DNC Letter – Biden Basement Strategy


by: Suspected Leaked Letter from Democratic National Committee 

where: Swamp

Dateline: July 20, 2020 8:25PM 

We got one shot and one shot only, we have to keep Biden in the Basement. VP Biden has many vulnerabilities, chief among them is talking. We need to keep America in masks so we can keep Joe in a mask. At all costs, DO NOT let Joe talk to objective media, albeit not much of that left in America. Fortunately, most of the media is in the tank for Joe, although Catherine Heritage of CBS is a real threat since she can’t be bought like CNN and MSNBC. One American News Network (OANN) is too American so we should be able to shame them for being patriotic, objective and sincere in their work. Their factual reporting will doom them. Lastly, Brit Hume’s strong media credentials and experience must be countered with more believable falsehoods before his audience gets even bigger.

The Chris Wallace Foxnews interview of Trump that aired July 19th is a real threat to the Biden campaign. We can’t have Biden do an interview for one minute with Wallace let alone 60 minutes. Biden gaffs alone will tube us before we even start talking about stringing two sentences together, or his lack of command of the issues. We have our best people in Hollywood working with a specialist to create a Biden Double. We are being told this is a herculean task. It is almost impossible to find a Biden body double that can act coherent, have plugs for hair and casually display that shit eating grin. We have our dimmest in the DNC War Room working with make-up artists, plastic surgeons and even speech therapists. The two attempts to date failed miserably due to our doubles being too smart. Keep hope alive.

We are mandating nap times for Joe. He takes mandated naps at 10AM, 2PM and 6PM. They average 45 minutes so plan 5 minutes media engagements that are highly scripted around these naps. All media engagements must entail a teleprompter with size 60 font, pro-Biden reporters and networks that will allow the DNC to edit the tape before airing. There are no exceptions to the Biden Basement Media Engagement strategy.

The polls are a sham. We are only sampling 20 – 24% of likely GOP voters in all national polls. We are working hard to depress likely Trump voters to keep them home. It didn’t work with Clinton but we believe it will work this time because of COVID-19. Our Democratic Governors are keeping their schools closed, restaurants closed and intentionally tanking their state economies to depress the vote and crush jobs. We are proud of their efforts. Furthermore, our Democratic Mayors are masterfully working with Black Lives Matter  to defund the police; allowing Antifa to destroy statues and city infrastructure; and allowing mobs to destroy peoples livelihoods and employment opportunities. Our one-two punch of intentional malfeasance is working as planned.

While America burns, support for Biden grows as we can continue to blame Trump for our orchestrated rioting, chaos and lies about the COVID-19 threat and America being a racist country. You can thank Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, deBlasio, Newsom and a host of others with our partners in the MSM. The Biden Basement Strategy is working. America will be a socialist country!


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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."

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