Schumer Shutdown II

Merry Christmas from Schumer — another Shutdown!



The Swamp, Dateline December 22, 2018

He’s at it again. Senator Chuck Schumer along with the Senate Democrats have exacted their animus toward President Trump by blocking passage of a bill that would fund the government and include $5 billion toward 215 miles of a border wall. In other words, securing the southern boarder to enhance security protections for Americans is less important than Chuck and Nancy ensuring President Trump is not successful preventing drug flow, human trafficking and illegal immigration.

Americans are watching and disgusted at these self serving politicians that grandstand their personal agendas over Americans safety, security and protections. Illegal immigration, gangs, terrorists and drugs are destroying communities and American lives. There is no excuse for not passing commonsense laws to secure our border.

Let’s frame this issue. Somehow the Obama Administration was able to transfer $2 billion in cash to the Iranians over the highly flawed nuclear deal which Schumer supported. Now Schumer will not approve $5 billion for American security to stem the flow of drugs and illegal immigration. This demonstrates how self serving the democrats really are and telegraphs what the next two years are likely to bring.

President Trump, time to stand up for America and settle for not one penny less than $5 billion. You have a bully pulpit, use it! Give America the security we deserve.

Original article below published January 19th, 2018

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 800 thousand of them whom arrived illegally, are being prioritized by Democrats over the rights of 320 million tax paying American citizens . Even though the current illegal DACA arrangement implemented by an illegal Executive Order by former President Obama is not due to expire until March 5th, 2018, the Democrats (#SchumerShutdown) are NOT willing to pass a continuous resolution to fund the government.

Couple questions:

  1. Is this a cover-up and a distraction to the cover-up of the phony dossier and Democratic Party collusion with a British Spy and phony dossier?
  2. So the Dems are prioritzing illegals “rights” over the tax paying rights of citizens of the United States?
  3. The Dems are willing to let the military and their families go without pay while we are at war? By the way, Congress still gets paid in a government shutdown. Isn’t that interesting. Different rules for the ruling elite.
  4. Was the #shithole fake news episode really about the set-up to DACA? Of course it was! But the fake news will not report this.

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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."

2 thoughts on “Schumer Shutdown II”

  1. Schumer & Pelosi….what a tag team! The Dynamic Douchebags! They are haters above all else! Rather than bringing peace to the land during this Season of Peace, they bring drugs, crime & more future Democrats in the form of illegal immigrants seeking entitlements from the corrupt Elites running Washington D.C.
    Despicable is too kind a word to describe them……i’ll Stick with Dynamic Douchebags!

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