The 53rd Regiment Endorses

American leadership in the world has been diminished. Our foreign policy is incoherent. Our enemies don’t fear us; our friends have lost respect for the United States not knowing if we will be there when they need us. Our economy is in shambles where millions of Americans have given up hope finding employment whereby they can provide for their families and live the American dream. Millions more Americans, estimates are as high as 47% of American adults, are receiving some type of government assistance.

Politicians in Washington DC have grown distant from their responsibilities to truly represent the people that elected them. Once elected, they govern with elitism, arrogance and condescension toward the public. Our government regularly manipulates facts, blames others never taking responsibility, make excuses and lies to the American public with impunity. Our government is aligned with the globalist agenda compromising what is in the best interest for Americans.

The 53rd Regiment is endorsing the candidate that supports the following principles:

  1. Protecting innocent life and eliminating public funding for abortions.
  2. Nominating and electing Supreme Court justices that believe in the US Constitution as originally constructed. It is not a document to be manipulated by whim but respected for the pillars of freedom and liberty set forth by our Founders and interpreted in the form of original intent.
  3. The US military should be re-built following the Reagan model “Peace through Strength” with significant investment in manpower, technology and readiness. After 15 years of war and 8 years of feckless presidential leadership, the Military Service Departments must receive the maximum commitment to reinvigorate morale always ensuring our troops have the best equipment, support and financial resources to ensure victory at home and abroad.
  4. All trade deals, current and future, will put American workers first. If NAFTA and other deals continue to disadvantage American workers, they will be renegotiated or canceled.
  5. Secure the border to eliminate illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and gang & terrorist infiltration into US cities and our country.
  6. Seek a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on US Senate seats and US House seats.
  7. Approve the Keystone Pipeline from Canada and establish a 10-year goal to eliminate 100% of Middle East oil imports.
  8. Take the Internet back! It was not Obama’s to give away to another UN commission.
  9. Reclaim America’s leadership role in the world by leading through strength, moral authority and dealing with dictators, ayatollahs and criminals based on past US precedent. Iran will never capture our sailors, citizens or shoot at our ships without severe, often lethal, consequences.
  10. Reduce US Corporate tax rate from second highest in the world at 35 % to 17% in order to bring American factories home, incentivize increased economic investments in the private sector and create an economic renaissance in American cities.

It is for these reasons that the 53rd Regiment and its members endorse Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States.

 Be Heard!


