It’s not Facebook. It’s you.

Dateline March 22, 2018

The Missouri Territory

by Blackjack Pershing

Are we shocked that Facebook sold massive amounts of data to a 3rd party that used it for targeted advertising? No. That’s what they do. If you are upset or offended, you are simply misinformed.

Social media is an exchange. In exchange for a platform that lets you:
· Share pictures
· Share videos
· Broadcast live videos
· Maintain connections – including those with annoying people you never wanted to be connected to
· Share pictures of your lunch or dinner
· Pontificate about topics no one else wants to hear about
· Complain about just about anything

Facebook gets in return:
· Knowledge about where you go
· Knowledge about who your friends are
· Knowledge about your political leanings
· Knowledge about any particular interest you may have that results in a click of any sort

What does FB do with this knowledge or data?
· They monetize it.
· This is their business model

If you assumed differently, you might be a knucklehead. Grow up.

Blackjack Pershing is no fan of uber-douche Zuckerberg, or his lieutenant Miss Lean In Sandberg. They are elitist leftists of the first order. ‘Zuck’ gets credit for creating a useful social platform. He’s been rewarded for that. But he’s no icon to be worshiped. If you think harvesting data from dopey FB users is evil, you might be naïve. This has never been a secret.

Blackjack also uses FB for sharing information and humor and appreciates it as a tool, and is willing to make the above exchange, and accept the risks.

But really people – if you live on FB, you might be a loser. Even more – if you rely on the FB newsfeed for your news, you might be a loser. If you click on any random posting with sensational headlines that you know are BS, you might be a BIG DUMMY.

Smart American Patriots put effort into selecting their sources of information and do not let FB or any other social media site do it for them.

Lazy, silly, spoiled, narcissistic, neurotic dummies over-rely on FB and then get upset when they find out they’ve been had.

Gotta go and post a picture of my sandwich from lunch on FB –

Over and out –
