
Loyal, loving, high energy, on guard, mischievous, playful, stubborn, and always ready to go;  these are but a few of the qualities that describe our two year old Australian Sheppard, Ranger. Born on Veterans Day in 2013 and joining an Army family, we named him after an elite US Army organization, The Army Rangers. It is clear to us now that the name fits the dog.

Like US Army Rangers, our Ranger embodies the heart, soul and spirit of an intense warrior or a playful herding dog. He will accomplish extraordinary things other herding dogs can only dream about. He’ll play field hockey in the family room with a plastic bone in his mouth and slap the tennis ball from field goal to field goal (wall to wall). If he hears something in the backyard, he begins with a soft grumbling bark to let us know there is trouble lurking out back, get the door open and let me take care of it. He doesn’t need a scouting report or an Intel Brief, he’s old school, and he just rolls at full speed! If the doorbell rings, we have a five alarm fire and max volume barking to boot. Until he meets the “intruder” and gives him the old fashion sniff test, Ranger’s radar is up and he is fully prepared for battle at a moment’s notice.

A US Army Ranger never rests on his laurels and this Ranger is no different. He will continue to prove himself to be the best of his breed each and every day. Self-sacrifice and sheer determination at overcoming obstacles (i.e. closed doors that he has learned how to open), completing his job, and protecting his herd (his family) is what Ranger lives for day in and day out.

Like US Army Rangers, our Ranger too works hard and plays hard. His mischievous side gets the best of him at times. After going out and playing in the snow, he’ll sneak into a winter coat pocket and steal away with a glove. Or he’ll go into the kitchen and swipe a hand towel to chew on. If he encounters a laundry basket he’ll capture a sock and hold it prisoner under his paws. When you catch him in the act, he’ll look away as if to deny “the false allegations that have been made against him.” No doubt about it, he has a major league rascal streak that runs right through that tri-merle coat of his. Perhaps as best explained by a dog trainer we used to help train him a year ago, “Ranger is that party guy who parks himself at the keg and goes all night talking to everybody” and I’ll add, is the last guy to crash and fall asleep with a bottle in his paw.

Ranger is always in the middle of the action. If he’s not invited, he’ll invite himself. If you keep him exercised through walks and throwing a ball, give him a job and work him a bit, in the end he’ll relax and be a little calmer at the end of the day. If you fail to keep this grand bargain with Ranger, his high energy will get the best of him and you, he just can’t help himself. In the end, Ranger is a keeper. He’s a loving companion wired to please but also wired to work. He’s not Airborne but he is a Ranger!

Ranger Pic

