Russian Agents & the Democratic Party

by Guardian  6        Foxhole Sierra        Dateline 23 October 2019   

While the democrats accused President Donald Trump of colluding with the Russians in his 2016 election campaign and then covering it up, the infamous Mueller investigation found no collusion and no obstruction. This investigation was triggered by the phony dossier created by the Clinton Campaign and then used by the Intelligence Community (IC) and the FBI to justify FISA warrants to surveil on the Trump campaign and Trump Administration. Since these early days the democrats have weaponized the IC, partnered with Mainstream Media (MSM) and leveraged Deep State bureaucratic operatives to attack the Trump presidency. They have been relentless along with their IC, FBI, MSM and Deep States accomplices.

The democrats continue to throw false accusation after false accusation at President Trump, the latest being the false Ukrainian quid pro quo accusation facilitated by an IC “whistleblower,” a registered democrat, coordinated through Representative Adam Schiff’s staff.  The democrats continue to parade attack after attack to undermine America’s trust in our president before the 2020 election.

The Resistance Campaign that democrats proudly tout, was originally founded by the Russians and seeded through their funding on platforms like Facebook & Twitter. It has served to fuel division within America  driven by the democrats thirst for power at any cost, to include undermining American values and the votes of 63 million Americans. The Russian agents undermining America are the Democratic Party, democratic representatives, MSM, the weaponized IC and Deep State bureaucrats. Let’s examine the evidence:

1. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is conducting an impeachment inquiry excluding the Republic Party as active participants while conducting secret hearings disallowing due process for President Trump.

2. Chairman Adam Schiff is conducting the Impeachment Inquiry through the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence so his predetermined outcome can be orchestrated in the cover of darkness excluding due process and Republican Party witnesses.

3. Hours before President Trump released the transcript of his phone call with the Ukranian president, Representative Schiff opened a public hearing on the matter by reading a false transcript of the call that Schiff and his staff fabricated. This was read on live TV to open the hearing intentionally deceiving the American public.

4. The President of CNN, Jeffrey Zucker, orchestrates the days news through a 9 am conference call each day where he advises his news shows and programming to attack Trump 24/7. Objectivity be damned, get Trump.

5. MSNBC has hired Deep State leader/operative John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, to help program their attacks on Trump and his administration. Brennan, likely one of the main architects in the attempted coup de tat of removing President Trump (along with James Comey), helps the Deep State stay on the attack while the democrats and MSM work to undermine Trump’s Administration.

While the democrats and Deep State resistance bad actors relentlessly attack our president, they have fully under estimated President Trump and those who elected him. President Trump fights on his terms, not swamp rules. 63 million Americans have joined forces with President Trump to preserve and defend our constitution and the American way of life. President Trump has America’s back and we have his. #KAG


Something Wicked This Way Comes …

Something Wicked This Way Comes is an article about the challenges America is facing in 2018.


by Guardian 6

Drugs and addictive narcotics are bucketing through our southern border turning teenagers and young adults into drug addicts. Many communities have rapid heroin epidemics and families and law enforcement is overwhelmed.

Illegal border crossers, not immigrants, are pouring into our country and taking up residency throughout the country causing crime; overtaxing social welfare programs and schools; and democratic politicians are praising sanctuary cities and undermining community safety.

The rule of law is being undermined and corrupted by politicians that are  pitting fellow Americans against each other by labeling us racists, homophobes and xenophobic.

The Deep State continues to wage war against the election of President Trump despite his economic achievements of record low unemployment and foreign policy successes  that include stabilizing Iraq, defeating ISIS in Syria and bringing North Korea to the negotiation table.

The mainstream media (MSM) continues their collective, coordinated and petulant assault against President Trump pushing a false Russian collusion narrative while intentionally not reporting the overwhelming success President Trump has had economically, diplomacy and strengthening our military and alliances through tough love (NATO) and peace through strength (Syria, North Korea and China). 

The Catholic Church is under assault from within. Some priests and clergy (although an extreme minority – 2%) have been systematically preying on their flock, the most innocent among us, children. Church leadership at the highest levels have failed to address these heinous crimes with the seriousness, courage and robust cleansing needed to eliminate this horrific problem.

The Silicon Valley and the Tech Giants, Google and Apple in particular,  are acquiescing to the Chinese government building a censored search engine and removing applications from I-Tunes allowing the Chinese government to limit speech and control state approved messaging and content. Twitter and Facebook are shadow-banning conservative voices and promoting the leftwing agenda in America. 

The Democratic Party and their affiliated tribes (MSM, Teachers Union, Hollywood) would rather “resist” President Trump than move America forward and govern responsibly. 

Something wicked this way comes that is undermining America and her people. It festers out of the swamp and it lusts power. It is evil and dark. It is selfish, joyless and a Trojan horse masquerading with free healthcare, free college and a guaranteed living wage. It removes choices, makes promises driven by fear and promises that cannot be kept. 

Something wicked this way comes but America stands strong when faced with evil; she doesn’t run nor hide. America prays and she fights. It is time to do both. Pray for America to renew herself once again to the Lord and fight the evil forces that are in play undermining our country from within. Fight not with sword but with reason, love and resolve for an American renewal of spirit.  

BCC Intellicrats

By Guardian 6             Dateline 22 July 2018
The Swamp

While the Mainstream Media (MSM) outlets continue to focus on Trump’s imprecise remarks driven by his extemporaneous style while meeting with Putin in Helsinki, what perhaps is more alarming is the Deep State reveal of just how deep it really is. The 53rd Regiment is very much concerned about the merging of the intelligence profession with leftist political ideologies. The  Intelligence Community (IC) by design is compromised of independent agencies organized around specialized capabilities to protect the interests of the United States. It is necessary for this work to be done in an apolitical environment. Watching former IC Directors publicly challenge the fitness of the President through MSM outlets and Twitter is unprecedented.

There appears to be a merger that has taken place in the Obama Administration where IC leaders ( Brennan, Clapper & Comey) lost their independence and tipped the scale heavily to support Hillary Clinton for President. Brennan, Clapper & Comey (BCC) not only tipped the scales, they became Intellicrats (Intelligence Agency Democrats) working events behind the scenes to get Trump. The release of the FISA warrant of Carter Page illustrates how phony the dossier is and what a hit job BCC put on to target Trump and his campaign. Without the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton Campaign assembled by a former British spy Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS, there was zero evidence that Carter Page was working for the Russians. (BTW is the 53rd Regiment the only news outlet bothered by the Democratic Campaign hiring a foreign spy?) Conveniently, the FISA court judge was never told the Clinton Campaign funded the dossier. With the FBI having concerns that the Russians were targeting Carter Page for recruitment, the first step is to warn him, not orchestrate a FISA warrant to collect on him! Now why would the FBI not warn him? The BCC Intellicrats know exactly why, this was about having the “insurance policy” Peter Strzok texted about to his FBI colleague. The pieces to this puzzle are in plain sight.

This Deep State reveal is actually scary. This whole investigation is looking more and more like a complete set-up to take down Trump. Yes, the Russians targeted our elections in 2016, but the greater threat to a free and fair election seems to have come from within.

One last thought we should explore. Why is the BCC and Deep State actors still going hard in vs the President? Why. What are they afraid might be revealed? We should think about this.


Resistance Hopscotch Movement

The Swamp      April 18th, 2018

Have you noticed how the Democrats, the party of Trump resistance, keep hopping from one subject of resistance to the next? Almost everything that happens in Washington DC these days is not about moving the country forward but about getting Trump; resisting the Trump presidency, country be damned! After he was elected, and before he took office, the Resistance Swamp Dwellers and the main stream media (MSM) loathers, organized and conspired to bring their daily barrage of hate filled rhetoric to the airwaves creating one conspiracy after the next, the Resistance Hopscotch Movement.

Red 1 is the Russian collusion accusations against Trump. Mask Hillary’s Uranium One deal, downplay over 30,000 classified and sensitive emails compromised on her private server and ignore the rigged DNC party nomination over Bernie through false Russian – Trump collusion allegations.

Yellow 2 accuse Trump of being mentally unstable.

Green 3 get DoJ Sessions to recuse himself from the Russian collusion investigation, appoint a special prosecutor and then set Trump up for obstruction of justice or lying to investigators. Use the Deep State to pressure from within.

Green 4 Ensure MSM continues to report 95% negative news on Trump repeating the Russian collusion narrative 24/7.

Blue 5 label Trump a racist and a bigot marginalizing him over the wall, attack his criticism of sanctuary cities and claim he is anti-immigration.

Yellow 6 label his tax cuts as “crumbs” to counter Americans keeping more of their hard earned money while stating the plan really benefits big business and the Trump organization.

Green 7 brand Trump a nationalist over his pullout of the TTP trade deal and the Paris Global Warming treaties, while threatening to reduce US involvement in NATO.

Yellow 8 storm Trump’s past history with woman to label him a misogynistic pig. Take full advantage of every woman that claims an allegation against him by elevating the story as featured news.

Blue 9 continue to claim Trump is unfit for office and should be impeached. Use democratic politicians and MSM to repeat the narrative daily through multiple news outlets. Make it a reality.

Red 10 circle back to the Russian collusion narrative when all else fails. Ensure Deep State activists withhold key evidence of the false orchestrated Russian collusion campaign that included the fake dossier, the illegal FISA warrant and the many bad actors that facilitated the false narrative in MSM and government.

While the democrats and MSM hopscotch from one false story to the next, American has grown bored of their resistance undermining America.

FISA Memo, Deep State & Democracy

The Swamp, February 4th 2018

Democracy Dies in Darkness,” is the Washington Post’s new slogan  they starting using about year ago. Coincidently, the Post started using this slogan shortly after President Trump took office. Bob Woodward, infamous Watergate journalist, has commented saying it is not about President Trump.  The saying comes from Judge Damon J. Keith’s decision that the federal government could not wiretap American citizens without a warrant. Interesting and timely that this saying and case was about wiretapping which is a focal point of the Congressman Nunes Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) memo that was released by the White House a few days ago after going through a review process.

What did the FISA memo tell us? It has informed the American public that the basis of the wiretapping against the Trump Campaign and Mr. Carter Page, a campaign affiliate, was the phony dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign. The Clinton campaign paid Christopher Steele, a former British spy,  $160,000 to assemble the dossier. Steele, who hated Trump, used unverified sources in Russia to put the document together, never travelling or meeting with these Russian sources. Steele then went on to further fabricate dossier lies by meeting with news outlets leaking contents of the phony dossier and effectively creating circular reporting of unverified sources. The media was only happy to accommodate as it fit their anti-Trump bias and the drumbeat of Russian collusion.

What is worse is that the Department of Justice and the FBI used this phony dossier as the basis of their FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, along with three renewals of this warrant. The FBI never informed the FISA court that this dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign and that it was fraught with unverified information and sources that provided the information.  The Deep State orchestrated these events against Trump and his campaign.

Democracy does Die in Darkness when the media fails to cover this story objectively. While the Washington Post is celebrating their headlines of the Pentagon Papers movie, they have a real abuse of power to cover with the Obama Administration and the Clinton campaign using government agencies to spy on Trump and fabricate the whole Russian collusion narrative. However, it appears their liberal bias is winning the day as they under report the crimes that have been committed by the DoJ and FBI. While the 53rd Regiment has little confidence in democrats being honest and cleaning up their coordinated Deep State attack on the Trump campaign, America expects news outlets to be unbiased in reporting and researching these abuses of power. When it comes to mainstream news, now is your chance to shine a light on the deep state and ensure Democracy Doesn’t die in Darkness! Will you?