Peace, Prosperity & the Golden Age


by Guardian 6            Dateline: 1 January 2025

Golden Age. Peace, prosperity and the Golden Age is nearly upon us. Since President Trump’s reelection in November, America is already experiencing optimism about the future, significant gains in investment markets and endless wars receding. Our enemies know Mr. Trump does not play and will not tolerate their aggression that hints at even harming one American. Our Allies are visiting President Trump at his home in Mar-a-Largo knowing they need to have a good relationship with him for the benefit of their country. Friends and foes understand the landscape but several will undoubtedly have to learn the hard way. So be it. The world is on notice.

Mandate! The presidential landslide victory for President Trump has delivered a mandate. The American people want our borders secure. Americans want illegal immigrants deported, starting with the criminals which numbers hundreds of thousands. Americans know Trump will deliver on the economy having seen him do it before with ultra low inflation; massive job growth; wage gains in every segment; household income significantly improved; low gas prices; and crime in check. In reality, Biden is an afterthought and Trump has already replaced him. Americans, world leaders and business tycoons have moved on requesting audiences with Trump. America is winning again pre-inauguration.

The Nightmare is over! As Victor Davis-Hanson wrote in his most recent column, “The National Nightmare is Ending.” Joe Biden and the criminal incompetent buffoons he surrounded himself with will soon be gone. the US government will need a good gutting of bloated incompetents; half-ass bureaucrats and people that serve themself over public service. A good goal is to cut government in half. Let’s hope Congress acts on Elon Musk and Vivek Ramiswami’s recommendations to clean house, drive efficiency and  dramatically reduce government spending. DOGE has their work cut out for them while democrats will work to obstruct.

America Saved Itself! All creeds, all types, God fearing Americans said enough! This country is endowed by our Creator! This country is the best chance for humanity! This country has saved the world in WWII and the Cold War. This country has had weak leaders like Johnson, Carter and Obama but finds a way to self correct. America is strong because the people of America understand sacrifice, selflessness and leadership. America will always be a nation that centers itself on the Lord. Puts freedom, justice and what is best for the nation first.

Trump Delivers the Promise of  America! Trump is the gal working in McDonalds worried about supporting her family. Trump is the guy who dropped out of high school not because he couldn’t graduate but because there was no path forward, no future prospects. Trump is the guy or gal who joins the military because they cannot afford college, prospects are not great with a broken economy and they’re looking for skills and opportunity. Trump offers promise. Trump reminds Americans what America is. What we have always been. Who we are. Trump gets us. He is us. The blue collar billionaire. The media deceives, sadly. Trump puts the country first, Americans first, and has done so his whole life.

Peace, prosperity and the golden age is upon us. We saved ourselves from destruction by electing Trump, ignoring the very fake elite class of America. We did so by ignoring the media, Hollywood and leftist influencers by choosing to restore American Greatness by electing Trump. Seeing through the lawfare and the relentless attacks and fake impeachments. America found itself, once again. We stood with the greatest president of the 21st century, who the left tried to kill, at least twice, with two assassination attempts that we know about. The daily barrage of attacks this man stood against. His courage. His resolve. His steadfastness. His love of country. His confidence. He just wins.

America voted for American exceptionalism. America said loudly, “I’m with Trump. Make America Great Again! Do what you did previously Mr. Trump. Biden absolutely sucks and he has disparaged us, abandoned us and embarrassed us. We want to win, President Trump. Make us winners again. Restore the constitutional republic. Give me the mean tweets. Put our enemies on notice. Peace through strength. End the woke crap! Rebuild our military. Take care of the forgotten women and men. Stop the excessive spending and waste on our hard earned money. No more endless wars. We want to win President Trump. Make America Great Again, Sir.”

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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."