Doppelgängers, Mysteries and Oddities of the Left

By BlackJack Pershing aka @PershingSoldier on X, @BlakJakPershing on GETTR, @BlackJackPershing on Gab

Dateline September 3, 2024.            Missouri

“More human than human.  That’s our motto.”
– Tyrell Corporation in Blade Runner
If you spend much time on X or other social media (all of it much worse and much more biased than X), you may have taken note that there are recurring characters in our most viewed stories that seem to bear resemblance to other characters we have seen before.
I submit to you that this is no coincidence.  I think we all know at this point there there are very few if any coincidences these days.
We have doppelgängers among us, created organized and managed by the leftist/progressive/marxist regime in order to create chaos and confusion.
Why do they need such things?  It’s a practicality.  The replicants are obedient and predictable.  Easy to manage,  They do what they are told.
Let’s sort through a few of the most obvious examples.
John Brennan and Tim Walz
Brennan, the erstwhile criminal and former head spook at the CIA, admitted Islamist and marxist, is among the most repugnant characters of the Obama White House – and that is saying something.  Now we have Tim Walz emerging with the same commie outlook, hairdo, permanent frown and as some have reported, related incontinence as Brennan.  This is no coincidence.  These two angry old men with suspect tendencies and erratic behavior are either one and the same or stamped from the same foul machine.
Stephen King and Diane Feinstein
Poor Stephen King.  He’s a great fiction writer, specifically in the horror genre.  If only he’d kept his mouth shut he’d have the admiration of twice as many fans.  But like many Hollyweird bizzaros that start to believe their own press releases, Stevo has decided his political insights need to be shared with the world.  They are all pathetic, stalinist rehashed gruel.  Speaking of rehashed gruel, Steve’s resemblance to the late senator from California has many believing she never passed away and reitred to a life on tweeting nonsense from New England.  I suspect they both were spawned from a similar DNA sample at a lab run by the CIA.
Alexander & Eugene Vindman and Senator Schumer’s Wife:
All marxists, all have bad taste and poor judgement.  Mrs Schumer’s poor judgement is clear due to who she married.  We offer our sympathy and hope that she gets some peace soon when Chuck is rightfully locked up for inciting violence against SCOUS Justices.  The Vindman Twins, when not eating donuts and shilling for war in Ukraine, spend their time looking exactly like Mrs Schumer.  Something is not right.
Liz Cheney and ‘Admiral’ Rachel Levine 
First we offer an apology to the Admiral for comparing him/she/they/them to Liz Cheney, who is in the top 5 contenders for worst person on the planet on a consistent basis.  While the ‘Admiral’ mostly minds its business, with the possible exception of advocating for the drugging and savage vivisection of children, Liz has presided over possibly the largest travesty in the history of the congress, assembling a panel of idiotic minstrels and professional liars to perpetrate massive crimes on the American People and Donald Trump.  I suppose both are bad in their own unique way.  But damn – they both look the same.  The ‘Admiral’ might be slightly easier on the eyes.  I am not sure.  Who would you rather have a beer with?
Leticia James, Stephanie Abrams, Fani Willis and Lizzo
We have an outbreak of large African American Democrat operatives aka criminals, that all seem to be spawned from a Lizzo DNA sample.  Whether it was done with or without Liz’s consent is a mystery.  Liz’s recent attempt to drop tonnage may be her way of distancing her self from the other beefalos in question.  At least Rizzo has not attempted to lock up Donald Trump,  Yet.  We will give her that.
The Many Joe Bidens
This is old news now, but still worthy of mention.  Joe BiteMe has come in a dozen iterations in recent times.  Declining but angry basement Joe, screaming ‘you ain’t black’ at ‘Charlemagne’ who ain’t even close to being anything Godly, Fascist Joe screaming with a red background at Independence hall while our forefathers looked on from the great beyond in horror, pants pooping Joe at the Vatican, farting Joe at the Queen’s place, almost dead Joe on the beach, methamphetamine Joe at the recent State of the Union, bent over and pants pooping Joe at Normandy and Nursing Home Joe at the recent debate.  There are at least a dozen Biden replicants and all are malfunctioning.  Very sad. Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett must have been very stressed out in their puppet master roles toward the end.
Keith Olbermann and Rosie O’Donnell
I propose to you now that never in history have there been two more repulsive doppelgängers than these two.  Both are routinely hysterical and unhinged, both use foul language, both are challenged in the hygiene department….we could go on.  We will not.  I remain unconvinced that these are two different people.  They look the same, act the same and sadly, smell the same according to local witnesses.  If we still had lunatic asylums, they both would reside there and be given dolls to play with and lecture.
Alice Cooper and ‘Doctor’ Jill
OK – this one is just for fun.  Apologies to Alice who has found Jesus and seems like a genuinely good man.  It’s not his fault that Dr J really is his doppelgänger.  Regardless, I wish Alice the best and congratulate him for not wearing dresses that look like grandma’s couch like Dr J.  In the end, the fake presidency we suffered through with Joe might be more Dr J’s fault than anyone else’s.  She could have stopped it.
Bill Kristol and Robert Reich
This is an emerging story, most recently busted open by an expert take down of Aunt Bill Kristen by Victor Davis Hanson and his trusty podcast side kick, Jack Fowler.  It was Jack that mentioned that Bill was 5’2” tall and that got me thinking that there is very little difference in what Aunt Bill espouses and what angry communist lilliputian Robert 3rd Reich puts out.   I submit to the reader that they are one and the same, operating from the same basement or hole in the bottom of a tree somewhere.
The DNC and the Communist Party
This one is easy.  They are one and the same in their principles and goals.
The Leftist Media and North Korean Media
I give a nod to the NorKo media operatives for being smarter than their MSNBC/CNN/NBC/CBS/ABC etc kissing cousins.  But they are all regime apologists.  The NorKo’s have no choice.  The American chowderheads have chosen their life as minstrels.
In closing here is a list of other mysteries oh which we should reflect:
Is Nancy Pelosi a Lizard Person?  Have we seen evidence?
Why does Chuck Schumer hate Jews?
Is Big Mike really Big Mike?
Was Barack a Kenyan?
Who managed the Butler PA op?
Who coordinates messaging for the leftist media?
Who told Joe BiteMe he was done?  Was it really Nancy and Chuck or were others involved?
How many those in congress are compromised by the swamp intel establishment?
Why are so many swamp generals compromised democrat operatives?
Fellow Patriots!  Keep fighting the good fight!!  Please share your own doppelgänger theories in the comments below.

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Author: Guardian 6

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One thought on “Doppelgängers, Mysteries and Oddities of the Left”

  1. Another doppleganger Rich Wilson and Mike Hayden, two disgruntled has-beens that never were.

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