Twitter Patriots

America’s sons and daughters of liberty are taking twitter by storm. They are the modern day equivalent of Minute Men or Daughters of Liberty pushing back against the fake news networks, the leftist-socialist propaganda agenda and the 24/7 President Trump resistance movement. While @twitter does their best to shadow ban or limit their messaging, these patriots will not be silenced. These patriots stand proudly with @potus Trump Make America Great Again movement, #MAGA.

The trailblazing duo of @DiamondandSilk were early adopters of President Trump as a pair of his most outspoken and loyal supporters. Their tag team approach of bringing reality to liberals with a little “chit chat” is direct, humorous and on point. 

Bringing national security expertise and street smarts, former secret service agent and NYPD officer @dbongino deals directly and forcefully with liberal lies and fake news on all forums including his podcast. Dan is eloquent, quick witted and a regular on @foxnews burning the midnight oil ready to joist a liberal elite off their horse at a moment’s notice. 

@RealJamesWoods is our favorite Hollywood conservative with his take no prisoners approach to commentary. Quick witted and armed with an MIT education, foolish fake fanciful liberals think they can challenge him or refute his critiques. Wrong! James will quickly undress you with your pants down around your ankles with your shoes tied together.

Brilliant, quick witted and tough, the @hodgetwins don’t mess around! They go deep and swing for the fences. These two “Comedians, Black Conservatives” are all about calling out the loons on the left with humor and wit. Make America Great Again! 

@The_Smirker is our “Common Sense Conservative and Psychiatrist for Joe Scarborough” and takes on all lying Liberal & Never Trumpers for morning coffee and evening beers. He fights and wins! Really have to appreciate the selfless service counseling America’s #1 clown @JoeNBC. 

Big victory coming November 6th! #Redwave coming with Twitter Patriots armed with facts, principles and love of country. @potus just wins and so do the Twitter Patriots! 
