapper, Mike Hayden and Stan McCrystal your public contempt for the Commander and Chief sets a poor example to members of the Armed Forces, to their parents and their loved one’s and you have violated a basic tenet of Civil Military Relations failing to remain apolitical. Your egos and thirst to be loved by the swamp power class demonstrates your ultimate lack of character and candor. You are brazen failures.

Democratic Members of Congress. You put your party over our country. You set the country ablaze with the Russian Hoax, the Ukranian Hoax and your classless behavior toward the president. You are led by a tyrant in Nancy Pelosi who is an elitist out of touch with the American people. You are filled with hate and despise our individual liberties. You have bankrupted our country and the next generation with massive debt. You stuff your pockets with American wealth and live by a different set of rules. You are openly anti-American and the Squad actively undermines America. You personify empty barrels that make the most noise while failing to positively impact the lives of Americans. Adam Schiff is perhaps the greatest congressional tyrant in US history. He has lied unabashedly about President Trump  and putting the country through hell fully enabled by Speaker Pelosi. Pelosi and Schiff are sick, demented humans. Schumer, Nadler and the lot of them offer no answer, no solutions. Just hate and discontent. Power first and foremost, rules and good governance be damned. 

Robert Mueller, James Comey & John Brennan. In a different time not too long ago, you would be prosecuted for treason. You sold out our country, corrupted our institutions and promulgated false lies about our president. You personify the word tyrant. You are statists. You are not Americans. You are not patriots. You disgust a majority of Americans. You are tools of the swamp and masters of deception. Hell awaits you three self righteous assholes.

Hammer & Scorecard Tyrants. If you deployed these tools of war in this election, or previous one’s, you will be caught. I know having gotten away with all you have against President Trump you feel invincible. You are not. Eventually, good people will come forward before you Clintoncide them. You are destroying our republic and show such little regard for your fellow citizens. You will be caught. We know who you are and we know this software has likely been deployed to manipulate the vote. Justice is coming.

Stooges. I do not know what you are getting paid to manipulate the vote count in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, etc. but you have sold your soul and sold out your country. Is it worth it? The Democratic Machine is soulless and full of tyrants.

Project Lincoln & RINOs. Nobody likes disloyal assholes like you. Nobody likes you. Nobody!

China. You now have your Manchurian candidate Joe Biden. You took Hong Kong and many of us suspect you have a plan to attempt to take Taiwan within the next couple years. Is this the blackmail price for Joe Biden’s silence? You unleashed a virus on the western world to destroy our economies, weaken President Trump and to overtake the US economy. You are counting on Joe Biden to tolerate China’s rise to economic, space and military dominance.  Xi JinPing you overplayed your hand. Badly. I leave it there for now. There are many more Americans than Stooges and Sellouts. JinPing, just remember the word, “Badly,” asshole.

To my fellow American patriots, I am like you still processing the bold, criminal undermining of our election system. I trust President Trump and many of the good people that surround him. We know this election was sytematically stolen from us. Day by day the President lost votes each night in the cover of darkness with poll watchers blocked from observering. Now is a time to stand with President Trump and push back against the Mob. I for one will do that. America First!


Is the Devine Hand Present?

by BlackJack Pershing on Twitter and Parler:  @PershingSoldier

Dateline 23 September 2020                              Missouri Territory


As high as the heavens are above the earth,

So high are my ways above your ways

and my thoughts above your thoughts

                                                Isaiah 55:9


We phrase the title of this article as a question, not an assertion, because as the great prophet teaches above, we dare not proclaim to know what the Almighty is thinking.  We are however, provided many hints about his concerns, his doings, his past deeds and his intentions for all of us through divine revelation.

This year has been filled with the unexpected but recent events have this author questioning whether the divine hand is directly present in current events.  I present the following reasons from the perspective that America is the last best hope for planet earth, and as goes the United States, generally speaking so will go the rest of the planet.

President Trump today announced he would sign the ‘Born Alive Executive Order’, which makes clear that infants born alive in any context should be assisted, saved and protected.  Did anyone think that in our lifetime such an order would be necessary?  As we learned from the vacant and banal Governor of Virginia, we now do.  So much for the Hippocratic Oath he took as a doctor.  This action the President took today triggered this essay for the 53rd Regiment.

The United Nations General Assembly speech by the president this week was a clear and direct wake up call to the world about the evil doings of China; Venezuela, Iran and Cuba were also singled out.  It cannot go unnoticed by the Almighty that the Atheist Communist dictatorship in China is presiding over and is the source of, the most vile activity on the planet.  It has done so while sealed off from the world for decades.  Slavery, infanticide, organ trafficking, absence of human rights and the likely engineering of a bio-weapon, the China Virus, are all clear examples of pure evil.  Is Donald trump the imperfect vessel selected to take on this malefactor nation?


But if thou indeed obey his voice,

And do all that I speak;

Then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies,

And an adversary unto thine adversaries

                                                Exodus 23:22


Many have observed that God has made a habit of choosing imperfect messengers.  Kind David had many faults, the worst of which was sending his lover’s husband to be killed in battle.  The old testament is filled with many reluctant and imperfect representatives of the Almighty.  Christ himself associated with many deplorables.  Was Trump a saint before the presidency?  Heck no and we all knew that.  Is God using him?


Sister Dierdre Byrne’s appearance at the GOP Convention was striking.  She spoke in bold terms of being ‘pro-afterlife’ and she put her rosary on display.  Leftists were repelled by this appearance as they always are by truth.  The larger question for all of us is how Sister Byrne got into the orbit of our President and his party.  Contemplate that.


Soon thereafter, following his acceptance speech, a selection of songs were sung by a talented tenor, that included the Ave Maria by Schubert (also played at this writer’s mother’s funeral).  I’ll admit to being stunned when this occurred.  This piece, beautiful, ancient, classy and ultimately a prayer to the Blessed Mother of Jesus – seemingly had no place at a political event.  But there is was, placed with intent.  By whom?  For what reason?


The timing of the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is striking.  Late enough to be during the critical period of the campaign early enough to be approved by the Senate, and to have enough positive votes identified.  While we will resist speaking ill of the dead, we will not resist pointing out that RBG was a frequent vocal fan of infanticide.  Our President is present at a critical moment and is committed to making a difference with his next SCOTUS pick.  To think this is all a coincidence is difficult for one of faith.


The March for Life: POTUS shows up.  Reagan phoned it in.


The Fake News MSM is now working tirelessly at destroying the President but he seems to be thriving and using their negativity as energy.  Who else could do this?


Blessed are you when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.  Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven…

Jesus, Matthew 5: 11-12


The President has in fact surrounded himself with people of faith.

Black Pastors visit him frequently, he’s been prayed over by many others.

Mike Pence

Ben Carson

Mike Pompeo

The First Lady

William Barr

Eugene Scalia


So keep your eyes open, fellow patriots.  Something bigger than all of us may be happening.  This imperfect man, this billionaire, this reality star, this product of Queens, NY, this brash fighter, this occasionally mean ‘punch back harder’ guy, this tweeting 3 level chess brawler and Don Rickles style insult artist, might just be a tool of the Almighty, acting as a bulwark against the many evils that confront the United States right now.




You would have no power over Me

Were it not given from above….

                                Jesus, John 19:11




Covid-19 Virus Tracker

Dateline Daily Tracker by The 53rd Regiment Editorial Board

( @the53rdregiment on Twitter)

27 May 2020. American society remains under “masked” conditions, whether needed or not. COVID-19 is proving not to be much more dangerous than the flu. Democrats in Congress and state governors are now using the WuhanVirus to continue to keep the economy lock downed, destroy voting in person and introducing massive fraud through mailing in ballots. The last three years have been nothing short of power games by democrats to destroy President Trump at all costs, country be damned. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and many others are complete frauds and their actions are destroying the fabric of America. Meanwhile, China positions itself to become the dominant economic power after unleashing the WuhanVirus consistent with the China 2025 Plan. China is also seizing full control of Hong Kong violating the terms of the treaty with Great Britain. A new Cold War is underway, and has been for a while. However, China will be quickly off balance once President Trump makes his move. Watch closely.

16 May 2020. The madness continues. Speaker Pelosi and Democrats passed a $3 trillion dollar bill in the House yesterday under the cover of support to Americans but it is a wish list of leftwing causes and interests. It is dead on arrival when it arrives in the US Senate. $3T, these people are insane bankrupting the next generation of Americans. Meanwhile, democratic governors continue to extend Stay at Home Orders unilaterally (MI, CA, NJ, NY, PA) further tanking the US economy hurting Americans so clueless Biden has a chance vs President Trump (Biden has zero chance BTW). #WuhanVirus cases are subsiding in the US. Overall 1.4M cases in the US with over 85K deaths. However, people with pre-existing conditions are rolled up in these numbers and most of the people that have died are over 70.

3 May 2020. Some states are starting to open back up loosening restrictions on businesses and people getting together, long overdue. The Wuhanvirus has now resulted in over one million Americans infected and over 66K deaths. China continues to lie and attempt deception to the rest of the world. President Trump is stating they will be held accountable. We’ll see but the question remains, why? China has a goal of becoming the dominant world economic power by 2025. Was releasing this virus on the free world part of their strategy?

27 April 2020. This is the only thing that makes sense about the free world putting their economies into a death spiral to saves millions of lives, Chinese #BioWeapon. Worth the read.

23 April 2020. The Wuhan Red Death virus continues to plague the country and the world. There is much more to this epidemic that ultimately will become public. The world and countries do not shutdown for a variant of a flu virus. The truth will set us free. China needs to be held to account and they have demonstrated once again they are not a responsible world actor, quite the contrary. They are communists, is this really surprising? They have been lying and cheating their way to prosperity for decades. President Trump, no more platitudes about your friendship with President Xi. He has proven himself to be a criminal on the world stage. The US has nearly 900K cases of the Wuhanvirus and nearly 48K Americans have died.

18 April 2020. Pressure building to reopen the economy. The COVID-19 Task Force and Trump Administration has developed a phased rollout to get us going again. Some states led by Democratic Governors (MI, VA, MN) are resisting allowing businesses to reopen May 1st. Citizens are getting pissed, rightly so. Meanwhile, it’s been confirmed by the US Intel Community that the Wuhanvirus came from a Chinese Biological Lab in Wuhan, not a “wet market.” Question remains whether release was planned or happened due to poor control measures inside the Lab.

15 April 2020. If you were a sophisticated enemy of the United States and the Western World, a pandemic that destroyed industries, devastated economies and scared citizens to accept authoritarian rule would be a way to initiate combat without ever firing a shot. The pandemic distracts governments and causes them to focus internally while redistributing military force to domestic needs. Is this what China has really orchestrated with the Wuhanvirus? China’s first shot fired is a virus killing innocents, jobs and freedom. Democracy is on the run. China has been positioning for this moment for 30 years. America gave China our factories, our intellectual rigor sharing knowledge & research from our university system and we have been rewarded with spite and a rampant disease. China has crossed the rubicon and America’s strategic moment has arrived.

10 April 2020. It is Good Friday. As a family we attended Holy Thursday mass last night online. America on lockdown continues  to avoid the Chinavirus spreading. Over 427K people in the US have the virus and 14.7K Americans have died. The epicenter continues to be NYC but it does appear to be slowing there. CDC issued a No Sail order to the cruise industry yesterday. Huge parts of the economy have been shuttered. Over 17 million Americans have applied for unemployment checks since this started some 25 days ago. One forecast has unemployment spiking to over 20% before this is over. Schools, professional sports and any event that results in large gatherings continue to be canceled.


3 April 2020. Getting agitated. This house quarantine shit is getting old. We cannot let the American economy be destroyed by China or Democrats who wish ill upon Trump and his administration so they get political advantage. Shame on them making political hay out of this. THIS IS NOT PATRIOTIC, NOT AMERICAN. China needs to be held to account. This biological agent they likely lost control of is supercharged to kill. The Western world needs to wake-up and Europe needs a serious case of balls because they are wimps. Time for America to get back to work and be smart about socializing, working and not spreading the virus. We have never shutdown our lives like this. Let’s get back to work. Let’s publicly call out China. Let’s bring our factories and our jobs back home. This is a strategic moment. Let’s win. Let’s seize the day. Let’s kick some ask and take names. Let’s fight!

1 April 2019. US death toll has now exceeded 4K Americans, over 1K in the last 24 hours. This is sad and unexpected. NYC remains the epicenter but we are not expected to peak until ~Easter Sunday. Country remains in the lockdown mode. Many of us remain suspicious of the origins. This has spread way too fast, way too far and way too quickly for nature. China is lying their ass off. USG likely knows much more but holding back until this bio-like-weapon is arrested. Stay plugged in to the 53rd Regiment. Working sources, problem set now. Do yourself a favor, ignore #MSM, especially CNN and MSNBC, highly corrupted sources of the news. Journalistic integrity below zero.

29 March 2019. Attended virtual mass again today. This time I watched online live. Last week it was a recording. Social distancing and selective self-quarantining is to avoid spreading the virus. NYC continues to be the hardest hit, which makes sense based on population density.  President Trump meeting with corporate CEO to push them on logistics support and manufacturing of masks and respirators. Corporate America is rallying to support the needs of American people in this health crisis.

28 March 2020. Death toll in the US has now exceeded 2K, sadly. New York City and the tri-state area is struggling the most with increased cases, over crowded hospitals and some equipment shortages such as respirators. GM and Ford automotive companies are now partnering with healthcare companies to make respirators, not quick enough based on the need. There are now over 121K cases on the coronavirus in the US and over 650K cases in the world. Social distancing has undoubtedly helped but the virus is still spreading. China is likely under reporting their coronavirus case load and fatalities. Probably 3 – 5 times higher. Keep praying.


24 March 2020. While President Trump guides the nation through this unprecedented crisis, Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Schumer play politics incorporating social engineering, Green New Deal and other anti-democratic socialist initiatives into the Coronavirus Bill designed to provide economic security to Americans and US companies. It is absolutely disgraceful and once again the Democratic party demonstrates they are not fit to lead; no answers, no solutions, just politics.

21 March 2020. First day of spring under semi-self quarantine conditions. Working from home, no gym, limited shopping trips focused on necessities. Today marks day 6 of 15 where it is recommended that people stay inside and avoid groups exceeding 10 people. Mass is also canceled in in most diocese throughout the country. President has authorized the FDA to explore using  chloroquine to treat Covid-19 coronavirus. It has shown some promise in clinical trials. Chloroquine is commonly used to prevent malaria. The Main Stream Media (MSM) continues to fuel anti-Trump hatred creating a false narrative, scaring the American public and using this pandemic to weaken the President’s prospects for re-election. Alternative media sources like the @the53rdregiment are proving to be invaluable in covering the news that matters.

19 March 2020. While Americans are suffering with fear of coronavirus; loss of wages and employment; and savings and college funds being wiped out, the Democrats have established a “war room” to attack President Trump. Far from being a unifying, calm , responsible party,  Zac Petkanas, a former adviser to Hillary Clinton and Sarah Chase, a former research associate for the presidential campaign of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, have joined forces to attack Trump. Patrick Devlin, former Communications Director for Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., will serve as an adviser to the war room to orchestrate fake news. Democrats continue to drive Trump hate and division across the country. Democrats once again lead with division. Democrats =no answers, no solutions, not fit to serve.

18 March 2020. Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way. This is no time for politics and partisanship. We are all Americans, act like it! Get behind President Trump Democrats. Focus on saving American lives and helping Americans who have lost their jobs. Help those in need. Pray. We need spiritual guidance and the Lord’s help.


Blexit is Real: A Reflection for Martin Luther King Day

Dateline: January 20, 2020          The Missouri Territory
by Blackjack Pershing

‘You have the ability to choose which way you want to go. You have to believe great things are going to happen in your life. Do everything you can – prepare, pray and achieve – to make it happen.’

—  Ben Carson

It is estimated that between 1820 and 1920 as much as 50% of the population of Ireland emigrated to the United States. To this day one can visit abandoned villages in Ireland, many of them vacated during and after the great potato famine. While today we speak of ‘Brexit’ as the Brits finally get their act together and give themselves breathing room from the continent, we should remember the Irish may have been the first to really depart Europe in a major way. They had enough.

Today, on Martin Luther King Day, let’s reflect on what’s come to be known as ‘Blexit’: the mass exodus of many African Americans from the Democrat party.

The first sign of Blexit: we woke to the election of Donald Trump in November of ’16 to a viral video of Henry Davis, a black Trump supporter from inner city St Louis, laughing joyfully at the Hillary Clinton loss, and the related tears being shed by her devotees. See it here:

We’ve had wonderful black conservative leaders/thinkers/writers from Frederick Douglas through Thomas Sowell. What makes the current era so interesting is the sheer number of every day black citizens that are coming to the conclusion that its time to #WalkAway from the Democrat Plantation. Its a plantation built on grievance and ‘loser-think’ as Scott Adams might say.

African Americans from all walks of life are embracing #Blexit and thinking for themselves.

Kanye West: super star rapper walks off the plantation, grabs a MAGA Hat and doesn’t care what anyone thinks.

Terrence Williams becomes a viral social media star by mocking liberal hypocrisy and lunacy.

Candace Owens brings an amazing scholarly and personal approach to writing and speaking as a pundit. She’s strong as hell and independent.

Actor Isaiah Washington has done what most Hollywood conservatives will not: he has left the democrats behind and is establishing his own brand of conservatism. Men like Isaiah risk their livelihoods for the truth and living a life of principle.

What a time we live in!

In 2016 President Trump challenged the black community with “What have you got to lose?” The MSM in their full voiced insane opposition to Trump dismissed the man as a racist. We now see the lowest black unemployment in history as Trump began the policy of fighting for jobs with smart tax policy and de-regulation. We see his support now picking up in the black community according to most polls. We may see something unprecedented in 2020 as people from all walks of life enter the privacy of the voting booth.

And by the way, who delivered prison reform, an initiative so dear to the black community? President Trump, convincing reluctant republicans to go along with him.

Democrats have destroyed value, cheapened life and wrecked most of our large urban cores in the United States. We all deserve better, but Black Americans in particular deserve much better. Like the Irish of so many decades ago, they have endured enough. Its time to walk away from the mess that the modern democrat party offers to include: excusing blackface, exterminating black babies, creating and cultivating dependency, selling socialism, driving away employers with hostile policies, offering not hope, but hate.

Offering prayers for all of our brothers and sisters in the black communities across the US today, Martin Luther King Day, 2020. Blexit is bringing his dream closer to reality than ever.



Media Bias and Christians: Lacking Shared Experiences

By: Jack Reacher         Dateline: The Swamp 28 September 2019    0757 Hours

Years ago, my boss and I worked on a large project in which a major political news organization was an active partner.  During this collaboration, the stakeholders at this political news organization repeatedly suggested holding conference calls at 10am or 11am on Sundays.  Each time they were surprised when both my boss and I informed them that this time did not work for us because we would be at church services. It certainly seemed to me that no one in their organization had even considered this might be an issue for scheduling.  

This illustrates a larger point about political news coverage.  Nearly everyone is familiar with the fact that most political reporters hold moderate to liberal views.  Jay Carney went directly from being the Washington bureau chief of Time magazine to serving as the director of communications for then Vice President-elect Joe Biden.  The less discussed blind spot for political journalists is that there are far too few prominent political journalists who are also active and practicing Chrisitans.  This leads to coverage that is contemptuous and misleading regarding disputes involving people of faith.  

Karen Pence, the Second Lady, teaches at a Christian school in Northern Virginia.  One way to cover this story would be to applaud her for using her gifts and talents to educate others and get first hand experience at a private Christian school, a type of school that often does not get enough attention in debates about federal educational policy.  Instead, this story was covered in many outlets as her embracing anti-LGBTQ sentiments because the school asks parents and employees to follow moral guidelines based on Christian principles, including a prohibition on homosexual acts.  

Just last week, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos visited several schools as part of her efforts to observe different approaches to providing elementary education.  The Trump administration has been remarkably open to considering all approaches to education. One could report this effort by Secretary DeVos as a thoughtful way for her to gather diverse perspectives in her role as the chief policy advisor on education to the President.  Much of the press coverage about this tour centered on her visit to a Catholic School in Pennsylvania. According to the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, there are over 79,000 students in diocesean elementary schools in the state. This is a sizable group whose experiences are also often overlooked when formulating federal education policies. 

Rather than applaud her efforts to hear from this often forgotten sector of the educational world, the press coverage centered on the anti-transgender policies of this school.  However, this school merely follows the teaching of the Catholic Church and has a dioscesean policy that states,

“where there is a clear biological determination of a person’s sex and subsequent efforts to chemically and/or surgically alter the given biology. This is understood in Catholic moral terms as self-mutilation and therefore immoral. To attempt to make accommodations for such persons would be to cooperate in the immoral action and impose an unacceptable burden on others in the school community.”

One would find a similar policy at almost every Catholic school in the world.  

In the insular, liberal leaning, and secular world of the DC mainstream media, a school placing Christian values at its core instead of the whims of individuals is unthinkable and must indicate that the leadership of the school is biased and prejudiced against minority groups.  The viewpoint that religion often challenges us to subjugate our desires in service of a divine calling has no representation in this corner of the media landscape. 

People poke fun at Christians who assert that they are a persecuted group, but there is no other way to describe a group that a major segment of the media does not understand and holds in contempt. 





Something Wicked This Way Comes …

Something Wicked This Way Comes is an article about the challenges America is facing in 2018.


by Guardian 6

Drugs and addictive narcotics are bucketing through our southern border turning teenagers and young adults into drug addicts. Many communities have rapid heroin epidemics and families and law enforcement is overwhelmed.

Illegal border crossers, not immigrants, are pouring into our country and taking up residency throughout the country causing crime; overtaxing social welfare programs and schools; and democratic politicians are praising sanctuary cities and undermining community safety.

The rule of law is being undermined and corrupted by politicians that are  pitting fellow Americans against each other by labeling us racists, homophobes and xenophobic.

The Deep State continues to wage war against the election of President Trump despite his economic achievements of record low unemployment and foreign policy successes  that include stabilizing Iraq, defeating ISIS in Syria and bringing North Korea to the negotiation table.

The mainstream media (MSM) continues their collective, coordinated and petulant assault against President Trump pushing a false Russian collusion narrative while intentionally not reporting the overwhelming success President Trump has had economically, diplomacy and strengthening our military and alliances through tough love (NATO) and peace through strength (Syria, North Korea and China). 

The Catholic Church is under assault from within. Some priests and clergy (although an extreme minority – 2%) have been systematically preying on their flock, the most innocent among us, children. Church leadership at the highest levels have failed to address these heinous crimes with the seriousness, courage and robust cleansing needed to eliminate this horrific problem.

The Silicon Valley and the Tech Giants, Google and Apple in particular,  are acquiescing to the Chinese government building a censored search engine and removing applications from I-Tunes allowing the Chinese government to limit speech and control state approved messaging and content. Twitter and Facebook are shadow-banning conservative voices and promoting the leftwing agenda in America. 

The Democratic Party and their affiliated tribes (MSM, Teachers Union, Hollywood) would rather “resist” President Trump than move America forward and govern responsibly. 

Something wicked this way comes that is undermining America and her people. It festers out of the swamp and it lusts power. It is evil and dark. It is selfish, joyless and a Trojan horse masquerading with free healthcare, free college and a guaranteed living wage. It removes choices, makes promises driven by fear and promises that cannot be kept. 

Something wicked this way comes but America stands strong when faced with evil; she doesn’t run nor hide. America prays and she fights. It is time to do both. Pray for America to renew herself once again to the Lord and fight the evil forces that are in play undermining our country from within. Fight not with sword but with reason, love and resolve for an American renewal of spirit.  

Snakes Have Returned to Ireland

By Guardian 6       Dateline June 6th, 2018

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated worldwide on March 17th, honoring St. Patrick, the Christian missionary who rid Ireland of snakes during the fifth century A.D. According to legend, the patron saint of Ireland chased the slithering reptiles into the sea after they began attacking him during a 40-day fast he undertook on top of a small mountain, a hill.

Well on May 25th, 2018 the snakes returned to Ireland in full force. Supported, campaign trained and funded by Planned Parenthood (the same scourge that has victimized millions of American women and killed their babies in the millions), were  successful in their campaign to have the people of Ireland vote to overturn Amendment 8 which banned abortion. The young of Ireland then celebrated in the streets for their right to kill their babies. This is modernity in Europe and now in Ireland. Planned Parenthood succeeded in converting one of the last bastions of children safety where life in any form is valued, to just another “modern” society where babies are a commodity.

For pro-life Ireland, May 25th will be known as the Day the Snakes Returned. It appears the Catholic community of Ireland has been compromised by the pressures of leftist dictates. So much so it is further reported that the majority of Catholic Churches and clergy failed to rally the faithful from the pulpit and put fourth a forceful message of defending the unborn. Ireland is wayward, like the rest of us. God help us all.



by Guardian 6    Dateline April 29th, 2018

“It is my sincere hope that everything necessary may be done in order to continue compassionately accompanying little Alfie Evans, and that the deep suffering of his parents may be heard. I am praying for Alfie, for his family and for all who are involved.”  Pope Francis

Who is Alfie? He was a baby in England that has garnered international news because the doctors refuse to treat him removing his oxygen and allowing him to starve to death. The hospital and doctors that treated him say that Alfie suffered from a degenerative neurological condition that is fatal, that he is in a semi-vegetative state and his medical care is not justified. His parents, supported by the Italian and Polish governments and the Pope,  wanted his care to continue. How did we get to this point?

The culture of life vs. the culture of death.

Private care vs. socialized care.

Thomas Evans & Kate James, parents of baby Alfie Evans, vs. the Alder Day hospital in Liverpool England and socialized medical care.

Parents making decisions to care for their children vs. the state taking control and deciding who lives and who dies.

The state government refusing to allow the parents of Alfie to take their child to another country for care.

Disregarding faith and spiritual aspects for loving and caring for Alfie.

Loving all life in all forms vs. devaluing life so quickly.

“If we cannot cure, we can still care. If we cannot heal, we can still love. A person who is damaged is still a person, fully in possession of his or her rights, and fully deserving of our loving care.” Father Frank Pavone

The state of England allowed Alfie to die. He did not reach the age of two. The state took control displacing parental rights. Is this the future of all western democracies? State governments choosing who lives and who dies?

There is much to reflect on in Alfie’s premature state directed death. There are many questions we should reflect on. I’ll begin with this reflection; the more power we acquiesce to state authorities, the less control we have on our own lives and those we love. 

What is Needed in Haiti – Real Change

Dateline January 13th, 2018

The 53rd Regiment is republishing this artile about what is needed in Haiti to truly effect real change. Since there is now great interest in Haiti with President Trump’s alleged inartful description of Haiti among  other countries by Senator Dick Durbin, it is an opportunity to call attention once again to what is needed in Haiti. The good news is if you truly care and want to get beyond words, you can help. Please take the time to read Patrick’s article below.

The 53rd Regiment can personally attest to the phenominal work being done by the Haitian Project. My daughter and I have a life long memory visiting the school over Thanksgiving eight years ago and being extremely impressed watching the children learn difficult subjects in three languages. Outrage is cheap these days. If you really want to make a statement and help, make a donation to the Louverature Cleary School. The 53rd Regiment is extremely proud to note that we have been supporting Haiti and this school for over two decades. Many members of the 53rd are supporters. The Haitian Project would welcome your support.

Article as originally posted May 11th, 2016 follows. 

By Deacon Patrick Moynihan, President of The Haitian Project and Head of Louverture Cleary School

It’s time to get back to what works.

Throughout history, education has proven itself to be the most reliable tool for promoting the advancement of individuals and societies. Still, major foundations (think Gates and Clinton) and philanthropic initiatives around the world fail to properly prioritize education as the best road out of poverty.  They prefer instead more ephemeral and emotional initiatives like health care and shelter; or more “exciting” ideas like microfinance and mobile banking.  While there is certainly a place for relief (food, water, shelter etc.), it seems the world has wrongly conflated these things with development and now heavily funds what are in many cases symptoms of poverty, not solutions to poverty.

Education, however, is a solution. And, we need more of it.

For the last 20 years, I have lived and worked in Haiti with my family as president of The Haitian Project, Inc., which supports and operates Louverture Cleary School, a top-notch, tuition free Catholic secondary boarding school in Haiti that forms the future servant-leaders of the country. We empower the young individual to be a catalyst for change in their own life and in their community.

Time and again our students and alumni do prove that education is the surest way out of poverty and towards a brighter future for Haiti. In a country where just 3% of young people graduate high school and over 70% of college graduates leave the country, 90% of our alumni are either studying or working IN HAITI. Many are earning 10-15 times the per capita income of Haiti.  They then use their own success to build strong families and to send their own children to school, and often their extended family as well.

All of our alumni are giving back to their communities and their country. This is by design. The school’s motto comes from Mt. 10:8; “What you receive for free, you must give for free.”

Education works because it not only helps the individual make the most out of the current opportunities and infrastructure available, it helps him or her develop new opportunities and build more advanced infrastructure. Therefore, education is potentially the most basic of development tools. It also is the one that naturally causes and allows the individual to become part of their own advancement. Unlike medical procedures, loans or something that remains external, education is internalized by the person who receives it and it becomes their tool.

It is clear that Haitians themselves prioritize education and recognize its potential.  The world should listen:

  • While just 20% of foreign aid is spent on education, Haitians make education their priority by dedicating over 80% of their remittances to pay for the education of their children.
  • The high demand for education has ensured that teaching is one of the most highly paid professions in Haiti.
  • Every May at LCS 250-300 Louverturian hopefuls line up around the block at 4 am to take our entrance exam and to have a shot at an education that will undoubtedly change their life, and also the lives of those around them.

Real change in Haiti can come only through Haitians themselves, and education equips them to make that change personally and for their country. My 20 years in Haiti has taught me that there are no “silver bullets.” But, they have also taught me that there is hope. The stories of our graduates below leave no doubt in my mind that Haiti’s better tomorrow is an achievable reality.

Education Works

Cultivating Resources for Haiti

Video: #Real Change

Always Employed

Pharmacist Cures Self Medication

Please consider donating to The Haitian Project. Your just reward awaits you both in heaven and on earth.

The Haitian Project, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that runs a tuition free Catholic boarding school in Haiti for 360 students in order to nurture the future leaders of the country. Visit their website for more information or donate now.

… and they March


Dateline: Washington DC (53rd Regiment News)

January 28th, 2017

They didn’t come with hate in their hearts, or wearing vulgar pink hats and give speeches that were somewhere between incoherent and threatening. They came to march with love in their hearts to defend the un-defendable, the unborn. For more than four decades, regardless of weather conditions, men and women, young and old, and students come to give voice to the right to life and to peacefully demonstrate their beliefs in strong numbers. They gather on the National Mall and march to the Supreme Court to give voice for those babies that have perished and send a message to end this scourge on our society.

For the first time a sitting Vice President attended and addressed the Pro-Life rally. VP Pence addressed the hundreds of thousands one week after taking office saying, “Life is winning in America.” When you reflect on this statement it is actually startling. When did life start losing in America? Well, we know the story goes back to the 1973 Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade where abortion was legalized.

Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff behind Roe vs. Wade, now regrets being used as a prop for pro-abortion advocates. In the link below you can watch a one-minute video where she explains her work today as a pro-life advocate. She states,

You read about me in history books, but now I am dedicated to spreading the truth about preserving the dignity of all human life from natural conception to natural death.”

Woman Behind Roe v. Wade: “I’m Dedicating My Life to Overturning It”

Since 1973, there have been over 50 million abortions in the United States. Think about that number; 50,000,000 lives extinguished before they even got their first breathe. I’ve always thought, my goodness, America is so much better than this. How did we get to this dark, selfish place that we toss away the innocent?

What does 50 million lives terminated before they begin represent? About 1/6th of the current US population; there is nothing to celebrate here. America is better than this and it is time that we find our better nature. Something we can all pray about.

… and they March

A Simple Prayer

Dateline:   1536 hours, January 15th, 2017

Seven Springs Resort, PA

During the homily in today’s  mass, our priest reflected on a simple prayer during his homily where he was telling the story of presiding over the funeral of a fellow Franciscan Friar this week. The prayer is as follows:

“Lord take me when you are ready and make me ready when you take me.”

This proved to be a very simple nice reflection. This writer has work to do.