What is President Obama’s Greatest Legacy Achievement?

Joe Biden! ObamaCare, Shovel Ready Projects or losing an embassy and an ambassador in Libya might be Obama’s greatest legacy. It  isn’t even close. Others argue allowing the Russians to take the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine, or creating ISIS from his premature withdrawal from Iraq or maybe even the dearth of an American economic revival during his eight year tenure as President. But we know Obama’s greatest legacy achievement has to be the puppetry involved in getting Joe Biden “elected” president.  What other magician could pull this off? A close second is the division Obama created across America that has only grown empowering leftists and progressives on a grand scale but in the end you must credit Obama for the Biden presidency. Simply a feat no other mortal could have achieved.

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                   July 7, 2021

Who else but Obama could have pulled Biden out of the failed politician dustbin of life and not only run him for president, but gotten him elected as a dysfunctional sputtering slow witted stooge that has been more wrong than right. Fifty years of failure serving himself and his extended family, a model for kleptocracy perfected, the Joe Biden charade is on full display each day. Candidly, even us progressives are amazed that Obama pulled this off. I mean what a gift to late night comedy shows if they weren’t so biased and compromised by leftists. One admission about leftists and progressives, we are pretty much joyless and lack a sense of humor. However, when it comes to Joe Biden as president, even we are laughing our assess off that he was “elected.”

With each passing day Obama works to credit Congressman Clyburn for getting Biden elected. While Clyburn was instrumental in southern democratic primaries, it was Obama who got Joe’s primary opponents to fold to block Bernie from being the democrats candidate. Old democratic politics, payoffs and threats won the day to push Lunch Bucket Joe forward. Candidly, it is understandable that Obama doesn’t want the credit getting Biden elected after watching his daily performance, but it is all Barack’s.

Consider the Biden Basement Strategy of sticking Joe in his basement for his campaign, minimizing media engagements, and his staff writing scripts at a 6th grade level to reduce mistakes by this gaff machine. None of us really expected Joe to win but Obama and the Democratic Machine fully leveraged Big Tech to censorship, Facebook and Soros to fund and Unions to hire their workers to manipulate ballots and harvest votes. The ultimate fraud employed by the Deep State was manipulation of the vote count by Dominion Machine operators and former members of Pelosi’s staff employed by Dominion. Something to be said about strategic placement of democratic operatives.

Lastly we’d like to thank our Big Media friends over at Foxnews, CNN, MSNBC, and many others from our network blocking the truth and spreading Obama’s Big Lie that Joe Biden is president and he won the election fairly. Come on man, does anyone believe Joe Biden received 81 million votes, 12 million more than Obama’s 69 million votes in 2008? Obama’s legacy, he pulled off the Big Lie getting Joe Biden into office as president, whether elected fairly or not. Obama, the puppet master of all manipulators. Bravo Barack!


 The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, crediting President Obama for the election of Joe Biden.  This is Matthews fifth article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the editorial board of the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section below.
