We All Know

by 53rd Editorial Board            November 15, 2021

We all know Trump won the 2020 election. It was not even close.

We all know the Democratic Party cheated in Milwaukee, Atlanta, Detroit, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Philadelphia. We all went to bed that night with President Trump having insurmountable leads in Wisconsin, Georgia,  Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. Somehow, without merit and breaking media norms and precedent Foxnews and the fraud Chris Wallace called Arizona early for Biden.

We all know that the DNC and democrats are using mail in ballots and extended voting windows to cheat.

We all know in certain democratic controlled areas dominion voting machine are connected to the internet.

We all know BigTech colluded with the Democratic Party to push favorable Biden news reports and censored Trump on all their platforms only reporting negative news.

We all know the fake news frauds at Fox, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of them colluded to cover up “the laptop from hell” and Hunter Biden’s criminal dealings with China, Russia and hookers among other questionable behaviors.

We all know the Big Guy is Joe Biden and he received 10% kickbacks from Hunter leveraging his positions of government authority for financial gain.

We all know Joe is shot!

We all know Hunter is not an artist.

We all know that the Main Stream Media (#MSM) is very fake and littered with leftists, socialists and statists.

We all know that the #letsgobrandon movement is not only national but it is now an international movement. And we all know what #LGB really stands for. #FJB

We all know that Build Back Better is BS and all about making America a socialist country.

We all know that whatever is woke turns to shit!

We all know that America never leaves its citizens and Allies behind like  Biden did in Afghanistan.

We all know that the Green New Deal is all garbage and about confiscating wealth from America’s middle class to control us.

We all know that the COVID19 mandates are anti-American and about taking away our rights.

We all know that Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer are tyrants and they do not care about what the people think.

We all know that the Democratic Party is compromised of socialists, incompetents and people that no longer believe in the promise of America.

We all know that the Democratic Party uses race to divide us, as a wedge issue and to keep the poor dependent on government programs.

We all know that the Democratic Party and Joe Biden cannot be trusted with our children.

There are many other things we all know. Please share your thoughts of what you know in the comments section below.

Be Heard America! 


The Lights Are On, No One’s Home

by Guardian 6

Dateline April 16th , 2021              Undisclosed Location

Wow. Almost three months of the Biden Administration and one thing is clear, Puppet Masters are pullings the strings with Biden. Who would sell their soul this much for power? To decimate all that is good with America at a rapid clip? Spend three trillion dollars out the gate to fund more Democratic corruption and send cash to dysfunctional city and state governments? Who? Joe Biden. When Obama orchestrated the election of Biden as the Democratic candidate, Joe became his puppet and defacto created Obama’s third term. Joe, to the best of his limited ability, signed on. The Obama-Biden compromise has been engineered with an arrangement that goes something like this:

Obama, “Joe, I’ll get you elected but you will be a figure head only. Policy decisions, your VP nominee and your cabinet will be chosen by me. We will operate a shadow government to support you but I will make the calls. Joe, do you understand?”

Biden, “Barack, I’m in. Small price to pay for being President of the United States.”

Obama, “Joe, you will be POTUS in name only. You are a figure head. We will prepare Kamala to become President.”

Biden, “Got it.”

So here we are. Obama has his perfect stooge hungry for the perception of power that will simply do what he directs. Think about it, all the leftist policy disasters; the designed border crisis fueling unprecedented illegal immigration; massive debt being piled upon massive debt; the rule of law being torn apart; the Green New Steal, expansion of the Supreme Court and the list goes on. Obama gets to sit back and enjoy the destruction of America watching Saul Alinsky’s playbook of Rules for Radicals be deployed enjoying plausible deniability since Joe is president.

Obama has many accomplices helping him. First and foremost, he has the mainstream media that if not for their corruption, this would never happen. Then he has his appointed Biden Administration officials ensuring Joe does what he directs. Ultimately he has his insurance policy of VP Harris waiting in the wings to take over from Biden, likely timed between his second and third year in office so she can get some credentials as the incumbent president. Obama has it all figured out, or does he?

He doesn’t. Obama may be smart, but he is not that smart. All lies and deception eventually are unmasked and the truth will be revealed. He may have three or four degrees of separation from Biden and the puppetry, but patriots are keeping book. The counter Deep State knows. Patriots know. Ultimately, the American citizenry knows and will not be played. Americans don’t like puppets and Americans dislike puppet masters even more. Standby.


Biden’s America: Feeling Helpless

Guardian 6                                       071720 March 2021

Many of us are watching in dismay. It’s hard to believe this guy was really elected President of the United States. Tens of millions of Americans still believe he wasn’t. His behavior reinforces that view.  He struggles to complete thoughts and read sentences. He looks and is feeble. He’s being managed by people in and outside the Whitehouse instead of leading. The  progressive policies he has “adopted” are destroying America. I use the word “adopted” because it is clear he is unfit and likely is incapable of truly understanding bills and Executive Orders he is signing. Unlike his predecessor, he is not a fit stable genius. As we watch this car wreck in slow motion, Americans are feeling more and more helpless; more and more disconnected; and more and more shocked at how quickly we are losing our freedoms.

Biden’s southern no border strategy is nothing less then senseless. Trump secured our southern border, worked with Central American countries to stop illegal immigration and built nearly 500 miles of a modern secure wall. Biden’s policy is to let everyone in, put children in tents and fuel illegal immigration through inaction and stifling Border Patrol through policies that prevent them from doing their job. He has done all this during a pandemic where illegal aliens are bringing the disease with them, getting on buses once released and now  spreading the China virus throughout the country. Biden’s border policy is an unabated super spreader event to remake America by building a dependent population and undermining the legal immigration system.

America’s schools in blue states largely remain closed. Biden has doubled downed with the Teacher’s Union ignoring the needs of children and their families. Kids are being treated like pawns in the Democratic Party’s playbook while Dem teachers and their unions take the big payoff from the insane $1.9 Trillion dollar No COVID bill that just passed with ZERO Republican support. We have a government of elites for elites. We no longer have a government by and for the people.

Next up is HR1 set to destroy the American election system once and for all. Among the garbage in this bill is to allow votes to continue to be counted 10 days after the election is over. In other words, how many more votes does the democratic candidate need to win. Sound familiar? This was a Democratic Party best practice in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada in the 2020 Presidential Election that gave us Biden. Of course mail voting without signature verification is now the norm as well. This bill destroys the integrity of our elections once and for all and Biden is excited to sign this trash into law. Once again, ZERO Republican votes, not even the RINOs voted for this.

While Wall Street is currently drunk in unchecked government spending flooding the system, eventually inflation is going to roar like never before. Get ready for Carter’s Misery Index to return on steroids except this time it will be Biden’s Beltway Blunder that tanks America’s economy and takes millions of job with it. Biden has already killed ten thousand good paying jobs associated with the Keystone pipeline. Biden’s executive order ceased work on the pipeline, has driven up fuel prices by forty cents per gallon and returns  America to energy dependence. This is what Biden’s 50 years in government gives Americans; a clueless, ancient economic neophyte that managed to enrich himself and his family while putting America last.

I won’t even get started on China in this piece. We’ll save that for another day as Biden begins to roll back Trump’s China successes that will undermine American business and national security.

Biden’s America. At the moment, we all feel helpless. Even the Whitehouse has been turned into a fortified Forward Operating Base (FOB) in Washington DC. FOB Biden.Sad.


The Swamp Rages

by Guardian 6                                            091502  February 2021

“Speaker Pelosi, tear down that wall.” Newt Gingrich

This past weekend, former Speaker Newt Gingrich tweeted to Speaker Pelosi to remove the wall she and “Leader” Chuck Schumer have built around the Capital of the United States. This is highly insulting to all Americans insinuating that the Capital of the United States is under siege from Trump supporters whom she and others have labeled domestic terrorists. The so called “Insurrection” that was really a loosely  affiliated mob at best, is the democrats latest episode of turning a very unfortunate event (where three people died) into an exaggerated crisis so they can use the US National Guard soldiers as Democratic Party props to “protect” Congress. As the former democratic Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanual once famously stated, “never let a crisis go to waste.” Tyrants know no bounds and this is what America is witnessing with the Capitol having a troop presence. These actions by the Democratic Party leadership really highlight to Americans that it is all about power and control at any cost, our Republic be damned. Lying, cheating and exploiting a false narrative is justified if in the end the democrats are successful at regaining the Whitehouse and control of Congress as they did in November 2020. I won’t even mention voter fraud and all the election anomalies. We’ll check that for another day in the raging swamp.
The next chapter of the democrats tearing our republic apart at the seams is the impeachment of Trump 2.0, after they falsely called for unity. This is an attack not only on the former President, but on 74 million of his voters for wrong thinking and wrong voting. This is such a farce that Chief Roberts has declined to participate because Congress does not have the authority or jurisdiction to impeach a former president. Yet, the Fake News networks of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and Foxnews will showcase the hearings and decline to report on the constitutionality of this event. The democrats never fail to let facts get in their way of acting on falsehoods and creating a narrative not fit for a bad clown show. Reminds us of the infamous Biden quote during the campaign, ” we choose truth over facts.” As my good friend once told me, “the democrats are like flies hitting a lightbulb. They can’t help themselves from being stupid.” Indeed. Let’s not forget, undoubtedly they’ll be a few RINO’s like Romney and Sasse that will seek attention for themselves and join the democratic farce voting to impeach Trump out of spite, hate and political correctness. These two millionaire RINOs have as much in common with the forgotten American as Pelosi does with the homeless living in drug infested San Francisco as she showcases her $20K ice cream freezer to her Hollywood friends.
The Forgotten have been returned to forgotten status again. Of the 50 plus Executive Orders Biden has signed, Americans are being left behind. Over ten thousand people are expected to lose their jobs due to Biden shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. Even one thousand teamsters are now unemployed due to Biden’s overreach through executive fiat. The state of New Mexico who’s electoral votes went to Biden is projected to lose two thirds of their tax revenue for education. The union vote and NM are getting exactly what they voted for, loss of jobs and loss of revenue. Biden is just warming up too. The Paris Climate Accords will do for America what closing the Keystone Pipeline did for American workers and NM, kill jobs, kill petro independence and ultimately kill the US economy. The winners? China, the Globalists, Progressives, and the Elites. The forgotten can get in line for their COVID19 relief checks and be thankful for it. Of the $1.9 trillion dollar relief bill that will further in debt future generations of Americans, the Biden Administration has international abortions to pay for; hundreds upon hundreds of billions of dollars to give in foreign aide to many countries that hate us; and ultimately the Biden Administrative will send our tax dollars to blue states running deficits due to their budgetary and leadership failures while also ensuring the democratic party elites secure money for themselves, their families and their future campaigns. At the forgotten’s expense, the Democratic Party Cash Game is raging once again in the Swamp. Sadly, America is losing again, bigly.
While the swamp rages gleefully upon Trump’s defeat, the democrats are building their police state. Walls are in place around the Capitol and the Whitehouse while Biden moves to eliminate the progress the Trump Administration made securing our southern border. Human traffickers, Narco Drug dealers and people from around the world look to enter the US through illegal immigration. Like Castro did in the late 1970’s expect some countries to empty their prisons and criminals to intermix with tens of thousands of people targeting the US for a better life. Biden is not about the civil society, he is about the democrats chaotic agenda that not only creates lawlessness as it relates to immigration, it puts the safety of American citizens at risk in our communities, our schools and our highways. This is about securing low information voters for democratic party survival and creating another false narrative that Americans who are against unconstrained, lawless immigration are racists and xenophobic. Somehow logic, “science” and rational thought about everything from immigration to male and female biology have been thrown to the curb along with two genders. “Follow the science” only applies to climate change and wearing a mask in the leftist Obama – Biden – Harris America.
Big Tech is now a welcomed partner of enabling swamp rage through censorship, deplatforming companies & individuals and ultimately deciding who is allowed to have a voice and who isn’t. Big Media is complicit in canceling and targeting conservative thinking Americans while enabling the big Democratic Party lies with silence and underreporting. Big Tech and Big Media are being fueled by Wall Street that cares less about America and more about the selloff to China and their profits. Big Tech, Big Media, Wall Street and the Democratic Party are one in the same and they have all interbreed to produce a hateful anti-American offspring that looks nothing like the America we love. The View, CNN prime-time line-up and Joe Scarborough are the toxic visuals that led to a Biden Administration.
God help us. #NotOver
