Democrats – Easy to Spot – Trail of Destruction

February 2 2023                     Mountains of Colorado 

Show me an American city with failing infrastructure and I’ll show you  an entrenched democratic party  that has driven the city into the ground  for decades through self enrichment and democratic mayors that pad their pockets.

Show me a broken education system where children can’t read, schools are dilapidated and teachers don’t care  and I’ll show you the Democratic Teachers Union running the show more focused on  themselves than teaching children.

Show me a state that is running big deficits, that has broken the backs of small businesses through tyrannical dictates during the  China Virus period and has a massive homeless problem and I’ll show you a blue state historically governed by democratic governors.

Show me a state with high taxes, where people are moving to the south and west and businesses are relocating out of the state and I’ll show you a democratic led state that has created an anti free market where the economy is imploding.

Show me a city where crime is rising or out of control and there is a defund the police movement, and I’ll show you a broken democratic led city that fails to protect its citizenry and their property.

Show me a community where Antifa and BLM own the streets and I’ll show you a woke democratic broken government where shirking their responsibilities is the norm.

Show me a professional sports league where professional athletes regularly take a knee during the presentation of our great American flag and I’ll show you a piss poor democratic commissioner that caters too haters, losers and selfish ingrates.

Show me a legislature that overspends, treats budgets like a monopoly game and taxes the hell out of their citizens and I’ll show you a democratic clown car filled with incompetents, takers and losers.

Show me a politician that has never had a market economy job and is a millionaire and I’ll show you a democrat that has grifted and profited at the expense of the American taxpayers.

Show me a college professor who teaches their students what to think instead of how to think through critical analysis and reasoning and I’ll show you a woke democratic dope that lacks intellectual curiosity.

Show me a Big Tech CEO that puts policies in place to eliminate free speech and censors people they disagree with and I’ll show you a democratic tyrant intimated by intellectual diversity of thought.

Show me a person that believes there are more than two genders and I’ll show you a democratic science denier that lives outside reality.

Show me a person that truly believes Joe Biden got 81 million votes and I’ll show you a legitimate low information voter with a marginal IQ or a myopic elitist.

Show me a New York Times or Washington Post reader and I’ll show you one of the most leftist lunes that lives in the Atlantic Bubble.

Show me a person that looks down upon the working class or judges people by their appearance and I’ll show you an elitist democrat.

Show me a 4X Vaxed Covid person and I’ll show you a lune wearing a double mask driving down the road in their car alone with a Biden-Harris sticker on it.

Please leave a comment if you have a “show me” correlation as well. Love to hear from you.


Be Heard!
