Save America: Rage (Vote) Against the Democrat Machine


Dateline September 18, 2024 

Where: American Kitchen Table

by Guardian 6


Democrats have owned the White House 12 of the last 16 years. The four Trump years were the best years during that period minus the COVID19 attack, which the democrats exploited through lockdowns, vaccine mandates, closing schools, closing  small business, closing churches & synagogues, censoring and canceling Americans, re-engineering the voting systems through mail in ballots and ballot harvesting. In the 21st century, they underpinned counting the vote by adding weeks so they can manufacture the number of ballots they need to win. While the rest of the western world can declare a winner in 24 hours.

It is time to Rage Against the Machine by voting overwhelmingly to Save America! 

And now they are exploiting voter rolls through illegal migration placing illegals in red states and where needed registering them to vote through the DMV and other mechanisms. The Machine is so corrupt they are doing all this with taxpayer money and indirectly telling you to just #STFU. The democrats are so brazen they even created an App where migrants can apply for air travel and benefits from their home country and be flown in bypassing Homeland Security and Customs. Obama, Harris, Biden and Newscum have placed illegal migrants above the American citizen to meet their needs to cheat and win the vote. They don’t care what you think.  They think you are stupid, uninformed and easy to manipulate. On with “Fundamental Transformation” of America to break down American exceptionalism and weaken all our institutions while piling on the debt to break America and build dependency. If you complain you are a racist so just #STFU. Obama and his puppets Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer know better than all of us.

It is time to Rage Against the Machine by voting overwhelmingly to Save America! 

The Democrat Machine is finely tuned with a propaganda arm that makes the Politburo look like Baghdad Bob. Democrats have underpinned their deceitful strategies with billionaires; the main stream media (MSM); Big Tech; George Soros and his evil spawn; Marxists that believe the end justifies the means; LawFare with Democrat & Soros backed prosecutors; fueling NGOs with unlimited cash like Catholic Charities and Lutheran Refugee and Immigration Services used like a rag doll to break immigration law, indirectly support human trafficking and empowering the drug cartels. Many other NGOs are newly created being run by democrat operatives to serve the Democrat Machine. Much of the funding came out of The American Rescue Plan which Harris was the deciding vote in passing it. Yup, Harris who couldn’t retain 93% of her VP Staff because she is a toxic, lazy and underwhelming in the way of the world has now been remade into all this promise. The Democratic Machine is the new Marxist standard over the Politburo. We know this much.

It is time to Rage Against the Machine by voting overwhelmingly to Save America! 

Somewhere between 15 – 20 million illegal aliens have been dumped throughout America. This number is staggering, more than the population of 36 states in the union. Did you ask for this? Were your voices heard? Did you vote for this? Did you vote to give illegal migrants $1500 – $2000 debit cards each month? Free lodging? Free food? Free healthcare? All the while you are working your ass off to feed your family; make a mortgage or rent payment; working 1, 2 or 3 jobs. Have you been in a grocery store and watched a “migrant” pull out 2 or 3 debits cards to pay for $300 in groceries? Meanwhile you are buying low end brands, eating less meat and deferring many items you used to buy that you can no longer afford due to 20 – 40% inflation on grocery goods. But hey Harris is going to use price controls to bring the prices down, that will work, right? Once this goes into effect suppliers will stop producing and pricing will skyrocket even more. Remember Covid pricing when low supplies hit? You want a life long government lawyer running America or you want an Uber successful businessman that proved during his first presidential term what a booming economy looks like?

It is time to Rage Against the Machine by voting overwhelmingly to Save America! 

Democrats cannot run on what they believe — porn books in elementary schools to teach perversion; transgender indoctrination exploiting a child going through puberty; the Green New Steal mandating EVs and killing American energy; nationalizing healthcare so we all get lousy care; equal outcomes not equal opportunity to fully embrace your God given talents; banning guns; limiting free speech and employing censorship; endless wars destroying American lives and treasure; hyper inflation through more government control of the private sector; open borders to destroy national sovereignty and American exceptionalism; creating racial division dividing Americans against each other; fundamentally transforming America into a Marxist state in Barack Obama’s vision.

It is time to Rage Against the Machine by voting overwhelmingly to Save America! 

Donald Trump has survived two assassination attempts in the last two months. They have impeached him twice falsely; they created a false Russian collusion hoax; they attack him and his family relentlessly; Soros appointed lawyers and DoJ used Lawfare to prosecute him on 34 fake counts tying him up in court rooms and spending millions to defend himself; they have destroyed female sports and Title IX by letting males compete in women sports; they fact checked Trump during the debate and let Harris lie relentlessly. Trump talks to everybody including very hostile MSM and they hide Harris from the media because she is an incompetent and has the knowledge base of limited intellect. The most unpopular VP has been remade ever by the Machine ever since the Biden coup de tat.

One Choice America — Rage Against the Democrat Machine! Send a message to the sick puppet masters turning America against itself. Vote Freedom! Vote America! Vote Trump!!! 

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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."

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